I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 123: Final selection (eight)


Ivan put the gun against Du Yixin's chest and was about to pull the trigger when he heard the other side say:

"Is your nullification only effective for abilities and physical attacks?"

"It's useless to delay."

Ivan didn't reply, and his index finger was still pressing down. In the next second, he was grabbed by the palm of his hand and pushed aside.

The bullet went off and scratched Du Yixin's shoulder.

Ivan suddenly felt that his neck was entangled by a cold iron chain, and his body was pulled back violently, but he saw a man in a fine attire.

Long ink-like hair hangs down, and a black robe is draped over his shoulders, outlining complicated red lines.

The man raised his hand, and Ivan was immediately dragged out. His back rubbed against the cold ground, and he escaped into the darkness.

Du Yixin barely stood up from the ground. Although he escaped temporarily, he couldn't kill that guy immediately.

Replicas exist for replicas. Next, the other party is estimated to take a boat and enter the Wangchuan River, and then the Hades trial will take place.

However, he didn't want to wait any longer.

Ivan's nullification ability is extremely powerful, and he may be able to escape before he escapes into the eighteenth level of hell.

So he needs to, change the rules.

When Ivan came back to his senses, he was sitting on a small boat. Standing at the bow of the boat was an old man wearing a coir hat, holding up a long wormwood, which rippled up and down.

The water surface is clear, reflecting the blue sky like washing, and the white clouds are clustered like cotton wool. A swimming fish splashed up, and the splash of water wetted the back of Ivan's hand.

"It was actually pulled into the dungeon." Ivan sighed, and the chains tied to his body were loosened, and he fell down with a clatter.

He got up and walked behind the old man, "I said, take me to see your master?"

Weng Li hat didn't reply, he was still pushing the boat up and down.

Ivan put his hands on the opponent's back: "If I kill you here, will your master appear?"


Sure enough, it will not be so easy. He walked back into the boat and sat down again: "Just kidding, I don't know how to row a boat."

The lake is so big that you can't see the end when you look around. There is no one else, it seems that there is only this small boat left in the world.

Although the scenery is good, it is a bit boring to watch all the time. Ivan yawned and lay down on his back.

He is not in a hurry. Since it is a dungeon, there must be rules. At least until events change, he's perfectly safe.

After a while, the solid bridge bottom is reflected in the eyes. Turning over and sitting up, I found a majestic ancient city under the bright sky.

The city wall is towering, majestic yet majestic. The city gate is wide open, connected to the lake. Leaning against the river, the small boat sailed past and entered the ancient city.

The wide lake merges into a bubbling, forming a rushing river. The boat goes upstream, with antique streets on both sides.

People in plain clothes come and go, and the cries of hawkers can be heard endlessly. It is an ordinary and noisy city.

Ivan watched the crowd and the bluestone bricks and tiles curiously, as if seeing them for the first time.

The boat continued to move forward. At this time, there were fewer pedestrians, and it seemed to be in a remote place. The banks widened and the water calmed down.

The boat swayed gently and docked on the shore.

There was an old lady by the river who was washing clothes. Ivan glanced at it, then turned back: "I can get off the boat..."

The rest of the words stuck in his throat.

The mino hat was gone.

"Baby, the strange hair color, is it a foreign guest?"

Ivan heard someone talking to him, but it was the laundry lady. About forty or fifty years old, slightly fat, with a gentle smile on his face.

Ivan also smiled at her: "Hello."

He stepped off the boat and up the steps.

The aunt exclaimed: "Oh, why don't you even wear shoes." She shook off the water from her hands, wiped the skirt of her clothes, and picked up the tub, "It just so happened that I finished washing, you come home with me, I'll get you a pair of shoes."


"Why don't you use it? It hurts to step on the ground! Don't mind the newly sewn cloth shoes, they are not worth much." The aunt said, coming over to hold the boy's hand.

Ivan ducked back, out of the way.

"It's really not necessary." He put his hands behind his back, with a harmless smile on his face, "Because, all of you are going to die."

Hearing this, the aunt's expression changed, and before she could turn around, the wooden basin in her hand fell to the ground with a bang. The freshly washed clothes fell into the water and sank immediately.

The blood flowed down the bluestone ground, merged into the river, and gradually spread and expanded.

Ivan didn't even look at the fallen woman, but turned his head and walked towards the bustling street.

So he didn't notice that the color of the river changed a little behind him. It turned extremely bright red because of the blood of that mere corpse.

Go through the alley and kill a couple of insignificant beggars. When Ivan walked on the street, his bright hair color immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But perhaps because of the blood stains on his body, no one dared to approach him, and they all stared at the boy in surprise.

Ivan walked to the nearest peddler with a smile on his face: "Ask a question..."

"What, what?"

"Where do you, the most powerful people, live?"

"Are you talking about the official?" The peddler raised his hand tremblingly, "It's right there, in the center of the city."

Ivan looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a city wall several meters high built in the center of the city, separating the central mansion from the noisy streets outside into two spaces.


After thanking him politely, he killed the bewildered peddler with a knife in his hand.

The blood splashed on the transparent sugar figure, making the sugar figure made into a big fat doll extremely strange.

Seeing that someone was dead, the crowd burst into screams and scattered like birds and beasts.

With fewer people blocking the way, Ivan can travel more unhindered. Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to their destination, a group of officers and soldiers suddenly rushed out ahead.


The officers and soldiers may be fat or thin, their faces hidden in the shadow of official caps, and their hands are holding long/guns.

"Who are you, how dare you act presumptuously in Fengdu City!?"

"Huh?" Ivan Ben was galloping, and when he saw someone blocking the way, he stopped quickly, "Are you here to lead the way?"

Seeing that this guy showed no remorse, the leading officers and soldiers beat their chests and stamped their feet: "A lawless guy! Arrest him and take him to the prison, life or death!"

With an order, the officers and soldiers surrounded them. The sword was ruthless, stabbing the white-haired boy fiercely.

There were so many of them, no matter how powerful that man was, he couldn't escape from this overwhelming attack.


But just when they shouted this sentence happily, they suddenly realized that something was wrong. The blade on the top of the spear/spear was limp, and it couldn't stab the opponent at all.

At this time, another strong force came from the front. It was the other party who grabbed the end of the gun, pulled it hard, and immediately confiscated the spear.

The spear/spear turned in Ivan's hand and swung it in a circular arc. More people fell back clutching their bleeding throats before they could make a sound.

Ivan is invincible all the way forward. Wherever he passed, corpses were strewn all over the field, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

After defeating wave after wave of officers and soldiers blocking the way, he finally reached the central mansion. In front of him was a pitch-black gate, which was hundreds of meters high.

Ivan put his hand on the door.

He almost killed all the NPCs in the whole city, but the man still didn't come out.

But it doesn't matter, he found it.

Pushing open the door and entering, it was as dark as if you couldn't see your fingers. He took a few steps forward, and the sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty hall.

As he walked, Ivan suddenly felt something was wrong. Compared with the ancient city with a strong atmosphere of life outside, this place is really not like a place where people live.

Suddenly, the friction sound of chains mopping the ground came from the darkness, getting closer.

He stopped, and the chains immediately opened like spider webs, attacking from all directions. But before he could get close, the chains were wrapped in a layer of white light and went limp.

"Boldly harassing the people! You still don't know the crime for massacring the people of a city!?"

In the darkness, there was a mighty roar that almost burst the eardrums. Along with the earth-shattering roar, a dazzling white light shot in.

Ivan squinted his eyes, and saw a man over a hundred meters tall appearing in front of him out of thin air. With an official hat on his head and a blue face with fangs, he sits in front of him.

"I am King Yama of the Hall of Fascinated Souls. Why don't you plead guilty quickly and pay for your sins!?"

Looking at the unusual man in front of him, Ivan blinked.

I see. He gets it.

That guy knew he was bound to kill someone, so he made up this drama on purpose.

Even if it reaches the sixth level and has great authority over the dungeon, it still has to abide by a rule—that is, logic.

If a player dies in a dungeon, it must be because of something unreasonable.

For example, the decryption copy was caused by a wrong judgment on the plot, resulting in death.

Another example is the escape copy, which was caused by ignoring the system warning and approaching ghosts, resulting in death.

As for this dungeon, if he hadn't killed anyone at the beginning, this mansion might just be an ordinary room.

But in order to find the owner of the copy, it is impossible for him to clear the level step by step. The other party knew this a long time ago, so the purpose from the beginning was to make him commit a crime so that he could be punished.

Yan Luo Wang's voice is thick and shocking:

"Killed forty-three officers and soldiers and twenty-one civilians. A total of sixty-four lives were lost. The crime is unforgivable. The sentence is to fall into the eighteenth hell—the endless hell!"

With an order, a circle of black mud immediately formed under Ivan's feet. Countless skinny ghost hands rose from the ground, grabbing his ankles, intending to drag him into the ground.

"What's your name, Yan Luo?" Ivan said with a smile, "There is another crime, let's add it."

As soon as the words fell, the ghost hand entangled Ivan disappeared. He stepped across the black pool with bare feet, and rushed straight to King Yan Luo: "The charge of killing Yan Luo!"

Yama's eyes widened like copper bells: "Presumptuous!"

Countless chains attacked the white-haired boy. But he either dodged it deftly, or fell limply as soon as it touched his body.

And just when he was about to approach the other party, the air in front of him suddenly split, and a crack appeared out of thin air, and it grew bigger and bigger.

Several grimaces appeared inside, sometimes turning into the laundry lady, sometimes turning into the peddler making sugar figurines. There was a sinister smile on his face.

Iwan was stunned, before he had time to brake, his shoulders were grabbed by those ghostly hands, and he was dragged into it.

A white light flashed and the ghost disappeared. But his body had escaped into another space, his limbs did not touch the ground, and he kept falling.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the body feels a disgusting weightlessness.

Ivan landed in the air, trying to balance his body, but he didn't have any leverage.

At this time, a dazzling red came from the corner of the eye.

He couldn't help turning his head to look, only to see a series of strange scenes come into view.

The little ghost pulled out his tongue, and the iron tree blossomed. The blood pool boils, the iceberg freezes the bone.

There is a large cauldron that is steaming, and the meat/body inside is stewed. There are also naked human beings climbing the sword mountain and sword forest, shivering in pain and cold.

The descriptions of big and small ghosts change, sometimes ferocious, sometimes expressionless.

Ivan covered his mouth. I don't know if it's the dizzying weightlessness, or the growing stench, or maybe both.

He feels sick.

Like a horse watching flowers, these scenes are swept away one by one. Until he falls to the bottom level.

What greeted his eyes was a clean and flawless space without any blood stains or peculiar smells. The mirror pool under him suddenly turned black, and black mud rose up, entangled his hands and feet.

Ivan seems to have regained his senses just now, and just about to use Nullification, he found that the scenery suddenly changed.

The wind was bitterly cold, and white smoke rose with every breath. It seemed that even the air was shaking with the cold.

The previous discomfort has disappeared.

His body became even thinner, and he actually returned to his five or six-year-old appearance. The little hand was held by a long-haired woman, who pulled him across the road without looking sideways.

At this time, the long-haired woman looked back at him and smiled slightly.

Identical ice blue eyes, silver hair. This smile seemed to warm the cold.

Ivan froze.

After dealing with Ivan, Du Yixin put away the dungeon. The other party seemed to have the strength to resist, but for some reason, he gave up in the end.

His thigh hastily stopped bleeding. In the end, it was he who won the battle and got Ivan's key.

But there is one thing that is very strange. When Ivan died, a black shadow also emerged from the body, and screamed piercingly. It is somewhat similar to the scene after the bald head's death, but not exactly the same.

The one attached to the bald head seems to be a man, while the one attached to Ivan is a woman.

Returning to the familiar pure white space, now, he is the only survivor left in the final selection. Just fuse the key and everything can be over.

"Congratulations, I knew you could win."

A childish voice came from behind. Looking back, it was Al. Still wearing the white shirt and black shorts, the two antennae on top of his head were shaking slightly.

He jumped in front of Du Yixin and opened his hands: "Quickly, merge. In this way, you will become a god in the new century, and all living beings are waiting for your birth!"

His eyes were shining.