I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 33: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (1)


"Welcome." The man opposite folded his hands and rested his chin on the back of his hands.

Du Yixin sat on a chair, almost surrounded by darkness. Even the person sitting opposite can only vaguely see the outline.

"You are also a person with special abilities." The man smiled, "Then, the introduction is omitted. Let's get straight to the point—this game requires you to participate in a play."

"What drama?"

Although Du Yixin answered, his mind was not on this game. He is looking at the person in front of him.

This guy is not like an ordinary NPC, could it be that he is the master of this world? No, as long as you are not an idiot, or have absolute confidence in your own strength, it is impossible to appear in front of the player in such a big way.

"This is the script." The man snapped his fingers. In the next second, the content of the script flooded into my mind like a tide.

[You are an average anchor. In order to gain more popularity, I decided to go to the abandoned hospital that has been on the hot search recently. Before departure, you make an appointment with a few familiar anchors to go with you, find fellow villagers who are more familiar with the place, take a car together, and go to the mysterious abandoned hospital...]

Just a background introduction, no detailed character descriptions or lines.

Xu Shi saw his doubts, the man smiled and said: "We don't want to have too many restrictions on the actors. Compared with the established script, letting the actors play freely can create more sparks."

Maybe this is the setting of the game. Du Yixin didn't care much: "Let's start quickly, or should we wait for those 'peers'?"

"Don't worry, there is one more important thing before that." After finishing speaking, the man snapped his fingers again.

Suddenly, several black cards appeared in midair, floating up and down gently.

"Now we have to decide the 'protagonist' of this film. After all, it is filming, so there must be a main line. We will select one of the actors to play the 'protagonist', and the direction of the plot will change according to his choice. The 'supporting role' must obey the 'protagonist'." ' instructions."

"Wait, this is so unfair to the 'supporting character'. If the 'main character' tells him to die, he has to go too?"

"Don't worry. When and what choice the 'protagonist' can make is determined by our crew. So the situation you mentioned will not happen. It's just..." In the darkness, the man's smile Even more brilliant, "We can't avoid the accident of the death of the 'supporting role' due to the wrong choice of the 'protagonist'."

It really is this kind of game. Du Yixin was not surprised, and stretched out his hand to the card: "Then as long as you draw the protagonist, you will be basically invincible?"

"The protagonist can also die." The man suddenly said, "Except for the plot choice that can determine the general direction, everything else is the same as the supporting role. Of course, including the fact that if you are fatally injured, you will definitely die. No matter Whether the fatal injury was accidental or man-made."

"What if the main character dies?"

"Then, we will draw another protagonist among the survivors."

Du Yixin understood. In other words, although the "protagonist" enjoys far more power than the "supporting role" in the game, one must also be careful of the coveted "supporting role". In other words, even if you get the "Protagonist Card", you must not reveal your identity.

Several black cards floating in the air looked exactly the same, he didn't think much, and drew the middle one. I turned it over and saw that it was blank because of the dim light.

After he drew the black card, the other cards disappeared automatically. The man shook his head: "Unfortunately, it seems that your luck is not good enough."

It seems that this is just an ordinary supporting role card, so nothing is written.

"It's almost time. The other actors are already in place, let's go as well." The man leaned over the table and stretched out his hand to this side. Du Yixin wanted to back subconsciously, but his body seemed to be glued to the chair, unable to move.

"Please keep the script in mind, what is your purpose?" The man snapped his fingers next to Du Yixin's ear, "Then, please work hard and survive."

Accompanied by this crisp sound, Du Yixin became sober. The surrounding darkness faded away, and was dyed with thick colors of pen and ink. The sound of wind blowing glass and the roar of cars came from my ears.

He just realized that he was sitting on a bus. There are old plastic chairs under him, and there are not many ceiling rings left, and the few remaining ones are shaking with the body, crumbling.

There were a few people sitting scattered in the car, and the seats were scattered, and a black backpack of similar style was placed on the seat next to each person. There is also one next to Du Yixin, probably prepared by the crew for them. Open it and see that there is a flashlight and a small video camera stuffed inside.

He remembered what the man had said before. Keep the script, the purpose in mind. Since the props are so fully prepared, I am afraid that they will not just let them go to the hospital for an adventure, but just like acting, they will regard themselves as the anchor and shoot videos that can make money.

Turn on the camera, and the dilapidated car body is reflected in the screen. The road was muddy and the road was bumpy, causing the pictures taken to shake unceasingly. The power level is not displayed on the camera screen, and no settings can be made. There is only a progress bar at the bottom, and the number 0% is displayed on the far right. I don’t know what it means.

The screen moved, and Du Yixin moved the camera to the window. I don't know which deep mountain and old forest it is here, but there are no buildings, only the shadows of trees with teeth and claws. It was late at night, and visibility was low, except for the bushes that slid past.

There was nothing interesting to shoot, so Du Yixin turned around again, ready to take a picture of the situation behind. Suddenly the screen went black, and the person sitting behind directly covered the lens with his hand and snatched it away.

"Hey, you..." Before he had time to reprimand him, he saw the man clearly again. Tall and tall, with the iconic ferocious eyes and the prickly green hair, it was Ying Sheng.

The other party glanced at the video and threw the camera back again. Then, supporting the back of the chair with his hands, he turned over and sat up, pushing the original black bag to the ground.

Du Yixin looked around. Others were fiddling with cameras. No one was paying attention to them, so he lowered his volume and asked, "What's going on, you came to school?"

"Just finished the last mission." Ying Sheng frowned, "I received another notice that the next location is near your school." He was a little annoyed: "Why are those guys running all the way here?"

Du Yixin expressed the same feeling: "That's right, Shiratori is too inhuman. Let you complete the task without giving you a break."

"What?" Ying Sheng gave him a strange look, "The organization didn't ask me to come."

"Huh?" Then why did you come here.

The two stared at each other for a long time, and finally Du Yixin shyly said: "So you are worried about me..."

"Huh? Are you out of your mind? I'm afraid that you, a weak chicken, will burp all of a sudden and delay my business."

"I know, I know, calm down." Du Yixin didn't dare to tease Ying Sheng anymore, the commotion here attracted the attention of others. The actors sitting in the front row turned their heads one after another.

He made an apologetic gesture, signaling not to care. But when he met the eyes of one of them, he froze.

The girl came in too. The girl who spoke to him in the cafeteria just now is a staff member of Shiratori.

The girl was also slightly taken aback when she saw him, and got up, as if she wanted to come over. But when he saw Ying Sheng sitting next to him, he showed a look of fear, hesitated for a while, and then sat back down.

It seems that Ying Sheng is notorious in their company.

"Let's get back to business." Du Yixin briefly explained what happened when he first came in, and the cards he drew, "What about you?"

"Same. There was a chattering man right after he came in, and he wanted to kill him immediately."

Where is the same Hey!

Du Yixin's eyes widened: "You won't..."

Ying Sheng shook his head: "The master level here should not be low. You can't move in that room at all. You can only listen to that guy talking nonsense."

After listening to Ying Sheng's explanation of what happened in the room, Du Yixin fell into deep thought. Both I and Ying Sheng got supporting role cards, that is to say, the protagonist who dominates the plot is among the others. Besides them, there are five people on the bus now. Excluding the driver—this should be the fellow mentioned in the background introduction, there are four other players, two men and two women.

Xiao Rou, a staff member of White Bird. I don't know if I have special abilities, but I sit in the front row. Another petite girl sat behind her.

The two men looked very young. One has a handsome face and a thin figure. The other has conspicuous brown curly hair, looks cute, and looks like a girl, like a minor who has not yet developed secondary sexual characteristics.

Regardless of Xiao Rou, the others did not show panic about the current situation, it seems that this is not the first time they have entered such a place. It is likely that everyone has the key this time.

And the "protagonist" is among these people.

But no matter how much guessing it is now, it won't help. The person who gets the protagonist card will never blow himself up. He can only speculate based on the future plot direction. At least the few of them are grasshoppers on the same boat now, let's share the existing information first, and see how the mission will proceed later.

Bear the brunt, is to figure out the purpose of the camera.

Although he also wanted to discuss with Ying Sheng, but the other party seemed not interested at all. After all, according to Ying Sheng's customs clearance methods so far, he probably killed all the people in the car with a bat.

Having said that, it seems that I don't have it now.

Seeing that Ying Sheng was empty-handed and without a backpack, Du Yixin was about to ask. The driver suddenly slammed on the brakes, the bus came to a sudden stop, and everyone in the bus fell forward involuntarily.

Ying Sheng stepped on the back of the chair, grabbed the collar of the person next to him with his right hand, to avoid bumping into him like the others. Du Yixin only felt that his neck was being strangled by his collar, and he almost suffocated.

The thin man rubbed his forehead, got up and asked, "What's going on."

"The engine is turned off, the engine is turned off." The driver spoke in a strong local accent, which sounded a little difficult. He turned the key, tried to strike the ignition, but failed several times.

"How far is it from the hospital?" The others didn't care about the condition of the car, they just wanted to move forward with the task quickly.

"It's still half an hour's drive away." The driver glanced at a few people and got up, "I'll go down and check the condition of the car." Then he pressed the button to open the door.

The car door opened with a "snap". I don't know if it was because the car body was too old. Just the sound of opening the door made people feel the car body shaking.

The driver turned on the flashlight, walked out of the car door, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.