I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 84: Road to Stars (23)



Hearing Ying Sheng say this, Du Yixin was a little surprised. He tightened the faucet, turned and walked out: "Brother, let's gather, let's go down first."

Instead of passing by, when he put his hand on the doorknob, he heard someone behind him say: "Du Heng said that you died at my hands, what does it mean?"

Du Yixin paused. Then his right arm was grabbed and he forced himself to face it.

"He's talking nonsense. If you're dead, who is standing here now?" Ying Sheng said with a sullen face, "Tell me, what's going on."

For a moment, the room fell silent.

Du Yixin didn't speak immediately. His eyes shifted to the young man grasping his arm, and he looked up again. Ying Sheng also seemed to have not slept all night, his eyes were bloodshot.

"It was when we met for the first time." He replied, "At that school, you remember it."

Ying Sheng frowned, as if remembering.

"You killed me as soon as we met. But because of my ability, I didn't die."

Facing his bland but definite answer, Ying Sheng wanted to deny it: "How is it possible, I simply..."

"You won't remember." Du Yixin said, "My ability is that once I die, I can go back to the past. So after being killed by you, I came back to life."

So from a certain point of view, the current timeline is the timeline in which Ying Sheng was not killed.

Du Yixin briefly recounted the first encounter between the two. The other party's expression changed from unbelievable at the beginning to gradually calm, the strength in his hand became weaker and weaker, and then he completely let go and hung down slightly.

"So..." Ying Sheng's voice was slightly dry, as if it was squeezed out of his throat, "I did kill you."


"You want to commit suicide in order to go back and save those who were killed by me."


Du Yixin did not respond. Ying Sheng covered his face with his hands, as if digesting this emotion.

Thinking back to yesterday, after successfully preventing suicide, they came to this level. I thought this guy had calmed down, but it turned out to be the opposite.

After knocking out the disgusting woman, he went to Du Yixin's room, and happened to hear voices in the room. Only then did he realize that the other party blamed himself so much for the death of that group of people.

It is incomprehensible that a group of strangers were killed by him. Is it simply not seeing the dead

But it's not the first time to enter a dungeon. It should have been understood that this is the world of the jungle.

Moreover, this guy obviously remembers what he did, why can he still walk with him and invite him to be a companion

There was chaos in my mind. Doubt, confusion, incomprehension, and many other emotions that he didn't understand mixed together, making him unsure how to react.

Ying Sheng put down his hand slowly, looked into the young man's eyes: "Why didn't you tell me before."

"Tell you what." Du Yixin was puzzled.

"I'll kill you!" Ying Sheng was a little mad, "Are you sick! Can you still stay with me like this?"

"Whether I forgive you or not is my own business. At first I just wanted to use you, but then..." Du Yixin paused. His feelings for Sheng are very complicated, not simply liking or disliking him, he doesn't understand in a few words. Moreover, it feels very nasty to say these words from the mouth.

Besides, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Our respective goals have been achieved. You got rid of the white bird, and I found my brother. So, let's clear up." He spread his hands, "I was wrong before, and I shouldn't impose my values on you. You just follow Let your own thoughts go, and then, me too."

These words seemed to sever the bond that the two of them had built so far with a knife.

Ying Sheng didn't reply right away, but felt that the other party's attitude made him anxious.

Du Yixin waited for a while, but didn't hear an answer, so he said, "Everyone is going to have a meeting, let's go down first."

Hearing this, Ying Sheng glared at him, opened the door aggressively, and left.

Du Yixin scratched his head, and then went out. But when he went down to the living room, he didn't find Ying Sheng. Those present were still those who had gathered just now.

"Xiao Tou said he wouldn't come if he didn't find that person." The short-haired girl stuck out her tongue, "I searched with her for a while, but I still couldn't find it, so I came down first."

Xiao Tou refers to the long-haired girl.

Du Yixin wanted to say that Ying Sheng was in his room just now. But when he saw his brother, he felt that he must be forced to explain what the two of them had talked about. He felt that it was troublesome, so he sat down without saying a word.

Du Heng: "Don't care about them, let's start first."

He briefly explained the current situation and what he noticed yesterday. The short-haired girl snapped her hands in surprise: "Captain, did you open the door? It didn't come to attack you, did it?"

"It's really asking nonsense." The glasses girl never showed mercy, "If something happened, I wouldn't sit here."

"It may be due to the mechanism. Yesterday it was enough to eat one person, and today there may be more than one. But in any case, as long as the door is not opened, nothing will happen." Du Heng said lightly, "Then it is about today's team formation, yesterday's mutual election Those who have passed can't be together today, so now decide who to choose."

Here's your chance! The short-haired girl's eyes lit up, and she was about to jump up. She managed to suppress her excitement: "That, that, captain, we can be together. Then sister can exchange votes with your brother."

Du Heng didn't have any objection to this. After all, there are only four people now, and the range of options is very small, so he nodded.

Yes! Girls clenched their fists inside.

The lady with glasses is actually not very satisfied with this arrangement, she doesn't want to be with boys. But now the only female left is the nagging long-haired girl, who may be more difficult to deal with than a man.

We can only make do with it.

She sighed heavily, raised her head and said to Du Yixin, "What's your name?"

"Du Yixin."

"Okay. I'll be in a group with you tonight, so don't have any extravagant thoughts." The glasses girl looked serious, then pointed to Du Heng, "And you. Even though you are our captain, I respect you a lot But don't take this opportunity to touch my sister!"

Du Heng was taken aback. This is the first time he has been given this kind of warning when he grows up. He feels helpless: "I won't."

"Sister!" The short-haired girl was shy and annoyed, pressed her arm quickly, and said embarrassingly, "Captain, please don't get me wrong, my sister is just a little nervous. And this... brother captain, I'm sorry, please take care of me .”

"What do you mean by being more tolerant, you have wronged him with me, right?"

"Sister, stop talking!"

The two sisters were noisy, but Du Yixin couldn't hear a word, as if they were isolated from a vacuum. Then, he hesitated: "I don't..."

But before he finished speaking, his shoulders were pressed: "Xiaoxin." Du Heng shook his head, "Don't think about it anymore."

Du Yixin was startled.

"Look forward, you can't save everyone. Or, you want to let this girl die for those people."

Du Yixin looked at the girl, who was still arguing with his sister.

He bowed his head: "Brother, I still don't quite understand. But you are right, even if I go back, I can't stop Ying Sheng." Opening his palm, the wound on it has basically healed, leaving only scabs, " I have to become stronger."

Hearing his younger brother's words, Du Heng felt a little uncomfortable. In his opinion, the younger brother doesn't need to become stronger at all, as long as he is safe and protected by him.

At this moment, the two sisters also finished fighting. The younger sister dragged her older sister and stood in front of Du Yixin: "Okay, let's get to know each other. You will be in a group tonight, let's shake hands."

The glasses girl was almost forced to stretch out her arms. Du Yixin raised his head, glanced at the girl, and then turned to the short-haired girl beside him: "Don't force her. I will choose her tonight, don't worry."

"Huh? Okay, thank you..." Since the younger brother always drooped his head and looked lifeless from the moment he showed up, the short-haired girl didn't pay attention to his appearance at all. Looking at it this way, it seems quite handsome.

God, their sisters and this pair of brothers will not become a family in the future!

The girl with short hair blushed because of her imagination.

It was night, and it was almost time to send text messages, and several people scattered back to the room. Du Yixin opened the door, only to find that the dark purple light in the room was brightly lit, and an unexpected guest was sitting on the bed.

The long-haired woman is wearing a long skirt and sitting on a soft bed. With the doll on her lap, Jie Jie smiled and said, "Little girl has been waiting for you for a long time."

When did this guy come

"What's the matter with you, go back quickly. It's about to start."

The woman pretended to be sad: "But the little girl was rejected by the adults. Even if she goes back, she can't spend the night with her."

"Since he refused to agree to you, why didn't you choose your teammates in the first round?"

The woman chuckled: "Are you jealous? I understand, that lord is very charming, even if he has many suitors, it's not surprising."

"... Can you go back?"

"The little girl came here to ask a question. What is the relationship between you and that adult?"

Although Du Yixin didn't want to answer, but having seen how difficult this guy is, he had no choice but to deal with it: "It just happens to be a team."

"I don't believe it." The woman stopped combing the doll's hair, and clasped the doll's head with her long nails, "It's just a team, how can the adults care so much about you. Ah, he must have chosen you yesterday, but you He was not chosen. Poor lord."

Du Yixin sighed. At this time, the countdown on the TV had already started, and he didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he went to the bedside table and took out his mobile phone.

The woman was still chattering: "And today I went to the adult's room, but I didn't find him. But I saw the two of you coming out of the room together. You know, my heart was broken at that time."

The phone screen was not yet controllable, so he put the phone in his pocket and walked into the bathroom.

"My lord must have been drugged by you, the little girl must save him."

"I'm going to the toilet, you don't go out anymore..." Du Yixin pulled the belt, looked back, but found that the figure on the bed had disappeared.

Really gone? He was obviously still talking just now.

He searched the entire bedroom, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no unknown object hiding.

Looking at the time, it was about the same time. After he chose the girl's name, the familiar prompt from yesterday popped up on the phone screen.

[You have sent an anonymous letter to the "heartbeat"~ Will the other party also choose you? Heartbeat waiting...]

This time the waiting time was longer than yesterday. Later, he finally received a reply with some changes in the content.

[It seems that the two of you have a good understanding. Without further ado, pack up and go to the other party's room. Remember, hurry up, or you don't know what scary things will pop up halfway!]

It should not be so early when Lenovo's black shadow appeared yesterday. But he didn't delay, and went out after receiving the reply.

At this moment, the outside is dead. Originally, there were no light tubes installed in the corridor, but after the sun went down, it was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

He remembered that the girl's room was on the second floor and had to go down a flight of stairs. I wanted to take out my mobile phone to illuminate it, but found that it disappeared out of thin air.

Speaking of which, the same thing happened yesterday. The short-haired girl went back to her room to check her phone, and wanted to show it to them, but found it in her pocket.

Is it caused by the rules here? To prevent cheating, mobile phones cannot be taken out of the room.

Although the darkness affected the speed, it still reached the destination without any risk. Knocking on the door of the girl's room, the other party frowned and let him in.

The bedroom decoration is the same as Du Yixin's room, with the same interesting big bed and lighting. After watching this for a day, I was almost a little numb.

The only difference is that the sofa that was originally placed against the wall has been moved to the center, facing the door. Like a 38th line, separating the big bed to the innermost side.

The glasses girl put the heart-shaped pillow on the sofa: "You sleep here tonight, absolutely don't cross the line."


For some reason, the girl was far less aggressive than she was in front of her younger sister, as if embarrassed: "One night is over as soon as you close your eyes. Don't talk to me, don't disturb me to sleep."


"Then, that's it!"

After explaining these things, the glasses girl returned to the bed. Turning around, he found Du Yixin still standing there, and said urgently, "Lie down quickly, don't let me see you."

The boy obediently lay down, his figure hidden behind the sofa. Only then did the glasses girl breathe a sigh of relief, but when she closed her eyes, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep when she thought of a big man lying in the room.

Time passed by, and although the eyes were closed, there was no sign of falling asleep at all.

Annoyed and bored, she lifted the quilt and got up: "Are you asleep?"

There was no response, and it was as quiet as if she was the only one in the room.

Really fell asleep? Staying in the same room with a girl like her, no idea at all

This made her feel a little angry again, she turned over and got out of bed, and looked from the back of the sofa. But looking at it this way, he couldn't help being stunned.


The heart-shaped pillow was in its original place, and the sofa was empty. But where the person should have been lying down, there was only one doll left. His empty eyes met her, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Thank you He Bingyao for the mine, thank you a scholar for the mine! (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ呀呀!