I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 36: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (4)


The test was interrupted due to a change in the plot, and Du Yixin was not surprised that the curly-haired man wanted to continue. However, there is one thing that needs to be confirmed: "If you find the 'protagonist', what will you do."

The curly-haired man sighed and shook his head: "You always ask such questions, so I mistake you for the 'protagonist'." He spread his hands, "What else can I do. After all, the direction of the plot is controlled by the 'protagonist', we have to confirm It is not a fool who got this status and pushed us into the fire pit."

Luo Jing nodded: "Yes, I just want to confirm this. At least I can discuss it with the 'protagonist'."

Liuli and Xiaorou nodded silently, expressing their agreement.

Ying Sheng sneered: "No one wants to kill the superior?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly froze. Maybe there are people who really maintain this kind of thinking, but how can they say it out loud. It's not a good thing to tear one's face apart until the moment of crisis.

"I don't think so." Luo Jing shook his head, "The protagonist is selected randomly."

"I've already killed one person, are you still afraid of killing the second one?" Ying Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Looking at your reactions, it's not the first time you've entered this kind of place. There is a faster way to end the game than clearing the level." method."

His usual approach—kill everyone who might be behind it.

There was a strange light in the curly-haired man's eyes, and his eyes were a little strange: "Why, you want to kill us?"

After the words fell, everyone looked at Ying Sheng and put on a vigilant posture. Ying Sheng half-closed his eyes, looking at the provocative guy. He just took half a step forward when he was pulled back. He turned his head and saw that it was Du Yixin.

"Tsk, got it." Ying Sheng looked impatient, but obediently retreated.

The light in the curly-haired man's eyes faded, his eyes shifted to Du Yixin, and he smiled: "Huh? So you not only know each other, but also have a good relationship? Does he listen to you?"

"Why are you gossiping like this." Du Yixin felt that the curled-haired man's eyes were a little strange. Although this person has always been strange, what should I say about the look in his eyes just now. Very hot, like a fanatic staring at something he loves. What is the other party looking forward to? Was it killed

Or, was killed by "Ying Sheng"

"I didn't mean to make everyone suspicious of each other. Sorry, let's get started."

The curly-haired man shrugged, but did not raise any doubts.

After that, each set a one-minute time to draw the card pattern on their hands.

What Du Yixin drew was a blank card. If the other supporting actors were like him, theoretically it wouldn't take so long. The rules were mentioned by the curly-haired man. I don't know what the purpose is to prevent the "protagonist" from seeing their actions? Or is it to mislead the "protagonist"

Six minutes passed quickly, and everyone was ready. Curly-haired man: "Then, let's all come together."

Everyone reached out.

"Eh!?" Xiao Rou covered her mouth in disbelief.

Among the six people, all palms were completely clean.

Although everyone was given a minute just now, everyone was actually putting on a show. No one drew the pattern at all.

"What's going on here." The curly-haired man withdrew his hand, "Are you guys playing with me?"

"You haven't drawn anything yourself." Du Yixin complained.

"That's because I got a blank card." The curly-haired man looked at him, "You are the only one who was ruled out as the protagonist, you should understand."

Du Yixin: "... That's right."

There are two possibilities. The protagonist card and the supporting role card are originally the same, this is the game to prevent someone from being forced to expose the identity of the "protagonist" in this way. And the so-called card drawing may be just a formality. The "protagonist" has long been appointed by the master of this world. According to Ying Sheng's original statement, since even he couldn't move freely in the original room, it means that the owner here is not low-level and enjoys great authority.

And another possibility. The "protagonist card" does have a special pattern, but the people who draw the "protagonist card" know that they will be exposed, so they just give up on themselves and don't draw it, instead they escaped by mistake.

This test didn't work out. Xiao Rou hesitated: "Then what should I do next, is there any other way?"

"As long as you keep 'choosing', the 'protagonist' will always be exposed. Because the 'protagonist' will definitely seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and avoid letting yourself do dangerous things." Du Yixin is not too regretful.

Curly-haired man: "As soon as you say that, he will know how to hide it."

"Dangering your life or revealing your identity, which do you think is more important?" Du Yixin shook his head, "And I think he didn't want to hide it at all, he just didn't want to take the initiative to expose it."

Otherwise, he would not agree to participate in the test just now. After all, before the results came out, the "protagonist" didn't know what suit the "supporting role card" was.

Although the matter of revealing the protagonist's identity was in vain, after all, the main purpose was to clear the game, and the mission had to continue.

Several people continued to walk along the fence, and the flashlight shone through the corners inch by inch, looking for the entrance carefully. Soon, behind a tall bush, a gap was found. It is estimated that the fence itself was somewhat damaged, and then it was hit, which caused this part of the railing to break, just enough for adults to crawl. It's just hidden and it's easy to miss.

Pushing aside the bushes, they climbed in one by one.

After entering, Du Yixin photographed the hospital building. There are no fences to block it, and the entire building is unobstructed. It's just that this doesn't seem to count as collecting elements, and the progress bar doesn't increase.

"Tick tock."

Suddenly, the tip of the nose felt cold, as if there were drops of water dripping down. Looking up at the sky, I don't know if it's because I've been outside for too long. I don't know when the sky is covered with dark clouds, and a heavy rain is about to hit. But after only a few seconds, the heavy rain poured down, menacingly.

Now I don't have time to explore the surroundings of the hospital, I just want to get inside quickly to avoid the rain. But when everyone managed to get around to the main entrance of the hospital, they found that the gate was locked, and they couldn't open it no matter how hard they bumped.

There is no trace of locking on the outside, so we can only guess that it was locked from the inside. But after so many years, even if it was because the gate was broken and stuck, it was not impossible.

They ran all the way just now, and they were all drenched. I didn't find a side door that I could get in on the road, so now I can only go around to the other side.

"Enough, stop wandering around." Ying Sheng suddenly left the team.

"Hey, where are you going?" Du Yixin called him, but he didn't get a response, so he had to follow. But he saw that the other party picked up a fist-sized stone in the grass, then turned around and threw the stone out in the posture of a baseball player.


The stone pierced through the cobweb-like rain, and the ball was so fast that it was like a small bomb. It scraped past a few people standing in front of the gate, and hit the glass window on the side. The window shattered and pieces fell to the floor.

"Haha." The curly-haired man was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "You dare to smash such a weird place, aren't you afraid of being cursed?"

"That's right, I hate this kind of pretense and trickery the most."

Although a large hole was broken in the window, there were still sharp shards of glass stuck to the corner. Ying Sheng didn't care, avoided the place where there were debris, turned over and jumped. But most of the others were not so skilled, so they carefully pushed aside the shards of glass before climbing in.

It is connected to the hospital toilet, and there is a musty smell. The walls and floors were black, as if they had been burned. The sink was missing half of it, and the mirror above it was covered with cracks, and red unknown objects remained.

An ominous breath.

It was raining heavily outside, and the sound of the rain was noisy. It was cool and damp inside, and the sound of goosebumps could almost be heard in the silence. A wall separated, like two worlds.

After Du Yixin took a picture of the toilet, finally the last person also came in.

"Let's go, let's start shooting." He put his hand on the door. At the same time, I silently read the word "archive" in my heart.

A new ability after the key level is upgraded to "Level 3". Save can be done at any time, but there is only one save slot. In other words, if you say this word silently later, the current save file will be overwritten. The risk is that if you save to the "dead file", no matter how many times you do it again, you will not be able to escape the fate of death.

Moreover, this ability is a semi-active skill, which can only be "loaded" after death. There are only three chances.

Du Yixin took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Hope to never use this skill.