I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 9: Ghost School (9)


"Found it?" The man leaned over to take a look, but his interest was lacking. "Now, should you explain to me what's going on with your friend?"

Is this guy not interested in export keys.

Du Yixin replied: "I don't know. He was indeed inside just now, and the inspector was also there, but he disappeared."

After saying that, the man suddenly grabbed him by the collar, dragged him out of the room, and threw him to the ground.

"I..." Du Yixin subconsciously wanted to swear, but seeing the other person's expression, he held back abruptly, "What are you doing?"

"Two questions." The man squatted down and tapped Du Yixin's shoulder lightly with the metal bat.

"First of all, does that friend of yours exist?"

"I told you! He was inside, but he was imprisoned with the patrol teacher in order to save me. I don't know how they disappeared!"

"Didn't you lie?"

Du Yixin nodded firmly.

"Okay, the second one." The man narrowed his eyes, "Is the kid you mentioned true or false?"


"Huh?" This time, it was the man who was stunned. Although he felt that Du Yixin was lying, he did not expect to admit it so quickly.

The reason why Du Yixin admitted, but he has his own considerations. The reason why this guy asked again and again must be because he already had the answer in his heart. If you continue to hide it and push the other party into a hurry, it is not impossible to directly come up with a hammer. Now, he had to find other ways to buy time.

"If I hadn't said that, you would have killed me." Du Yixin looked at him, "Right, Ying Sheng?"

Hearing his name being uttered from a stranger, Ying Sheng suddenly lost his expression. Although he didn't say anything, the five fingers holding the metal bat have increased their strength a bit.

Du Yixin felt that his head was in danger, but he continued: "You are looking for someone. Although I am not sure of the person's real identity, I can help you."

"Help me?" Ying Sheng raised his eyebrows, "In my opinion, you are the most suspicious."

"Don't you want to know the location of other people in this school? I can tell you. When I first came in, I found a clue and got everyone's information. That's why I know your name."

Ying Sheng tapped his forehead with his fingers: "I'm a little impatient. To be honest, if I kill you now, I won't have to listen to your nonsense anymore."

Oops. Having said so much in a roundabout way, this guy lost his patience.

"If you kill me, you won't find anyone else!"

"Ah... That's true." The man thought for a while and smiled, "Then, let's extract a confession before killing you."

Wow, I really buried myself a big hole.

Du Yixin couldn't care less about the nonsense anymore, he got up and ran away. The man didn't catch up, raised his leg, threw his hand back, and threw it forward—Du Yixin only felt that his calf was hit. When he took a closer look, he found that it was an iron ring.

This is…

He suddenly remembered something, his face changed drastically, and he rushed forward. Afterwards, a wave of heat was set off behind him, and his body was lifted by the explosion, and he was thrown several meters away.

"Ahem." Du Yixin got up from the smoke, only to find himself falling into the warehouse. The warehouse door is the same as the duty room next door, with a big hole directly opened.

His back was anxious and painful. But still standing, only a few scrapes I guess. But before he could continue to escape, the man had already walked in through the smoke.

"It's pretty tenacious."

Du Yixin almost knelt down and shouted, "Let's each take a step back! Tell me who you are looking for, and I can help you!"

Ying Sheng tilted his head, his attention was attracted by another thing. Du Yixin looked along the line of sight, but found that the other party was looking at the blackboard.

This is his last guarantee. If this thing is also discovered, there is no way to talk about conditions.

It's a pity that it was too late, Ying Sheng saw the words on it clearly: "This is the clue you said?"

"This is..." Du Yixin remained unchanged, "One of them."

"There are still three names left on it." Ying Sheng ignored him, raised his chin, "And you, what's your name. Ai Le? Du Yixin?"

"Of course I..."

Wait, three names

In the middle of Du Yixin's words, he suddenly realized. Looking back, I found that Ai Le's name was not crossed, so he is not dead yet

This made him feel hopeful.

Ying Sheng observed his reaction, and said, "Let's be honest, there are only two of you left now. So the person I'm looking for must be among you."

Hearing this, Du Yixin turned his head again: "You are going to kill that person. May I ask why?"

"you do not know?"

"How would I know."

The two stared at each other for a long time without saying a word. The two big men looked at each other silently in this dimly lit room, where the eyes were full of ruins. It was strange for no reason.

Thinking of Aile, Du Yixin was startled, and Xi Shi held her heart together: "Why do you look at me like this, you can't be in love with me."

"What?" He heard such a sentence in such a serious scene. Ying Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then roared, "You must have a hole in your head."

"Just kidding." Du Yixin put down his hand, "So how long do we have to look at each other. Since you think that person is among us, are you going to kill me now?"

"No hurry, don't you want to help?" Ying Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Take me to find your friend first."

Although he wanted to look for it, Du Yixin didn't know where Aile had gone. He thought that the other party was probably taken away, but he couldn't figure out why the inspector took Ai Le away.

Ying Sheng let him walk in front as if escorting a prisoner. Sometimes I walked slowly, and I pushed and shoved from time to time.

The two left the gymnasium and returned to the corridor. Hearing the sound of the pattering rain again and feeling the humid air outside, Du Yixin felt as if he had passed away. Before entering here, both Su Xin and Ai Le were fine. But now, Su Xin died tragically outdoors, Ai Le's life and death are uncertain, and his lifeline is also held in the hands of a murderer.

Although he hasn't been killed yet, when Aile is found, the other party will reveal his true colors sooner or later.

What is Ying Sheng's motivation? Not in a hurry to escape, but looking for someone to hide his identity.

This reminded Du Yixin of a game called "Werewolf Kill". The "Werewolf" is hidden among the civilians. Only by finding the "Werewolf" before the civilians are killed can the game be cleared.

He stopped suddenly.

"What are you doing, let's go." Ying Sheng poked his back impatiently with a metal bat.

Du Yixin turned around: "Even if we find the key, we can't get out."

Ying Sheng narrowed his eyes, like a vicious wolf, and didn't speak.

"Do you think there is a murderer between us—the murderer who brought us into this 'copy'."

The words fell, only listening to the drizzle. The two stared at each other in silence again.

Finally, Ying Sheng said, "This is not the first time you have come in."

This response confirmed that most of Du Yixin's guesses were correct. Ying Sheng is an old player and knows the real way to leave. And the murderer is hidden among the players.

"I am. It's just that I don't understand your actions. I don't want to escape, but I have been looking for someone."

"...You are right." Ying Sheng said, "Now there are only three people left. Me, you, and your friend. And now there is a high probability that your friend is the culprit."

"Maybe there's a fourth one! He could have stayed out of the way rather than risk mingling with us."

"Heh..." Ying Sheng smiled, "It's impossible."

"Why?" Du Yixin asked.

However, Ying Sheng didn't intend to answer, and tapped him on the shoulder, motioning to move on.

Helpless, Du Yixin had no choice but to put aside the question for the time being. But this conversation is undoubtedly throwing a huge stone into a deep pool, causing huge waves.

Putting aside all prejudices, if what Ying Sheng said is true, then Ai Le, who is currently missing, is undoubtedly the biggest suspect. But according to Aile's performance so far, he has always been very scared. How could he be the culprit of this incident


Pulling in so many innocent people and playing such a stupid game. It was incredible that the murderer himself was hiding beside him, pretending to be trembling.

What's more, in his opinion, Ai Le is just a quiet and shy primary school boy. How does an ordinary human create such a large space, and then bring outsiders in without anyone noticing

Back to the first floor of the main building again. But compared with when he fled, Du Yixin's state of mind is quite different.

Where the body of the inspecting teacher was originally placed, now there is only a pool of blood. When he passed the staff room, he subconsciously stopped, thinking that Ye Wen's body might still be inside.

Before, Su Xin wanted to come to get the relic. But because he was afraid of bumping into Ying Sheng, he mercilessly refused. Let alone relics now, those two people were buried with their whole bodies, buried in this strange and confined space.

And Ying Sheng has already shouted from behind: "Du Yixin is in my hands now. Get out of here quickly, or I will kill him!"

The sound echoed in the corridor, like a stack of waves, passing through the depths.

However, there was no response.

Ying Sheng sneered: "It seems that your friend doesn't care about you very much."

Du Yixin: "..."

Maybe so. Otherwise, he wouldn't be pulled into this kind of place. But what happened to the confession? Is it because I refused, so I tortured myself like this

"Okay, let's move on."

The two went up to the second and third floors... and finally came to the rooftop.

The typhoon was very windy, and the rain was slapping people's faces. Ying Sheng put on his hood and pushed Du Yixin out.

The sky was very dark and there were no stars. The surrounding fence is very low, and you will fall out if you don't pay attention. However, Ying Sheng didn't intend to stop, and continued to order Du Yixin to go forward until he reached the edge of the fence.

"Cross over."

Just standing on the edge, Du Yixin was already crumbling. If even this last barrier was gone, and a gust of wind blew over, he would have to fall directly.