I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 77: Road to Stars (16)


Without a chance to talk more, the older brother of the two brothers pointed his finger over: "Apply for PK."

The stone statues in the palace moved, the tiles attached to the surface fell off, and the heavy chassis were dragged together.

"Red player 'Yan You' and blue player 'Du Yixin' start PK, rock-paper-scissors, the winner will be determined in one game!"

Du Yixin was surrounded by a circle of ceramic dolls. Except for the NPC in the middle holding a small flag, the other dolls have their hands firmly glued to their sides and their mouths open. Just wait for someone to break the rules and then fire them.

Are all children so straightforward now, Du Yixin smiled wryly in his heart. But through the conversation just now, I guessed a general idea. The ability of the kid on the left should belong to the combat system. If you want to PK, choose this guy with a higher winning rate. And the kid on the right named Yan You seems to be able to guess what the opponent will do.

Mind reading, or super high luck

"Rock-paper-scissors!" The ceramic dolls urged to draw out their voices.

Time is running out.

It's useless to think too much right now, so take your chances. Du Yixin didn't hesitate any more and shot.

Scissors versus rock.

On several steps, the child's immature five fingers are close together. He came out of rock—and Du Yixin, out of scissors.

The referee pointed the small flag at Yan You with a "snap": "Red player, win!"

Yan You silently withdrew his hand, neither excited nor complacent. It seems that it has nothing to do with winning or losing just now.

On the other hand, the younger brother on the left jumped up and down: "Uncle idiot, I just said that brother won't lose!"

You obviously called him brother just now.

But that's beside the point. The result was not surprising to Du Yixin, after all, the opponent had put on an air of confidence from the very beginning, if the opponent lost like this, he would be at a loss instead.

It's just that the next game is over, and some more information must be drawn out.

Beside them, the white light in the mouths of a group of puppets is gathering. The referee Xiaoqi pointed again: "The loser will be punished now. Count down to five—"


He looked annoyed: "Just now I obviously wanted to produce cloth, if I produced cloth, I would win."


"Hmph, no matter what you come up with, you can't win. Go to hell and regret it!" The kid on the left laughed loudly, but his brother slapped his head violently. It was probably because the beating was too heavy, before the smile disappeared, tears welled up in the eyes: "It hurts so much, why did you hit me?"


Yan You said quietly: "Don't take advantage of others, it's too tasteless."

These brothers... are still children after all.


The countdown is drawing to a close. Seeing that there was nothing more to say, Du Yixin was ready to close his eyes and accept this failure. But at this moment, the ear-piercing alarm echoed again in the underground palace.

"The blue player 'Ying Sheng' attacked the red player 'Mo Yu', causing death. The alert level has been raised, all-round arrests have been implemented, and immediate disposal."

"Ah!" The child on the left widened his eyes, "That pretty young lady was also killed by the murderer."

Yan You grabbed his younger brother: "That man is coming, be careful."


The laser is about to fire.

After the alarm, there was an announcement that the blue square crystal was destroyed.

"The blue team crystal was touched by the red player 'Liu Bobo', it was contaminated, and the self-destruct device was activated."

When the words fall, the earth shakes and the mountains shake. The two children and Du Yixin couldn't stand firmly, and there were no handrails around them, so they fell to the ground one after another. Then, the crystals in the depths of the room also changed.

Dazzling light overflowed from the crystal, almost blinding people's eyes. The crystal gradually floated up and became brighter and brighter—it was daytime in an instant, and when the vision slowly recovered, the crystal disappeared, leaving only a translucent red six-faced color. It turned into a ray of white light, and flew to nowhere.

Announcements continue.

"The tower of the blue team is pushed, the red team wins, and the game is over!"

"All contestants, please go to the middle lane to gather. The winner will receive the reward and call the curtain call together."

Then, the underground palace finally quieted down.

Didn't expect it to end so quickly. The guy named Liu Bobo should have gone down the road, and no one stopped him after arriving at the base camp, so he took advantage of it.

However, it seems that due to the end of the game, the referee stopped the countdown and the other puppets also shut up. But still around him motionless. When he wanted to go around, he dragged his body to keep up. Do nothing, do not speak.

What is the situation, because the punishment was suspended by external force, so it is a BUG

Du Yixin didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune. In the last few seconds before death, they lost.

The two children jumped down the steps and seemed to be going to the middle of the road as promised, but the referee blocked the way: "The game is over, please choose whether to continue to punish."

I see. Du Yixin understood. No wonder they refused to leave, it turned out to be the reason.

"Of course—" The child on the left wanted to speak, but was dragged behind by his brother.

Yan You asked, "Are there advantages and disadvantages?"

The NPC replied in a straight line: "I am just a referee, responsible for ensuring that the players abide by the rules. Now the game is over, according to the rules, how to deal with it is up to the winner to judge."

In other words, there is no benefit, but there is no harm either. But it can't be considered completely useless, at least it can reduce competitors. Although this game is over, as long as we continue to move forward, we will always meet at the end.

Yan You shook his head, didn't say anything more, and pulled his younger brother out of the gate together.

Du Yixin was taken aback for a moment. Does this mean letting him go

Looking at those puppets again, they turned back into stone statues again. He stepped out of the encirclement and was not stopped.

That child was more mature and stable than many people he had met before.

Du Yixin had mixed feelings. But it's useless to stay any longer. Everyone should be going to the middle lane now, let him go too.

But, why do you have to let the two teams gather after the game is over, and just give the rewards to the winner? What is the purpose of doing this.

For some reason, he felt uneasy.

Stepping on the ceramic shards on the ground, he saw other survivors near the center.

The twins arrived first. Next to them stood a beautiful girl. The girl tied double ponytails and wore a Japanese-style female high school uniform, pointing her toes apprehensively.

The body that was lying here disappeared in situ, and went to nowhere.

Behind the three is an NPC statue. A petite body with a huge head, a smile on his face, and a pair of sunglasses. Du Yixin didn't see it the first time he came, maybe it was destroyed by Ying Sheng, and a new one was moved later.

Speaking of which, what about Ying Sheng

Just as he was thinking, there were footsteps behind him. Looking back, it wasn't the person I thought in my heart.

But when he saw the face of the visitor, Du Yixin's eyes widened: "An Wenhui?"

Isn't this guy dead? The head was blown to pieces, and the residual heat from the body was still fresh in his memory. How could he appear like a normal person.

No, it was the same as last time. Mingming saw being swallowed by a monster with his own eyes, but returned to the present world, and even rescued Ying Sheng. It seems that this guy's ability... Could it be rebirth

Even if the brain is crushed and the body is digested, it can still be reborn.

The boy's hair was not messed up at all, and he greeted his teammates with a pleasant smile on his face: "I thought I had to push the tower, you guys did a good job."

The girl was also surprised: "Aren't you dead?" She didn't seem to know An Wenhui's ability.

"What's the matter, you also have skills." An Wenhui said disapprovingly.

"I..." Liu Bobo shook his head, "My skills are very ordinary, this time I was just lucky."

She also couldn't figure out why the road was unimpeded, and when she reached the blue base camp, she saw only a place of corpses. She was taken aback, thinking it was a trap, and hesitated for a long time. Fortunately, I finally mustered up the courage to push the tower.

After that, she figured it out.

It should be that murderer who killed all his team members. But what she didn't quite understand was that a game should have been played before. Why didn't kill over there, but wait until now.

And now, a new blue player appeared. Only this person is alive

Du Yixin noticed the girl's gaze and looked over. The girl was startled, and hurriedly lowered her head again.

While looking at each other, the statue caught in the crowd suddenly jumped off the base, stretching its limbs as if tired from standing.

"It seems that all the staff are here. Now the director will present the award to the winner." It raised the transparent red dice, "Give us a 'second chance to cast'!"

Everyone is here

"Wait." Du Yixin asked, "Is there someone else who didn't come?"

As if he didn't hear it, the sunglasses looked around the winning team from left to right: "Your captain is dead, let's choose a new captain." The tone was understated, as if it was just a bug that died.

Du Yixin frowned, always feeling a bad premonition: "Hey, I said—"

"It's so noisy, didn't your parents teach you to listen to people!" The sunglasses jumped up. Originally only up to the height of Du Yixin's knees, he jumped up to be as tall as him, nose to nose, "That guy fouled! Fouled! Fouled! It has already been dealt with by my referee team, what's the problem? "

"No, that..."

The sunglasses fell heavily back to the ground: "Although I like dead people, I hate disobedient guys. This is my show. If you don't follow the rules, let me watch carefully."

"Behind you..."

"What?" Sunglasses was about to look back, but was kicked to the ground. Struggling with his chubby body to get up, the back of his head was stepped on again, furious, "I am a famous director, who dares to be so rude!?"

"Ah?" From behind, there was that chilling voice, "What did you say?"

The man trampled on the NPC's head with the soles of his feet, and he couldn't hide his anger: "Dare to treat me like that, and prepare yourself to die."

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Mine]: 1 for a scholar;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!