I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 66: The road to stardom (5)


There is no time.

"Let's go there first." Du Yixin grabbed Ying Sheng's hand and ran forward.

Ying Sheng was taken aback. If ordinary people pulled him so suddenly, he would have been beaten to the ground. But not this time. Looking at the back of the person in front, there seemed to be emotional fluctuations in the eyes, which gradually became deeper.

Everyone was running around, and the scene was once very chaotic.

When arriving at the destination, there is still plenty of time. Du Yixin found that his training was really effective, and the speed was much faster than before.

Speaking of which, before entering the dungeon, he competed with Hongmao, and it didn't take much effort to grab the item. He thought it was the other party who understood his good intentions and kindly released the water. Now it seems that it has really improved.

Later, people arrived one after another.

First, there are two girls, one big and one small, they look somewhat similar, they seem to be sisters. Then came another couple. The man has a big face and a fat waist, and he is about in his early thirties. The woman is very thin, estimated to be nearly sixty.

Although these people have great differences in gender and age, when they saw the person who cut down the monster just now, they all showed similar expressions of shock.

There are groups on the big screen, but there are too many groups to see the faces clearly. They didn't know their names, so they didn't know who they were with until now.

Therefore, compared to other teams, the atmosphere in the fourth group was significantly more tense.

But Ying Sheng didn't care what those people thought. After realizing their fear, they just yawned boredly.

There are seven members in the fourth group, and the last member has not yet arrived. If you are late, it is estimated that it will end up the same as the couple just now.

At this time, there were footsteps approaching behind him. Du Yixin turned his head and saw a handsome young man.

It seems that the most popular flowery boy looks should not appear here, but should stand on the real draft stage.

This person was in a good time, and the next second after arriving, the puppet above his head spoke: "The timer is over, everyone has arrived."

The man panted slightly, forced a smile and said, "It's too far away, I almost missed it." His tone was quite relaxed. But when he saw Ying Sheng's face the next second, the smile immediately froze on his face.

"The fourth group is here, now start to choose the captain. Countdown, five minutes."

It stands to reason that we should discuss it first at this time, and find someone with good luck to be the captain. After all, the first to reach the finish line wins. If you find a non-emperor, throw a little every time. Even though each task was successfully completed, the result was a failure.

But now, no one speaks. Although it is not blatant, but trembling eyes always stay on Ying Sheng.

There is no way to go on like this. Du Yixin said: "The countdown has already begun, let's appoint a captain first."

There is one person who is the leader, and the others are like finding straws.

"Then you do it."

"We don't understand anything, so I'll leave it to you."

Everyone is afraid to avoid the identity of "captain". After all, it sounds dangerous. Although I only use dice for now, I don't know what troubles I will be responsible for in the future.

Du Yixin was taken aback. He didn't care if he was the captain or not, he just felt that he should be more cautious. If there is someone in the team who is usually lucky, it is definitely more appropriate to hand it over to that person.

But now, seeing these people have an attitude that has nothing to do with me, they touched their noses: "Okay."

"The fourth group, the captain is sure." Although the dolls all look exactly the same, their personalities are still somewhat different. This short-haired puppet is much indifferent compared to Xiaomei and Xiaogang's exuberant desire to perform, and never speaks lines outside the rules.

"After the first three groups set off, the captain will throw the dice."

Hearing this, Du Yixin glanced at the big screen. The numbers below the first group and the second group changed from "0" to "5" and "4" respectively, and the members of both groups had disappeared from the scene at this time.

It appears that the numbers below the group indicate the current coordinates. The first group goes to the fifth square, and the second group goes to the fourth square.

Now waiting for the color throw of the third group.

Soon, there were also results. Not very lucky, only cast a little.

After the results came out, the third group was in an uproar, all glaring at the selected captain. However, before they could say anything, those people all disappeared in an instant.

Now, there are only three groups of members left on the field, and there are fewer and fewer people.

"It's the turn of the fourth group." The short-haired puppet said, "Let the captain throw the dice."

What will happen.

Although this is only the first round, the third group has already drawn a large distance from the main force. Unless they complete the task quickly, increase the chances of dice. Or maybe you can cast a few "6s" afterwards, otherwise it will be difficult to narrow the gap with the first group.

Of course, this is also related to the total number of grids. Speaking of which, although these mascots have been emphasizing the word "terminus", how many blocks do they actually have to walk to reach the "terminus".

Before casting the dice, Du Yixin raised this question.

Perhaps this is not a violation of the rules, the short-haired puppet replied: "20 squares."

Twenty squares? Not too long, but not too short either. Even if you cast "6 points" every time, you have to complete at least three missions before reaching the finish line.

Du Yixin is not yet clear about the form of these tasks. But killing three people directly before starting, it is conceivable that those tasks will definitely not be easy.

Forget it, it's useless to think too much, let's start.

He threw the dice, and the number rolled was—three.

The moment the result came out, everyone was sent out. Leaving the empty, pure white space, to the outdoors.

They stood on a rooftop hundreds of meters above, with no protective fences around them. I only felt the wind blowing gently, and the whole building was crumbling. In the dark of night, a helicopter circled the building making a loud noise.

The younger child among the sisters hugged her sister in fear: "It's so tall. Sister, I'm afraid."

My sister is probably only in her early twenties, and she looks like she is still a student. Her face was pale, and she held back her fear and hugged her sister's shoulders: "Just don't look at it, it's okay."

At this moment, a loud shout came from mid-air:

"Come, come, come! Our newcomer this time is here!"

I saw a miniature ceramic doll standing in the helicopter, holding a microphone in his hand, and said excitedly: "Welcome everyone to come to the challenge of breaking through the level, 'newcomer rushing'! Now let me introduce the rules of breaking through the level!"

"Our program group has set up three checkpoints. Every time a checkpoint is passed, the next checkpoint will be automatically unlocked. As long as one person in the team completes the challenge, the whole team will pass the checkpoint."

"A newcomer full of love and courage to break through the barriers. I and the audience friends can't wait!"

Such a vulgar name reminded Du Yixin of the challenges that were often broadcast on TV. Usually amateurs participate, and there are monetary rewards for passing the challenge.

"Without further delay, now introduce the first level, please look forward."

Opposite the rooftop where everyone is located, there is another slightly shorter building. The distance between the two buildings is about 50 meters, and a long and thick steel pipe is connected in the middle. It is so narrow that it can barely fit a pair of women's feet.

"The first level is very simple and easy to understand. Just walk to the opposite building. There is no time limit! It's unbelievable that there is such a simple challenge." The exaggerated tone of the host seemed to be on the wrong channel. Go to the infomercial next door.

Go to the opposite building? It's easy to say, but let them walk forward on this steel pipe at such a high altitude

At this time, even people without fear of heights can't help feeling a little dizzy.

"Then, hurry up and send the first team member to start the challenge!"

Who is coming

It is a full hundred meters away from the ground, and if you fall, you will definitely be smashed to pieces. Not to mention the suffocation of staying in the air. No one dares to accompany this crazy game.

Everyone looked at Du Yixin in a tacit understanding. The tall and thin old woman said: "Aren't you the captain, I'll let you start."

"That's right." The fat man seemed to be a partner with the woman, and immediately responded, "The captain has given over to you, and you should be responsible at critical moments."

Let him? Was this guy's Chinese taught by his physical education teacher

Although the two sisters did not speak, their dodging eyes were self-evident. The beautiful boy apologized, "I'm afraid of heights, and my legs are a little weak when I stand here."

Du Yixin walked to the edge of the roof. When he felt the dizzying height again, his blood flowed backwards and his heart beat faster.

Humans yearn for the sky, but are naturally afraid of heights.

He looked at the host: "It doesn't matter which way you go?"

"Of course. If you can fly, I won't say anything even if you fly past." The puppet laughed.

I can't fly. It's just that it seems easier to slide over than to walk over the steel pipe. Due to the shortness of the opposite building, the steel pipes are inclined. Make a simple zipline slide down the opposite side, then climb up.

It seems to be feasible, but I don't know if the results of these two months of exercise can last for so long, and finally I can lift myself up with my arms.

"So, you are the first challenger?" The host confirmed again.

Except for Ying Sheng, the other members looked like ordinary people. From the physical considerations, the chances of passing by myself are higher.

Du Yixin was about to agree, but someone grabbed him by the collar and took him back.

"It's not him." Ying Sheng looked at the thin woman, "You said you wanted to start?"

Although women are also a little afraid of Ying Sheng. But the long-term habit of speaking made her subconsciously reply: "So what? He wants to be the captain himself, shouldn't he take the lead in demonstrating."

"Demonstration?" Ying Sheng smiled, "Okay."

Seeing this piercing smile, the skinny woman couldn't help but shudder inwardly.