I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 63: The road to stardom (2)


It's like pressing the pause button on an old player. Sobbing, shouting, and noise are all still at this moment, only the viscous blood forms a trickle and spreads in all directions. Finally, it stopped, soaking a pair of children's red shoes.

"!" The child's eyes widened, "Mom!" He burst into tears.

With this howling, the silence just now shattered like glass. The crowd moved away from the corpses and dolls in a panic, but in contrast, the people who stayed still were very conspicuous.

There were about ten people.

Du Yixin took a cursory glance. Excluding those who pretended to be newbies by fishing in troubled waters, those who didn't respond at the moment probably weren't entering the dungeon for the first time.

Xiaogang put back the dropped eyeballs, but the eyeballs were not symmetrical. Left up and right down, it looked weird and scary: "We will start distributing the dice now, everyone should be obedient."

Countless dice floated out of the mascot and came to everyone. Reminiscent of the tragic situation of that person just now, no one dared to resist, so they had to bite the bullet and take it.

A white six-faced coin flew in front of Du Yixin. He took it off and observed it carefully, but found nothing special.

"Don't you take it?" Xiaogang noticed that someone in the crowd hadn't moved for a long time, and moved his huge body towards that side with a gloomy expression, "I said, be obedient."

Everyone looked over one after another, wanting to see who was going to die again, but they saw a young man wearing a hood. The man took down the dice in front of him, threw it behind him without even looking at it.

Xiaogang's smile looked even more ferocious: "Xiaomei, there is another arrogant newcomer."

"Yes, Xiaogang." Xiaomei approached, "Let me come this time..."

But before he finished speaking, he was hit on the forehead by a sudden heavy object!

The sound stopped abruptly. Cracks appeared on her head and spread like spider webs in an instant. The huge body fell backwards and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Hey, I'm not interested in watching children's dramas." The young man walked over and stepped on Xiaomei's body, but found that the other's eyeballs were still moving, "He's not dead yet?"

He plucked the metal bat from the shards and swung it—again the porcelain shattered. This time, the puppet's face could never return to its original shape.


"Don't worry, I'll be right there with you." The young man turned around! The bat swung Zhong Xiaogang's leg violently.

The ceramics, which were still as hard as a rock just now, were smashed to pieces this time.

The giant puppet named Xiaogang loses its balance and falls forward. It pulled its arms unwillingly, trying to crush the opponent to death, but was easily dodged. The man jumped onto the back of his head and put his hands on it—the ability activated.


The bombardment of Cloud Piercer and Cracking Rock almost shook the entire space.

Other ceramic dolls rushed up, trying to clean up this ignorant boy, but in the end, they were piled up into a hill.

The crowd went from initial fear, to bewilderment, and finally cheered. Although I don't know who this guy who turned out to be is, but since he helped them kill the monster, maybe he can save them out!

"Young man, well done!"

"That's it, blow up all these monsters to death!"

"Big brother, come on!"

The cheers came one after another, making people who are confused about the situation think that a heroic show is being staged. In the end, the young man knocked down the last mascot and stepped on the ruins.

Everyone rushed forward: "It's too powerful."

"I thought I was going to die, thanks to you for saving us."

"Do you know where this is and how to get out?"

At this time, they heard the "hero" say impatiently: "It's so noisy."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at each other, thinking they heard it wrong.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here."

Some people were dissatisfied: "Why are you doing this, we are supporting you..." He wanted to have a good reasoning, but he was grabbed by the collar, and the whole person flew out and fell to the ground. The buttocks hurt, the palms were cut by fragments, and the blood overflowed, which looked quite terrifying.

"Ah, ah!" The most severe thing this person suffered from birth was cutting his fingers, so he screamed in fright at the amount of bleeding.

Seeing this situation, other people also froze in place.

The young man ignored them, and turned his gaze to the back: "The murderer is probably among you. Since everyone came here for the key, don't waste your words."

"I propose—" He raised his metal bat towards the crowd, raised his eyebrows, "How about killing each other directly, and the one who stays to the end gets the most keys?"

Crazy, crazy.

Although ordinary people don't understand what a "key" is, they just feel crazy when they hear this proposal. This guy killed those monsters not to save people at all, but to make the game under his control.

Du Yixin responded silently in his heart: not very good.

Ying Sheng really is Ying Sheng, even if he left "White Bird", the way to solve the incident is still simple and rude.

Of course, no one answered.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards." Ying Sheng put down his bat, "Since this is the case, I will act according to my own ideas."

After the words fell, he rushed down like an arrow from the string, and went to the nearest person: "You are the first!"

The man didn't react, and hurriedly made a blocking posture, but he didn't know that the other party was pretending to wave a weapon, but in fact he was planning to use his ability.

It's so easy. Ying Sheng thought to himself, preparing to cause an explosion. However, the expected bloody scene did not appear. It seemed that the ammunition that was about to explode was snuffed out, and the flag died down. I don't know who suppressed the ability.

He seemed to have a feeling, and looked aside, but first saw the person standing next to Du Heng. Startled, he immediately jumped a few steps away.

How did that guy come in? What did his brother think, bringing this kind of weak chicken to the fifth level dungeon

Wait, what does it matter to him.

Ying Sheng forced himself to divert his mind, and looked at Du Heng: "Why, you want to be the first one?"

"The mastermind behind the scenes may not be here." Du Heng frowned.

Key owners with lower levels have weaker abilities, so they have little authority over the dungeon, and often need to act as players to play the game together. But after reaching the fifth level, the control of the dungeon can almost be said to be arbitrary. Therefore, even if the other party hides behind the scenes to watch their performance, it is not impossible.

"Ah, really." Ying Cheng didn't care, and put the bat on his shoulders, "But you really have the key. When I get it, it's not too late to go find that guy."

He didn't want to be held on his head and obediently play this so-called game.

A pointless fight. Du Heng can't understand Ying Sheng's thoughts at all, but if the other party insists on fighting here, he can only accompany him.