I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 95: The Black Tower (3)


Du Yixin was stunned, thinking he heard it wrong. But the bracelet seemed to sense his thoughts, and repeated it again:

[Sub-quest: Tell the woman the truth]

[Mission Completion Reward: Get 10 Life Points]

[Punishment for mission failure: reduce 20 HP points]

It doesn't look like an auditory hallucination.

He originally thought that the "Australian Eye" was only providing an auxiliary function and guiding clues. But he didn't expect that even this kind of choice would be made for him.

Compared with the relatively free dungeon before, this time the dungeon seems to put a layer of strong shackles on him, and he must follow the instructions of the dungeon owner in every move.

From the beginning of "entering the black tower", to "exploring the town" and "staying overnight", everything means "the eye of the god". Perhaps this bracelet has known for a long time that he will be hunted down if he "stays overnight", and only this family can save him.

And now, do you still have to tell the other party the truth according to the meaning of "Australia's Eye"

Du Yixin was hesitating.

If it is simply not to do this task, it will be fine if it is not rewarded. But after failure, the life value will even be deducted, which is simply forcing the player to complete.

The woman didn't wait for a reply for a long time, she was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

Du Yixin came back to his senses. The time in the game is still passing, and it would be suspicious to think too long.

The man seemed to have noticed something, and asked suspiciously: "Did he give you this bracelet?" His expression became more serious, "Or...you took this bracelet?"

no solution anymore.

There may be many more such missions after that. In order to advance the main line as soon as possible, we can only follow the idea of "Australia's Eye".

Du Yixin: "I picked it up."

"Found it?" the woman worried, "Has the child been lost? It's too lost."

But the man is more concerned: "Where did you find it?"

"Outside the tower." Du Yixin paused, "Inside the discarded cloak."

"Have you seen my son?" the man asked.

Du Yixin shook his head subconsciously, and then heard the cold voice in his mind:

[You must convey the truth truthfully, lying is the most shameful act.]

"..." Du Yixin had no choice but to say, "I haven't seen a living person, there is only a human bone in the cloak."

The faces of the couple suddenly turned pale, and the already weak woman covered her chest, and it became more difficult to breathe.

Du Yixin hurriedly said, "But, I'm not sure if that's your son."

However, this weak consolation was useless, and the bracelet in his hand proved everything.

When the man saw his wife describing the pain, he didn't care about his own sadness. He wanted to carry him back to the bedroom, but his wife stopped him.

The woman shook her head, signaling that she was fine. She looked at Du Yixin and said in a weaker tone, "Thank you for telling me the truth."

She said, "There is one last thing, we have agreed - please tell me, what is the view outside the tower? Is my poor son buried in the soft ground, surrounded by green trees, kissed by birds ?”

This is indeed agreed from the beginning. They told Du Yixin about the black tower, and Du Yixin told them what happened outside the tower.

But now, after learning that the corpse he accidentally found was the child of this family, Du Yixin was a little bit speechless.

At this time, silence is better than sound, and his silence made the couple realize that the outside of the tower is not as simple as they thought.

Women stay here from birth and never see the light of day. Even if she looked up, she could only see the ugly rock wall, which weighed heavily on her heart like a heavy stone. In addition, the people in the town are so fanatical about the cylinder totem, which makes her want to escape even more.

Even after she got married and had children, she always believed that there would be a bright and brilliant future waiting for her outside the tower.

And this sincere feeling was also taught to her children by her.

So on that day, when her son ran back excitedly and said that he found the exit, she was very pleasantly surprised.

It's just that she was already sick and weak at that time, and she was not suitable to go out. In addition, she had a young daughter to take care of, so in the end only her son was on the road.

The woman still remembers the shining eyes of her son before departure. She packed the package and tied the cloak for him herself. The son also told her at the time that when everything settled down, he would come back to pick up the family and leave.

It's just that I didn't expect that after waiting for a year, I waited for such news.

The woman grieves. If it wasn't for the realization of his illusory dream, his son would not have gone out, let alone passed away so early.

Her throbbing heart almost made her unable to breathe.

[Sub-quest: "Tell a Woman the Truth" has been completed]

[Gain 10 health points]

When the man found his wife passed out, he was shocked. After calling several times to no avail, he picked up the woman and ran outside. Du Yixin subconsciously wanted to help, but bumped into the man who retreated.

"You, you come out with me." The man looked at him strangely.

After Du Yixin went out, the man locked the door: "I can't let you stay at home. Before we come back, you can find a place to hide." After speaking, he hurried away.

The family's house is relatively remote, and other people should not be able to find it in a short time.

Du Yixin found a place to sit down, looked at the number on his arm, and it turned into "62".

Finally back above the passing line, but it didn't make him feel happy, only a sense of discomfort.

[Don't feel guilty, you just made the most reasonable choice, they asked you for the truth, right? Their child is dead, never to return. Letting them continue to wait in vain is the most cruel thing.]

"..." Du Yixin covered his forehead, "Stop talking."

The Eye of God is quiet. Sitting alone, he could still hear the pursuit, but far away.

Soon, there was a crisp knocking sound in my ear.

"Boom boom."

The sound is not loud, but it is very clear and seems to be close at hand. Du Yixin looked up and found that it was coming from the window above his head.

He stood up and saw a little girl kneeling on a chair, her fingers curled up, tapping on the glass lightly.

The little girl looked about six or seven years old, with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a fluffy little white dress pajamas, holding a bear doll in one hand. Seeing the young man noticed himself, he tilted his head: "Who are you, why are you sitting outside my house?"

Does the family have a daughter? No wonder they kicked him out.

"I came from outside the tower," Du Yixin paused, "outside the tower, do you know what it means?"

"Of course I know." The little girl pouted dissatisfiedly, "I hate it the most."

Du Yixin was startled: "Why, doesn't your mother like it very much?"

"It's because my mother likes it that I hate it. She doesn't care about me! I only know my brother who goes outside the tower."

"Do you hate your brother?"

Hearing this, the little girl seemed aggrieved: "I hate him the most! He lied to me and said he would bring me fun toys, but once he went out, he never came back."

For a moment, Du Yixin didn't know how to answer. Fortunately, the bracelet didn't give another order at this time, asking him to "tell the little girl the truth".

But such a young child probably doesn't understand what death means.

Du Yixin knocked on the glass: "Go to bed early."

But the little girl didn't want to sleep. She noticed the young man's bracelet sharply: "Your 'eyes' are exactly the same as my brother! I want to see it."

Before Du Yixin could withdraw his hand, the little girl opened the window and poked her head over: "Are you going to participate in the 'sacrifice' too?"


Speaking of which, the people who bowed to the column and hunted him just now mentioned the word "sacrifice day".

"As long as the 'eyes' turn green, you can enter heaven on the day of sacrifice." The little girl rested her chin on the little bear's head, her eyes full of yearning, "There is no pain in heaven, and my mother won't cough all the time."

"The eyes turn green" should refer to making the "Australian Eye" glow green—that is, increasing the health value to 80. This is consistent with his initial guess.

But it is not always possible to use the "Australian Eye". The green light-emitting bracelet must be inserted into the eyes of the totem on the so-called "Day of Sacrifice" for it to take effect.

[Main task 2: "Go to town, conduct investigation" has been completed]

[Gain 10 health points]

Eye of God: [Good job, your life points have recovered to 72. We are very close to our goal, and I will continue to guide you.]

It dispatched the task again.

[Main task three: Go to heaven]

[Mission Completion Reward: Get 20 Life Points]

After the little girl finished talking about her longing for "heaven", she became dejected again: "However, once she mentions 'heaven' in front of her mother, she will be very sad. So I can only work hard quietly. Sooner or later, my' Eyes' can also turn green." She suddenly remembered something and said nervously, "Don't tell mom."

Du Yixin smiled: "Don't worry, you can do it."

Hearing that someone was supporting her, the little girl became more energetic and did not intend to go to sleep at all. She stood on a chair and chatted with Du Yixin. Du Yixin had no choice but to accompany her.

Not long after, the little girl's face suddenly changed, and she closed the window with a "bang". Du Yixin looked back, only to find that the man was walking towards the woman with his back on his back.

The man seemed to be much older all of a sudden, and every step he took was extremely heavy. After approaching, he didn't even look at Du Yixin, he opened the door and walked in without even closing the door.

Du Yixin had a bad premonition in his heart, so he followed in a little later. The two were not in the living room, perhaps they had already entered the back room.

He waited outside for a while, and the man came out again: "Were you chatting with my daughter just now?"

It turned out to be seen. Du Yixin nodded and asked, "How is your wife?"

The man didn't answer, turned around and walked in, and when he came out again, he was holding a pillow and a blanket.

"It's late, you can sleep here." He said, put the pillow and blanket on the sofa and went back to the inner room.

[It's time for you to rest, it's reasonable to combine work and rest.]

After running all night, Du Yixin was indeed a little tired. He sat down on the sofa and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but when I opened my eyes again, it was still dark outside the window, and there was not much difference between day and night inside the Black Tower.

The only difference was that before he fell asleep, he could still vaguely hear the sounds of the townspeople searching, but now it was very quiet. The nearby houses were dark and everyone seemed to have gone back to sleep.

The room was equally silent. It was as if everyone had fallen asleep except him.

Du Yixin stood up and looked at his arm. The value dropped a bit and became "71". Resting indoors can slow down the decline in health, but it cannot completely avoid it.

Maybe he should take this opportunity to go out and investigate. But before that, he wanted to say hello to the couple.

Walking into the back room is a corridor.

There is a crayon children's drawing hanging in the corridor. The drawing is crooked, but the color is rich. It can be seen that the author has put a lot of thought into it. The title is "My Family".

Everyone in the picture has a title written on their heads, except for the little girl whose name is "Ai Li".

Next to the children's painting is a door, which is supposed to be her room when I think of the place where I chatted with the little girl yesterday.

The door was not closed tightly, it was ajar, and a soft brown cloth was exposed. If you look closely, it looks like the ears of the little bear doll that the little girl was holding yesterday.

Du Yixin felt a little strange, opened the door a little, and found that it was indeed a bear doll. He picked up the doll and looked at it, but he didn't see anything unusual. He looked into the room, but he didn't see anyone.

There is a double bed in the room, and the upper level is full of clutter. The lower floor is where the children sleep, and the quilt is messy, as if they were lying there just now.

Du Yixin put the doll on it and looked around the room. The rooms are small and there is almost nowhere to hide.

Backed out, but heard moaning/groaning from the opposite room, it seemed to be in great pain.

It sounded like a child's voice. Du Yixin was alert and went to open the door, but it was locked inside. He patted it a few times, but no one responded, so he took a few steps back and kicked it directly.

The doors here are very fragile and kicked open after a few kicks.

He stepped on the lying door and walked in, but was blocked by a pair of dangling feet. He realized something, took a breath, looked up slowly, and saw the man's face.

His face was blue, with a thick rope around his neck, hanging from the beam of the house, he had been dead for a long time.

Then, as if he could no longer bear the weight of the corpse, the rope snapped and fell down violently.


Thank you He Bingyao for the mines, thank you for my love to Si mines~