I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 51: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (19)


The guards in the duty room were startled, thinking it was an intruder. When he found out that it was his companion in uniform, he breathed a sigh of relief: "What, is it time for a shift change?"

However, the "guard" ignored them, walked to the console, took off his hat to cover the alarm button. Until then, the group of people realized something was wrong: "I haven't seen this face... who are you!"

Then they got up and threw out their batons to rush over. Before they could take a step, one of them fell silently. His companion's eyes widened in horror, and he turned, meeting the enemy's eyes.

The enemies here are also wearing uniforms, but they are completely unfamiliar faces. The other party raised the brim of his hat, revealing a pair of bloodthirsty eyes. Before the companion could cry out, his neck felt cold and he fell to the ground.

"How dare you!" The rest of the guards were shocked and frightened.

It's a pity that he didn't finish the second half of the sentence, and the silver blade flashed, and his throat was cut.

But this time it seemed that he was looking a little bit wrong. Although he couldn't make a sound, he wasn't dead yet. Blood gushed out from the cracks and mouths, and the guards collapsed to the ground and kept retreating, no longer thinking of resisting.

But Ying Sheng has never been merciful, let alone leaving future troubles, once again with his hands up and down. This time, although the enemy's life was completely solved, the blade was also broken.

He frowned. This kind of knife is useless.

There was only one guard left in the duty room, and the sleeping guy hadn't been woken up yet. If this guy wakes up, it will be very troublesome to find this pile of corpses. So Ying Sheng stepped forward and grabbed the man's head.

This time, the man was finally woken up. He opened his eyes sleepily, but he still hadn't figured out the situation: "... huh?"

"Good morning." Ying Sheng smiled at him, "And then, goodbye forever."


He snapped his neck extremely crisply.

On the other side, Du Yixin also got the key. Since I don't know which one of so many keys is the right one, I simply keep them all in the bag.

"Let's go." Du Yixin walked past the corpse without looking sideways, and walked out the door.

Ying Sheng followed behind him, and suddenly said, "You seem to be very used to it?"


"Kill someone." Ying Sheng raised the corners of his lips, mocking slightly, "You refused to kill that little girl last time."

Du Yixin thought for a while, and guessed that the other party was talking about a copy of "Fairy Tale Paradise". But these are two different things. These guards are NPCs, but the girl is a real player. What's more, based on the situation at the time, it was still impossible to fully judge that the little girl was the one holding the key.

Of course, the last time, due to his misjudgment, he died. But on the other hand, if it was indeed an accidental injury, he will definitely have a disturbed conscience for the rest of his life.

He didn't want to be assimilated by this game and become a callous killer. I also don't want to put myself and my companions in danger because of blind kindness.

Therefore, in this kind of game, the most important thing is judgment. His experience is far from enough.

"Of course I also judge the situation. Even if those guards are real people, they are not good products."

It is estimated that the hospital gave them a lot of oil and water.

Before returning to the cell, Huang Yanan's eyes lit up a little when he saw the figures of the two: "Help me open the door!"

After Du Yixin tried a few key cards, the door opened with a "click". The opponent rushed out of the door and grabbed the ground with his head: "Great, I finally came out of this ghost place!"

"You are so loud, you are not afraid of attracting the guards." Although those in the duty room were all killed, it is not ruled out that this hospital has an unknown monitoring method.

"Oh, oh! That's right." Huang Fangnan immediately became cautious, looked around, "Okay, no one is coming." Then he turned and walked up the stairs.

Du Yixin followed: "Where are you going?"

"Where else can I go? Of course I have to escape, or I'll wait to be dissected." The yellow-toothed man said angrily, "Don't follow me, too many people will be exposed."


Du Yixin thought he released an important person, but it turned out to be an ordinary patient who wanted to escape. The plot didn't progress at all.

Ying Sheng also thought it was a waste of effort, grabbed the yellow-toothed man, and said viciously: "You'd better tell me something useful, or you'll die."

The yellow-toothed man panicked. He was locked in the cell just now, but he could still lead the guards over. But if I want to attract it now, I will also suffer, tremblingly said: "You, even if you say that, I also..." I don't know anything.

Before he could say the second half of the sentence, he was punched so hard that half of his teeth fell out.

"You, you!" The yellow-toothed man collapsed to the ground, daring to speak out in anger.

"Damn it, it's a waste of time." Ying Sheng was still puzzled, and gouged out the soft-legged shrimp. The other party immediately fell silent, not even daring to howl.

"..." Du Yixin thought of something, stopped in his tracks, "No, not entirely."

Maybe the guy was there just to instruct them to get the key. Now they can release more patients and cause riots.

"Go back and let everyone out." Du Yixin turned and went downstairs without further delay.

With the sound of doors opening one after another, patients in hospital gowns came out one by one. Perhaps because of being imprisoned for a long time, his expression was a little dull. But soon, after they realized that they were free, their eyes began to flash a strange light.

Then, one by one, they walked forward and climbed the stairs.

Du Yixin watched them enter the cold storage where the organs were stored. After a short period of silence, there was a crackling sound from inside.

Du Yixin and Ying Sheng exchanged glances and followed. However, the patient was seen wantonly destroying the containers containing the organs, and the liquid spread all over the place. Some people entered the duty room and found the elevator card.

After starting the elevator, more patients poured into the elevator and went up to other floors.

After a while, harsh sirens rang through the entire hospital, and the lights were brightly lit. The icy building was finally awakened. Even through a thick floor, the messy footsteps and screams upstairs can be heard.

"Crazy, why are these lunatics released! Quickly notify the dean!"

"Ah! Stop them, they're pouring gasoline!"

"Run away, go to the safe exit!"

"No, the door is locked. Key, go find the key!"

Thick smoke overflowed from the elevator shaft and spread to the second basement floor. The elevator has stopped working because of the alarm, and there are still many patients left underground, but they seem to be unaware, and they are still mechanically destroying the utensils. Someone even started the incinerator to burn the already dead body.

The fire was raging, and from the outside, the sky was reflected like day.

Ying Sheng grabbed Du Yixin and leaned down: "This way!"

The elevator couldn't get out, so the two had to explore the depths of the cell.

However, the progress of the plot is somewhat different from what Du Yixin imagined. He thought that if he released the patient and caused a riot, he would be able to return to the real world. If this continues, they won't be burned to death together.

Or should they take advantage of the chaos and leave in the elevator with the patient in the first place