I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 53: Abandoned Hospital and Choice Game (21)


After seeing who was coming, both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you." An Wenhui smiled and rolled his eyes, "Long time no see."

It was Du Yixin and Ying Sheng who came in. Du Yixin was also taken aback when he saw someone inside: "Are you still alive?" This refers to An Wenhui.

Liuli: "Yes, what a pity."

"Wow, I will be sad too." An Wenhui pretended to wipe away tears, "Ying Sheng, you are the only one who didn't mention me. Are you my companion?"

The latter is more concise: "Get lost."

However, An Wenhui actually didn't care about the attitudes of the people around him. He quickly pulled himself together, and said in a tone as if nothing had happened: "Anyway, let's exchange information first."

Although he didn't want to see this person, Du Yixin had exactly that intention.

After some conversation, he understood something. Reality is connected to the past, but only when the "players" do it themselves.

For example, after going back to the past, even if someone uses the elevator leading to the second basement floor, as long as the elevator is not opened by the "player", the reality will not respond. Conversely, just because they activated the elevator in the past, several people in reality were able to go down.

The same is true for the meatball monster that Liuli and the others met. Monsters are assembled from organs, because they sparked a fire in the past that allowed it to be destroyed. Therefore, in the timeline before the file was loaded, maybe both Liuli and An Wenhui were killed by the meatball monster.

The monster that devoured humans and became stronger, left the room, and then met the two people who returned to reality.

"Started a fire? How did you escape after that?"

"I almost thought I would be burned to death." Du Yixin shook his head, "I went deep into the cell to delay the time, but I came back soon."

"Even though the fire started, didn't the teleportation come back immediately?" An Wenhui rubbed his chin, thinking, "It looks like we have to wait for a key person to die."

"Key person? Have you found anything here?"

"Thanks to you, we have been in a state of lying and winning. But it is not without gains." An Wenhui waved the note in his hand, "Let's take a look at this."

The note was signed about a year ago. Its owner is not a hospital, but an outsider who sneaked in to investigate a year ago, just like Du Yixin and the others.

[I heard a ghost story recently. It is said that there is a place called Liujia Village in County H. The village is backed by a private hospital. The hospital often helps the poor and has a good reputation. But after the hospital was abandoned due to an accident, all the villagers of Liujia Village disappeared. The old man who told me this story said that it was haunted by ghosts, and strangers were not allowed to approach it. Some daring boys went to try their courage, but none of them came back.]

[It was just a boring story, but it led me to find the newspaper. This hospital really exists. Attached:]

However, the place where the newspaper clipping should have been pasted was blank. Judging by the size, it seems to be the one left in the archives before. It seems that the owner of this notebook has also entered the archives.

[It's fun when ghost stories are connected to reality. Liujia Village is so close to the hospital, it is normal for the villagers to move out after the hospital caught fire, but my intuition tells me that this matter may not be that simple. I searched for other information about this hospital, but apart from the news about the fire, I found nothing. This is really strange. Wasn't there any information left in such a big hospital back then?]

[I came to County H specifically, but the village is still far away from County H, and I couldn't find it on the map. I had no choice but to go to the locals, but when they heard that I wanted to go there, they avoided it very much. Later, after giving a lot of money, I found a local who was willing to help lead the way.]

[The man only took me to the last part of the driveway, and then had to rely on his own legs.]

[Liujia Village looks gloomy, with many tombstones placed. Well, the number of people is a bit wrong, it seems too much, and there is no name, it is very simple.]

[The hospital door couldn't be opened, so I had to climb in through the open second-floor window. Ha, almost fell off.]

[Finally entered the hospital. I went in and took a look at the opened rooms, and it was a little strange. Obviously experienced a fire, it is too complete to preserve.]

[There are still people in the hospital! ?]

[It seems that I read it wrong... Anyway, I found an interesting thing in the dean's office.]

The previous content is nothing special, and it is only here that there is more new information. This person entered from the second floor, so he explored the upper floors first. But Du Yixin and the others met the nurse as soon as they came in, and abruptly reversed the direction of the plot, so they missed a lot of places.

Notes The master found several contracts in the dean's office. In addition to the contract for the sale of organs, there is also an employment contract.

Party A: Liujiacunkou Hospital

Party B: All villagers in Liujia Village

The content of the entire contract can be summed up in one sentence. Party A provides money to Party B, and Party B is responsible for disposing of the ashes after incineration.

In other words, the people of Liujia Village are the so-called gravekeepers. Perhaps because of the generous rewards, the people in this village knew that there was a ghost in the hospital, but they tacitly ignored it, and even took the initiative to introduce patients there.

When I passed Liujia Village before, the village was deserted, and I am afraid it was also affected by the fire. But whose tomb is that

If they were from Liujia Village, would there be any survivors who built their family's cemetery in such an ominous place? And according to the notes, the number of people is not right.

Perhaps, that is not the tomb of the Liu family villager, but the ashes of a patient? That's why there is no name, and only stones are erected, so it is so simple.

Keep going through your notes. In addition to finding the contract, the owner of the note also found a skeleton. The skeleton was locked in the closet. The man thought there was some valuable clue in it, so he tried his best to open it, but he didn't expect it to be this thing.

Through the contents of these contracts, the owner of the note also made a general judgment and wrote his own conjecture.

[The patient looked for the culprit everywhere, and the dean had nowhere to hide, so he had to hide in the closet. After being discovered, the group of patients who were driven crazy did not kill themselves, but locked the closet, and finally set fire to let everyone be buried with them. Thinking about it makes me shudder.]

Afterwards, the owner of the note discovered the underground room. The content of the subsequent exploration is similar to theirs, but this person has not encountered the group of mutated monsters.

Du Yixin flipped through quickly, wanting to see if there were any new clues. As the time went on, the content of the record became shorter and sloppy, as if the owner of the note had encountered some danger.

Finally, stop in one sentence.

[Damn it, you should have taken that skull back then, just destroy it, these monsters!]

The strength is so great that it cuts through the paper. And followed by only a small line of words—

[I can't get out.]

The text is broken here, and the owner of this notebook is probably in danger.

Although some of the content inside was repeated with the information they investigated, there were still new hints.

First of all, the villagers of the Liu family are by no means innocent.

When they passed by the village and saw the cemetery, they took it for granted that it belonged to the villagers, but it was not the case. More likely, those innocent patients who were burned to death after their organs were sold.

Second, on the next progress. This note points the way.

Go back to the upper level of the hospital, find the dean's skeleton, and destroy it. Perhaps the curse of this abandoned hospital can be broken.

Du Yixin put down his notes and looked around at the crowd: "Let's go, it's the end."

Leave the cell, go through the cold storage and the morgue, and go back to the elevator. Use the elevator card to start the elevator and go directly to the highest floor—the floor where the dean's office is located.

The elevator's ascent speed was not considered fast, and it carried everyone up slowly. This time is not long, but it is heart-wrenchingly slow.

Perhaps, the car will suddenly get stuck, trapping everyone in it. Or maybe monsters invade and treat them like food in a can.

Fortunately, all this is just unfounded worry. The numbers on the screen jumped, and finally reached the fifth floor safely.

With a sound of "ding dong", the door opened to both sides.

A deep and dark corridor came into view, and the floor creaked when stepped on. Due to decay and aging, several places even break, so you must take a detour carefully. On the left side of the corridor are windows, the glass windows are closed at the moment.

The heavy rain outside did not know when it stopped, and only a few water marks were left on the window.

The few people had clear goals and did not delay in other rooms. According to the location indicated in the notes just now, I went to find the dean's office.

Open the door and enter, the two sofas in front lie opposite each other, and there is a coffee table in the middle, probably for entertaining guests. Behind is the dean's desk, with several documents scattered. Picking it up, it turned out to be the employment contract mentioned in the note.

"Then, the closet is..." An Wenhui turned his gaze, and caught a side door sharply.

Inside is a small bay, a wardrobe, and a small bed, which should be a place for lunch breaks. The closet was originally locked and showed signs of being smashed open. Opening the door of the cupboard, a skeleton came into view. It's just that part of the body has been broken and scattered on the ground, only the head is still intact.

"It's pretty much broken, how about destroying the head?" An Wenhui thought about it.

"Look." Du Yixin held up the camera all the way to shoot. And at the moment when the white skull was reflected in the camera, the progress bar was greatly improved. The bottom of the lens, which was originally empty, has been covered by almost full white strips.

Current progress: 99%

"It has risen so much all at once," An Wenhui smiled, "It seems to be a key prop."

There is still 1% left, and the shooting content can be completed.

"Destroying the skull will end the game? What's the difference with 1% left?" Du Yixin frowned.

As far as this hospital is concerned, all unsolved mysteries have been solved.

What's left, the reason for this hospital's mutation

No matter how you think about it, it was because of a fire that burned everyone to death, which caused a lot of resentment and couldn't ascend to heaven.

But so far, they have only met the staff of the hospital. What about the patients

"Why think so much, get the skull first."

"That's right." Maybe after the skull is destroyed, new clues will appear.

But just as Du Yixin was about to reach out, an option appeared in front of him, preventing him from moving.

[The choice of the protagonist is:]

[A. Take away the bones]

[B. Leave the skeleton]

Strange question, does this still need to be selected? That's what they came here for.

He was about to choose A without hesitation, but suddenly stopped.

In this game, there will never be meaningless options for no reason. Each choice will affect the subsequent development of the plot. Since this bone is the lifeblood of this hospital, it won't be easy for him to take it away. Perhaps, after a choice is made, something horrific will happen.

However, at this time, one cannot miss the only clue because of being overly cautious.

Come on, make a choice.

The options left are:

[A. Take away the bones]

Time resumes passing.

In the next second, the door of the lounge suddenly closed by itself.

There was obviously no wind, and no one approached. Everyone looked at each other, and Du Yixin felt bad: "I'll go and have a look." He approached the door and put his hand on the doorknob. The handle is rusty, and when it is turned, it does not move. It was as if a strange force covered it, tightly fitting the door and the wall together.

He looked back at his companions, before he could speak, he was suddenly pulled back by Ying Sheng.

Where I was standing just now, a bony arm emerged from the facade! As if burned by fire, his skin was scorched black, and his five fingers were slender. From time to time, flakes of skin fall off.

If it had been just one second at night, this thing would have pierced his heart directly.

Looking around, the rest of the room also changed.

Bloody mud was visible to the naked eye, and the ceiling, windows, and furniture gradually lost their original appearance. Pools of flesh and blood rushed out until the narrow space was about to be filled.

Staying any longer is definitely a word of "death". Since the vision was caused by choosing to take away the skull, it must be the hospital's intention to stop them.

The key is to destroy the skull!

The skull lay in the closet, about to be sucked into the flesh. Once lost, there is really nothing to do.

"Be careful!"

With quick eyesight and quick hands, An Wenhui grabbed the skull and forcibly pulled it out, bringing out bloody threads.

Before Du Yixin had time to say the words "well done", he suddenly opened his mouth wide and wrapped the person in as if the meat paste on the cabinet door behind him had come to life.

Everything happened so fast that he didn't have time to remind him. In the blink of an eye, the other party's curly hair, delicate eyebrows, and tall body were all wrapped in the bloody and disgusting thing, and they were pulled into the wall. Only the pale arm was still holding the bloody skull.

Du Yixin grabbed the opponent's arm, trying to pull him out.

But the flesh and blood wrapped An Wenhui tightly, if it weren't for the outstretched arm, it would almost make people think that there was no one inside.

Suddenly, he felt his hand loosen, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground. Looking at his hand, he realized that he had pulled the "person" out.

Only hands.

That half of the arm was dripping with blood, and the bones and fibrous tissue at the end seemed to have melted. The skull fell to the ground because no one was holding it.

Du Yixin froze in place.

"Why are you in a daze!"

This time it was Ying Sheng who went to pick up the fallen skull, and as soon as he got it, the blood and mud on the ground splashed out again, trying to drag people in. Ying Sheng was mentally prepared, jumped away in time, and fell aside.

Du Yixin forced himself to regain consciousness, now is not the time to be in a daze.

The stump fell to the ground, and after a while, the flesh and blood boiled again, engulfing the only remaining body.

At this time, he was ripped off by Liuli. Looking over, I saw the other party pointing at the door.

"The door is open."

Probably opened after getting the skull.

However, the long hands like chicken feet were still growing on the door, and dozens of them were even bred in just a few minutes. It seems to feel the breath that is close at hand, with five fingers forming claws, extending outward, trying to catch the prey.

Although you can go out now, you must first deal with these disgusting things.

"I..." Liuli was about to say something, but someone passed her by.

Ying Sheng didn't pay attention to the arms growing on the door at all, grabbed the skull and smashed it up, breaking those long arms. And the door was far from being as strong as it seemed, and it fell backwards.

"Let's go." Ying Sheng stepped out the door first.

Du Yixin looked at Liuli: "What did you want to say just now?"

"... No." The girl shook her head.

When I came to the corridor through the dean's office, I found that not only the small room just now, but also the whole hospital had undergone a change. Dark, bloody, fetid, sticky. They seem to have entered the esophagus of a monster, and if they wait a little longer, they will be digested together.

Du Yixin hurried on the road and said, "The skull must be destroyed, otherwise it won't stop."

"No, there is something wrong with this thing." Ying Sheng threw the skull over.

Du Yixin caught it and inspected it carefully, only to find that after the violent impact just now, there was no crack at all. Although I heard that the human skull is very hard, but this thing should be brittle after being weathered for so long.

Since it was mentioned in the notes to "destroy the skull", it must be a breakthrough. But the normal way can’t be done, what should I do

Du Yixin sorted out clues in his mind.

… This is the body of the dean.

The whole hospital is trying to stop them from taking it.

Liujia Village, ten minutes away, is buried with patients who died in vain.


He suddenly thought of something.

Could it be that they want them to take the skull of the culprit to Liujia Village

Although it is just a guess, there is no way to stay here anyway. Since they are on the way, the next destination is Liujia Village. The first priority is to escape from the hospital.

Naturally, the elevator could no longer be used at this moment, and the three of them headed to the stairs.

The ground is covered with thick meat paste, and every step is a deep footprint. Aggressive long hands are everywhere, stretching out from all directions, blocking everyone from moving forward.

Ying Sheng was so annoyed that he grabbed another scorched hand that was attacking with his backhand, and pulled it hard!

Behind this slender arm is not a person, but a beating heart. It fell to the ground, wriggling like a clumsy worm.

Then, it was trampled to pieces.

And compared to these annoying arms with low attack power, what is more dangerous is the ubiquitous blood mud. They quietly attach to the ground, corners, and in all directions, seemingly harmless to humans and animals.

But if you think about An Wenhui's tragic situation, you will know that once trapped by that inhuman attack, there is no way to recover. It was swallowed up in an instant, and there was not even half a hair left.

There was no danger along the way, and finally reached the second floor, and the exit was getting closer and closer. The three of them had to stop.

The group of nurses with distorted postures and broken limbs and necks appeared. They move slowly and walk strangely, but ironically maintain their human form. One next to the other, they are going up the stairs.

But now there is only one way to go down. Either lure the nurse away, or confront her head-on.

Stumbled by arms all the way, and now there is a group of unbeatable Xiaoqiang, Ying Sheng's patience is almost exhausted.

"Tsk, these bugs!"

"It's for us." Du Yixin stared at the group of monsters. Now even if you want to hide, there is nowhere to escape, "Let's go, rush over."

Ying Sheng: "I'll open the way. Stay here and don't get in the way."

"I can be together."

"Don't be stupid, do you want to be bombed to death?" Ying Sheng didn't take this proposal at all.

"It's fine if you stay away, I will pay attention to propriety."

For a long time, because of Ying Sheng's strength, Du Yixin thought that even if he participated in the battle, he would only be delayed, so if he was told to go first, he would go first.

But after experiencing the previous group destruction, he already understood that he couldn't go on blindly like this.

Indeed, Ying Sheng is strong, but not invincible. What's more, this game is full of dangers, and the slightest negligence will result in death.

Therefore, even if the other party is unwilling, he has to be tough this time and fight together.

"You..." Ying Sheng was about to say something, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the nurse was getting closer, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he rushed over by himself.

Wow this guy really does his own way.

But Du Yixin didn't intend to compromise: "Liuli, follow me later."

Accompanied by deafening bangs, the nurses within a radius of a few meters with Ying Sheng as the center fell down. Or the head and body are separated, or only severed limbs remain. Like a beetle being toyed with at will, still shaking its mutilated body, delusional to stand up again.

Rivers of black liquid blood flowed between the stumped limbs and broken arms, soaking the corpses of the monsters. Gradually, those corpses showed signs of restoration.

Compared with powerful monsters, what is more troublesome is the unkillable Xiaoqiang.

Ying Sheng crushed his head with one foot, and then punched another monster that was not seriously injured. At the same time, those dark arms are still arching outwards persistently.

Tsk, trouble.

"That's enough, right." At this moment, a familiar male voice sounded from behind. The man also stepped on the long arm that was about to rise from the ground.

After seeing the man's face clearly, Ying Sheng's expression changed: "You—"

"Watch out behind!"

Because he was distracted for a while, he didn't pay attention to the approaching attack in time. Feeling the rustling sound close to the back of his head, Ying Sheng raised his hand and hammered back without looking back, crushing the enemy's jawbone.

"You don't need to remind!" He was a little annoyed, "Who told you to come here."

"My foot." Du Yixin pulled Ying Sheng, "I said it's fine, let's go."

Liuli was vigilant about her surroundings: "Blood has a recovery effect, so it must be done as soon as possible."

"I fucking know!" Feeling that he was underestimated, Ying Sheng shook off his hand and walked forward.

This character is really awkward.

Du Yixin sighed and followed.

Finally reached the first floor, directly opposite is the gate. Although it was locked when they came in, they advanced so many plots and got the skull, so there should be changes. If it doesn't work, I can only escape from the window again.

The duty room I saw before was empty, with no lights and no nurses. Like the rest of the hospital, it was covered in blood everywhere.

When Du Yixin passed by, he only took a quick glance and didn't pay any more attention.

But just as he was about to approach the gate, an accident happened.

As if sensing that the prey was about to flee, the environment in the hospital changed more drastically. Under the layers of flesh, one can almost see the flowing blood vessels and the outline of a human figure. The outline gradually emerged, ready to emerge.

Then! A bloody monster with only subcutaneous tissue left was born. They are like newborn chicks, screaming and breaking through the eggshell, rushing towards the first bite of food.

And this food is naturally those three living and delicious human flesh!

The handle of the hospital gate was wrapped in heavy chains. Although it was not locked, it could not be untied for a short time. But when I looked at the toilet when I came in, I found that the entrance had been covered by a fleshy wall, and I couldn't see where the door was at all.

Now, only the gate has not been completely polluted, maintaining its original appearance. But it's only a matter of time.

"Give me some time!" Du Yixin rushed to the gate, "One minute! No, thirty seconds is enough, it can be unlocked!"

He handed the skull to Liuli and pulled the chain. The chain collided and made a cold "squeak" sound. The chains are intertwined and tied into a dead knot.

The monster was close at hand, and he felt a little anxious. Twitching a few times has no effect at all. The wind brushed against the cheek, but it was Ying Sheng who punched the approaching monster away.

... Take it easy.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to be still. It's okay if you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. It's good luck not to have a padlock, something that a three-year-old can unlock, so what's the problem

Du Yixin focused. Soon, the chain was dismantled bit by bit, and finally all fell to the ground.

He and Liuli pushed each other to the left and right. The door opened, and they were outside once more at last.

At this moment, the sky is slightly white. The night is past and the dawn is coming. Since it had just rained, the air was filled with humidity, which was very different from the smell of blood in the hospital.

"Okay!" He turned around and called someone out.

The opponent was still wrestling with the monster, took a quick look, and turned to come. But at this moment, visions arose. The blood and mud on the ground splashed out, forming a whirlpool, trying to pull people in.

Ying Sheng jumped away to avoid the same tragic fate as An Wenhui. But this jump forced him a little further inside. At this moment, they seem to know how to think, no longer arrest people mechanically, but learn to drive people to death through cooperation.

Du Yixin wanted to rush back to help, but he didn't go in, but Liuli blocked him.

"Give him up."

The other party's tone was too natural, as if he was sure that Ying Sheng was hopeless.

Du Yixin was stunned for a moment, unable to digest Liuli's approach. But he didn't want to waste time, so he stepped directly to the side, but the other party blocked him again: "You are just throwing yourself into a trap when you go in."

"Just now he helped us block monsters, you want to leave him now?" Du Yixin pushed Liuli away, "Get out of the way!"

However, although Ying Sheng was put in a position, he was not yet in a desperate situation. After a few rounds, he has escaped from the double-sided attack of monsters and blood mud, but once he escapes, his flaws will be exposed, and he will not be able to approach the gate for a long time.

Liuli stepped aside, her eyes flickering.


Du Yixin bumped into something.

There is obviously nothing in front of him, and it is only a step away from the inside of the hospital, but it seems like a transparent wall has been erected, making it impossible for people to move.

"What the hell is this!" He knocked on the air as if he were knocking on a solid concrete wall.

The opened hospital door was closing due to inertia. Seeing Ying Sheng's figure disappear behind the door little by little, Du Yixin's eyes widened: "No, wait!"

However, the gate was relentlessly closed.

Everything bloody and ominous was blocked inside the door. From the outside, the hospital seemed to be sleeping, without a trace of popularity. And who would have thought that there would be earth-shaking mutations inside.

"..." He couldn't believe it, and turned down along the invisible wall, but a female voice sounded in his ear, with a light tone.

"Absolute barrier. No matter what attack you receive, it will never be destroyed."

It's glass.

Good job she did.

"What the hell are you going to do!"

Du Yixin couldn't understand at all. Since there is such a powerful ability, why not use it earlier, and why waste it in this kind of place, just to prevent him from entering

What is the purpose of what she did.

"I've been watching you along the way." Liuli answered irrelevantly, "But since you've successfully passed the level, I'll reluctantly admit you."

What the hell? admit him

And this attitude, as if she is behind everything

"... This is your world." Du Yixin's eyes flashed fiercely, with killing intent in his heart. Simply killing the owner of the key breaks the game. Maybe there is still time to rescue Ying Sheng.

But he only took one step forward and stopped again.

No, Ying Sheng's life and death are uncertain now, so he can't act so rashly. Had to read the file again to make sure the guy was safe.

However, the girl shook her head: "No, the owner of the room is someone else."

"Of course you won't admit it." Du Yixin was confused and didn't want to hear an explanation.

Liuli was silent, and finally said: "As expected, you don't look like that person at all."

"What, who are you talking about?"

But the girl didn't answer, as if she noticed something unusual, she turned her gaze to the side. Then, his complexion changed slightly.

The gate could no longer stop the crazily spreading meat paste. They squeezed through crevices, climbed exterior walls, and drowned the grass. Soon, the entire hospital was covered under a large mass of meatballs, and the original appearance could not be seen at all.

In this situation, it is really hard to imagine that Ying Sheng is safe and sound. Du Yixin didn't want to play charades with Liuli anymore, and he didn't care who that person was, he just wanted to die and read the file and go back.

"That's enough, let me out quickly." As he said, he thumped the transparent barrier, but found nothing.

The invisible wall disappeared at some point. Do you think you have successfully stopped him, or is there a time limit for the ability

Liuli saw that he seemed to want to go to the hospital: "The man is dead, and the mutation is still spreading, we must leave immediately."

But Du Yixin turned a deaf ear to it, approached the gate, and stretched out his hand to the gurgling meat paste. The muddy meat seemed to be in contact with fuel oil, and it swept forward excitedly. It was about to devour the prey, but it slammed into the invisible wall. Scattered in all directions due to the counter-impact force.

"You just died for nothing." Liu Li stood behind her and raised her hand. The palm glowed faintly, "That man is just a murderer, I don't understand why you are working so hard for him."


This long-lost but familiar description came to my ears, Du Yixin seemed to understand something, and turned to look at the girl.

At least in this dungeon, Ying Sheng's performance is just an ordinary person with a bad temper, and he has no cross-border behavior at all. But Liuli knew what Ying Sheng was like before.

But Ying Sheng didn't seem to know her. Therefore, rather than thinking that they have entered the same game, it is more reasonable to say that Liuli has heard the rumors about Ying Sheng.

Liuli's key level is definitely not low, and she looks like a veteran. Under what circumstances would he know Ying Sheng's information

Contrary to "White Bird", there may still be some private organizations in the private sector that are attacking the game. It is necessary to clear the customs, but also to prevent the interference of the "White Bird" operatives.

Regardless of Liuli's identity, there is only one thing for sure.

From the very beginning, she wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, that's why she made such a strange move.

"Are you..." Du Yixin suddenly remembered Liuli's words before, he was nothing like "that person". Although I didn't understand it just now, but now I seem to have a guess.

Under what circumstances will two people be compared for similarity.

His only relative in the world, Du Heng.

After breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go, did the elder brother finally discover the anomaly and send someone to look for him? But why start this copy again

He would never believe that his brother would harm him, so he thought that the idea just now was completely unreasonable.

"I won't leave." But since he is only waiting for death, he also wants to clarify certain things before he dies, "Let me ask you, do you know Du Heng?"

Hearing this name, the girl's calm expression changed slightly.

"Of course she recognizes me."

Suddenly, someone was speaking from behind.

When Du Yixin heard this voice, he suddenly had goosebumps all over his body.

"Long time no see, my brother."