I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 99: The Black Tower (7)


Although extremely forbearing, there was an inaudible tremor at the end of the sentence.

Du Yixin noticed this, but he opened the door without saying anything, "See you tomorrow." Then he left the attic.

late at night.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the light outside the window has not changed, and it is impossible to judge the exact time.

Ying Sheng lay on the mattress, but did not fall asleep. Eventually he couldn't stay any longer and stood up.

The attic space is very oppressive, and dust is flying in mid-air. The door opened, and with a creak, the sound of the door echoed throughout the house.

When I went down to the second floor, except for one door which was closed, the others were all open, and I didn't see Du Yixin's figure.

His eyes locked on the only closed door, he stepped forward and put his hand on the handle.

The door was unlocked and opened easily. Then, he saw Du Yixin sitting against the wall, wrapped in a sheet, with his head lighting up and down, as if he was in a deep sleep.

The only bed in the room collapsed in the center and a big hole was broken, making it impossible to sleep on.

Ying Sheng hesitated for a moment, then walked forward, squatted down, and observed Du Yixin.

The other party was really asleep, his eyes were closed tightly, and his bangs drooped due to gravity, casting a shadow on his smooth forehead.

And this was the first time Ying Sheng noticed that Du Yixin's skin was very fair. Not pale, but a healthy complexion with a rosy glow.

He watched quietly for a while, then raised his hand involuntarily, and was about to touch his cheek, but suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Then the five fingers curled up, clenched into fists unwillingly, and gently lowered.

The next day, Du Yixin didn't know how long he slept, and when he opened his eyes again, his head felt a little painful. He rubbed his temples and stood up, only to find that he was lying on a mattress.

Where did you get the mat? Didn't you just sleep on the floor yesterday

He was a little puzzled, stood up and walked out the door. When he came to the corridor, he couldn't help but look at the stairs leading to the attic.

He hesitated for a while but still didn't go up, and went back to the first floor instead.

As soon as he walked into the living room, he found a figure sitting on the dilapidated sofa, adjusting the weapon. Seeing him come out, he raised his head.

Du Yixin greeted: "Good morning."

Ying Sheng seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just put away his weapon and acted a little rough: "It's almost time."

Hearing this, Du Yixin looked out the window, and saw that the residents on the street were gathering towards the center of the town one after another. All of them were wearing pure white voluminous white robes, their faces hidden under the brim of their hats.

How long did he sleep until the next morning when he woke up

Du Yixin rubbed his forehead again: "Sorry, I got up late, you can call me."

Ying Sheng paused, and then said: "I'm watching, so I won't miss the time." He slammed his backpack on one shoulder, "Let's go."

"Okay, right now."

Du Yixin hurriedly washed his face with water, and felt a lot more awake. There is still a short distance from the central square. They must lurk in the past in advance to accurately wake up the totem at zero o'clock and open the door to "heaven".

Ying Sheng stood at the door waiting for him. When he got closer, he realized that Ying Sheng's eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't seem to be sleeping much.

Du Yixin looked at Ying Sheng's face, causing Ying Sheng to take a step back unnaturally: "You, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing. You didn't seem to sleep well?"

"..." Ying Sheng turned his head away, "I slept well."

Du Yixin didn't ask any more questions.

After all, what happened yesterday, he also thought he would suffer from insomnia, but ended up sleeping like a dead pig. I don't know if it is a side effect of "reading files", which will consume a lot of mental power.

The two avoided pedestrians and took a small path to the vicinity of the central square.

The townspeople who arrived first stood on both sides of the column, leaving only one path leading to the direction of the totem "eye". Everyone holds white candles, the flames are flickering, hiding in a white sea, like red eyes dotted with stars, very strange.

The members finally arrived one after another, and then they all chanted a strange curse song without knowing who started it. It was a language that did not belong to the world, as if emanating from the chest, it was dull and vague, and it was extremely uncomfortable to hear.

In this inexplicable ceremony, the protagonist finally made his debut slowly.

That was the leader who knelt down at the front when he visited yesterday. Du Yixin was so impressed by the man's long beard that he recognized him at a glance even though he was wearing a wide hood.

The leader's white robe is thicker than the others, with complicated patterns wrapped around it. If you look closely, the pattern is actually a combination of "eyes".

He walked in the middle of the road formed by the crowd, stepped up the stairs step by step, and stopped until he reached the totem column, turned to face the crowd, and raised one arm.

The strange chants of the crowd stopped.

"Just today, the gate to heaven will be opened. The gods will choose the most pious one among you and call them to be God's people."

Everyone buried their heads lower, suppressing their inner excitement with a more loyal attitude.

"'The Eye of the Goddess' will tell us who is the most qualified believer."

After the words fell, the people knelt down one after another, put the candles in front of their heads, and prostrated themselves on the ground. Then, the men held up their hands, and the women held up the pendants.

Du Yixin noticed that although the jewelry on their bodies were all orange, they had different shades. Some are more yellow, some are more orange.

On the pillar behind the leader, a beam of light shot out from the huge "eyes", covering the jewelry of one of them.

"It seems that the result has come out. You come up now and stand beside me."

The townspeople who were selected were very pleasantly surprised, and walked to the leader under the jealous or envious eyes of the people around them.

"Mayor." The man bowed respectfully, and presented the pendant on his neck to the leader.

The leader touched his beard, looked at the pendant, and shook his head: "Although you have been selected, it is not enough to open the door."

Du Yixin heard it in the dark, and he grasped the bracelet with his fingers. Sure enough, only the "green" Eye of God is useful.

When the priests were questioned about the time of the day, they all answered "the time when today and tomorrow are handed over." In other words, the cylinder may only be activated if the "Eye of the Goddess" is inserted at 0:00.

There is no timing in the dungeon, and now we can only observe the actions of the townspeople, and when they are about to embed the "Australian Eye", go there first.

It's just that those people don't seem to have the green "God's Eye", so what are they going to do next.

Seeing the disappointed expression of the selected townspeople, the leader patted her hand reassuringly, and said to the crowd: "In order to activate the gate, there is only a sacrifice."

He opened his hands: "Actually, in our peaceful town, there are heinous traitors mixed in!"

Hearing this, everyone showed expressions of anger and disgust.

"My God, how can there be such a terrible person mixed in with us."

"Who will it be, we must teach him a lesson!"

"Sacrifice him to the gods to show our loyalty!"

They shouted excitedly. The leader raised his hand, motioning for everyone to be silent. After the silence, he said: "I have sent someone to arrest the traitor. Now, punish her."

His eyes turned to the extended road, and everyone turned their heads to look at it.

Du Yixin was also a little curious. Who would the traitor be? Could there be other players

The "traitor" soon appeared in full view. A woman in a long skirt was dragged up to the altar by being held up from one side to the other. His long hair covered his face, and he seemed to have given up resistance. But the scarlet pendant exposed on the neck made Du Yixin somewhat familiar.

He remembered.

It was the sickly woman. Since the plot was not triggered this time, the woman is not dead yet. In the end, he was arrested for this crime.

But he can't go out yet. In order to catch the timing, the ceremony cannot be interrupted.

The leader grabbed the woman's long hair and forced her to reveal her face to the crowd.

"It's her, who never participates in the worship, and instills the content about the outside of the tower to children all day long."

Everyone exclaimed again:

"My God, outside the tower? Such a dangerous place, why do you say such things to children."

"The appearance is weak, but she is actually a witch with a vicious heart!"

"Kill her! Don't let her pollute our town!"

But when the townspeople started to attack, a man got out and knelt down in panic: "Please, please forgive me! My wife is weak and can't walk. I also have the same opinion about the worship." told you..."

The leader said slowly: "Did I agree at that time?"

"You, I..." The man was a little incoherent, "I thought you acquiesced." He immediately said again: "It's all my own fault. Please forgive my poor wife! The child is still young, so I can't live without a mother!"

"Still young?" the leader asked back, "I remember that your eldest son is already an adult. Speaking of which, where has he gone?"

The man trembled even more, but he didn't dare not answer: "He, he ran away from home and hasn't come back for a long time. I don't know too well..."

"Not sure?" The leader raised his chin, "Then let me tell you, he left the black tower against the advice, went outside the dangerous tower, and died outside."

Hearing this, the dying wife looked back at the leader and said, "You're lying! He's alive and well, and he will live a better life than you lunatics!"

A word is like a falling stone hitting water, stirring up a thousand waves.

"What stupid things is this crazy woman talking about!"

There were also people who were almost stuck to the ground and kept praying: "My lord, my dear god, please don't be angry. This witch... ah, this witch who was hacked into pieces, we will deal with it."

The leader snorted coldly, and twisted the woman's pendant with two fingers: "You are not worthy of God's blessing." With a strong hand, the pendant was directly crushed.

The red spar shattered, turned into fine powder and floated onto the pendant of the chosen person just now, melting into it directly.

At the same time, the woman opened her mouth in pain as if her heart had been clenched. The rise and fall of the chest became rapid, but quickly subsided, and the eyes stared blankly ahead.

The leader waved his hand, and the two men in white robes immediately put down the woman, poured oil on her, and stepped aside after finishing the matter. The leader took the candle from the townspeople and leaned towards the woman.

"No, no..." The man stood up in panic, as if he wanted to stop him. But the leader turned his head and stared at him: "Are you a traitor too?"

The man shivered unknowingly, his eyes slowly moved away from his wife, and he knelt down again. A little girl ran out from the crowd, was grabbed tightly by the man, and covered her mouth.

The fire ignited, and the fire light illuminated everyone's eyes. In those eyes, there is either madness, hatred, or longing.

And in the light of the fire, the pendant of the chosen person also gradually changed color, from orange to light green.

The time has come.

The leader motioned the townspeople to come over, picked up her pendant, and was about to clasp it into the groove in the totem column.

But at this moment, two figures flew out. One of them raised a bat in one hand, and directly slashed at the leader's head. The leader quickly dodged and loosened the pendant in his hand for a while.

The other buckled the bracelet into the groove. In an instant, the eyes of the totem cylinder shone brightly, and Du Yixin felt his arm was directly sucked in.

The flash was so fast that it was about to disappear.

"Ying Sheng!"

Hearing the shout, Ying Sheng kicked away the mayor's guards who were entangled with him, and grabbed Du Yixin's hand.

Suddenly Cheng Yaojin came out, the leader barely reacted, and then came back to his senses: "Stop them!"

The townspeople rushed over.

Feeling that the white light was about to close, Du Yixin hooked Ying Sheng into his arms with a hook.

The townspeople who were originally selected also reacted at this time. Not reconciled to being robbed of the opportunity, she reached out into the white light: "Wait, this is mine!"

The white light suddenly disappeared.

The two figures that suddenly appeared just now disappeared before his eyes, and the selected townsman fell to the ground, with only two upper arms left in his hands, blood spurting straight out, and he was writhing in pain.

"Ah! My hand, my hand!"

The moment her hand entered into the white light, she felt very comfortable. Although she had never seen the sun, she had a similar feeling at that moment, as if she was surrounded by warm light.

And the next moment, the body that failed to enter in time was cut off mercilessly. Her body remained in the town, but her hands went to "heaven".

The leader failed to prevent all this from happening, blood oozed from his forehead due to the attack just now, but he didn't seem to notice it. He fell to his knees: "Oh, this will anger the gods, please forgive, please forgive."

Time is tighter than imagined. Although Du Yixin moved very quickly, the movement of hugging Ying Sheng still exposed his arms to the outside, and a little flesh was cut off.

The air pressure in the white light was extremely strong, and the two of them were flying like dead leaves in the hurricane, and they were about to be blown away several times.

Du Yixin couldn't open his eyes, and he grabbed Ying Sheng's clothes tightly: "Grab, hold tight!"

Ying Sheng gritted his teeth: "Grab, get, very, tight!"

The arm was so strong that the veins burst out, and it firmly clung to Du Yixin's shoulder.

The white light disappeared, and the two fell in free fall. When he was about to touch the ground, Ying Shengsheng reversed his direction in the air and fell heavily to the ground with his back.

Du Yixin felt dizzy from being blown away. Seeing Ying Sheng being pressed under him, he quickly got up: "Are you okay?"

Ying Sheng sat up, shook his head and was about to get up, but felt that he had hurt some part, so he couldn't stand up all at once.

"Don't move." Seeing this, Du Yixin lifted up his clothes and exposed his back.

Ying Sheng shook his body and grabbed Du Yixin's arm: "What the hell are you doing!"

"I see where you are hurt."

Du Yixin looked down as he spoke, and there were obvious bruises on the back near the spine.

Although Ying Sheng frowned, he let go of his hand and didn't stop him.

Du Yixin inspected it and saw that there was nothing serious, so he put down his clothes and pulled him up.

After Ying Sheng got up, he looked away: "... since you don't mean that, it's best not to touch me casually."

Only then did Du Yixin recall the embarrassing relationship between the two: "Mmm, um. I'm sorry, I think you're hurt, I'm in a hurry..."

"Idiot." Ying Sheng scratched his hair irritably, as if talking to himself, "That's why I misunderstood."

The voice was not weak, Du Yixin naturally heard it. But he didn't know how to respond, so he didn't speak. He turned to look around, but couldn't help but froze.

"This is... heaven?"

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Landmine]: Shan Shanlai, Mr. Ren, and He Bingyao;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

22 bottles of Qianjuefeng; 1 bottle of Luxun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!