I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 20: Fairy Tale Theme Park (6)


"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Go wherever you fall in love." Ying Sheng was impatient with the scene in front of him, and started to leave.

Du Yixin saw that the direction in which he lifted his foot was towards the "Sleeping Beauty Pavilion", so he asked, "Is it better to go there first?"

"Huh? You can go wherever you want."

OK, when he didn't ask.

Turning around, I saw the girl and her mother following behind, and said: "We are going to the next fairy tale hall, so be careful."

Li Qiqi nodded nervously.

After crossing the long bridge and crossing the avenue in the garden, soon, you can faintly smell the faint fragrance of flowers. Looking around, a large tulip was planted, swaying slightly in the wind. And among the flowers, stands an old castle, covered with vines and spider silk, telling ancient legends.

"Sleeping Beauty's Castle..." Li Qiqi murmured.

Several people came to the door and were about to push the door to enter, but failed to push it open, it was actually locked. Ying Sheng kicked a few times, but did not kick away.

"What do you mean, it's not open now?" Du Yixin raised his head, but he couldn't see the spire at a glance. He looked at Ying Sheng, "Do you want to try blowing it up?"

"I don't want to waste bombs."

"What?" Du Yixin was surprised, "Last time you made us so happy."

Ying Sheng rolled his eyes at him.

Since this guy is unwilling to contribute, there is no other way to get in. I can only think that maybe other fairy tale halls have been captured, and this place will be open. So I turned around and went to the "Three Little Pigs House".

It didn't take long, and as the story changed, the surrounding scenery gradually changed. Right in front of it, a huge statue with a height of five meters stands in the center. Standing upright, wearing a straight suit, holding a cigar in one hand, his face is full of flesh. If it weren't for the iconic protruding ears and upturned nose, it would be more like a successful entrepreneur with a big belly.

There is a stand at the bottom of the sculpture, which introduces the identity of the pig—"Little Pig".

Reminiscent of fairy tales, it is likely that both the pig brother and the second pig brother were eaten by wolves, and the only surviving pig brother became a generation of outstanding entrepreneurs with his intelligence. That's why there is a statue standing here.

However, whether it is the "Little Mermaid Pavilion" just now or the "Three Little Pigs" here, it is too realistic to say that it is called a fairy tale pavilion.

Other than that, there were no more valuable clues, and the few people continued on.

Then, Du Yixin stopped suddenly.

"What, what's wrong?" Li Qiqi asked nervously.

"No, it smells a little bit." Du Yixin sniffed. But after smelling it carefully, it seems that there is nothing, "Maybe it's an illusion, let's go on."

In the distance, the silhouette of the building in the darkness can be vaguely seen. As it got closer, the outline became clearer, and the smell in the air became more obvious, stimulating people's nerves.

Everyone else has heard it too. Mother Li couldn't bear it: "It's too smelly here!"

"Yes." Du Yixin pinched his nose and said in a low voice, "Why don't you stay away and wait."

Mrs. Li thought she was going near the entrance of the Fairy Tale House, and if there was danger, she could go in and ask for help. But right now, I really can't stand the feces-like stench, so I hurriedly agreed.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed over, and Mother Li screamed out in fright. Ying Sheng grabbed the guy who was rushing towards him with one hand, and when he saw it, it was an unfamiliar face.

The man was naked, his belly bulging unnaturally. At this time tears flowed freely, and when he spoke, water spewed out of his mouth: "Help, help..." Although he called for help, he was dying and his voice was weak.

Ying Cheng frowned and threw him out. The opponent didn't even have the strength to resist, and rolled to the ground.

"Ah, ah..." Li Qiqi panicked, "That person..."

Du Yixin went over to check and found that the person had passed out: "No face, it's an NPC."

However, since they have not yet entered the fairy tale hall, how could there be NPCs appearing.


When Du Yixin heard Ying Sheng calling him, before he could raise his head, he was grabbed by the collar and pulled back. But Ying Sheng stood in front of him and stared at the front. Another black shadow came out of the darkness, came to the side of the unconscious NPC, and then picked it up with a hand, directly resisting it on the shoulder.

Hei Ying was wearing a hat and a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly. I just feel fat and shaky when I walk. He seemed to have just seen a few people: "Are you new here?"

"..." No one answered.

"This way." The man didn't say much, and walked ahead as if to lead the way, and fell into the darkness again. Ying Sheng was about to follow, but was stopped by Du Yixin.

"Wait a minute, let me react."

Ying Sheng glanced at him.

Du Yixin: "We haven't entered the fairy tale house yet, have we? Why does the plot seem to have started?"

"Who knows, is there a difference?"

Well, it might not matter to Xiang Sheng. But Du Yixin is still more concerned about the opportunity for the plot to start. He originally thought that it would be the same as the "Little Mermaid Pavilion", and the official start was only after opening the door and entering. But now it seems that this is not the case

Could it be that it was when the first iconic object appeared. Like, that statue they passed by

Mother Li's face turned blue and white. She reacted, as if she had stumbled into the "Three Little Pigs House" by mistake.

"I want to go out, I have to go out..." she murmured, turning around and running in the opposite direction.

Li Qiqi's face was pale. And she didn't have time to stop her mother, and watched the woman run away.

Looking at the girl's thin back, Du Yixin thought that no matter how hard he pretended to be strong, seeing his mother abandoning him like this would definitely make him feel uncomfortable, so he patted her on the shoulder.

Li Qiqi seemed to wake up from a dream, and bit her lips tightly: "I, I'm fine. Let's go."

At this time, the big man who wanted to lead the way had long since disappeared. Fortunately, there is only one main road ahead, and walking along it, you will soon come to the gate of the building.

From a distance, the shape of the building seems a bit strange, but when you get closer, you realize that it is a huge factory. The walls are made of reinforced concrete, the chimney pierces into the sky, and thick smoke billows out. Black smoke blended with the lacquered sky.

Pushing the door open, I felt a gust of cold air blowing in my face. This is a small room, used only for passage. In addition, two doors were opened, namely the "men's locker room" and the "women's locker room". And there is a wall between the two doors, with a piece of paper hanging on it.

[Rules for entering the factory: 1. Employees need to enter the locker room to change clothes according to their gender

2. Employees need to put on suitable overalls before entering the workshop

3. Once you enter the factory, you need to complete a finished product before you can leave]

It is not so much the rules of entering the factory, but the customs clearance rules of the "Three Little Pigs House". Look at the last item, this task requires them to work as factory employees, and they can leave after taking out the finished product.

It sounds simple, but it will definitely have the same pitfalls as in "The Little Mermaid House".

Here we have to separate for the time being. Li Qiqi stood in front of the women's changing room, a little hesitant. She didn't quite understand the consequences of not following the rules.

Du Yixin looked at her: "Are you with us?"

"Huh? But..."

"The NPC's words are not 100% trustworthy. You saw it in the Mermaid Pavilion just now."

The girl turned pale as she recalled her father's tragedy, and nodded.

"But the rules are another matter. Whether you are with us or not, there will be risks. What are you going to do?"

She has always been weak and drifting with the flow, never making her own decisions. Now being asked this question, he hesitated and didn't know how to answer. It seemed that the fierce boy had already entered first, while the remaining boy was still waiting for her. My brain got hot, and I blurted out: "You, you go in first, I'm fine!" After a pause, he whispered, "I don't know... I'll think about it again."

Du Yixin didn't force himself, nodded and left first.

There were several rows of cabinets in the dressing room, and it was unknown whether it was blood or rust, which covered the cabinets. Opposite is an iron gate leading to the rear workshop.

Most of the cabinets are locked, and the cabinets that can be opened have so-called "work clothes" inside. Du Yixin took it out and took a look, only to find that it was more of a doll outfit than a work uniform, and even wore a headgear.

"Pig..." Du Yixin held the hood and looked at those two nostrils silently. Looking at Ying Sheng again, the other party just glanced at the clothes casually, and didn't intend to put them on at all.

Even if you ask him, he will probably answer "I will never do something that makes me lose my mobility. Anyone who does that is an idiot."

Although not as good as handcuffs, the upper body of this suit will definitely be inconvenient to move.

He glanced at the entrance, but the girl did not follow in. I don't know if I am hesitating or I choose to follow the rules.

Du Yixin called Ying Sheng: "You definitely won't wear it, right?"

"Who would wear such an ugly dress?"

Huh, it seems that the answer is different from what he expected. This man is quite the burden of an idol.

"It's risky to wear it or not to wear it, though. Luckily there's two of us, isn't it?"

Ying Sheng raised his eyebrows.

"If it's right not to wear it, you can save me. If it's right to wear it, I can escape."

"Hey, are you courting death?"

Du Yixin said innocently, "Do you still need my help?"

Ying Sheng snorted and stopped responding.

After Du Yixin finished dressing, the two left the dressing room.

The doll costume is very fat and weighs dozens of catties. Pressed on my body, I can't move normally at all. After wearing the hood, even the line of sight is blocked, and the whole person is stuffed inside.

After coming out, there is a small room with bright lights that almost blind people's eyes. There was a small square table against the wall, and in front of the square table stood a huge... pig, wearing white overalls, standing there with his hands behind his back, which was somewhat similar to that statue.

Du Yixin: "...Little Pig?"

The other party groaned twice, in a rough voice: "Deduct points, how can you call the boss by his name!" It glanced up and down, "You are new here. I am your direct leader, just call me 'Supervisor Pig'" gone."

Before Du Yixin could reply, another person in a doll costume came out of the dressing room next door. Seeing the scene in the room, he took a deep breath.

The pig manager scolded: "Why are you so dawdling! You look like a pig!"

Hmm, sounds like something is wrong.

Li Qiqi was taken aback and apologized one after another.

"And you!" Director Pig pointed at Du Yixin again, "Why did you bring the ingredients into the dressing room?"


"Tie it up first." The pig supervisor threw a bundle of rope, "Take it to the slaughterhouse immediately, hurry up! Move!"