I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 121: Final Selection (6)


The method Maria said was consistent with what Du Yixin had done before. It is to transfer all the keys to one person through a "safe method".

At that time, the seventh-level players will be born, and the final selection will be over, and the surviving players will be able to return to reality without incident.

After saying this, the audience was silent for a second, and then they all laughed in unison.

"Sister, wash your brain when it gets flooded. Do you think it's possible?"

"Hahahaha, I think it's good. You all give me the keys, and when I reach level seven, I promise not to kill you."

The players' words are half true and half false. After hearing this unreliable proposal, they no longer concealed the greedy gaze in their eyes.

They are at least level five and above, and they belong to the category of big bosses. If it wasn't for the final selection of human beings from all over the world, they are confident that they can become the final winners.

Although the woman dressed as a nun is at the sixth level, she has a problem with her mind. Coax them into your copy and reveal yourself.

Everyone knows that the ability cannot be used when the copy is unfolded. Even at the sixth level, in their eyes, they are still little white rabbits that can be manipulated at will.

Maria seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and did not react to the roar of laughter. Instead, he watched them calmly: "Who do you think can survive to the end?"

Hearing this, the players gradually put away their smiles and glanced at each other.

Of course it was me—everyone thought so. In order to achieve this goal, more than 30 people other than himself must be killed.

Can it be done.

"I understand that some people will be tempted by demons and hope to become gods. But I believe that more of you want to leave alive to meet your lover, family and friends."

At this moment, Maria's plain face was as sacred as a god: "Giving up the power you have is indeed a difficult thing. But for it, do you want to give up everything in the world?"

I don't know who said out: "Speaking so much, why don't you ask us to hand over the key to you."

The woman shook her head: "No, I will leave the choice to the God of Destiny." She picked up the thick book on the podium, "The seventh level will be determined by drawing lots. To ensure fairness, I will not participate."

The thick book was spread out, and the pages of the book rose out of thin air one by one, and flew into the hands of the players present.

In Du Yixin's hand, a sheet was also stuffed, with incomprehensible words written on it. But after a while, the text was automatically transformed into Chinese.

[I swear that I will participate in this lottery with the thirty-two players present.

The winner will receive the key and become a seventh-level god. Those who fail will hand over the keys and become ordinary people.

The winner promises not to harm the loser and return him safely to reality.]

The names of thirty-two players were written at the bottom, and Maria was not among them.

"If you have no objection, please sign." The nun said, "After that, I will give my key to the lucky one chosen by the god of fate."

The righteousness is awe-inspiring, without the slightest selfishness.

Du Yixin looked at the contract in his hand: "Is this what you mean by resistance?"

Ivan smiled wryly: "Maria and I only got to know each other when we came in. She didn't tell me the specific method, she only said that we can get out alive."

Of course, this is based on the fact that all employees have no selfishness.

First of all, nuns are strangers to them. Even if the words are high-sounding, there is no guarantee that there will be no dissent.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this contract. But this is a copy of the nun, and it's easy to do it.

For example, under this text, there is another content hidden.

Players are still hesitating. They don't want to give up their hard-earned power, and they don't want to die at the last moment.

Leave the choice to fate, and there is still a 1/32 chance to become a god. But is this really okay

Just when everyone was hesitating whether to sign or not, they heard the sound of paper being torn, echoing in the narrow church.

Maria's closed eyes opened slightly, and she followed the sound.

The young man lowered his hand: "Sorry, I don't want to be so hasty."

"This is the decision of the great God of Destiny." Maria frowned slightly, "Or do you have a better way to save everyone?"

"You are the 'God of Destiny'?"

Hearing this, Maria clenched her hands even tighter, as if she had been greatly insulted: "I'm just listening to God's will."

Du Yixin stepped forward and put the contract on the podium table: "Then, you should sign it too. Leave your fate to your god."

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be an invisible spark between them.

Du Yixin was the first to withdraw his gaze, and turned to face the crowd: "I will withdraw from this lottery. If you believe in this woman, then go ahead. I will wait and fight the final winner."

Those words shook many players who were almost persuaded by the nun.

Maria let out a long sigh: "It seems that your heart has been blackened by the devil. In the end, you will use the most vicious means."

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you stay here any longer. All the companions here want to live, demons who intend to kill their lives, please leave."

Du Yixin didn't care whether he left or not, his purpose had been made very clear.

Regardless of whether the nun lied or not, there will only be one capable person left in this church in the end. Others will either be fooled and die, or lose their keys and become ordinary people.

He will wait outside the dungeon, waiting for the last ability user to appear.

But after a few steps, a bald man stood up and blocked his way: "Slow down."

Du Yixin stopped and looked at the man.

"Since you want to continue this final selection, it's easy to say." A grim smile appeared on the bald-headed face, "Why don't you leave the key here."

Seeing this scene, the other players were startled.

At present, most of the players who survived to the end are at level five, and those at this level are basically lone rangers. But looking at this posture, there are now five or six people hugging into a small group.

If I, like the black-haired youth, refuse to participate in this lottery, will I be besieged at the same time

Although they have confidence in their abilities, facing multiple guys of the same level at the same time is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

With the bald head at the head, forming an encirclement circle and approaching the center, an exclamation sounded.


Everyone turned their heads, only to see Maria's upper body fell on the podium, with a dagger stuck in her back. And behind her stood the boy with white hair and blue eyes.

The pale to transparent skin was half stained with blood.

Ivan slowly pulled out the dagger, blood spewed out uncontrollably immediately. The nun's eyes widened in resignation, she slid down the podium inch by inch, and fell to the ground.

Everyone stood up one after another, staring at the boy in surprise or vigilance.

What surprised them the most was not that Maria was killed, but that the person who shot was not a black-haired youth, but a young man who brought them here and was suspected to be Maria's companion!

"Huh? What's the matter." Ivan looked at everyone with a puzzled expression, "Sorry, sorry, because I was deceived by her, and I thought she really had some good way, but in the end she wanted to take away our power, and when I got angry, I- "

"However, first come, first served." He squinted his eyes, "I will accept the key of level six."

Only then did the players realize the horror of the matter.

Ivan already had level six, and if he combined with level six keys, it would be even more difficult to defeat.

Now this small church is like a closed animal cage. Ancient Roman warriors were lured in so that they had to face ferocious and hungry beasts.

"What a mistake." A player stood up, "At this time, we still need to make a long-term plan, and we should go first."

He is the fastest player with the quickest reactions. While the others were still in a daze, this person ran to the door in a blink of an eye, kicked open the door and rushed out.

But as soon as he stepped out of the fence, his body was cut off by invisible silk threads, and he fell to the ground in pieces. The blood seeped through the soil, and the weeds shook their blades happily, and quickly grew quite high.

Seeing this, the players who wanted to follow closely stopped and froze in place.

The owner of the copy is dead, the scene should have collapsed, how could it be possible to kill people.

Unless, either Maria is not dead; or Maria is not the owner of this copy at all.

They turned their heads and looked at the white-haired boy who was still standing there, with the nun's body lying at his feet.

Maria should be dead. Could it be that this is actually a copy of Ivan.

But why did he lie to them and kill Maria himself

Ivan stepped over the corpse and walked down the steps: "It seems that we have all been deceived."

The bald head couldn't care less about cleaning up Du Yixin, and asked, "What do you mean? This is your copy, right?"

Ivan shook his head: "No, this is indeed a copy of Maria—or, I thought it was. But now it seems that the owner of the copy is someone else."

The development of things is a little unexpected. Although Du Yixin originally doubted the authenticity of Maria's words, he did not expect that this person himself was a puppet.

So, who is the real owner of the copy? And where to peek at their reactions

Du Yixin looked at the white-haired boy. The other party noticed the gaze and smiled slightly.

Probably not Ivan.

Although the opponent's traces are suspicious, if it is a copy of this person, there is no need to kill Maria at all, which arouses everyone's vigilance for no reason.

And the most important reason is that he was brought into the dungeon by Ivan. Even if it is a sixth-level player, it is impossible to maintain the appearance of the dungeon without leaving the dungeon.

Du Yixin looked at the others again. Excluding himself, Ivan, and the dead player, there were thirty-three people left.

Some looked out the windows, wondering how to escape. Some people stared at Ivan with murderous intent. But more people stayed alone in the corner, with distrust and suspicion in their eyes.

Wait, thirty-three people

Du Yixin squeezed out from the crowd surrounding him, ignored the abuse behind him, walked to the podium and picked up the contract.

The blood shed by the nun was stained red, and the content could no longer be seen clearly.

"Did you notice that too?"

Du Yixin handed over a clean contract in front of him, but when he looked up, it was Ivan.

"The text on it is all blurred."

As Ivan said, the handwriting on the paper was already black as if wet ink had been rubbed off.

"In the beginning, it said 32 people." Du Yixin said, "But including the player who died just now, there are actually 36 people."

In other words, the names of four people were not written on it.

What could be the reason for this.

Among these four people is the real dungeon master? But why are there four more.

"You bastard, stop acting!" The bald man pointed at Ivan, "You killed Maria just to clear yourself of suspicion."

The author has something to say: Thank you z'z'z for mine!