I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 85: Road to Stars (24)


can not breath.

Due to the exhaustion of the journey, he did not sleep last night, so when he touched the pillow, Du Yixin lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep. During sleep, I suddenly felt out of breath, my mouth and nose seemed to be stuffed with cotton, and my breathing was difficult.

This strong discomfort forced him to wake up from his lethargy, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was not in the original room.

The eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of black cloth, and the surroundings were pitch black. His hands and feet couldn't move, as if they were tightly bound.

There was no real object under his feet, his whole body seemed to be floating in mid-air, and something was constantly burrowing into his body.

He was arrested

Recalling what my brother said at the meeting today-it was a cloud of black smoke that killed another teammate last night. It can drill into the body through the seven orifices, and eat up the human bone marrow and organs.

But why, he obviously succeeded in mutual selection with the girl. After forming a team logically, a barrier will be formed at the entrance. How could he be caught now.

The brain is a little deprived of oxygen.

Is this considered unintentional? I tried to commit suicide many times before, but failed. Now I can finally read the file successfully.

There was no joy or fear in his heart, he just thought that maybe he could take this opportunity to experiment with something.

His hands were bound tightly and tightly bound to his sides, but his fingers could still move. He moved his fingers with difficulty and reached into his pocket.

As if aware of his actions, the black shadow surrounding him moved violently and slammed into the ceiling.

Pain all over the body as if the bones were about to break. But it was a blessing in disguise, the impact caused the lighter in his pocket to move out a few inches, and his fingers quickly reached it. Enduring the severe pain, he lifted the lid, and the small flame quickly ignited.

As if feeling the scorching heat, the black shadow shrank like evaporating, throwing the person out at once.

Du Yixin fell to the ground with a "bang", but fortunately there was a soft carpet under his body for cushioning.

There is also the discomfort of foreign body invasion in the mouth and nasal cavity. He took a big breath of fresh air and got up from the ground. Looking around, he found himself in a hallway. The next four rooms seem to be on the second floor.

The damage caused by the small flame did not last long, and the black shadows gathered again.

My brother guessed right, it is indeed afraid of fire. It's just that the power of the lighter is too small. Although it will repel it, it can't cause any real damage.

The black shadow came suddenly. Du Yixin rushed forward and narrowly escaped.

The bungalow was searched yesterday, and there were no open flame facilities and combustion aids. Even if something is ignited, it is estimated that it will be extinguished soon.

Basically, lighters only delay time. If I don't have any skills to counteract, it's only a matter of time before I get caught.

Sombra's weakness has been clarified, but there is still one problem.

How did he get caught

Had it once yesterday. After the pairing is successful, it can be determined that Sombra cannot open the door from the outside. And if the people in the room didn't have the special ability of my brother, they definitely wouldn't be able to open it.

Is it because the NPC deliberately missed the rules, or is it the ability of other players

Even if you read the file, you will come to this level again later. If you don't figure out the reason, you will just die again in vain.

Du Yixin ran forward, using firelight to disperse the shadows from time to time, and soon came to the stairs.

Being blocked on the third floor, he had nowhere to escape, so he ran downstairs without hesitation. Soi Ying failed several times, and finally got impatient, and slapped the man's palm fiercely.

The lighter was blown away, drew a parabola, and fell downstairs.

The black shadow was burned by the flames, and there was a moment of stagnation. Du Yixin took the opportunity to increase the distance, and jumped downstairs in a few steps. But before he found the lighter, he found that he couldn't walk.

The soft black smoke tightly entangled his ankles, as if they had taken root on the ground. The black shadow swelled suddenly, almost several times its original size, and turned into a big net and wrapped it around.

But just a few centimeters away from the tip of the nose, the black shadow suddenly stopped.

Like stepping on a sudden brake, it froze in mid-air.

"What are you doing stupidly!"

Accompanied by a familiar roar, the explosion resounded through the sky. There was a lot of smoke in front of him, and Du Yixin felt that the shackles under his feet were loosened, and then he was hugged by the waist, and he left the scene directly.

A few steps away, Ying Sheng put him down: "Go back upstairs."

Du Yixin was a little surprised.

How did this guy appear, in order to save him

He felt a little unbelievable.

"Don't make a mistake!" Noticing Du Yixin's eyes, Ying Sheng said, "I just don't want you to change the past, the key is mine."

"Xiaoxin, leave this to us. You go up first."

Only then did Du Yixin notice that his brother was also there. There was a faint light in the old brother's hand, and he was the one who stopped the black shadow just now.

After taking a blow and exploding, Sombra suffered a lot of damage and shrunk by a circle. The black smoke at the edge became much lighter, almost transparent.

But at this moment, like the light returning to the sky, the black shadow suddenly expanded, the color became deeper again, and it pounced on the least threatening prey among the three.

This force exploded suddenly, and Du Heng almost failed to control it. He frowned: "I will control it again, you continue to attack."

"Don't order me." Ying Sheng ran up the stairs in a few steps, then climbed over the railing and jumped, attacking the shadow.

Following a series of loud noises, several flames exploded in the air.

The black image was pierced through several holes, and there were gaps in many places on the body. It screamed angrily, drove its broken body regardless, surrounded Ying Sheng, formed a huge ball, and smashed to the ground clamorously.

All of a sudden, it feels like carrying a thousand catties in your hand. Du Heng clenched his five fingers tightly, and managed to make the ball stop in the air.

Although it was good to sacrifice Ying Sheng like this, my brother was still there. What's more, the opponent's abilities are comparable to monsters, so let's save his life for now.

Just at this moment, a wave appeared on the surface of the black ball. Several lines climbed from the center to the outside, as if they were about to split. Then, like boiling water, the whole ball boiled.


The ball exploded, and the black liquid splashed in all directions.

Ying Sheng landed steadily on the ground, seemingly unscathed, holding a palm-sized ball in his hand, and was looking at it.

"What the hell, the main body?"

After being wrapped in just now, Ying Sheng was entangled in his limbs just like Du Yixin. But he was very strong, and Du Heng restrained the monster outside, so he quickly broke free from the restraints, and in the illusory black smoke, he touched a hard object.

It is the small ball in the hand, with eyes and noses engraved on it. It seemed to be still alive, with its mouth wide open revealing sharp teeth, biting frantically.

Ying Sheng fell directly to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

Du Heng: "...what are you doing, haven't investigated yet."

Ying Sheng didn't take it seriously: "If there's anything worth investigating, it's just a broken ball."

The black liquid gradually evaporated, blending into the air and disappearing, leaving only the shattered body.

Du Heng walked over, picked it up and looked at it. It seemed to be ceramics, but the original appearance could no longer be seen.

"Is this the NPC from the TV?" Du Yixin also came over, "If we kill it now, we've cleared the level early?"

But now I still can't call out the color, and the door of the bungalow can't be opened.

The door has been automatically locked since they came in, and now it is pushed and pulled a few times, but the result is still the same.

"There is only one day left, let's see what will happen tomorrow." Du Heng was not in a hurry, he was more concerned about his brother's health, "Xiaoxin, how do you feel?"

Du Yixin shook his head. Although he was hit a few times, he was not seriously injured. And he woke up in time, before the black shadow had time to eat.

"I'm fine, thanks bro. But how did you come here?"

Du Heng briefly explained.

Those two sisters are a bit special, they share the same key, and the skill is telepathy, which only takes effect between them. After discovering that Du Yixin was not there, the glasses girl felt bad, so she immediately notified her sister and asked her to tell the team leader.

"I suddenly disappeared from the room?"

Du Heng nodded: "Do you still have any impression?"

"I fell asleep." Du Yixin recalled with a frown, "I woke up and found myself outside the house. Could this be the work of that monster?"

"Also, there is a puppet left where you disappeared."


"It's not a ceramic doll." Du Heng paused, "A very beautiful doll."

There are ceramic dolls everywhere in this copy. But when it comes to beautiful dolls, Du Yixin can almost only imagine that person.

Ying Sheng had been listening silently by the side, and when he heard these words, he suddenly lifted his feet and walked upstairs.

Seeing the direction the man was walking in, Du Heng said, "Let's go there too."

The three of them arrived at the destination one after the other. Du Yixin was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, but the person next to him was faster than him and kicked him.

A woman's sinister smile came from inside the room: "Are you an adult? If you are alone, the little girl will open the door for you."

In order to prevent cheating, once the specified time is exceeded, outsiders cannot enter the bedroom. Unless the people inside the house take the initiative to open it.

Of course, this is a restriction for players. To Sombra, as long as someone places an order, the so-called door is nothing.

Perhaps it was the power of "rules", but even Ying Sheng couldn't open the door after kicking so many times.

"You'd better get out of the way." Du Heng ruthlessly pushed Ying Sheng away, and put his hand on the handle.

Before Ying Sheng could reply, he saw that the other party had opened the door. He was dumbfounded for a moment, and then he said furiously, "You're playing with me! Would you open it sooner?"

Let him play like a fool for a long time.

But Du Heng walked into the house as if he hadn't heard of it.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and I saw a black shadow sitting on the other side of the bed, motionless.

"You should know why we came to you." Du Heng turned on the light.

Under the lamp, the woman's figure became a little clearer. Seeing that someone came to the door, he was not in a hurry, he smiled lightly and said, "I don't know, what does the captain want to talk to the little girl about?"

"It was you who got my brother caught."

The woman bowed her head and combed the doll's hair: "Little girl has been staying here, I don't know what you mean."

"This is your ability, similar to a substitute technique." Du Heng said lightly. Although he has never seen this person use skills, it is not that he has seen similar abilities, "I think it was you who the monster found. But you exchanged my brother, so he obviously obeyed the rules, but he was still killed." Captured."

"Hehehe, isn't it?"

This woman has been pretending to be crazy and stupid. However, even if the other party does not admit it, as long as you get the doll left in the glasses girl's room, everything will be self-evident.

Although Du Heng was still able to calmly analyze, Ying Sheng beside him couldn't help it. He walked over and snatched the doll from the woman's hand. The woman's expression finally changed, her body froze, and her hands were frozen in midair.

"My... doll."

"This is your medium." Ying Sheng grabbed the puppet's head with one hand and squeezed his fingers tightly, "It's hard for you to comb its hair every day, so it will save time later."

With a loud noise, the beautiful puppet became a headless corpse and fell to the ground. The limbs were severed, and the neck was scorched black.

The woman frantically picked up the fragments of the doll, trying to restore it, but it was in vain. Seeing her beloved become like this, she not only screamed heart-piercingly.

"Ah, ah!"

Accompanied by this scream, countless puppets emerged from under the bed, behind the curtains, and under the sofa, and they soared into the air.

Those dolls have exquisite faces and gorgeous clothes on their bodies. But looking at it at this moment, it only feels very scary.

"My lord! How can you be like this? The little girl loves you wholeheartedly, but you only care about those vixens outside!" The long-haired woman knelt on the ground, tearing her long hair with her hands, with a hideous face.

Ying Sheng was puzzled.

"Even so, the little girl won't blame the adults. It's all the vixen's fault, trying to change the adults. The little girl wants to commit the crime of killing for the sake of the adults. Why don't the adults understand!"

"I don't know you at all! You'd better go to hell and go back to your own dynasty!"

He grabbed the woman's long hair and drew out the knife. Just as she was about to attack, her arm was grabbed by someone behind her: "Wait! She can use a substitute technique, so don't attack me."

Although the puppets floating around were terrifying, they just stared at them blankly, not aggressive.

Ying Sheng looked into Du Yixin's eyes, and slowly let go of his hand.

The woman fell to the ground all at once. All of a sudden, the dolls fell down one after another.

It was Du Heng who used his ability to cut off the connection between the woman and the doll. But to completely nullify it, one must be clear about the trigger: "Let's tie people up first."

The woman was firmly tied to the foot of the bed, and the other party did not resist.

Now there are two questions to ask. One is the conditions to display the skills, and the other is the motivation.

Perhaps she was at a loss what to do, the long-haired girl didn't talk about him anymore, but tearfully told her history of unrequited love.

Then, the three of them understood. The vixen in this guy's mouth refers to Du Yixin. The reason for replacing Du Yixin is nothing special, just jealous of him.

Ying Sheng is well-known among the key owners, and most of them hate this cold-blooded killing machine. But among a small group of psychopaths, he was sought after as an idol.

And Rapunzel is one of them. Although it was the first time she saw Ying Sheng, based on the rumors in the market and the murderous character shown by the other party, she determined the identity of this person at first glance.

It's a pity that I didn't get a random group, but since I reached the same level, which is still the "Love" level, I think this is fate.

Who would have thought that this "idol" had no interest in her at all, but instead ran after another man's ass, which gave birth to jealousy.

Du Yixin: "..."

Du Heng: "..."

The short-haired girl who didn't know when ran over sighed: "It turned out to be a love triangle story."

The captain didn't come back after going out. She was very worried and went out, only to find that the door was wide open. After entering, I heard such a heartbreaking story of unrequited love.

Ying Cheng smiled bluntly: "If your eyes are useless, donate them. I didn't run after his ass."

The two other than Du Yixin looked at him involuntarily.

"Look at the fart!"

"In short," Du Yixin changed the subject, "Your motive is clear, now let's talk about the skill. What are the conditions for its use?"

The long-haired girl who was talking eloquently just now suddenly closed her mouth, and then said quietly: "If I tell you, the little girl will be killed."

The old man said: "We are not like someone, we don't have the hobby of killing. This is just to prevent you from making trouble again. However," he changed the subject, "If you want to be killed by your 'idol', we will not stop you .”

Ying Sheng: "Fuck your mother's idol."

In short, the long-haired girl compromised. After all, it was a temporary team, and the aftermath was left to Du Heng and the short-haired girl. When we came out, it was already daylight, and the second night was coming to an end.

The two came out one after another, and Du Yixin called out to Ying Sheng: "Thank you for saving me just now."

The other party didn't look back: "I said it, I just don't want you to change the past."

"Then let it be like this." Du Yixin was silent for a moment, and said, "Ying Sheng, I will become stronger."


"Then, it will definitely defeat you."

Ying Sheng stopped and turned around: "Are you declaring war on me?"

"I will prove you wrong."

"Very good." The corners of Ying Sheng's mouth twitched, he approached, and grabbed his collar, "Then I'll wait and see if you can kill me."


Thank you Bingyao He for the mine!

Thank you for a scholar's mine!

Thank you Mr. Ren for the nutrient solution +10!

Love your refills~