I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 17: Fairy Tale Theme Park (3)


"As we all know, there is a poignant legend about our 'Little Mermaid'. The little mermaid who had just grown up floated on the sea to play, and fell in love with the prince at first sight on the deck. At that time, the oil tanker that the prince took was our 'Little Mermaid' , and this ocean was also named 'Mermaid Sea'."

"For this voyage, we will sail around the 'Mermaid Sea' for a week, and we will return to the port again around tomorrow morning. Needless to say, we will encounter magical sea creatures on the way. If we are lucky, we may even meet the legendary mermaid."

When the words fell, the crowd cheered impatiently. The man smiled and waited for everyone to calm down before speaking again: "But please pay attention, the mermaids in the deep sea are not like fairy tales. Although they are beautiful and have a beautiful singing voice, they are cruel by nature and like to eat human flesh. According to legend, When the crew passed by the habitat of the mermaid late at night, they would be attracted by the singing. If they searched for it, they would be dragged into the deep sea and sleep in the arms of the mermaid forever."

Hearing this, the crowd gasped again.

"Please don't panic. If this voyage awakens the mermaids and causes them to float to the surface, we will issue an alarm. At that time, please be sure to go back to the room and plug your ears. The singing of the mermaids is hypnotic. If it doesn’t work, I suggest that you bind yourself and restrain your actions after hearing the alarm, so as not to fall out of control and fall into the sea.”

"Of course, I believe that many people board the 'Little Mermaid' just to see the true face of this deep-sea creature. We will shoot and broadcast it in real time, and you can watch it directly through the screen equipped in the room."

The crowd cheered again.

"The above is the end of the introduction. Please move freely and enjoy a delicious dinner and a beautiful sea view!"

After the men left, the guests flocked to the buffet. Pu Sunan rubbed his belly and seemed to be drooling: "Can we eat too?"

The fashionable man stroked his chin: "I think it's better not to move things here casually. Having said that..." Seeing the couple mingling with the crowd and grabbing food with the NPC, he shook his head helplessly.

At this time, he noticed that the girl in the wide sweater was walking towards the door, and greeted her actively: "Hello, are you acting alone now? Do you want to go together?"

The girl looked up at him.

When he saw the other person's appearance clearly, the fashionable man swallowed unconsciously. Of course, long-term experience made him cover up this wretched behavior very well, and his eyes became more gentle: "My name is Fang You, what's your name?"


While Fang You was flirting with girls here, two more people left. Du Yixin wanted to investigate everywhere to see if there were any clues. But Ying Sheng signaled him to go out with his eyes.

There was a waiter standing at the entrance of the hall. When he saw the two people coming out, he said respectfully, "Do you two want to go back to your room?"

Ying Sheng nodded his head dispensably.

The waiter smiled: "The two are VIP passengers, please follow me."

Go across the deck and up the stairs to the accommodations. Each passenger has an independent single room, and the room number is posted on the door, like holes in a hive. The rooms of Du Yixin and Ying Sheng are on different floors, one is in 302 and the other is in 421.

There is no lock in the room, and almost anyone can come and go freely. The decoration style inside is also extremely simple, a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a screen, these are all the furniture. And the only decoration is just a painting of the ocean scenery on the wall.

After the waiter left, there were only the two of them left in the small room.

Du Yixin: "Do you have something to tell me?"

"You will be monitored outside, so I can only pull you into the game." Ying Sheng grabbed a chair and sat on it.


"Didn't you notice, I've been wearing earphones." Ying Sheng pointed to his ears, "'White Bird' doesn't trust me, so he uses this method to control me, and there are monitors everywhere in the branch. Only by entering here, the bug will not work."

Du Yixin remembered. Indeed, since the first meeting, the other party has been wearing earphones in one ear, presumably someone is giving instructions to him.

"Let's get straight to the point—at the moment, there isn't any way to safely hand over the keys. At least, 'White Bird' doesn't know about it."

Hearing this, Du Yixin frowned: "You mean, Team Leader Park is lying to me?"

"White lie?" When he said this, Ying Sheng also seemed to feel a little ridiculous, "Bai Niao's usual way, after deceiving you idiots to trust, start the game and ask you to take the initiative to hand over the 'key'. Otherwise, Just force it into the game and kill it." He said, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Like now? Are you going to kill me?"

"Yes. Because of some troublesome regulations in the organization, we can't open the 'room' at will. But like today, if you happen to meet an idiot who opens a copy and just brings you in, you can kill people without anyone noticing."

"So that's how it is." Du Yixin's expression remained unchanged, but his heart began to be alert. Nerves tightened, showing a defensive posture, "This is the important thing you said? But you can do it as soon as you enter the game, why did it take so long?"

"Why?" Ying Sheng squinted his eyes, like a stinging wild wolf, "Because I'm fucking going to betray you."

In the hall, the banquet is still going on grandly. After Fang You successfully struck up a conversation, he learned that the girl's name was Mo Yu. But the attitude of the other party was very cold, and it seemed that he had no intention of continuing the conversation, and was about to leave the banquet hall.

"Do you want to go to the deck to blow some air? I also think it's too stuffy here." Fang You followed behind the girl attentively, "I thought it was very unlucky to be caught in such an inexplicable place today. But to meet you so A beauty is a blessing in disguise."

Walking out of the deck, with the humid sea breeze blowing. The beauty is by the side, even this virtual scenery has become so amiable.

"This cruise ship seems to be very big. Do you want to go shopping, I will accompany you."

The girl stopped and turned to look at the young man. A pair of peach-blossom eyes wink like silk, but there is a coldness in them: "Do you understand the current situation?"


"If we keep going on like this, we'll all die."

Fang You was slightly stunned, and then said affectionately: "No matter what danger you encounter, I will protect you—I swear."

"..." The girl seemed to have nothing to say, and turned around in silence.

Pu Sunan watched helplessly as his companion abandoned him and ran after a beautiful woman. Now in this weird banquet hall, only he and the family of three are left. The couple were still getting their food, and the dining table was getting fuller at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their daughter has been standing in place, looking down at her toes. Neither speak nor eat.

Pu Sunan felt a little embarrassed. But even if I go back to my room now, I'm still alone. It made him uneasy. At least it's lively here.

Although he is not sociable, but facing the little girl, he still felt the need to act like an adult, and asked, "Well... your parents brought a lot of food, do you want some?"

Fortunately, although the little girl doesn't like to talk, she will at least respond. She shook her head.

Pu Sunan breathed a sigh of relief: "My name is Wang Hao. I was still passing the highway before, but I came here as soon as I recovered. What about you?"

"I, my name is Li Qiqi." She seemed very shy, staring at her toes all the time, "I went out to play with my parents, and my younger brother, and suddenly the car stopped. Dad and mother got out of the car, and then... we Come in."

"Ah? Then how is your brother?"

Li Qiqi shook her head hesitantly, expressing that she did not know.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman who came back with a bunch of seafood saw the two talking, and grabbed her daughter's ear: "Don't just talk to people you don't know, he's a man, how can I teach you normally! "

The girl's ears were red from being pulled, but she didn't respond at all, she just muttered and apologized.

Wang Hao hurriedly stopped: "Sister, let's just chat casually. And now that this is the case, it's important for us to think about how to get out."

"How to get out? Let's play one by one. I think the atmosphere outside is quite scary, but it's really not a big deal." The middle-aged woman didn't take it seriously. Seeing that her daughter was still in a daze, she patted her cheek, "Hey, stop staring blankly. .Now there is a new dish, hurry up and get it with your dad.”

With that said, he took his daughter and left. Wang Hao watched the mother and daughter leave in surprise, and saw that the food on the table as high as a hill had not diminished at all, so he couldn't help being speechless.

Indeed, except for the panic when I first came in, I have actually encountered no danger so far. So then just follow the flow and sail the week, right

Not at all affected by the noise of the banquet hall. The sound insulation of the room was surprisingly good, and the conversation between the two continued.

Du Yixin recalled that the change in the other party's attitude seemed to start when he saw his registration form. Is there any interesting information on it

"I can't stand Shiratori's instructions for a long time, but I have to listen—" Ying Sheng pointed to his neck, where a black round nail was inserted, "They inserted such a thing into my neck, if I don't obey , the venom will flow into the arteries, causing death immediately.”

"Huh?" Du Yixin was surprised, he thought it was for decoration.

"This is the ability of the 'White Bird' BOSS. Most of us are controlled by this thing. Once you realize that you want to resist—you understand."

"Ability? You mean the ability of the key? Is that thing useful in reality?"

"Only level five and above. I heard that that person is already level six, and he is only one step away from the seventh level of 'becoming a god'." Ying Sheng curled his lips.

"Level seven? Become a god?" It was the first time Du Yixin heard this statement.

"I don't know how the guy with the glasses explained it to you. Your key and mine," Ying Sheng pointed at Du Yixin and then at himself, "Originally they were one. But one day, they disintegrated , scattered all over the world. In other words, upgrading the key level is equivalent to collecting fragments. When one day, after collecting all the keys... "

Du Yixin continued: "If you reach the seventh level of the key, can you become a god?"

"Yes." Ying Sheng spread his hands, "The white bird may have said many high-sounding things to you, but in the final analysis, they just want to rule the world."

Du Yixin was silent. He is a little confused now, he doesn't know whether to believe in 'White Bird' or Ying Sheng. When the other party told him these things, he must be asking for something, or... taking advantage of him.

"So, what can I do? After all, even you can't deal with 'White Bird'."

"Although I don't know your ability yet, I'm only a first-level rookie, so I probably can't do anything." Ying Sheng showed his usual slightly mocking smile, "The one who can fight against Shiratori is you. elder brother."

"What?" Du Yixin was stunned.