I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 38: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (6)


[A.Du Yixin]

[B.Ying Sheng]


Exactly three consecutive options. It's as if the "protagonist" couldn't make up his mind in the end and had to pick three at random.

Luo Jie sighed helplessly, but Ying Sheng didn't respond unexpectedly. It is estimated that for him, whether he is selected or not is not a big deal.

To be honest, Du Yixin was not too surprised by this result, especially Ying Sheng. After all, based on this guy's personality, unless one of them becomes the "protagonist", they will want to get rid of this dangerous element immediately.

The only thing that surprised him was that the curly-haired man was not selected. Because this person's dangerous attribute does not seem to be lower than Ying Sheng's.

... Will An Wenhui be the protagonist

He cast a suspicious look. After the latter noticed it, he smiled back.

"Then, these three come to get the number." After the nurse wrote the number, she rolled out three registration papers, "There is only emergency room at night, please go down to the first floor."

Luo Jie No. 01, Du Yixin No. 02, Ying Sheng No. 03. In addition to the number, the registration paper also wrote the room number of the department. The negative floor, room 032.

"Please take the elevator directly to the basement floor, and don't walk around." The nurse stared at the crowd with a terrifying expression, "Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

This is the first time Du Yixin has heard that a hospital will use the basement as a consulting room. In the event of danger, at least the upper floors can be rescued by firefighters, and there is really nowhere to escape underground.

After registering, the plot on the nurse's side finally ended, and there were no more options. Everyone left the registration room and walked towards the elevator mentioned by the nurse. They wanted to finish this floor, but once they left the nurse's sight, the other party would remind them, so they had to go directly to the elevator.

There is a security door behind the stairway, and there is a stairwell to enter. On the left is the safe passage for pedestrians, but it is locked. There are two elevators on the right, and the upper screen lights up, showing the current floor number - "1F".

There is only a "down button" next to the elevator on the outside. There is no button in the elevator on the inside, only a sensor device, which seems to need to swipe the card. Maybe after they find more clues, they can open this elevator. But at least for now, I can only obediently sit next to this one.

After pressing the button, the elevator door opened with a "ding". There are iron plates pasted in all directions inside, and when you step into it, there will be a huge echo. There is not much space in the elevator, and it is a bit crowded for six people to enter together. There is only one floor button inside, "B1".

Seeing this, An Wenhui smiled: "It seems that this elevator can only go down, why don't you take the time to breathe more fresh air outside?"

Du Yixin took a deep breath: "The air here is not fresh, there is only a musty smell. There is also a nurse who doesn't know if it is a human or a ghost."

"Stop rambling, hurry down." Ying Sheng pressed the "B1" button.

The door gradually closed, blocking the outside view, and then started to move downward. Although the elevator was old and slow, it made a horrible "clanging sound" during the period, as if it would fall down in the next second. But at any rate, there was only one floor, and the destination was reached after a few seconds.

Standing in the elevator and looking out, there is a long and narrow corridor. The overhead lights flickered and went out, and the light was dim. There are many doors on the left and right of the corridor, and the door numbers of various departments are hung on the doors. The atmosphere is extremely closed and depressing.

Ying Sheng stepped out first, followed by Du Yixin. The people behind followed one by one, and Xiao Rou was the last one. The elevator door slowly closed behind him. She looked back anxiously, only to find that the elevator went up by itself.

how so? ! How can the elevator move by itself if no one presses it. Could it be that someone wants to come down now

Xiao Rou's scalp was numb from her conjecture, and she hurriedly followed the footsteps of the person in front.

"Liuli." She called to the girl closest to her, "The elevator is going up."

Liuli glanced back, but said nothing.

"Aren't you worried! Maybe something will come down!" Xiao Rou said anxiously.

On the contrary, Liuli gave her a strange look: "So, isn't this the place like that?"

"Yes, but..."

"Stop chatting, you two are about to fall behind." Du Yixin heard the conversation between the two and shone the flashlight behind him. It was found that the elevator went up to the first floor, but it didn't move anymore. This completely cut off their retreat. To go back to the upper floor, you can only use the elevator next to it that requires a magnetic card.

It was only then that Xiao Rou realized that she had distanced herself from the boys, she didn't dare to talk about the elevator anymore, so she followed quickly.

At the beginning, it was a straight corridor, with the doors on both sides closed, and you also need to swipe your card. Later, several forks were separated, and the door locks were replaced with mechanical locks. The underground is more complicated than imagined. If the house number is not posted, it is estimated that you will get lost soon. A few meters apart between departments, there is a row of plastic chairs, which seems to be a place for people to wait for rest.

But at this time, although the body is tired, no one wants to sit for a while. After a few minutes, we arrived at Room 032.

From the outside, the door looks the same as anywhere else. Old, mottled, with rust all over the handle, it looks like it hasn't been used in years. At this moment, the door of the room was closed tightly, and there was no light coming through.

no one? Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Du Yixin compared the numbers on the registration paper to confirm that they had gone right, but no one came out to greet them. Tried to push the door, but it was locked from the inside and could not be opened.

What's going on here, do I still have to find the key? Or is it that "seeing a doctor" is just a cover, and the purpose of the nurse is to lead them downstairs and trap them

"Then..." Du Yixin looked at the crowd, and was about to propose to search other rooms first, but found that he couldn't say anything.

[The choice of the protagonist is:]

[A. Knock on the door]

[B. Go to other places to explore first]

ah. He couldn't help but feel a little irritated, should the "protagonist" come to this place too. The "protagonist" is most likely to be among the three who didn't take the registration paper, so it doesn't make much sense for the "protagonist" to choose "knock on the door" or "explore".

Because TA has almost no risk.

Perhaps because I want to advance the plot as soon as possible, the option left is "knock on the door".

"Bang bang."

I don't know who did it, but there was a knock on the door for no reason. Then, there was light in the crack of the door, and the lock was unlocked with a "click". The wooden door swayed open with a "squeak" and the dazzling incandescent lights in the room made it almost impossible to keep one's eyes open.

Then, the door closed again. Another nurse came out from inside. Although the appearance was different, the curved corners of her mouth and cold eyes were exactly the same as the nurse on the first floor, to the point of creepiness.

"What's the matter?" the nurse asked coldly.

"The people in the registration room told us to come here." Du Yixin handed her the registration paper. However, the fingertips accidentally brushed across the opponent's bare arm, and they retracted immediately as if electrocuted.

The nurse's body is... hot. It is no longer body heat in the traditional sense, it is like a boiling boiler, which will scald a person's skin.

The other party took the registration paper and scanned the text on it. Then he looked up: "There are still patients."

The other two also handed over the registration paper. The nurse folded it carefully and put it in her pocket: "Three patients and three accompanying family members." She pushed open the door behind her backhand, "Patient 01 and accompanying family members, please come in."

The shut-off light flooded out again. After his eyes got used to it, Du Yixin realized that this department was much bigger than it looked from the outside. Further inside, a huge white curtain blocks the inner and outer spaces. Because of the light, it was spotlessly cleaner than anywhere else in the hospital.

Only, the smell is weird.

The outside is a simple musty smell, but the inside is filled with a faint iron smell and an indescribable nausea. There is no smell of disinfectant water that is common in ordinary hospitals at all.

Luo Jing was called and had to go in. Du Yixin was about to follow, but was stopped.

The nurse said stiffly: "Other patients and family members please wait outside. Family members of No. 01 please come in."

Du Yixin looked at the faces of the three "family members", probably not expecting that the "family members" would need to do such a thing, one of them obviously turned a little pale.

Of course it is Xiao Rou. Compared with the other two, her words and deeds are more exposed and undisguised. But it might be a bit too arbitrary to judge the identity based on this.

As a "family member", sooner or later it will be his turn to go in with the patient, it is only a matter of time. But what will happen in the department is still unknown, the danger of the first batch going in is definitely far greater than that of the latter.

The three "family members" didn't speak out for a long time. The nurse stared at them and repeated: "The family member of No. 01, please come in."

At this time, a person who should never have spoken has spoken.