I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 83: Road to Stars (22)


[You have sent an anonymous letter to the "heartbeat"~ Will the other party also choose you? Heartbeat waiting...]

After the selection is over, a huge heart occupies most of the screen, beating and beating.

Really, no heartbeat at all. This may be the most heart-wrenching part of my life.

After the short-haired girl chose her sister, she threw her phone aside and lay down on the bed.

Although it is not polite to those desperate players to think so, when she heard the rules of this level, she did feel grateful for a moment. Who would have thought that her first love would happen in such a place.

The captain is too handsome! Handsome and powerful, she has been rescued countless times along the way. I thought I could take this opportunity to get close to the captain, but my sister was so puzzled!

The girl buried her head in the pillow and yelled like venting her anger. After a while, I felt tired again, and my whole body went limp.

Now... whose room is the captain in

[The "heartbeat moment" is over, have you successfully selected each other with that favorite TA? Keep the result secret for now, maybe in a few minutes, TA will knock on your door!]

The love hearts on the phone screen disappeared. Those optional avatars also turned black and became unable to interact.

Du Yixin put down his phone. After a while, there was a knock on the door.

The bedroom door does not have a peephole, so it is impossible to observe the situation outside the house. After opening the door, my brother was standing outside the door.

"Calm down now." Du Heng walked in, "I was worried just now that you wouldn't choose anyone, it's okay."

Du Yixin silently followed behind his elder brother, hesitated for a moment and said: "...Brother, I will 'read the file' tomorrow."

Du Heng paused, turned to look at his younger brother: "What did you say?"

The old man's tone was a bit scary, but Du Yixin didn't want to back down: "I'm going to die, and then 'read the file'."

"So," Du Heng thought for a while, and said, "You chose me today just to tell me this?"

"Let's form a team with someone else tomorrow." Du Yixin avoided answering, "I don't want you to be in danger."

"Then what do you think, I will watch you fall into danger."

Du Yixin lowered his head: "... Please. I don't want to cause you an accident because of personal reasons, but I can't make me forget those things."

Du Heng paused for a moment and asked, "Are you going back to save those people you just mentioned?"


"How are you going to save them? They were killed by Ying Sheng. With you now, how do you stop Ying Sheng?"


Du Heng gave his younger brother enough time to think before he said: "Look, you are just using your energy for a while. There is a limit to the number of times you can use your ability, let alone a few times, even if it is dozens or even hundreds of times, as long as you don't solve the problem fundamentally. problem, you can’t change the past.”

"But I..." Du Yi novice pressed his forehead, showing a trace of pain, "Those people died in front of me, I will always try."

At that time, I immediately wanted to commit suicide, maybe it was really a momentary fever. But even if he calmed down a bit now, he couldn't accept this reality.

Du Heng looked at his younger brother and sighed, "If you really want to go back and save them, there's nothing you can do."

"What, what should I do?"

"Now Ying Sheng is not very wary of you. If you are careful enough, you might be able to kill him."

Du Yixin was stunned, and slowly lowered his hand: "I... kill him?"

In fact, Du Heng didn't want to say these words to his younger brother. But this is the only way to make my brother give up that stupid idea. In the final analysis, no matter whether it is saving people or killing people, it is impossible for him to let his younger brother "read files" because of such things.

"The one who killed those people was Ying Sheng. Killing him is the fundamental solution to the problem, but can you do it?"

Du Yixin lowered his head slowly. He closed his eyes and imagined the scene, but no matter what kind of scene it was, it would not make him feel better.

And this recognition made him even more painful: "... I can't help it."

Sure enough. Du Heng patted his younger brother on the head: "In this game, death is inevitable. Even if I am, I will not escape this fate. And your ability is an important means of life-saving, which can only be used by yourself, understand."

Seeing that his younger brother was lost in thought, Du Heng wanted to continue his efforts until the other party got rid of this stupid idea from his head.

But at this moment, there was a loud collision sound outside the house. The two brothers were startled at the same time, Du Yixin subconsciously wanted to go to the door to check the situation, but was pulled to sit down by the elder brother: "You stay where you are."

After speaking, he walked to the door by himself.

I reached out and turned the handle, but the door didn't open. There was no lock, but a mysterious force blocked the exit.

The sound of collisions outside the house continued and became louder, with the occasional sound of flesh dragging and the scream of a male voice.

Is it Wang Lu who is on the same floor as them? Could it be that the pairing failed, and something came to the door

"Can't the door be opened?" Du Yixin still came over.

Du Heng frowned: "Didn't I tell you to stay where you are?"

But the conversation lasted only a few sentences, and there was a knock on the door of this room.



First once, then more and more urgently, as if trying to smash through the door.

Under normal circumstances, the door should have been broken long ago. Although the invisible force blocked the movement, it also protected the people inside. The unknown objects outside failed to open the door after all.

Then, the knocking stopped abruptly.

what's the situation

The two brothers looked at each other. Du Heng pulled his younger brother behind him: "I will use Nullification to open the door, you stay away."

"Are you going to save someone?"

Du Heng didn't answer. Of course it is best to be able to save, but the main purpose is not this. He wanted to see what the so-called "horrible thing" really was.

Rules are important, but they cannot be strictly followed, otherwise they will be very passive.

Cover the handle with your hand and activate the ability. A layer of faint white light rose from the palm, and then spread like a spider web, covering the entire facade, and gradually sank in.

Twist the handle again, and this time the door swung open.

Open the door slightly, but the outside is peaceful. If it weren't for the countless huge holes smashed in the ceiling corridor, it is almost suspected that the sound just now was an illusion.

At this time, someone came out from the next door.

Wang Lu

No, not right. Du Heng rejected this idea.

Although he looks like Wang Lu, his words and deeds are extremely weird. Stiff to the same hand and foot. The corridor was too dark to see clearly at first glance. But the man's head was obviously turned 180 degrees.

The "person" took a few steps awkwardly, and black smoke came out from the seven orifices. The black smoke continued to gather, forming an invisible mass.

The "man" fell down, and the lighter in his trouser pocket fell out, sparking. The black shadow swayed, like fire, and the color faded a bit. The difference is almost invisible to the naked eye, and then returns right away.

As if aware of the sight, he slowly turned around.

If you look any further, it will be exposed, Du Heng immediately closed the door.

"What did you see?"

"Black Shadow..." Du Heng frowned, "There is also Wang Lu, he is dead."

Although Du Yixin didn't know Wang Lu, but when he came up, he saw the nameplate of this room: "Is he alone?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be paired." Du Heng remembered that when the TV suddenly started counting down, Wang Lu hurriedly carried the woman up, saying that he wanted to wake her up.

Did it fail? Is the other party still in a coma, or did not vote for him at all.

"Will that black shadow come in?"

"Yes." Du Heng looked towards the door. The mechanism of this level may be that when there are two people in the room, a protective screen will be formed. He invalidated the barrier just now, which is equivalent to removing this layer of protection.

"It's okay, I'll stay here. You go to sleep." When clearing other dungeons, there will often be sleepless nights, and Du Heng is used to it.

But Du Yixin didn't agree, and turned to sit on the sofa.

Du Heng: "..." Forget it, I'll go to bed when I'm sleepy.

But he underestimated his younger brother's stubbornness. Until dawn, the two brothers stared at each other, and neither of them closed their eyes first.

The daylight came in, the TV in the room was turned on suddenly, and the noisy voice of the NPC came out.

"Good morning, did you enjoy a good night?" The beach shorts were still wearing yesterday's clothes, lying on the chair. The only difference is that there are two more curvaceous bikini beauties beside her.

It embraced one in each of its left and right hands: "I had an exciting night yesterday. Let's take a look at the situation yesterday—there were four people who were successfully matched, and three people who were single. The number of deaths..." It paused, "One person. "

"It's expected. I haven't whetted my appetite yet, so I just ate some appetizers." The beach pants said with a smile, "The people who were successfully matched yesterday can no longer choose each other today. Please cheer up and find a new partner Bar."

After leaving these words, the TV went out.

The night is over. Listening to what the NPC said just now, the next time "Sombra" will not only devour one person.

Pushing open the door and going out, the hole that was knocked out last night was restored, only the man's body was left lying there. After getting close, I found that the body had completely collapsed, and all the organs and bones inside had disappeared, leaving only a clean piece of skin.

Without the support of the skeleton, the human skin looks so ridiculous.

Then, others came up one after another. The short-haired girl couldn't bear to turn her head away after just one glance.

"What's going on?" The glasses lady adjusted her glasses, and looked at the long-haired woman, "Why is he alone? Didn't you choose each other with him?"

The woman's pointed fingers combed the doll's hair: "The little girl has a crush, but the crush didn't choose the little girl."

"Is now the time to talk about this!"

Du Heng asked: "You chose Ying Sheng yesterday?"

The long-haired girl nodded, and then complained: "But the adults didn't accept the little girl's wishes, why?"

"Do you still need to ask?" The glasses girl sneered, "You are too strange."

"A grown man is not the kind of person with small vision." The long-haired woman screamed, "Only a little girl can understand him, and I believe he will understand a little girl too. There must be some reason, yes! For example, he is illiterate, or Say you can’t use a smartphone.”

The glasses girl was speechless: "Your 'adult' is too frustrated."

"Little girl, hurry up and teach her, she will be fine tonight." She left this sentence and ran away in a hurry.

"Let's gather in the living room first." Du Heng said, "I have a few things that I am concerned about. Also, I need to confirm the mutual investment plan for tonight."

The sisters nodded and left. Du Heng looked at his younger brother, but saw him groping for something on the corpse.

"What's wrong?"

"No, I picked this up." Du Yixin stretched out his hand, and there was a shiny lighter on it.

Du Heng recognized that it was this thing that fell out of the man's pocket yesterday.

"You put it away." Du Heng said, "Although I'm not sure yet, the black shadow yesterday might be afraid of this thing."

Du Yixin opened the lid of the lighter, and a small cluster of flames ignited: "Afraid of fire?"

Du Heng nodded: "In such a big house, even the kitchen doesn't have an open fire facility. We can't vote with each other. If there is an accident, this may delay some time."

Although he didn't want to believe it, he couldn't guarantee that his teammates would not deliberately play tricks.

"I see." Du Yixin put away the lighter without refusing.

The corpse couldn't just be laid out so big, and the two sent the corpse back to his own room.

After that, Du Heng went down first. Du Yixin wanted to wash his face first, so he went back to the bedroom.

The bedroom has its own bathroom. Surrounded by a circle of glass, no matter what is done inside, it can be seen at a glance. He turned on the faucet and drenched in cold water for a while before gradually waking up.

Looking in the mirror, the man in the mirror had dripping hair, dark circles under his eyes, and a tired face.

How many hours have you been in the game? Like a top, there is no pause, no sleep and no rest. Coupled with the series of accidents encountered, not only the body, but also the mental and psychological pressure.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the mirror. Ying Sheng entered the room at some point, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Let's talk," he said.


Thank you Bingyao He for mine, MUA!