I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 59: The secret behind it


Du Yixin looked at his temporary residence.

The windows were half-open, with hot air blowing in from time to time, and the curtains bulged and shrunk. As Hongmao said, the room was indeed clean, and the bed and wardrobe were covered with white cloth to prevent dust.

"There may be more companions. For the time being, each room is equipped with furniture. It's just that it hasn't been used yet." Hongmao used to carefully fold the white cloth, "The quilts are in the closet, and I'll bring you the toiletries later."

"Thank you." Although living here is not part of the original intention, it is a done deal.

The position of the university is exposed. After this incident, Shiratori may send more people, or even arrest him directly. It is necessary to find a hiding place, and my brother's approach is correct.

It's just that the other party arranged everything directly without any discussion, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"You rest for a while, have you eaten yet?"

Theoretically, he had just had lunch before entering the instance, but he rubbed his stomach, as if he had digested it all. Hongmao smiled: "Then wait a minute, there is still curry left in the kitchen, I'll bring it to you when it's hot."

After Hongmao left, only Du Yixin was left in a room of more than ten square meters. He walked to the window and looked down. It seemed that the back kitchen was connected to the bottom, and there were several large trash cans piled up.

He closed the window and sat back beside the bed, took out his cell phone, and wanted to contact Ying Sheng.

The removal of the black needle means that Ying Sheng no longer needs to be controlled by the white bird. He was a little concerned about what the other party would do next. But after dialing the phone, a busy tone came from the other side.


Du Yixin stared at the phone screen for a few seconds, and finally put it down.

Forget it, let's talk about it later.

Not long after, Hong Mao came in with steaming curry rice and a glass of orange juice. The fresh and fragrant smell got into his nose, which aroused Du Yixin's appetite. After a meal, even the depressed mood was cured a lot.

"Speaking of which, you said that there are five people here permanently. Are there two more?" After all, he is a future roommate, so he still wants to know the situation first.

"There's one in the room. But he's very homely, he doesn't come out except to go to the bathroom and take a shower, and I have to deliver the meal to the door." Hongmao scratched his head.

"He doesn't need to enter the copy?"

"The five of us are a small group, and our jobs are different." Hongmao explained, "Like me, it belongs to the logistics and does some chores. There are three in the strategy team, two of which you have met, and one of them is out on errands. That The intelligence agents in the house are like intelligence agents, and as an assistant, they contact intelligence agents in other regions to share the clues of the dungeon. If there is an upcoming dungeon, we will be notified in advance.”

"The dungeons are all opened artificially, how did you know in advance?"

"Those with abilities on the White Bird can predict it. We just invaded the system and listened to the orders they gave to the operators."

I see. Although the old brother's organization is in opposition to Shiratori, they cannot be lost.

Hongmao didn't know whether he told him this information intentionally or unintentionally, but it made him understand something. Since this kind of teams with a clear division of labor is spread all over the place, it means that my brother is doing the same thing as Shiratori—raiding dungeons in an attempt to obtain more keys.

Shiratori is eager to catch his brother, not only because the other party defected and took away a large number of people, but also because it will affect the expansion of the territory of the forces.

Now both sides are in a state of accumulating strength, and whoever gets more "keys" is more likely to win in this "game". Since everyone can fuse other people's keys, when all the keys are gathered in one person, a very terrifying power will be obtained.

The ability can be used in reality if the key level exceeds level five.

With a flick of the finger, the sky and the earth can be destroyed.

On the surface, Shiratori advertises itself as a government agency, but what is the reality? In addition to the two parties that have already stood on the stage, there may be more organizations secretly operating in secret.

The outcome of this game is not only a contest of personal desire and power, but also affects the demise of mankind.

Brother's teammates are all carrying out missions under such pressure

When he looked at the red hair with a rough appearance and an old lady in his heart, Du Yixin couldn't help but feel deep respect.

The red hair worried: "Why do you have such an expression, you want to go to the toilet?"

"..." He had just finished eating.

Just then, the door knocked. The two looked at the door, but it was Liuli: "The captain is calling you."

The two of them went down to the second floor with the girl and walked into the office. Du Heng was the only one inside. After Liuli brought her to the people, she took the lead to back out.

"Captain, what's the matter with you?" Hong Mao asked respectfully.

"You don't have anyone in charge right now." Du Heng asked.

"Yeah." Hongmao scratched his head, "It's been a long time since I've seen anyone new, so I just do some chores now. Shopping for food, cooking, washing dishes..."

"You will be in charge of Du Yixin from now on."

"Huh?" Hongmao was taken aback, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"Training." Du Heng looked at his younger brother again, "You are too weak now, let Liu Hong train you during this period."

Du Yixin didn't expect that his brother would take the initiative to arrange such a thing, he hesitated: "Will you let me join in the next action?"


"Then why—"

"Just in case." Du Heng said lightly, "As long as you still have the key, the possibility of being involved in the dungeon is higher than ordinary people. This is to improve your survival rate. You are not my team member, so you don't need to do other things." thing."

"Brother, do you know my ability? As long as I'm here, the chance of success in the strategy will be very high."

Even if it fails the first time, what about the second and third time. As long as there are enough times, no matter how difficult the copy is, the optimal solution can always be found.

"In the beginning, I only trained, but when I have the ability to protect myself, I can attack the dungeon with everyone. I can definitely help!" Du Yixin looked at his brother sincerely, hoping that his heart could be conveyed.

Red-haired looked from one side to the other, unable to speak.

Du Heng looked at his brother silently.

In recent years, the two get together less and leave more, and every time they meet, the younger brother's outline is a bit tougher than before, and he gradually looks like an adult. But unfortunately, the thinking is still naive.

This is not a game.

No matter how high the force value is, it cannot be asserted that he has the ability to protect himself. Every time the dungeon level fluctuates greatly, no one can guarantee that he will come out safely.

After all, what they have to do is not just a strategy, but to find the real culprit hidden behind the scenes—the guy who opened the dungeon.

There are no permanent players at all, and the current teammates are not the first batch, and everyone died during the strategy. What's more, the collection of keys has almost reached a bottleneck recently. High-level dungeons kept appearing, but the level of the players couldn't keep up, and there were no newcomers for a long time.

Therefore, he mercilessly refused: "No."

"I won't hold back!"


Seeing that it didn't make any sense, Du Yixin slapped the table angrily: "Why are you always like this, I just want to help you!"

But the other party ended the conversation without authorization: "That's all I want to say. Liu Hong, take him down."


"Brother, let's listen to the captain. How dangerous it is..." Hongmao said, but also used brute force.

"Wait!" Du Yixin raised his hand to block the red hair, staring at his brother, "You don't want to, do you?"

The other party did not avoid the sight, but looked back.

"At least one question, you have to answer me."

Du Heng squinted his eyes, and didn't say whether he agreed or disagreed.

"When I was involved in the first copy, I died."


"However, I came back to life—because of the power of the key."


"But it's obviously my first time going in, so why would I have a key?"


"Brother, tell me honestly what's going on."

The author has something to say: Thank you He Bingyao for mine~

Thank you for the mine of a scholar~