I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 45: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (Thirteen)


"Calm down," Du Yixin hurriedly comforted, "Aren't I afraid of being discovered? I definitely didn't mean to bore you on purpose. Just now I was lying down in the wrong position, and I happened to be on top, so I have to wrong you. You, you calm down."

Get out! Ying Sheng's eyes seemed to be saying this.

"Let's go quickly, otherwise the next wave of patrols will come." Seeing that the reassurance was not in place, Du Yixin had to change the subject.

Ying Sheng held back anyway, and didn't explode on the spot.

If the lights weren't too dim right now, Du Yixin would definitely notice the suspicious redness of Ying Sheng's ear tips. Not because of anger, but another reason. Ying Sheng also absolutely didn't want to admit that the reason for his anger was not being suffocated at all.

It is true that if ordinary people dared to cover his head casually, he would have beaten people so much that they didn't know what their mother's last name was. That guy just dragged him in, and this was the first thought he had. But for some reason, when the opponent's palm touched his hair tip or his ear, he couldn't help but feel hot.

And what's even more hateful is the smell on that guy. It is different from the smell of blood that cannot be washed away no matter how much I wash it, but it is very clean and refreshing, like...

Ying Sheng couldn't think of a suitable adjective. But that didn't matter, he managed to be disgusted by his own thoughts. So when I saw Du Yixin coming, I gave him a push: "Don't get too close to me."

Du Yixin: "???"

Smooth access to the elevator. Du Yixin looked around and swiped the magnetic card after making sure no one was around. This time, the elevator came up from the second floor.

There are deeper floors than this.

The lower the number of floors, the more hidden things are hidden. I was still a little hesitant to take the elevator to which floor, but now the answer is very clear.


The elevator door opened slowly. The design inside is similar to the one next door, with metal plates pasted in all directions. There is a monitor on the top, which is currently in normal operation.

Oh yes, and this stuff.

Du Yixin didn't expect to stay undetected all the time, he just wanted to go to other floors, and now he could only use this elevator. And, looking back in time, it seems that he pronounced the name of the hospital. This is a turning point. Then think about it the other way around, can they return to the original time and space as long as they find enough clues

Therefore, now is not the time to pinch your hands, you can only move forward.

"What are you doing!"

Suddenly there was a light behind him, and it turned out to be a guard. Tall, with a baton attached to his waist. Seeing the elevator door opened wide, he was shocked: "How did you open it?" He drew out his baton, intending to attack the two of them, "Come here quickly."

This guy may have been on the rounds just now. Or is it one of them, the belt zipper is not fully buttoned, maybe just finished using the bathroom

Ying Sheng didn't give him time to babble, he flew over directly, dodged the viciously swung baton, hit the abdomen with a punch, and then hit the chin with an elbow, knocking him to the ground in one fell swoop.

"You, you..." The guard struggled on the ground, but his body seemed to be unable to control his balance.

"It's really short-sighted. You can just pass by quietly, but you have to come out to seek death." Ying Sheng drew out the scalpel, and slapped the opponent's cheek with the cold blade.

The guard's eyeballs moved with the tip of the knife, full of fear: "Don't, don't..."

Ying Sheng grabbed the opponent's head and slammed it on the ground, the man passed out.

"I thought you were going to kill him directly."

"There will be blood." Ying Sheng wrinkled his nose and got up.

"Indeed, that would be too easy to expose." Du Yixin suggested, "Move to another room first."

They opened the door to the archives. Because compared with the ward, the frequency of entering and leaving here is not so high. After dragging the man under his armpit and dragging him in, Du Yixin began to pick off his clothes.

Ying Sheng looked at it silently for a while: "...what are you doing?"

"Take off your clothes."

"Why are you taking off his clothes!" Ying Sheng was annoyed.

"I just thought that even if we destroy the monitor, we will still be noticed as abnormal. It's better to change into a suit that is easy to move. It just so happens that this guy is here." Du Yixin paused, looked at Ying Sheng, "But There is only one set, you wear it and I wear it?"


Ten minutes later, they attacked another patrolling guard and walked out in full gear. Only two big men who were stripped naked were left in the room. Then swipe away again to start the elevator.

"Let's go, go to the second floor." Du Yixin pressed the brim of his hat and pressed the "B2" button.

Arriving at the second floor, the elevator door just opened, and I felt a cold air. Compared with the long and narrow basement floor with dense rooms, the space here is much wider. Pick up the camera to shoot, on the white and cold walls, each door is far apart, enough to imagine the size of each room.

As the number of things in the mirror gradually increased, the progress bar rose slowly and finally stopped at 30%.

They made the right choice, and now they are getting closer to the truth. Du Yixin silently read the word "archive" to prevent future changes.

Push open the nearest door, and there are dozens of "beds" lined up inside. It might not be accurate to say that the bed is a long table made of stainless steel, and there are people lying on each table with their heads covered by white cloths. But the exposed skin was severely stained, and even the low temperature in the room did not slow down its deterioration.

This is the morgue.

There was a small cabinet on the wall directly opposite each bed. Du Yixin didn't know what it was, tried to open it, and the things inside popped out, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"I wipe!?"

There are also corpses inside, and the corpse is more serious. There is no white cloth on the body, and the terrifying appearance of human beings after death can be seen at a glance. Although the clothes were gathered on the body, the belly part was obviously sunken, and the original organs were gone.

Du Yixin frowned and returned the corpse, closing the cabinet door.

Mortuary on the right and incineration on the left? Although I know that this is just a virtual plot of the game, but it is too real to be a bit nauseating.

The progress bar continues to rise and is now at 40%.

Go through the morgue and into the next room, which is cooler. Rows of shelves are lined with bottles and jars of different sizes, filled with liquids and fresh organs. Each jar is also marked, identity age, anatomy date, and delivery time.

Progress bar: 50%.

After passing through, there is a downward staircase deep in the corridor. The decoration is obviously much simpler, and only simple cement is made. The ceiling is low and low, making it a little breathless.


At this time, the door next to it was slammed. Only then did Du Yixin realize that there was someone in the room. The man was wearing a hospital gown, his face was ashen, his mouth was wide open, revealing a row of yellow teeth. Face pressed against the window on the door: "Let me out, let me out!"

Did this guy take them as real guards

But if it keeps making trouble, it will be very troublesome to attract other people. Du Yixin had no choice but to pretend to be a guard, and waved his baton viciously: "Don't make noise!"

The man shut up, the whites of his eyes turned yellow, and he stared over blankly. That look was really ominous, Du Yixin was about to walk away, but he heard the man say: "I know, I know, you are the same as me." Huang Yanan became excited again, "You are not guards!"

How did this guy recognize him? He is perfect except for his face.

"How did you get down, tell me quickly? Did you get the key?"

Ying Sheng kicked the door impatiently: "Don't make noise!"

The yellow-toothed man was silent for a while, but then slowly grinned: "Hey, let's make a deal. You guys help me open the door."

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just a lunatic." Ying Sheng dragged Du Yixin to leave, and then he heard the man suddenly raise his voice, "If you don't open the door for me, I'll call the guards over."

What a hassle. Du Yixin was worried that he would really attract the guards, so he said, "It's not that we don't want to help, but we don't have the key."

"You can steal it." Huang Fangnan hurriedly said. He spat on his hand, and drew directly on the door and window, "There is a duty room here, haven't you seen it? It's right here, there must be a key inside."

That's where the elevator came in. They went directly into the morgue at that time, and they did not notice that there was a small door around it.

Du Yixin's camera was running all the time, and when the opponent's face was captured, the progress bar increased again. The current figure is 55%.

Perhaps, this guy has an inseparable connection with the hospital. Not just as a patient, but as the cause of the hospital fire. Why is there such a person locked up in such a deep underground, and he seems to be quite familiar with the layout of the hospital.

"Who are you and why are you locked up?"

"You want to know?" Huang Yanan looked at him fixedly, "Then let me out first, and I'll tell you later."

Du Yixin was about to answer, but suddenly couldn't move. The familiar option box appeared in front of my eyes.

[The choice of the protagonist is:]

[A. Promise to open the door]

[B. Refused to open the door]

What? Even though the "protagonist" is not around, she has to choose