I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 50: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (18)


The optic nerve is also corroded, and the world is plunged into darkness. This is not the first time I feel the weightlessness of the soul out of the body, but even after experiencing many deaths, I still can't get used to it.

Can't think, can't move. Floating in the void, if it weren't for the string of familiar words in his mind, maybe he would have fallen asleep like this.

[The host died, the passive skill has been triggered]

[Archive query...]

[The host has been archived]

[Skill: File reading. Back to the last save point, the remaining number of uses (recorded for each copy): 2 times]


Du Yixin opened his eyes.

Every resurrection is like a drowning person struggling to escape to shore, short of breath and profusely sweating.

The camera progress bar stops at 30%. He remembered that the last save was when he first entered the second basement floor, and the morgue was in front of him.

Ying Sheng opened the way ahead and was about to open the door. No injury yet, no disability. Standing there intact. It was obviously just a very common scene, but for some reason, Du Yixin felt a little sore.

Although he is grateful for his skills. But he really didn't want to see Ying Sheng like that again. Whether it is yourself or the other party, you shouldn't rely too much on this weird ability.

Perhaps the cowardice just now has not completely disappeared. Suddenly, he yelled: "Hello..." But as soon as the words came out, his voice was unexpectedly hoarse, and even he was startled.

Ying Sheng turned around: "What's wrong?"

"... Come here."

Ying Sheng frowned puzzledly, but still walked over: "What's the matter?" Then the other party pinched his shoulders, somewhat bewildered, "Huh?"

What's more inexplicable is still behind, the other party suddenly hugged him.

Ying Sheng: "!!?"

Du Yixin could feel that Ying Sheng's body was stiff, as if he was trying his best not to beat him, but it didn't matter. He just subconsciously felt that only through this kind of physical contact could the cowardice and anxiety in his heart be weakened.

"... If you don't let go, I'll beat someone up." Ying Sheng's voice rang in his ears, and he gritted his teeth.

All right.

Du Yixin had no choice but to let go, but unexpectedly found that the tip of the other's ear was reddening strangely. Curiously rubbing his fingertips, he was suddenly pushed away.

"You are courting death!"

"Oh." Du Yixin understood, "Are your ears sensitive?"

Ying Sheng stopped talking nonsense and grabbed Du Yixin by the collar, ready to punch him. In the end, the man looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and closed his eyes: "Come on, hit whatever you want."

It seems to be in line with the other party's wish to fight like this. Ying Sheng didn't hit him, and he didn't hit him, so he let go of his hand angrily: "You are really sick."

Of course Du Yixin understood that if he made such a sudden move, the other party would think he was a fool. But there is no way, the other party is obviously the kind of guy who doesn't take human life seriously, but he sacrificed his life to save him. Even if you like it...


Du Yixin was taken aback by this sudden word. Shouldn't the suspension bridge effect be too serious? dislike. Yes, it's brotherly love.

From now on, Ying Sheng will be his daring brother.

After trying to understand the strange feeling in his heart, Du Yixin no longer struggled.

Continue to move forward, pass through the morgue and the cold storage where many organs are stored, and the progress bar rises to 50% step by step. The familiar staircase appeared in front of him. Ying Sheng was about to move forward, but was pulled back.

"What's the matter?" The tone sounded a little impatient.

"Wait first." Once you go down, the plot will be triggered, and you will be discovered by the yellow-toothed man. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, he must first get the "protagonist position".

Although I'm sorry for Xiao Rou, but he doesn't know the situation in the real world now, and he can't change the fate there. Now, there is only waiting.

Wait for the "protagonist" to die.

"You've been weird since just now." Ying Sheng frowned, "You better give me a reasonable explanation."

Du Yixin was going to tell him about the supernatural ability, but just as he was about to speak, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.


In the darkness, the room and the man, who couldn't be more familiar, didn't even change their sitting posture: "Yeah, long time no see."

Du Yixin didn't want to hear his rambling anymore: "I know that the 'protagonist' is dead, so let's draw the card again."

The man seemed a little surprised, but he didn't say much, and summoned the card again. Du Yixin still chose the middle one.

He didn't know if this small change would cause a butterfly effect, but now all he had to do was pray.


The luck wasn't too bad, this time the "protagonist" was still drawn. Then, the field of vision changed, returning to the second basement floor.

Ying Sheng's reaction was still the same as last time, and his displeasure was beyond words. This time, however, it was less irritable because there were no annoying patients giving Hammergate concerts.

"Damn it, don't let me catch that guy. Be sure to make him look good."

Ying Sheng refers to the real behind-the-scenes mastermind of the game. Of course, Du Yixin kept the same idea.

Because of this little episode, Ying Sheng forgot to ask Du Yixin to explain, and continued to move forward. There is no rush for this matter, and it will not be too late to explain it in a safe place.

However, he did not forget to tell the other party: "Drawing the card just now, I have drawn the 'Protagonist'."

Ying Sheng glanced at him, but said nothing more: "Really. Then don't make some stupid choices."

"... Haha, I will try my best."

After a pause, Ying Sheng continued: "But it doesn't matter even if you choose the wrong one, just turn over everything."

Du Yixin was silent for a few seconds: "Then what if we can't win?"

"Huh? Who do you think I am?"

When the other party said such things before, Du Yixin would not doubt it. But now, he would never believe this arrogant idiot again. "If it's really difficult." Ying Sheng glanced at him with a half-smile, "I'll just throw you out as bait."

Du Yixin smiled.

Unexpectedly, it was this kind of reaction, Ying Sheng was a little annoyed: "What are you laughing at?"

"No. I hope, if you really encounter an enemy that you can't solve, just leave me behind." In this way, at least he can load the file and start over.

"What I want to do is my own business, don't order me!"


"Tsk." Ying Sheng inexplicably felt that he was underestimated.

The conversation didn't continue. The yellow-toothed man appeared, with the same lines as before, knocking on the door to let him out.

"We don't know where the key is."

The yellow-toothed man hastily spat on his hand, and drew directly on the door and window, "There is a duty room here, haven't you seen it? It's right here, there must be a key inside."

Although the key has already been pulled out before, in order to avoid too many changes in action, Du Yixin did not go to get the key first, but followed the last action track.

"Okay, hurry up and get it, and then open the door for me!" Huang Fangnan's face was almost pressed against the window, and he spoke quickly.

Then, the familiar option box appears before your eyes.

[The choice of the protagonist is:]

[A. Promise to open the door]

[B. Refused to open the door]

As a "protagonist", the state when time is stagnant is not very similar to being a "supporting role". Now, not only can he think freely, but his body can also move freely. Other than not being able to leave the standing position, there wasn't much inconvenience.

As a "supporting role", it is more like a state of suspended animation and vegetative state.

But all this is not important. There is nothing to hesitate about options. If you refuse to open the door, the other party will attract guards. They will reveal their whereabouts, be forcibly teleported back to modern times, and then meet the ultimate boss and die suddenly.

So, I can only agree.

[A. Promise to open the door]

After the selection is over, time passes again. The yellow-toothed man smiled, but he looked so wretched: "Great, I knew you were not such unreasonable people. Listen to me, this hospital is very bad. It tricks poor people like us into coming in, saying that it can treat you for free." , Free board and lodging, the result is that we are imprisoned, dissected and sold. You must not help the wrong person.”

"We want to take a look inside first."

"Okay." Although slightly dissatisfied, Huang Yanan reluctantly agreed, "Hurry up."

This time, due to Huang Yanan's cooperation, there was no noise from the patient. Some people woke up and just sat quietly in the cell and looked at them.

Finally, they come to an end.

"There are empty rooms here." Du Yixin has been shooting. After taking down the camera, the progress bar rose to 60%. After confirming that there were no missed clues, he said, "Let's go and steal the key."

Ying Sheng didn't have any objection to Du Yixin's choice, but was simply displeased with that threatening yellow-toothed man: "It's just right, it's easier to beat him up when he is released."

Du Yixin agreed. After all, that man was the culprit for the last death.

Passing through the morgue, the two quickly discovered the duty room near the entrance. It is located at the corner of the corridor, just out of sight from the elevator. The lights were on inside, and the door was ajar.

Peeking in through the gap, there were three or four guards sitting inside. One was lying on a chair and sleeping soundly, while the others were playing cards. More than a dozen monitoring screens are lined up one by one, and occasionally patrolling nurses or guards flash across the screen.

Those few guards who are not doing their jobs will only look up at this time. Seeing that there is nothing wrong, they continue to indulge in the game of cards.

Below the monitor screen is the console. Although it is not clear what each button does, there is one Du Yixin knows—the red button. The word "alert" is written in large letters below. I'm afraid a large number of guards will come after pressing it.

On the right wall are door keys and card cards.

Although three or four guards are nothing to fear, they should not be alarmed. In short, they have to be lured out of the guard room first.

Du Yixin came all the way just now, wrote down the positions of each monitor, and also got a general idea of the dead spots of monitoring. Now for an idea.

"Can these guards be handed over to you?"

Ying Sheng cast a glance: "Ten more are more than enough."

"Okay, then let's go in openly."

With that said, Du Yixin pushed open the door.