I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 88: Road to Stars (End)


"Cheer up." Du Yixin pulled Ying Sheng up, "You don't need to be afraid, and you don't need to talk to that old man. Let's just kill the masked man."

Ying Sheng stared at him blankly, then said, "I'm not afraid."

"Very good." Du Yixin looked at Shiratori's boss, "Then show your usual momentum, and I will attract his attention."

Before Ying Sheng could respond, he saw a black shadow rushing towards him.

It was the maid.

She leaped high, her arm turned into a sharp blade, and chopped off with a single blow.

Ying Sheng pushed Du Yixin away, drew out his knife to meet him, and firmly caught the attack.


In the light of the calcium carbide fire, the two had already exchanged their swords back and forth a few times.

Ying Sheng was faintly at a disadvantage. His attack was still a little pinched, as if he was guarding against a black needle that would appear at some point.

Maids are no better than ordinary people, and they quickly gain the upper hand when their opponents are distracted. She kicked the knife flying, and then changed the gun from the sharp blade with her arm, intending to kill it directly.

Suddenly, I felt wind in my ears. She didn't look back, the gun was pointed at the past.


The thrown chair was smashed to pieces. Du Yixin didn't even look at it, he bent over to pick up the knife, and rushed towards the masked man.

The other party was still convulsed by the poison in his body. He was not dead, but he couldn't move.

"Stop him." The man ordered softly, and the maid immediately turned around and ran towards Du Yixin.

But suddenly he couldn't walk, and the gun barrel was firmly grasped. The veins in Ying Sheng's arms bulged, and he drew a circular arc centered on himself, and threw the woman out.

The maid fell hard to the wall, spitting blood from her mouth. But she got up nonchalantly, and the shadow of a person was reflected in her inorganic eyes.

Ying Sheng grabbed her hair.

The masked man was close at hand, Du Yixin quickened his pace, but heard the rustling sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air. Looking up, there are several black needles.

In order to avoid it, he had to step back, and the distance between him and the masked man was opened again.

"The reaction is fairly fast, other than that there is nothing special." The man said, "Don't you use your ability?"

Du Yixin looked at him.

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, and put his hand on his chin: "You look familiar." Shaoqing suddenly realized, "I remembered, you are the person Xiao Pu said. He was very happy at the time and said that he would be caught soon. Du Heng's horse's feet."

Du Yixin recalled that annoying team leader Park wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"Du Heng's ability is very rare and troublesome. What about you, what ability do you have?"


Now it is time to delay until Ying Sheng defeats the maid. Of course, the most ideal situation is that he can take the opportunity to kill the masked man.

Du Yixin gripped the handle of the knife tightly.

At this moment, the sound of an explosion came from Ying Sheng's direction.

The man grabbed the maid's head with both hands, and the scorched hair and metal pieces splashed away and rolled to the ground. Half of the maid's head was destroyed, exposing the delicately structured equipment inside, and a few wires of electricity burst out from time to time.

Even so, she didn't die completely, she fixed her eyes on Ying Sheng and raised her gun.

The movements are already very stiff and slow.

Ying Sheng waved it over with one hand, snapped off the barrel of the gun, and kicked the maid to the ground.

She finally couldn't move.

After some fighting, Ying Sheng was not unscathed, his limbs were bruised by bullets, although not fatal, the blood flowed profusely.

The man saw that his subordinate was dead, and his mood didn't fluctuate at all: "It's really useless."

Du Yixin couldn't believe it: "What are you talking about? She died for you."

The man was indifferent: "If she was useful, she wouldn't die in a place like this."

"But it's not surprising." He then got up and looked at Ying Sheng, "Compared to a few years ago, you have improved a lot. It's a pity that you are too disobedient, otherwise, I can still train you."

Ying Sheng recalled his previous experiences, and couldn't stop feeling sick all over his body: "Stinky old man, what are you dreaming of? What do you mean by training, do you mean torture and help you block the knife?"

"Is there something wrong? I gave you enough material protection, of course you should repay it." The man raised his finger, and a black needle appeared. But instead of facing Ying Sheng, he stabbed at Du Yixin.

"Don't make small moves in private, I don't like it very much."

When Du Yixin saw the black needle attacking, he hurriedly dodged away. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill the masked man just now, but he failed again.

Although it escaped the first attack, more black needles condensed from the air, getting denser and denser, and they were about to fall down like a huge black rain.

He only felt that his eyeballs were filled with black, this time the attack area was too large, there was nowhere to hide. He was almost mentally prepared to die.

Seeing this, Ying Sheng wanted to rush over, but his feet seemed to be rooted out of fear, and he couldn't move freely.


He picked up the broken wall bricks on the ground, aimed the cut at his thigh, and stabbed in without hesitation. Blood was spilling out, but he didn't notice it, kicked his feet, and rushed directly into the dense black rain.


It rained.

Du Yixin felt that time and space stood still. Being protected under the body, only the heartbeat of the person on the body can be heard. The speed is so fast that it almost reaches an unnatural level.

The other party spat out a mouthful of blood, which was cloudy black. Then, as if he could no longer support his body, he fell to one side.

"I really didn't expect that he would risk his life to save someone?" The man paced out, "What do you use to control him, it is more effective than my ability."

Du Yixin slowly sat up from the ground, but did not answer the man's question.

He couldn't think now, he was almost dumbfounded.

He has already told Ying Sheng about his ability, even if he dies, he can do it all over again.

Why exactly.

When I touched Ying Sheng's arm, it felt limp, as if there was no bone or muscle.

The other party was breathing rapidly. And every breath intensifies the flow of venom in the blood. More blood seeped out from the seven orifices.

Two jets of black blood oozed from the eye sockets, slid down the face, and stained the earlobes. It's like crying.

Of course Ying Sheng wasn't crying. His vision was so blurred that he could barely see clearly.

"The Ebola virus can corrode from the body and completely dissolve the human body." The man explained kindly.

"Since he's dead, let's save your life." The man approached, wanting to pat Du Yixin on the shoulder, "Don't move, I'm going to have a black needle. To prevent the virus from leaking, be careful..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was waved away. There was an extra bloodstain on the man's face, it was the knife in Du Yixin's hand.

He wiped his face, saw the blood on his fingertips, and smiled unconsciously: "I'm not angry."

Contrary to the language, there are more black needles condensed in mid-air.

However, this time, before touching the prey, the black needle turned into smoke and disappeared out of thin air.

In the living room, a ball of light appeared, but it was Du Heng leading his team.

The short-haired girl exclaimed, "Oh my god, brother, are you okay!"

Man: "It's really not the right time to come."

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Du Heng raised his hand expressionlessly, "Let's make it over, Dialect Wu."

Dialect Wu is the real name of the man. Normally, his subordinates would respectfully call him Lord Wu, but he killed anyone who dared to call him by his first name.

But this time Dialect Wu didn't respond, he grabbed the masked man and said, "Luna."

Shockingly, the maid who was clearly paralyzed on the ground stood up and walked over with a limp.

But everyone soon realized that it was not a living person at all, but a walking corpse.

"Luna" failed to walk to the owner's side as she wished, but was caught by Du Yixin on the way.

The man sensed Du Yixin's purpose: "Do you think it's useful?"

He wanted to grab his men back. After all, it is a combat power that has been cultivated through hard work, and the key cannot be snatched away in vain.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt something bad, and sharply dodged back. A bullet struck, hitting the arm.

Du Heng clicked his tongue, he wanted to hit the heart directly.

Seeing that Du Heng wanted to continue attacking, Fang Yanwu threw out several black needles, but they attacked the teammates behind Du Heng.

Du Heng paused, turned his head to point at the black needle, and grasped it with five fingers to make it gasify again.

But it doesn't matter, the man just wants to delay time: "Hmph." He covered his bleeding arm, "It's really menacing, I should go too."

Not "we", but "I".

Although he is still suffering from the virus, the masked man is still keenly aware of this subtle difference.

He managed to get to the fifth level, and he didn't want to die yet.

The masked man hurriedly said: "Please, my lord, don't kill me. I will end the game, and I will be loyal to you from now on."

The man looked down at him: "That's what you said at the beginning."

"I… "

"Also, it's you, not you. Learn more manners in your next life." Dialect Wu looked at him with regretful eyes.

It's time for the virus to strike.

The masked man still wanted to struggle, but the words he blurted out were heart-piercing screams. His body melted like ice cream, his clothes fell down, and his mask fell off.

And the fifth-level key left behind was held in the hands of the man.

At the same time, the surrounding scenery began to collapse. The copy master is dead, and the space built by him is about to disappear.

"Don't try to escape!" Du Heng caught up.

Dialect Wu Hao looked at him leisurely, not avoiding or avoiding: "Don't be in such a hurry, we will see you again soon." Then he raised the fifth-level key in his hand and showed it off, "I will accept this thing."

After leaving these words, the figure of the man disappeared in the air.

Du Heng flinched.

"Captain! Captain!" the short-haired girl shouted from behind, "You must remember to find me when you go out!"

Her voice was swallowed.

Not only her, but the players in the dungeon were sent out one by one. Du Yixin and Du Heng also returned outside.

Before entering the copy, they were preparing to drive away. And now, the two are still sitting in the car.

The air is filled with the characteristic leather smell of cars. Du Heng recalled Dialect Wu's disgusting face, and rubbed the bridge of his nose wearily.

Not only did he not get the fifth-level key, but he was also taken away by that bastard. Now, the gap between their team and Shiratori has widened even further.

At this moment, the person beside him suddenly untied his belt, opened the door and ran out. Du Heng was taken aback, and followed out.

Brother seems to be looking for something.

"Xiaoxin?" Du Heng walked over and grabbed his hand, "What's wrong."

"Brother!" Du Yixin grabbed Du Heng as if seeing a life-saving straw, "Ying Sheng entered the same instance as us, he should be nearby, right?"

Du Heng didn't know how to answer.

If the dungeon is of a relatively low level, the players who are pulled in are likely to be around. But this is a level five dungeon, with a wide range and strong randomness.

He had told his younger brother these basics before, did the other party forget, or did he not want to believe it

Just now, his attention was completely on Fang Yanwu, and he didn't notice Ying Sheng.

Maybe dead

But he doesn't care.

"Go back, Xiaoxin. The scope is too big."

Hearing this, Du Yixin was slightly taken aback. As if he didn't know what to say, he lowered his head and the two keys he was holding slipped down.

Du Heng picked it up, with Roman numerals engraved on it. One is "two" and the other is "four".

He handed the key back: "Just for yourself, make good use of it."

The two got into the car together.

Although he returned safely, the atmosphere in the car was very depressing.

Du Heng glanced at his younger brother from the rearview mirror, and then looked away.

But in such a short time, a man and a woman suddenly rushed out in front of the car. He frowned and stepped on the emergency brake.

The man and woman were taken aback and both fell to the ground. As if his legs were weak, he didn't get up for a long time.

Du Heng rolled down the car window: "Are you all right?"

It seems to be a couple, wearing the same style of tops. The man stammered: "Dead, dead."


Du Heng stopped in time, and the opponent didn't even have a scratch. What's more, these two people suddenly rushed out without looking at the road.

"No!" the woman yelled, "Someone died in front of him. It was so scary, and there was a lot of blood."

She was having a sweet time with her boyfriend, but she accidentally ran into such a terrible scene. I was so frightened that I ran away on the spot, and almost got into a car accident as a result. Misfortunes never come singly.

At this moment, she heard the car door slam shut. A young man ran down and asked eagerly, "Where is it?"

"What, what?"

"I ask where is the dead man you saw!?"

The author has something to say: Thank you, He Bingyao, for the landmines, okay

Happy National Day everyone