I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 30: Into the tiger's mouth by mistake


Mo Yu

Hearing the familiar name, Du Yixin looked up, but he couldn't see the cold and beautiful woman.

Ying Sheng looked over: "Fusion."

"..." Du Yixin was taken aback, "Fusion?"

After the words fell, a warm current came from the palm of his hand. The bronze key was shrouded in a layer of light, and then gradually disappeared, as if sinking into the body.

[The key level has increased.]

[Current level: Level III.]

[The skill "Time Backtracking" has been upgraded to "File Reading".]

[File reading: semi-active skill. After silently saying "Save", you can save at any time, and there is only one save position. After the death of the host, the skill "Loading File" is passively triggered to return to the save point. The number of times it can be used (recorded as each copy): 3 times]

This long list of descriptions came to mind. If Du Yixin was confused about his key skills before, this time he completely understood. I didn't expect that there was such a big gap between the abilities of the first and third levels.

Here, Ying Sheng let go of the man: "What should I do, the key has been fused."

The man shook off the withered grass on his body: "You asked him to do it."

Ying Sheng disdains: "I just let him take the key - that should be mine."

"...everything I see, I will report it as it is."

"Hmph, up to you."

The goal has been achieved, Ying Sheng didn't want to entangle with this guy anymore, turned around and walked towards the motorcycle, threw the helmet to Du Yixin: "Go, I'll take you back."

"Wait." The man stopped.

Ying Sheng looked at the man who made the sound: "After the key is fused, it can't be taken out. What do you want, or kill him?"

Du Yixin: "..." He knew it.

The man's expression remained unchanged: "Come out of the 'room' and report back to the branch."

Hearing this, Ying Sheng showed disgust, but still said to Du Yixin: "Just wait, I'll go back."

"He went in." The man said, "He must go back."

"Is there such a rule?" Ying Sheng plucked his ears impatiently, "He's not an operator."

The man nodded slowly but firmly.

"whispering sound."

Unable to disobey the organization's regulations, Ying Sheng took Du Yixin on the road. I don't know if it's because I don't want to go back to the branch, so the speed is very low, almost only a little faster than running. And the black car on the side also seems to be watching them, and it is walking at their speed.

Du Yixin: "Mo Yu is also a member of your team?"

Ying Sheng let out a lazy "hmm".

"You called her name just now, why didn't I see her?"

Hearing this, Ying Sheng smiled but said, "It's just the three of us, who do you think I'm calling?"

"..." Du Yixin thought for a while, "Same name and surname?"

"Hello." At this moment, Ying Sheng kicked the car door. The cracked car window rolled down, revealing the man's expressionless face.

"This guy wants to see 'Mo Yu', do you want to explain it to him?" Ying Sheng had a nasty expression on his face, as if he thought it was fun.

What responded to him was the man rolling up the car window again.

"No fun." Ying Sheng said that, but he was still laughing. He explained with rare patience, "This guy is 'Mo Yu', the big guy in women's clothing."


Du Yixin's jaw almost dropped in shock. After all, there is no similarity in appearance between these two people, let alone their height and body shape, how could they be the same person.

"Side effects. His skill is 'Charm', to use it he must become a woman, and it is only effective for the opposite sex."

"So cool..."

"Huh?" Ying Sheng looked back at him.

"Ah bah, no, it's so miserable."

"If you are interested in his femininity, you can establish a good relationship with him, maybe he can let you touch his chest." It is obviously such a topic, but he said it openly.

"Wow..." Du Yixin would not admit that he was a little envious.

However, Ying Sheng said lightly: "However, whoever touches him will either be treated as a scapegoat, or be chopped down with a knife."

"Wow..." Well, it's decided. He wasn't envious at all.

Going back to the Shiratori branch again, seeing the towering and majestic high-rise building, my mood is a little different. The last time I came here, I was dizzy and didn't know anything about this organization. But now, although he still needs to find his elder brother to verify the authenticity of what Ying Sheng said, he still maintains a skeptical attitude towards Shiratori for the time being.

This time up to a different floor. Compared with the deserted reception room, there are more people coming and going on this floor. They are like the most ordinary office workers, walking in a hurry. Only when passing by three people, there was a little curiosity in his eyes.

A girl walked towards her, holding documents in her hands, her cold brows were slightly tired, but she still couldn't hide her beauty. When passing by, there was a burst of perfume on the body, which made people feel emotional.

She quickly entered the elevator and was nowhere to be seen.

Entering the innermost office, it was actually a separate room. Team leader Park seemed to have known they would come, and stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, admiring the scenery.

"A Yu, you're here." Team leader Park showed affection for the man.

He looked at Du Yixin, nodded politely, and said to the other two: "What's going on, please explain to me. Ah Yu, you go first."

The man briefly introduced the process of entering the "room". Unlike Ying Sheng who deliberately found fault, he was pulled in by accident, and finally succeeded in beheading the mastermind behind the scenes and getting the key. It was only later that the key was taken away and merged with others.

"Fusion?" Hearing this, Team Leader Park frowned, "Who took it away, and who did it merge with?"

The man didn't speak, but what he saw already expressed his meaning.

"Ying Sheng." Leader Park said sternly.

"That thing should have been mine." Ying Sheng didn't care, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, "While I was fighting with the enemy, that guy attacked the owner of the key. I just took back what belongs to me."

Team leader Park didn't care who brought the key back, anyway, he had to hand it over to the headquarters in the end. What he cares about is another thing: "How can it be integrated?"

"In the end, he got the key." Ying Sheng pointed to Du Yixin, "But he is not a member of our team, and he doesn't have to abide by the organization's regulations."

Team leader Park looked at Mo Yu, as if he was asking whether the matter was true or not. After getting an affirmative answer, he thought about it and said to Du Yixin: "I explained to you before that we must prevent the keys from being used by villains, so we collect them like this. But fortunately, it is you, we have handed over the keys to you. Let's agree on the key."

Du Yixin nodded hesitantly.

"Then there is nothing to worry about. This time it was just an accident, and we won't blame you." Team leader Park smiled, "But please understand that your level has been upgraded to level three, and your destructive power has increased. To prevent accidents, We must monitor you."

Du Yixin took a step back with some resistance.

"Don't worry, it's only a period of time until the key is handed over. After that, you are a free man."

"Surveillance... what do you mean?"

"For example, this thing." Team leader Park took out an earphone with a black device connected to it, "This is a monitor. We can hear your conversation and locate it in real time. If you encounter danger, we will Send help immediately."

Isn't this something on Ying Sheng's body? Due to the fierce fighting in the dungeon, Ying Sheng's monitor has been broken. I didn't expect Shiratori to want to get this thing on him so blatantly.

"In addition, we will take some measures to prevent you from opening the room at will and hurting the public."

Du Yixin was vigilant: "What measures?"

"Please don't worry." Team Leader Park sincerely said, "It's just like an anesthetic needle, and it won't cause any harm to your body."

Needle... He thought of the black needle on Ying Sheng's neck. But afraid of being noticed abnormal, control yourself not to look at it. The other party only said it was an anesthetic injection, but Ying Sheng said it was venom.

But no matter what it is, he doesn't want to be controlled by this kind of thing at all.

"I promise, I won't open the 'room'."

"Anyone can say this kind of thing." Leader Park's glasses flashed white, and he couldn't see his eyes clearly. "Even the most vicious serial murderer will promise that he will never kill again."

Is your analogy a bit inappropriate

"But I haven't done anything yet. It's illegal for you to monitor my privacy like this."

"That's right." Team Leader Park raised the corners of his lips, "But as long as you don't let others know, it doesn't matter even if it's illegal, doesn't it?"

Du Yixin: "Your values will teach children badly."

Team leader Park sneered, stopped talking, raised his hand, and ordered his subordinates to catch the man. Mo Yu moved first, restraining Du Yixin's arm. There was a chill in Ying Sheng's eyes, and he turned his head to look at Team Leader Park: "You wear glasses, what do you mean by that?"

"I'm not interested." The other party pushed down his glasses, "It's just business."

"Didn't you always find someone to watch at random before? Go directly to the 'Black Needle', does the boss know?"

"I'll report it afterwards, and the BOSS must understand me." Team leader Park's eyes flashed, "It's you, it's rare to see you care so much about someone..." There was something in the words.

Ying Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

Seeing this, Du Yixin said to Team Leader Pu, "What, are you jealous?"


"Our last dungeon was born and died, and it has long been a life-and-death friendship. He is worried that there is something strange about me."

"Hmph, it's possible for everyone else. Only him, absolutely impossible." Team Leader Park said with certainty.

"Oh." Du Yixin raised his eyebrows, "You know him well?"

"I picked him up, what do you think?" At this time, the face was torn, and Team Leader Park was no longer as respectful as before.

"Then do you know his birthday, what he likes and dislikes, and the name of his first love." Du Yixin's words came out like cannonballs, and Team Leader Park was stunned.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I know what those people do, I..."

"You don't know anything, how dare you say you know him?"

"Oh?" Team Leader Park's face was gloomy, "So you know."

"have no idea."

Ying Sheng: "..."

Team Leader Park: "..."

Mo Yu: "..."

"But it's not important. What's important is that I will know in the future!" Du Yixin said confidently.