I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 18: Fairy Tale Theme Park (4)


He didn't expect the old brother's name to pop up here at all: "What does this have to do with my brother?"

"When I first joined 'White Bird', the organization was very chaotic. I heard that it was because a person escaped from the control of the organization with a large number of people and established an opposing organization. Although the organization used various methods to suppress the news, But I still got information about that person." Ying Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Du Heng, the first and only person in history who possesses the ability to nullify, and under the perverted monitoring of 'White Bird', secretly raised his level to above level 5 man."

Du Heng... It was indeed his brother's name. It's no wonder that Ying Sheng was surprised when he saw his registration form, but there are so many people with the same name and surname in the world, could it be just a coincidence.

Ying Sheng seemed to see what he was thinking, and replied: "It's just a coincidence that the name is the same. But the age, appearance, and family background are all right, so it's too ridiculous to call it a coincidence."

There is a 6-year age difference between Du Yixin and Du Heng. Although they have somewhat similar appearances, they have completely different temperaments. Du Yixin is still a kid, while Du Heng is more mature and stable.

"I entered Shiratori at the age of 18, and your brother was 23 at the time. I investigated his family background, both parents died, and there was a 17-year-old brother underneath. I also saw your name and photo at the time, but it was not for me. It's important, so I didn't think about it at first. But now, I can be sure."

Du Yixin didn't know what to say. The impact brought by these words is far greater than the lies of 'White Bird'.

At the age of 14, he and his parents had a car accident, and only he escaped by chance. Since then, the happy family has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In order to support him, my brother took time off from school to work. But what exactly to do, he didn't know. Could it be that since then, my brother has been involved in the game

But he still acts like an idiot all day long, only caring about playing ball and making girlfriends.

"In short, I need you to help me disable your brother's ability to disable the 'black needle'. In exchange, I will protect you during this period." Ying Sheng tilted his head to look at him, "Is this necessary for you? Your brother's protection, you don't need to participate in this kind of game anymore, just wait for him to wipe your ass for you."

What Ying Sheng said is correct, at least for now, the two of them are grasshoppers on the same boat, and "White Bird" is their common enemy. Ying Sheng wants to use him to escape from the control of "White Bird", and he can also take the opportunity to get asylum, which is a beneficial choice for both parties.


"I don't want your protection. If what you said is true, my brother has been participating in such a dangerous game, and I will definitely help him!"

"Whatever you want." Ying Sheng said impatiently, "Then you can make a condition, as long as you let your brother help me."

"I will tell him. But it is up to him to decide whether to help you or not. Let me state first that my brother respects the kind of hero who sacrifices himself for others and has dedication."

Ying Sheng: "..."

Du Yixin: "..."

Ying Sheng sighed: "Okay. It's good that you can help me get in touch, and I will tell him the rest."

Du Yixin added: "And people who treat me well, my brother will also like them."

"I'll wipe it, you're shameless enough."

"It's often said that."

Ying Sheng was speechless for a while, then got up: "Is it okay to serve you like a nanny during this time?" He casually pulled out the bat from his backpack. The metal bat twirled in his hand, drawing a silver line, "That's it, I'm going to do my own thing."

Seeing him take out his weapon, Du Yixin felt bad: "What are you going to do?"

"I brought you in here to discuss matters. Now that the matter is over, it's time to end the game." Ying Sheng put the metal bat on his shoulder, "Let's make a big fuss."

"What a fart."

Ying Sheng glared over.

"Are you going to kill that family of three?"

"Is it like this again?"

"It's not in line with my values."

"Huh?" Ying Sheng just wanted to say that your values have nothing to do with me, but when he thought of asking for help from others, he held back abruptly, "Then what do you think? If you don't end this game quickly, more people will die. .”

"But you are just suspicious now, and you are not sure who is the one who opened the copy, are you? Besides, if the real murderer is hidden behind the scenes, do you want to kill all the players who saw it like last time?"

Ying Sheng snorted softly and put down his bat: "Forget it, anyway, now I have no obligation to help Shiratori collect the keys, you can do whatever you like."

After saying this, Ying Sheng left. Probably to go back to his room, or maybe to wander around elsewhere. Du Yixin also planned to take advantage of this time to do some investigation.

He rummaged under the bed, wardrobe and desk drawers, only to find a pair of earplugs, a pair of handcuffs and a key to the handcuffs in the drawers. It should be prepared to prevent passengers from being attracted by the singing of the mermaid. Try to turn on the screen, but it only shows a blurred screen. I'm afraid that the picture will only appear here when the live broadcast starts to be recorded outside.

According to the theme of "Little Mermaid Pavilion", the accident should happen when the mermaid floats to the surface and begins to sing. If you can make it through, it counts as a successful customs clearance

Du Yixin was not quite sure.

Leave the room and come to the deck. The banquet was coming to an end, and many people came outside with drinks to enjoy the sea view. But among the crowd, there was no player with the same identity for a while. Everyone seems to have dispersed.

He didn't find a meaningful clue after all. Right now, the only option is to obediently wait for the passage of time, wait for changes to come, and adapt accordingly.

Singing can be heard faintly.

The cruise ship floats with the current, and the room shakes slightly, like a cradle that urges people to fall asleep.

Du Yixin was in a daze, as if he was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, an alarm bell sounded, causing him to jump out of bed immediately. At the same time, the screen in the room automatically turned on, reflecting a deep sea. The picture seems to be still, but if you look closely, you will find a few black shadows passing under the water.


What time is it, have you started yet

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I can vaguely hear the beautiful and melodious singing from outside. Although there are no lyrics, it is extremely sad.

Du Yixin hurriedly found out the earplugs and put them on. The quality of the earplugs is excellent, and the world suddenly fell into silence, and everything seemed to be peaceful again.

However, the screen showed that several dark shadows in the water were slowly approaching. It's still far away so far, but when they swim closer and the volume becomes louder, I don't know if the earplugs will still work.

He glanced at the handcuffs and hesitated. Although there is a key, if an unexpected accident requires leaving the room, it is undoubtedly a stupid choice to handcuff yourself. But as in the legendary story, what should I do if I can't control myself after being confused by the singing.

While Du Yixin hesitated, people in other rooms also heard the alarm. Most of them chose to follow the captain's advice, plug their ears and put on handcuffs. However, a small number of people secretly left the room, wanting to witness the beauty of the mermaid with their own eyes.

The rooms of the family of three were also separated, but they were all adjacent. The daughter's room is in the middle. After she heard the alarm, she sat up suddenly, found the earplugs and put them on. Just as he was about to put handcuffs on himself, he felt a little uneasy, so he got under the bed.

The space between the bed board and the floor is very narrow, and if the girl is not too thin, she will definitely not be able to get in. She got down on the ground, passed the handcuffs around the bedpost, and with a "click", put the handcuffs on.

The room must be the safest. But even if there is an accident, as long as it is not discovered, it will be fine.

I couldn't hear any sounds, and I could only count silently in my heart to grasp the passage of time. When she silently counted to 200, the door of the room was opened.

It was neither father nor mother who entered. The whole picture could not be seen from under the bed, only a pair of slender legs could be seen, and those legs walked around the room a few times in high-heeled shoes. First he opened the closet, and then he lifted the quilt. Finally stop in the middle and stand still for a few seconds.

Li Qiqi didn't dare to show any air. She didn't understand what this woman wanted from her. Could it be that she was talking now.

Do you want to... take the earplugs off.

Just when the girl hesitated, those legs turned and left without closing the door. Another figure passed by the corridor. She recognized the style of the trousers, which seemed to be navy suits.

Are they crew members? Why do you want to come in? Is it to confirm whether the passengers are wearing earplugs according to the rules, or is there another purpose

In the corridor, the two seemed to be talking for a while. The girl hesitated for a moment, then took off her earplugs tremblingly, trying to hear what the person opposite was talking about.



That was not a human language, but more similar to the murmur of deep-sea creatures penetrating the brain cortex. Then, the two separated and knocked on the left and right doors respectively.

The girl's pupils shrank sharply. In the two rooms next to her, lived her parents.

mom, dad...


The door was kicked open violently. Du Yixin, who was staying in the room, was startled. When he took a closer look, he found that it was Ying Sheng. The opponent's clothes were clean, but there was a lot of blood on the bat, as if he had just experienced a fierce fight. At this time, the mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say.

"..." Du Yixin took off the earplugs silently, "Excuse me, can you say it again?"

Ying Sheng: "..."

However, no further explanation is needed. At this moment, eardrum-piercing screams came from inside and outside the ship. It was as if the fingernails had scratched the blackboard, miserable and sharp, as if they were experiencing a tragedy in the world. Du Yixin stood up from the bed quickly, but before he could take a step, he was pushed back.

Ying Sheng: "What are you going to do?"

"I want to see what's going on now."

"You are looking for death." Ying Sheng frowned, and closed the door smoothly, blocking the sound from the door.

The sound insulation effect of the room has to be said to be very good. The human tragedy that was almost in front of me just now turned into the background sound. Coupled with the ethereal and cold singing, all the blood was hidden outside the door.

Wait, singing

Du Yixin turned his head to look at the screen, the mermaid was already very close. One of them sat on Jiaoyan, combing her seaweed-like hair while humming softly. The picture suddenly zoomed in, just in time to fully capture the profile of the mermaid.