I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 31: black needle


Team leader Park didn't want to have this kind of boring conversation anymore, so he waved his hand and told him to take him down.

In any case, at least temporarily divert the other party's attention and stop asking.

But Ying Sheng still didn't make a move, his brows were furrowed.

The urgency of wearing glasses this time may be due to the awareness of Du Yixin's true identity. It's really surprising that in the past, the information registration form for newcomers was collected only for show, and it was not processed quickly, but this time it was so fast. If Du Yixin is not allowed to "fusion key", will there be no complications

No. This is just an excuse. In order to catch Du Heng, "White Bird" will definitely use other reasons to control Du Yixin.

His stinging gaze scanned the room, judging the current situation.

There are currently two enemies. Although Mo Yu is a tough guy, he is not invincible. He could just take Du Yixin away and beat up the eye-catching man with glasses.

But then what.

The "black needle" is still on the body, and the organization cannot yet be aware of his motives. But if Du Yixin is also controlled, it will be even more difficult to find Du Heng.

How to do.

Ying Sheng, who has always used violence to solve problems, fell into entanglement for the first time.

At this moment, a hand reached out on its own initiative. Looking up, the man smiled at him, then put away his expression and turned around.

Du Yixin has helped him make a decision.


Ying Sheng was silent for a while, took the hand that was extended by the other party, and twisted it behind his shoulder.

The man's palm is a little rough due to playing basketball all the year round, but it is very warm. The fingers are long and slender, with well-defined knuckles. Ying Sheng stared at it for a few seconds, then looked away, feeling a little strange.

Even though he had already killed so many people, this was the first time he could truly feel the warmth of a human being.

Why, is he any different.

Bypassing the office area with people coming and going, a few people walked to the other side. Enter the elevator and go directly to the ground floor. Du Yixin was taken into a small airtight room, which was airtight. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all made of the same material, confusing up, down, left, and right.

The incandescent lamps are bright, and even in the underground where there is no sunlight, it reflects like daytime. In the center of the room was a black chair fixed to the floor, and Du Yixin was forced to sit on it. In the next second, the limbs and neck were restrained by the protruding metal ring, and the whole person could not move.

"Wow." Du Yixin was amazed, "I've only seen this thing in movies, so cool."

"It's good that I didn't scare you." Team leader Park stood aside with his hands behind his back, and pretended to be polite when we first met, "It may hurt a little for a while, but it will be over soon."

Du Yixin stared at him for a few seconds: "Let's start."

Team leader Park walked to the back of the chair and pressed the switch.

Suddenly, the metal ring tightened further, especially around the neck, almost making it difficult for him to breathe. Then, a stabbing pain came from the neck. It was as if countless needles were pushed in forcefully, trying to fill his entire throat.

He has no talent in pain tolerance, and he doesn't care about losing face, so he subconsciously wants to scream. As a result, as soon as he uttered a syllable, his mouth was covered. Looking up, it was Ying Sheng. The other party's eyes were secretive, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Fortunately, the pain is over quickly. After the "black needle" was inserted, the tense muscles relaxed. The metal ring was untied, and Du Yixin touched his neck, but found nothing.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Team leader Park handed over the monitor, "Please configure it well, and you must not leave your body."

Du Yixin took it. The equipment is small and light, and does not occupy much space. But when I think of its function, I feel a little conflicted: "It doesn't work to go to the toilet, or take a bath?"

"Please place it within a distance that we can monitor, with a radius of no more than 5 meters."

"..." Du Yixin said seriously, "If I have a nightlife, do you want to listen to it?"

"Isn't your wish to find a girlfriend?" Leader Park smiled, "I don't think you need to worry about it for a while."

"Cut." Du Yixin pursed his lips, set up the equipment as he said, and put the earphones into his ears.

[The listening wizard has started.]

An electronic child's voice came from the earphones, and men and women could not be distinguished.

[Hello, I am the monitoring elf, number 211, and I am here to solve your problems at any time.]

[Your geographic location will be shared to the terminal in real time, and you can take pictures at any time. Do not engage in violations that, if detected, will restrict your actions.]

[In case of danger, please call for help on the microphone that comes with the headset at any time.]

[If you have any questions, please feel free to consult. The monitoring wizard cannot solve the problem and will be transferred to manual service.]


Then, as if the phone was hung up, there was a "click", and there was no sound in the earphone. After everything was ready, Team Leader Park finally agreed to let the man go, and even sent him to the exit himself.

"Then, we'll get in touch later."

"Farewell, my fists itch when I see you."

Team leader Park's smile froze, but he finally held back the attack and sent him out. As soon as he turned his head, his expression changed, and he told Mo Yu, "Contact the field team, and focus on following and observing Du Yixin."

It was still Ying Sheng who sent Du Yixin back to school, and this time there were no extra problems on the way. Seeing the friendly and familiar signboard of the school gate again, Du Yixin felt as if he had been a lifetime away.

And Ying Sheng didn't say much all the way, with a bad expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you? Come out alive, why not be happy."

Ying Sheng buckled his helmet onto the car seat heavily: "Damn it, I was tricked by that guy with glasses." He turned his head and glanced, "Hey, take out your phone."

"Why?" He handed over the phone and introduced, "This year's latest model, the big phone in the smart phone, is 10,000 yuan less. Be careful."

In the end, let alone be careful, the other party didn't even look at it after receiving it, and fell directly to the ground, and stepped on it a few times as if it wasn't enough.

"Fuck, what are you doing!" Du Yixin rushed over. Picking up the phone, only to find that the screen was shattered to pieces, and it could no longer be turned on, so I couldn't help but choke.

"This thing," Ying Sheng pointed to the "monitoring elf", "if you use your mobile phone, it will automatically access and steal the information inside. If there is something you don't want to be seen, you should replace it with a new one."

Is it so high-tech? Du Yixin was dumbfounded, he still wanted to go back and text his brother, or borrow a classmate's cell phone. From this point of view, as long as he entered his mobile phone number, his brother's information would be exposed.

"It's so noisy." Ying Sheng said suddenly.

"I didn't say anything!"

"It's not about you." The man frowned, trying to take off the earphone with his hands, but he couldn't. In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at the other side, "Shut up!"

His voice made passers-by tremble three times, and they all looked sideways. Seeing such a fierce-looking man, he didn't dare to watch the excitement, so he hurriedly turned his head and ran away.

Du Yixin remembered that Ying Sheng's "monitoring spirit" was damaged in the game, and he replaced it with a new set after he came out. Shiratori may be cursing because of this guy's reminder.

I don't even care about my "big brother". It seems to be in a deadlock right now. To solve the predicament, you must contact your brother. And once contacted, the old brother's trace will be exposed again, allowing Shiratori's plot to succeed.

It seems that the only feasible way at present is to get in touch with my brother in the instance, just like Ying Sheng.


The chances of this seem less.

Du Yixin felt that his hair was about to go bald. He slapped his forehead: "Forget it, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, let's go get something to eat first."

The yelling on the other side finally stopped. Ying Sheng probably didn't hear this, and was about to put on his helmet again with a dark face, but was grabbed by Du Yixin.

"It's nearby, no need to ride a bike."


"Go eat." Du Yixin took it for granted.

"Are you kidding me? Why should I accompany you?"

"You suddenly appeared at noon today, and I didn't have a good meal. So much mess happened again, shouldn't you be responsible?"

"Varied… "

Before Ying Sheng refused, Du Yixin had already forced him to leave.

Ten minutes later, the two sat in the kebab restaurant.

Although it was almost evening, we hadn't arrived at the restaurant yet, so there were not many people in the kebab shop. Ying Sheng sat on the wooden bench, his long legs were a little stretched, and he watched the person opposite him order food with a blank expression.

"This, this, and this! Let's have 10 skewers each first." Du Yixin pointed from the beginning to the end, "Two more bottles of beer." After the waiter went down, Jian Yingsheng kept staring at himself: "Why, no Bring money? Don't worry, I'll treat you."

Suddenly, he frowned as if thinking of something: "But, don't fall in love with me just because of this. I really don't like men."

When Ying Sheng heard this, he almost slipped off the stool. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "You have a hole in your head."

"There is a lesson from the past." Du Yixin originally wanted to mention Aile, but remembering the unpleasant first meeting with Ying Sheng, he shook his head and said, "But, why did you cover my mouth and hurt me just now?" Panic."

Mentioning this matter, Ying Sheng's mood turned sour again: "The person who wears glasses is a pervert, and he likes to torture people the most. If you want to be in pain longer, it's up to you."

Du Yixin touched his neck, but did not speak.

Ying Sheng saw it, and suddenly asked: "... still hurts?"

"You should know better than me." Du Yixin smiled and took down his hand, "Does your pain hurt?"

"..." Ying Sheng looked away, thinking how could he ask such a disgusting question.

And when he turned his head, Du Yixin saw the black needle on the man's neck and the earrings reflecting the silver light again. Involuntarily reached out and touched it.

Ying Sheng looked shocked: "Fuck, what are you doing?"

"I want to touch it to see if I feel it."

"... What do you want to feel."

"It feels like the needle. Although it hurts when it is inserted, I can't even feel the position afterwards." Du Yixin lowered his head, of course he couldn't see his neck.

Ying Sheng: "..." Did he think too much? Why do you think this guy is a bit dangerous.