I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 97: The Black Tower (5)


[The traveler, you seem to come from an unknown place, full of doubts about everything. I will carry out my duties and try my best to help you. If you want to know the answer, put me on your wrist.]

The familiar and cold voice of "The Eye of the Goddess" came from beside my ear.

Du Yixin came back to his senses and found that he was holding the bracelet but hadn't put it on yet. Under the feet is a cloak that trembles with the wind, surrounded by an endless sea of sand. There are particles visible to the naked eye floating in the air, and they enter the human body with every breath.

He returned to the "desert of death" again.

Now there is no value displayed on the arm, but this does not mean that he will be fine if he continues to stay here. "The Eye of the God of God" just realized the life value, he must go to the black tower as soon as possible to slow down the speed of the life point drop.

He ignored the "Eye of the Goddess" and walked directly towards the direction of the "Black Tower" in his memory.

[Where are you going? Without my guidance, you would be lost in the desert.]

"The Eye of the God of God" is right, although Du Yixin has gone through it once, but it is easy to deviate from it without a reference.

But he didn't want to wear this ghost thing again, and now he only held it for the convenience of opening the door.

Although the bracelet was glowing red now, he wasn't sure if it was useful.

It took less than 5 minutes to follow the instructions of "The Eye of the Goddess" last time. Relying on memory this time, coupled with the need to stop from time to time to check if the direction is off, the time seems to be longer than last time.

But fortunately, he finally reached the "Black Tower".

[How did you manage to find the "Black Tower" by yourself.]

The calm tone of "The Eye of the Goddess" also showed a little surprise.

[But it doesn't make sense, you can't get in without my help.]

Du Yixin found the previous groove and tried to put the bracelet in. However, no change.

Sure enough, it’s okay not to wear this thing.

[Even if you wear me again, it won't help. Your physical strength has fallen into a weak state and cannot replenish energy for me.]

However, Du Yixin still put on the bracelet, and the "Australian Eye" glowed orange. The number displayed on the arm is "43".

Perhaps because Du Yixin felt that he was hopeless, the "Eye of the Goddess" didn't even release the mission this time. Du Yixin tried to align the bracelet with the groove, but it still didn't work.

He put his hands on the wall of the black tower. The walls are as smooth as spar, not worn down by the wind and sand at all. He touched the wall and walked forward step by step.

[give up. Apart from the entrance just now, there is no other way to enter the "Black Tower".]

Looks like it's time to do it again.

However, having learned from the previous lesson, he will be able to reach the destination faster next time.

Must be before the health drops to "90".

Du Yixin turned around, but he was heading in the direction he set out just now.

Soon, he saw the cloak buried in the dust. The arm value becomes "28", and the return trip takes less time than the outbound trip.

He turned again and walked in the direction of the Black Tower. This time, the destination was reached when the health value dropped to "20".

Du Yixin outlined the shortest route in his mind over and over again, and drew it deeply in his mind.

That's it—he smashed the bracelet with his bare hands.

The life value is reduced to zero, and the heart stops beating. Back in time, Du Yixin opened his eyes, and the boundless and desolate scenery was reflected in his eyes.

This time, before the bracelet spoke, he put it on his wrist, bent over to pick up the cloak and put it on, and ran towards the target.

[Where are you going? Without my guidance, you would be lost in the desert.]

"The Eye of the Goddess" said exactly the same thing as last time, even the lines didn't change at all. But soon it shut up. Not far away, the scenery of the Black Tower came into view.

It is as majestic as the previous two times, the body of the tower is dark and bright, and the top of the tower soars into the sky.

Du Yixin went straight to the groove and buckled the "Australian Eye" into it. The gate opened, and he walked in without hesitation, walked through a deep black hole, and came to the hill on top of the town.

Looking down, the roof stretches continuously, surrounding the huge column in the center. These scenes are all too familiar to him.

[This is really... unbelievable.]

The "Australian Eye" has not yet realized what is going on:

[Although I don't know how you did it, I am very happy to cooperate with a smart person like you.]

[Main task 1: "To the Black Tower" has been completed]

[Gain 5 points of health]

Along the way, Du Yixin's life points were not consumed much, but now he has gained 5 points, and the value has returned to "93".

The next plan is clear.

Do not trigger side missions, and ensure that the life value is maintained above 80. Wait for the "Day of Sacrifice" to come, and then directly complete the third main task - "Go to "Heaven"".

Du Yixin didn't listen to the "God's Eye" chatter, and walked quickly to the town. At this time, the townspeople should still be praying.

He wanted to find the nearest house to slip in and make sure he wouldn't be found before the dawn of the day after tomorrow.

But before he went in, he saw several children playing by the city wall. When he entered the city last time, he walked carefully, and he could be sure that there was no one there.

Could it be that he came too early this time, and the worship hasn't started yet

To avoid being discovered, Du Yixin slowed down and hid in the bushes. After watching for a while, I found a familiar face among the children, with blond hair and blue eyes, holding a bear doll in his hand.

The children's play was coming to an end, and a few boys and girls said they would go home to change their clothes and attend church. In the end, only Ellie was left.

Ellie played alone for a while, until she felt a little bored, and stood up holding the doll and walked into the city.


When she heard someone calling herself, she couldn't help but stop and look back. But I didn't see anything, and a cloak was placed on the mound of dirt where I was playing just now, which looked familiar.

"elder brother?"

But no one responded. She went to pick up the cloak and shook it. Seeing the familiar symbols embroidered on the edge of the hood, her eyes lit up, and she ran towards home with the cloak in her arms.

Du Yixin came out from among the bushes.

[I don't understand your approach, is there anything special about that girl. What you should do now is to investigate the column in the middle of the town, that's the most suspicious.]

Of course Du Yixin will go, but not now, he has to wait for the whole town to leave home.

But at this moment, a surprising scene happened before his eyes. The little girl ran towards the city, but instead of going through the city gate, she went straight through the wall.

Du Yixin stopped in his tracks.

What is the situation, that child should be an ordinary person, how could he master this skill.

He approached the city wall that the little girl had penetrated just now, but found that this wall was a bit strange compared to other places.

Although the dungeon is a man-made world, it is almost indistinguishable from reality, and the NPCs seem to have flesh and blood. But this wall seems to be covered with a layer of mosaic, which changes into a different shape every time you blink.

But the "Australian Eye" seemed to have not noticed anything unusual: [Go forward as soon as possible. The "Dark Tower" is not completely safe, every 1 hour, you will drop 1 health point.]

Du Yixin stretched out his hand towards the wall, and as soon as his finger touched the mosaic, he went straight through it. The walls there seem to be just a cover, but the inside is empty.

Then, not just fingers. From palms to arms, then shoulders, almost half of his body melted into the wall.

He could no longer see what was going on with the other half of his body, so he opened his hand to grab it, but nothing happened.

What will be inside

Although Du Yixin didn't know if there was any danger after going in, this phenomenon was too weird, so he felt it was necessary to investigate clearly. Taking a deep breath, the whole person got in.

The first thing that catches the eye is a tall mountain range, with green bushes clinging to it, stretching endlessly. The light is very dim, only a few kerosene lamps stand occasionally, illuminating the dim road.

The scene in front of him was so familiar, Du Yixin couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Wait, didn't he get into the wall? Why are you back again

Turning around, he found that he was still standing in the same position, and the wall was within reach. But this time it looked very ordinary, with moss mixed between the piled bricks and stones, no different from other walls.

Putting my hands on it, I could only touch the cold and hard stone, but I couldn't penetrate it like before.

[Is there anything special here, let's hurry up and investigate.]

Du Yixin looked at the bracelet: "I was standing here just now?"


It seems that the "Australian Eye" didn't notice anything. So what was it just now, that I was hallucinating

Du Yixin let go.

Although the situation is still unclear, it is not an option to continue to stay. Let's take a look in the city first, maybe there will be other abnormalities.

At this time, all the townspeople left their homes and gathered at the totem column in the center of the town. Du Yixin followed far behind.

No one came out of some of the houses. They went up to check, but found that the window sills were covered with a layer of dust. Perhaps the number of people in the town is getting smaller and smaller, and some houses are no longer inhabited.

Du Yixin wrote down the locations one by one, and prepared to find a room to hide in a while.

When we came to the central square, as we saw last time, everyone surrounded the totem columns, knelt on their knees, their upper body was almost completely attached to the ground, and they were extremely sincere. But in Du Yixin's view, this picture is very strange.

Among the crowd, he saw Ellie. The little girl with blond hair knelt down at the back, and the man next to her seemed to be her father, but her mother was not here.

However, the little girl didn't have the cloak she picked up just now. Has it been taken back, in such a short time

Du Yixin looked at it for a while, but didn't see anything special. He was about to back away quietly, but he felt someone approaching behind him.

He froze. Although he was observing the ceremony just now, he did not relax his vigilance of the surroundings. What's more, the NPCs here are all ordinary people, how could anyone approach him without anyone noticing

He didn't look back immediately, pretending not to notice. The muscles all over his body were tense, as soon as the person got close to him, he launched a sneak attack.


Du Yixin struck out with a palm, aiming to directly attack the man's chin. I didn't want the other party to grab the arm as expected.

The man was wearing a large sweater, the upper half of his face was hidden in the shadow of the hood, only his well-curved chin was exposed.

"Ying Sheng?" Du Yixin was taken aback.

"Why are you here?" The two said in unison.