I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 8: Ghost School (8)


Could it be that…

Du Yixin suddenly looked back.

The inspector teacher was standing at the door. Wearing dirty sportswear, he held a watermelon knife with his skinny palm like a chicken's claw, and his head, which had been blown to pieces, miraculously returned to its original shape. Those terrifying eyes were staring at the prey in the room.

At this time, the broadcast finally stopped broadcasting.

There is no escape.

The room had no windows and the only exit was blocked. Is there any other way besides dying

No, not right.

Du Yixin forced himself to shake his head and calm down. At least he knew that the inspector teacher could be killed. And once the announcement sounds, it will be refreshed in the room.

Also, this guy probably has no intelligence. There are two of them, maybe they can fight together!

At that time, Ying Sheng killed the patrol teacher by attacking the head from behind and feeding him something, which caused an explosion. They may not be able to cause that much damage, but it should be feasible to temporarily block the teacher's actions.

Then the most foolproof way is to use one person as bait and one person to take the opportunity to attack.

He glanced at Ai Le who was shivering beside him: "Do you believe me?"

"Yes, yes! Of course I trust the senior."

"Okay, you go to be the bait."

"Huh?" Ai Le's face was pale, and he couldn't speak very quickly, "Me, me?"

To be honest, with Aile's small arms and legs, Du Yixin didn't really believe that the other party could knock out the inspector, so he decided to do it himself. But he didn't have time to explain too much, the inspector teacher had already walked in. Stretching out his big hand made Du Yixin recall the fear of being strangled by his neck.

Seeing that the senior really didn't mean to stand up, Ai Le was a little disheartened, bit his lip, and said in a low voice: "I see, senior."

Du Yixin grabbed the wooden stool behind him, stared at the inspecting teacher, and quietly went around behind him, ready to find a gap. However, for some reason, the inspecting teacher's eyes followed Du Yixin closely - he slashed at him with a single knife!


Du Yixin narrowly escaped, his back felt cold, and his shirt was scratched. If the reaction was delayed by one second, the spine would be broken on the spot.

At this time, he had turned to the door, but the inspector teacher was still not interested in Ai Le who was inside, and insisted on chasing him.

Why? Is it because he is more handsome

The inspector raised his arm again. Its arms are extremely long, so it covers a wide range. If it just escapes out of the door like this, it will definitely be hit directly.

"Senior, be careful!" Aile drilled over. He bumped hard and knocked Du Yixin out.

Wait, now the two are going to become a skewer!

Du Yixin fell to the ground and held out Erkang's hand. But Aile didn't come out with him, but closed the door instead.

"Goodbye, senior."

These were the last words he heard. Then, the bloody blade stabbed out from the gate, stayed for a moment, and then slowly retracted.

Du Yixin froze in place.

Everything happened too fast.

Originally, his plan was to take advantage of the opportunity when the inspector teacher went to catch Ai Le to sneak behind him, and then run away with Ai Le. Unexpectedly, the other party kept staring at him and attacking him. In the end, in order to protect him, Ai Le sacrificed himself for others and died heroically.

not right...

Obviously there is a better way! If the inspecting teacher insisted on beating him, at worst he would be used as a bait so that both of them could escape. Why Ai Le, Ai Le want...

Back in time.

Suddenly, this word popped into Du Yixin's mind. He looked at his hands, palms opening and closing.

How can I go back in time? Go back to ten minutes ago, as long as you don't enter this room, nothing will happen.

In the skill description, it is said to be a passive skill. Does it have to be triggered by his death? What does "only once" mean, can this skill only be triggered once

If so, there is nothing wrong with it. Is there any other way.

Du Yixin's mind was in chaos, but his five senses were sharp. Suddenly, he heard the door of the gymnasium being opened and looked over suddenly.

The person who came in couldn't see his face clearly under the wide hood, and his clothes were mostly wet. The metal club was wet, as if it had been soaked in water, and the remaining blood stains on it had been washed away.

It's that perverted killer.

"Hey, there are people here too." The man took off his hood.

It was a very beautiful face, with a high nose bridge, regular features, thin lips, and a silver earring on one side. Only the pair of hanging eyes and the green skin that prisoners would shave looked fierce.

Du Yixin had seen this face before his death, but at that time he was desperate and didn't care about what the other person looked like. Looking at it now, compared with that frightening behavior, this face is too immature. It looks about the same age as him, but it is already a cold-blooded executioner.

However, if it was this person, he would definitely be able to deal with the patrolling teacher inside. If you make good use of it, you might be able to rescue Aile.

And under the huge opportunity, there is also a huge crisis lurking. If you are not careful, you may become the soul of the dead again.

Du Yixin breathed a sigh of relief.

calm down. Think about the characteristics of this person. What exactly is he trying to do.

His name is Ying Sheng. Since it was also written on the blackboard, it means that like them, they are outsiders who were involved. But this person's combat power is abnormally strong, and he is very used to this place, which means that this is not the first time he has come here. At least I've been to similar places.

According to Ye Wen's previous science popularization, if this is a horror novel, then there must be more than one place similar to this kind of school. Using a game as an example, this is a dungeon, the inspector teacher is an NPC, and they are players.

So, the difference is that they are novice players, while Ying Sheng is a veteran.

However, the opponent's purpose does not seem to be to escape. The last time we met, the other party was about to kill after confirming their number. Is there any reward for killing other players


Wait a moment.

Du Yixin suddenly remembered that whether it was the last time or this time, after the other party killed the patrol teacher, he said a word: not this one.

What does this mean? He is looking for someone, and the person he wants to kill is hidden among the players and NPCs

So, there is a possibility. Because he couldn't tell who the person he was going to kill was, he simply killed everyone he saw.

But is this necessary? revenge

Du Yixin felt that he seemed to be approaching the truth, but he still couldn't figure out the meaning of this person's actions.

The clothes are soaked. Thinking of the weather outside, it was probably raining. Su Xin was killed, is it also related to this guy

"Hey, why are you in a daze!" The man frowned displeasedly and walked in. The gymnasium door then closed with a bang.

No time to think about it.

In short, now there are two purposes. One is to get him to get rid of the patrol teacher and rescue Ai Le; the other is to stop being killed by the other party.

Du Yixin came back to his senses: "I'm sorry, my friend was caught by the patrol teacher, and I was thinking about how to save him."

The man glanced at the door of the duty room: "I see you are not in a hurry, you still have time to daze."

"Because I can't beat that monster either. But since you're here, maybe we can work together and find something."

"Huh? You're not sick in the head, are you?"

"The key to get out is here." Du Yixin pointed to the door, but looked at the man, "Our goal should be the same."

At this time, the man smiled: "Okay, it's not that I can't help you. You answer me first, is there anyone else in this school besides you."

Here comes the problem again.

Du Yixin nodded.


"A child, hiding because of fear. We'll go back and pick him up when we find the key."

"Hide away..." the man elongated his tone meaningfully.

"What's wrong?" Du Yixin was puzzled.

"Let me tell you something first, I hate it when people lie. If you find out that you lied to me..."

"Why did I lie to you?" Du Yixin blushed and his heart skipped a beat. Anyway, if you cheat or not, you will die, so it's better to delay for a while now, "But why do you care so much about that child, you shouldn't have that kind of interest."

The man became angry from embarrassment: "Get out!"

In short, the two agreed that when Du Yixin found the key, they would go find the child together. The man pushed and pulled the door a few times, but failed to open it.

"Wait a minute, the key..." Du Yixin began to search for the key chain in his hand. The man frowned, and impatiently asked him to stand far away, and then threw a small gadget towards the door.

A few seconds later, there was only a loud bang, and the door exploded. Iron filings splashed everywhere, and gunpowder smoke filled the air. When the smoke dissipated, it was discovered that a large hole with a radius of one meter had been blasted out of the front, and even the floor under the feet was not spared, and it was shattered countless times.

Du Yixin was dumbfounded, and realized: "Hey, my friend is still inside!"

"What are you shouting about? It's been so long, do you really think he's still alive?" The man dismissed and strode in.

Du Yixin was silent.

Just now, the big knife directly slashed over. After the door was closed, a knife pierced through the door. Ai Le may be more dangerous than good, and Du Yixin is well aware of this. But he can't sit still, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he must do it.

He followed. The scene in the room remained unchanged, and the chair he grabbed was still lying on the side.

But strangely, there was no one in the room. Not to mention Ai Le, even the inspector teacher disappeared.

He never left the door, and it took only a few minutes from being pushed out to when the door was bombed. Where can these two go in such a short time

Now, even if Du Yixin was told that Teacher Inspector would teleport, he wouldn't be surprised. He was more worried about Aile, whether everything was safe now.

The man glanced around the room: "Hey, isn't there no one here?"

Ye Wen's head was still placed on the wooden table, his mouth was wide open, and silver light shone faintly inside. Du Yixin walked over and slowly put his hand into his mouth. Fingertips touched a slightly cold hard object, grabbed it out, and spread it out in the palm of my hand, only to find that it was a key.

Is this... the key to the gate

Although he got what he wanted, Du Yixin was not very happy. So many people have died, and only this murderer and himself are left in the end, and then they just escape like this

what is this.