I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 22: Fairy Tale Theme Park (8)


Although he was temporarily free, if he ran around like this, he would definitely be taken away as "ingredients" sooner or later. Ying Sheng put on the gown, mask, and hat of a pig employee, and looked at Du Yixin: "How is it?"

"Handsome, but not as handsome as me."

"Who asked you this!"

Du Yixin shook his head: "No, it still looks like a human being."

Ying Sheng clicked his tongue and squatted down to look at the stripped pig. The pig employee lay on the ground, already completely cold. It looks like an ordinary domestic pig whose body size has swelled countless times.

Then, he inserted the knife into the neck and made a swipe down—the large and small intestines, as well as countless organs such as the kidneys gushed out all over the ground in an instant. Clean out the inside, and flush it with a water pipe. Then, put the outer skin on the body, and put the white clothes on the outer layer. Although it looks weird, it looks like a "pig".

Du Yixin went to help pack the internal organs into a basket beside him, and carried them back to the factory. Supervisor Pig was waiting at the entrance, and when he saw two people coming over, he said, "So fast? Have you filled the water yet?"

It leaned close to the bamboo basket to check. Du Yixin had no doubts that if the other party disliked Rou Xiao, they would have to start over. Ying Sheng would definitely kill it on the spot and fill the basket with it.

Unexpectedly, the pig supervisor was full of praise after seeing it: "The meat is plump and there is no trace of water injection. It is well done. How did you do it? I think the ingredients are thin and small."

Ying Sheng's 1.8 meter tall man is naturally not considered thin and small among ordinary people. But in the eyes of this bipedal animal, which is more than two meters high and one meter wide, it is a little chicken that can't fit between its teeth.

Du Yixin: Because this is your compatriot, who is already very fat.

The two didn't respond, and the pig supervisor didn't care too much, just said: "Go, wash this up, and then go to the cutting room."

The other party didn't intend to lead the way. It seems that the next job should be the work of the pig employees. It's just that the pig staff has been buried in the basket. Fortunately, the names of the rooms were posted outside each workshop, and the two found the clean room without much effort.

Carry the pork in for disinfection and sterilization, wash it and take it to the next room for cutting. If it weren't for the pig noses of the employees around him, Du Yixin would almost think that he was working in a real factory.

Next is "seasoning" and "steaming". Afterwards, every process was done step by step, and there was no more nauseating scene. But if he really killed someone, what would it be like to think that the "meat product" in his hand was someone he had spoken to.

Finally, after passing the packaging line, Du Yixin got the finished product. From the outside, it's just an unremarkable box lunch. And Supervisor Pig appeared again at this time: "Let's go, let's go see the boss."

Followed by Manager Pig is another pig employee, and Li Qiqi in a doll costume. She wanted to finish it one step ahead of them, and she didn't know how long she had to wait.

Du Yixin wanted to go over to have a chat with the girl, but the girl seemed lost and ignored him.

The office area is located in another building. Compared with the cold and bloody factory, this place is much warmer and more comfortable. Through the windows, you can see groups of pigs in suits and leather shoes sitting in offices, clattering and typing on computers.

"Because we have a large quantity and cheap prices, we have a lot of orders." Supervisor Zhu said, with an unconcealed pride on his face.

It led everyone to the office on the top floor and knocked on the door: "Boss, the newcomer has arrived."

When you get a response, open the door and go in. Inside, a guy with a more bloated figure than the other pigs sat behind a desk with a metal nameplate on the table-"Little Pig", the position of president.

"Boss." Director Zhu changed his previous irritable appearance, and his attitude was respectful, "Which newcomer do you want to try first?"

President Pig snorted, raised his hand slowly, and pointed at Li Qiqi with his short and thick fingers. And the girl is still in a daze.

"It's not too late." Supervisor Pig cursed in a low voice.

Li Qiqi felt as if she had just woken up from a dream, and handed over the boxed lunch tremblingly. The accompanying pig staff presented the prepared tableware to the president.

The pig snorted again.

Manager Zhu seemed to understand, and kept apologizing: "Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I will educate you when I come down."

Only then did President Zhu take the chopsticks, picked up the slice of meat, looked it up under the light, and stuffed it into his mouth. Next, chew slowly.

The opponent moved so slowly that Du Yixin almost thought it was a Shuse covered in pigskin. Fortunately, President Pig finally ate it, put down his chopsticks, and groaned.

"Okay, okay." Supervisor Pig agreed, turned to the girl and said, "The boss said you did a good job, so I want to give you a reward."

Li Qiqi hesitated: "... yes?"

After getting permission from the boss, Supervisor Pig took out a box from the cabinet in the office and handed it over: "It's ready."

"Thank you..." She didn't dare to open the iron box to read, and put it in her arms.

Next it was Du Yixin's turn. He confidently opened the lid and pushed it over. President Zhu was still the same as before, he picked it up, looked at it under the light, and then slowly put it into his mouth.


Then, it solidified. He spat out the meat slices with a "Yah", slapped the table and stood up: "This is pork!" Qi Minjian's figure did not seem to be sloppy just now.

So this pig can speak human language? When Du Yixin saw that it was moaning for a long time just now, and asked the supervisor to translate it, he thought it was just an ordinary pig.

And President Zhu's words stirred up waves with one stone. The pigs present were all facing a formidable enemy, and the supervisor couldn't believe it: "How dare you..."

"Wait, let me explain first."

The pig supervisor scolded: "What is there to explain!? Killing the same kind and eating them is an unforgivable crime!"

"It's not pork."

"You still want to quibble? The boss has already tasted it!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it too?"

Supervisor Pig blushed: "What nonsense, I haven't eaten it, how would I know..." When he said this, he seemed to realize something, and looked at his boss in horror.

But the president is worthy of being the president, without changing his expression, he raised his hand: "Get him down for me."

The pig employee was the first to move, but before his hand touched Du Yixin, his body froze. Then, the head separated from the body, and the huge pig's head slid down.

Behind him, another "pig employee" looked strange, holding a sharp machete.

"Call the security guard, quickly call the security guard!" Supervisor Zhu was born tall and burly, but in reality he had no combat power. Seeing the tragic death of his subordinates, he immediately lost the intention of claiming credit, and just ran away with his head in his arms.

And it was the second to suffer.

Ying Sheng took off the pigskin covering his body, drew out a long knife covered in blood, and frowned, "It's really unpleasant." He threw away the machete, took out the metal bat that he had been using all along, swung it in the air a few times, and was finally satisfied .

Seeing that two of his subordinates were killed in an instant, President Zhu placed his hand on the bottom of the table, as if he was looking for something, but his wrist was grabbed.

Du Yixin: "Don't call me."

As a result, in the next second, he was swung away by a strong force. President Zhu's body instantly swelled, and his clothes burst open. The head reaches the roof, the chest is densely covered with grass, and the fangs protrude from the mouth. Compared with the domestic pig, it looks more like a demonized wild boar.

It lifted the desk, like playing with a light toy, and rushed towards Ying Sheng.

Ying Sheng stepped aside. President Zhu bumped into the wall, the whole building shook, and then the alarm bell went off.

Oops, if all the pigs come over, it may be difficult to deal with.

Du Yixin quickly took off the doll costume that was in the way, and wanted to step forward to help: "Quick battle!"

"Don't get in the way!" Ying Sheng flashed another blow. Although the enemy is huge in stature, his movements are also very sensitive, and there is no chance to fight back at all.

Just blow it up. He took off a ring: "You go out first!"

Seeing Ying Sheng's movements, Du Yixin hurriedly dragged the shivering girl out of the corner. When I came out, I heard a large number of footsteps from downstairs, and the pig security guard who noticed the abnormality was coming here.

And in the next second, Ying Sheng backed out: "It will explode in five seconds." Sensing the direction of the footsteps, he made a decisive decision, "This way."

The three ran to the right, and President Pig also chased him out. Because the girl was wearing a doll costume, she stumbled and slowed down a lot.


"Leave her alone!"


Du Yixin glanced back quickly: "There are still a few seconds!"


"Not even a second!"

With two seconds left before the explosion, President Pig had already caught up. Du Yixin took off the girl's hood and threw it backwards, hitting the enemy's face.


President Zhu became angry, and with even greater strength, he pressed down with his palm.

"Idiot!" Ying Sheng stood in front of the two and caught it with a bat. The metal bat bent instantly, and the hairy palm was only one centimeter away from Ying Sheng's face. But he didn't blink, just tensed his muscles.



The deafening explosion was even bigger than any one Du Yixin had ever heard before. President Zhu was petrified, maintaining the posture of arresting people - he was blown to pieces in an instant!

Thick skin, large internal organs, and greasy fat scattered like fireworks. A rain of blood clots fell in midair, fascinating people's sight.

The huge shock wave blew fierce winds, and Du Yixin could hardly stand still, half of his body fell short. There was a dull pain in the exposed neck.

The aftertaste of the explosion lasted for several seconds before subsiding slowly.

"Click, click."

The pieces fell one by one.

Du Yixin's head felt sticky and greasy, and with a touch, it turned out to be President Zhu's warm meat. Looking at Ying Sheng again, because he stood in the front, he described it as even more embarrassing. The clothes were cut several times, and the flesh was mutilated, and the whole body was dripping with blood.

He looked uncomfortable: "Are you okay?"

Ying Sheng shook off his hand: "Didn't I tell you to leave her alone!"

This time the monster is more difficult to deal with, so the most powerful blasting ability is injected into the ring. Timing is also to delay time to escape, so as not to be implicated by the aftermath. But this idiot messed up everything.

Li Qiqi hid behind Du Yixin, trembling.

"Don't be so angry. Go out first, the security guard is coming."

Indeed, the footsteps were indeed approaching. Although Ying Sheng didn't care about those shrimp soldiers and crab generals, he didn't want to waste time with them, so he clicked his tongue and turned around to leave.

Du Yixin glanced at the girl: "Let's go."

The girl burst into tears and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She staggered and ran while crying.

The way out was relatively smooth. Although there were occasional unsightly employees who rushed over, their combat effectiveness was all scum. Before he got close, he was directly sent flying by Ying Sheng.

Leaving the factory, you can still hear the palpitating alarm. It was not until the statue of "President Pig" that all the sounds in the factory disappeared completely.

Several people stopped, Du Yixin took out the manual and looked at it, and found that the stamp of "The Three Little Pigs House" had been stamped on it. Although they killed the boss, they at least made a finished product, so it still counts as clearing the level... huh

While Du Yixin was studying the manual, Ying Sheng pointed the finger at Li Qiqi: "Hey, hand over the key."