I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 69: Road to Stars (8)


It is indeed a bit difficult to handle.

The fat man was not injured before entering the water, and his whole body was wrapped in a diving suit, so there should be no possibility of blood leakage. These piranhas are not attracted by blood, but they will attack when they see people

Going into the water by yourself will definitely repeat the same mistakes. Is there any way to get the treasure on the boat.

"Next..." My sister showed a pale smile, "Should boys go up?"

The sound interrupted his contemplation, and Du Yixin looked up.

Seeing the eyes of the three men focus on her, the elder sister was a little scared, but swallowed her saliva, and said forcefully: "After all... even if you send me or my sister up, you will die in vain. If you are a boy, you have a higher chance of winning ah."

Hearing this, the corners of Huameinan's mouth curled up, but his eyes turned cold: Look, I didn't say it. Relying on their own gender advantages to instruct men, women are indeed such creatures.

"For example." Du Yixin was puzzled.

"Huh?" The girl was stunned.

"You said that we have a higher chance of winning, which aspect do you mean? We are bigger, so the piranhas will take longer to eat?"

The handsome flower boy burst out laughing.

Seeing the girl looking at a loss, Du Yixin looked away.

One thing is true.

Even if you choose a girl to go up here, if you don't want to have a plan to deal with it, you will just die in vain.

Ceramics... Du Yixin turned his gaze to the straw hat NPC on the boat. Is it possible for these puppets to be exploited

The host just said that this ceramic doll has a relatively low IQ, but it will obediently complete the work. Just now the fat man struggled to go up, but was pushed back into the water "with all his heart".

I'm afraid the setting of this ceramic doll is - only those who get the treasure can board the ship. Then think about it the other way around, what if it's not the player who fell into the water, but the NPC.

There is no real basis for this conjecture, but it is worth a try. If it fails... His ability seems to be only useful in this kind of place.

After thinking it over, he was about to speak when he heard the beautiful boy say to the girl: "It seems that the next challenger can only be me or you two."

"Why, why?"

"Don't you see the situation clearly?" Huameinan said with a helpless smile, "Those two are companions. Or do you think that your words can make them change their minds and complete the challenge 'for you'?"

for her

The elder sister looked at Ying Sheng, and when she caught the other's line of sight, she hastily turned her head away.

Impossible impossible impossible. How could such a ruthless guy have common sense. But another person...

"Why can you be sure that they are companions?"

Does this woman only have a chest but not a head? How did the two of them die just now? I haven't figured it out yet

The beautiful boy slandered in his heart, but his face was still gentle: "I guess. Compared to this, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

The beautiful boy glanced at Du Yixin and Ying Sheng: "Come with me."

The three of them left in a group and stopped after walking a long distance. They were discussing something.

The host seemed very excited: "There is a disagreement in the team, what will happen next, I'm really looking forward to it." It left the two of them and ran over, "audience friends, come with me to eavesdrop on what they are saying !"

After the number of people decreased by half, the beach suddenly became quiet. The red color on the surface of the river gradually faded, and finally returned to its normal color, as if nothing had happened.

Du Yixin couldn't hear the voice on the other side at all: "You are not discussing how to deal with us, are you?" This is too open and aboveboard.

Ying Sheng was disdainful: "That group of chickens? I'd like to see what they can do."

Du Yixin was silent for a moment, and asked, "Where did you go after we parted?"

Ying Sheng was a little annoyed when something outside was suddenly brought up: "It has nothing to do with you."

"I went back with my brother and was kept in the base. There is no way to find you."

"It's really overprotective." Ying Sheng sneered, "Then why did you come into this dungeon?"


"Huh? This is a level five dungeon. If I wasn't here, you just..."

If he wasn't there... damn it, it's none of his business.

Halfway through the words, I felt that something was wrong, and I swallowed it back.

At this time, Du Yixin turned his head and looked over, and the two people's eyes collided. Perhaps it was because of the night, the other party's eyes were as deep as a cold pool, as if trying to suck people in. Ying Sheng was startled, and wanted to turn around, but his arm was grabbed.

"It's a good thing I came in, otherwise I might never meet you again." Du Yixin said seriously, "Ying Sheng, come find me after you go out."

to find him

"Stop joking." Ying Sheng threw his hand away impatiently, "Why should I..."

"Because!" Du Yixin increased his strength, but did not let go this time, "I want to be with you."

These words were like thunder exploding in his ears, and Ying Sheng was so shocked that he didn't come back to his senses for a long time. In the next second, the tip of the ear became reddened visible to the naked eye, spreading to the whole face.

What the hell is this guy talking about? together? Do you mean that you like men? It's too disgusting.

He couldn't understand his mood at the moment, he felt countless information explode in his mind. This strange and strange emotion made him feel very uncomfortable.

not comfortable

Not entirely, but... Sure enough, I can't stay with this guy any longer!

Du Yixin didn't notice the strange expression on Ying Sheng's face at all, and said to himself: "And my brother is also short of manpower, you are so powerful, I think..."

But now Ying Sheng's head was in a mess, and he didn't listen to what Du Yixin said at all.

At this moment, the host and the three returned. Noticing the weird atmosphere at the scene, he said, "What's the matter, what's the matter, did you say something interesting while I was away?"

Ying Sheng: "Shut up."

"Yah, it's scary." The host took a step back artificially.

Then, he lightly jumped into the crowd: "Then, both parties have finished their discussions. Hurry up and announce the contestants for the next round!"

Du Yixin glanced at the three people across from him, then looked down at the host, just about to explain that he wanted to go up by himself. But seeing the handsome boy stepping out first: "Let me do it."

"Oh? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Let's applaud a brave player!"

As he said, he clapped his hands. But no one applauded along with it. The sporadic applause echoed on the wide sandy beach, which seemed a bit bleak.

But the host didn't feel embarrassed at all, and picked up the microphone again: "Then, the third challenger, please board the ship!"

Du Yixin was a little uneasy: "Wait..."

"Don't worry." The beautiful boy turned his head and made a silent gesture, "I have a way to deal with it. What I discussed just now, I just hope that these two girls can agree to my request, and it will definitely not endanger you."

The more I say this, the more worrying it becomes.

The flower boy boarded the boat. The boat left the river bank and sailed slowly towards the middle of the river. However, the young man didn't put on a diving suit like the fat man did. He just stood quietly on the tip of the boat, silently watching the fish swimming at the bottom waiting for an opportunity.

Du Yixin looked at the two girls. Although I don't think I will answer, I just asked, "What did you say just now?"

"No, nothing." The girl seemed a little nervous.

The boat stopped in the middle of the river.

"It's so strange, this contestant." The host said, "I haven't changed into the diving suit yet, are you trying to delay the time? Haha, I don't think I just want to jump in directly. I think the diving suit is what attracts piranhas." The key? NONONO, this is a wrong guess."

The handsome boy leaned down and held onto the edge of the boat—then, the lake exploded violently.

The silver piranha was carried by the river water and floated into the air, then fell hard again. Several huge water jets swirled out, like a majestic dragon.

The boat was shaken from side to side by the huge impact, and it couldn't find its way back and forth. But the water column didn't stop, just as one side fell, another wave rose again. The handsome boy stared at the water, as if he was looking for something.

When Du Yixin saw the surface of the water explode suddenly, he was startled at first, but then he understood.

This guy also has a key, although the specific function is not clear, but it seems to be able to control the water. No wonder he was so confident just now, it seems that he wanted to find the treasure in this way.

"Oh?" The host was very excited. "It seems that this contestant has extraordinary abilities. Those piranhas are like playthings in his hands. This is really amazing."


Another jet of water rose up, and the handsome man reached out to grab what he wanted. Then, the surrounding water that rose to mid-air slammed down, splashing water splashes one after another.

After a while, the river surface returned to calm.

Xiaozhou brought people over again, and the beautiful boy walked down the bank and handed the things to the host: "Is this the one?"

What he held in his hand was a locked wooden box, which was painted brightly in gold, and it almost had "I am a treasure" written on it.

"Yes, quickly open it and see what's inside!"

The padlock is just a decoration and can be opened directly. But seeing the host's enthusiastic urging, Huameinan was a little skeptical: "Open it yourself."

The host was not angry at all, and said with a smile: "Whoever opens it will get it. Are you sure you want to give up this opportunity?"

"..." The beautiful boy hesitated again. He doesn't want to get any treasure, but, if there are any rewards that can be used in the later stage this time, wouldn't it be too stupid to give up at this time.

So he squatted down anyway, and opened the lid.

Suddenly, a black shadow sprang out and directly attacked his face.

"Be careful!" Du Yixin hastily pulled him away. The black shadow narrowly passed by and landed on the ground, but it turned out to be a piranha.

Up close, the fish looks less dreamy than it does in schools. The eyeballs protrude on both sides, and the teeth are sharp. The eyeballs stared at him firmly, looking like a human face. Can't help thumping on the ground.

"Ahahaha." The host laughed loudly, "What a pity. It has been hungry inside for so long, and thought it could finally have a full meal!"

This guy! The beautiful boy glared at him. If he hadn't dodged in time just now, his face would have been disfigured. But he didn't dare to attack at all.

"Okay, don't be so angry, it's just a little bonus." The host finished laughing, "So, now we're going to the last level, are you ready?"

After the words fell, the propellers of the two helicopters not far away turned again. Everyone was about to act, but was interrupted by a voice.

Flower Boy: "Wait a minute. I have something to say."

"Time waits for no one." The host rolled his eyes: "However, for the sake of your beautiful clearance, let's make an exception and listen to what you have to say."

The handsome boy raised his right hand: "I apply for a substitution."