I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 23: Sell the house


The ice cube-faced secretary was obviously bigger in size, and he glanced at Chi Zhengzheng's chest invisibly, just slightly, but he seemed to be saying-

Oh, I'm sorry, but I have a high opinion of you.

For a secretary like her, this-eye is naturally very careful, and there is no change in her face.

But Chi Zhengzheng was staring at her closely, and her brain supplementation ability was full, and she immediately noticed that her face became even hotter, and instantly turned red.

Secretary: "Okay, ma'am. I'll call and order right now. It will be delivered to the nearest store in half an hour. Please wait a moment."

"Um... ok..." she said weakly.

After the secretary made the call, he left, and the person who brought him followed.

Wen Yu was still looking at her.

Chi Zhengzheng, whose face was blushing, lowered her head, turned around and left, with a very thin voice: "I'll go up and let it go..."

After saying that, with a gust of wind under her feet, she took her pajamas and went upstairs.

Other toiletries and towels are all available in the room, just short of pajamas and underwear.

The door — closed, she hugged her pajamas and slammed her head on the bed.

Ahh! !

What a shame!

The main reason is that the original owner was really too thin. After lying in bed for a few days after a car accident, he became even thinner.

She wants to gain weight! To grow meat! To... change underwear!

Sister-in-law Wang cooks very fast, but obviously delivers the clothes faster, and it was delivered in less than half an hour.

Hearing the call to her, she stepped down lightly, took the box, Yu Guang secretly glanced at Wen Yu who was on the sofa at the moment with the computer in front of her...

As if the blush on her face had not gone down, it was still a little hot, and she hurried up again.

When climbing the stairs, Wen Yu's voice suddenly sounded: "Just leave the things and come down, it's time to eat."

Chi Zhengzheng: "...Oh."

I put down my clothes, and dawdled in the room again—after a while, I went downstairs.

Downstairs, the three dishes - soup had already been placed on the dining table, and Wen Yu had just sat down.

She was a little surprised: "Huh? Where's Mrs. Wang?"

"Sister Wang has gone back, she doesn't live here." Wen Yu replied, still his cold face.

He doesn't like other people living at home, so whether it's the housekeeping or the aunties who cook and clean, they don't stay overnight.

Chi Zhengzheng... is an exception.

"Oh..." Chi Zhengzheng responded.

"Have a meal."

"Oh." She sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and started to eat.

He lowered his head, still a little embarrassed, and did not dare to look up.

Wen Yu paid attention to her, frowned slightly when he saw this, he liked her as he did when he got up to eat, instead of keeping his head up like this now.

He pursed his lips and said, "I'm staying here tonight, too." Lest you—personally be afraid.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Oh." This is your home, you can live there.

Seeing that she still didn't look up, Wen Yu's lips pursed even tighter.

The two ate in silence, and the room was extremely quiet.

Soon, Chi Zhengzheng was almost full when he finished his bowl of rice, swallowed his last mouthful of rice, and prepared to put down the bowls and chopsticks.

Wen Yu suddenly said again at this time: "Is it because the underwear is unhappy?"

Are you upset because you choose underwear in front of him

Or are you shy because of it

- It's night, and you don't look up.

When he said this, he was very serious, and when such words came out of his mouth, it would not make people feel that he was frivolous, but could feel his worry.

Chi Zhengzheng: "..."

Her ears were red, she puffed out her chest subconsciously, and then muffled: "I'm too thin, I can still grow..."


Wen Yu's eyes were blank.

Chi Zhengzheng had already stood up and went straight to the kitchen.

Wen Yu: "What are you doing?"

She gritted her teeth: "I'll eat more—bowl!"

Wen Yu: "…"

He blinked, as if he suddenly understood why she was so embarrassed.


Head down, laughing.

It was already a little late when Chi Zhouchen came home. Chi Yan and Ding Yijun had not eaten yet, and were sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

He glanced around and found that An Qinru was not there.

Seeing him coming back, Ding Yijun immediately stepped forward in a hurry, looked behind him, didn't see another person, and looked a little disappointed-

"Zhouchen, is Zhengzheng unwilling to come back?"

Chi Yan put down the teacup heavily, and hummed: "It's fine if you don't come back! She's not too young to be too lazy to care about her."

That being said, just like Ding Yijun, I looked behind Chi Zhouchen.

Chi Zhouchen shook his head: "I didn't talk to her, but I know where she lives."

"That's fine." Ding Yijun let out a - tone, with a complicated expression.

"Eat! Leave her alone." Chi Yan angrily stood up and walked towards the dining table.

Chi Zhouchen and Ding Yijun followed.

Chi Yan was obviously in a bad mood, so he was smothered in eating, Ding Yijun kept talking: "We have already told Qinru tonight, she will not come here often in the future, she will go back to Ding's house, if she doesn't live in Ding's house, It's comfortable, and there's an family. Next time, tell Zhengzheng this news, she should come back when she finds out... "

Chi Zhouchen—while eating,—was in a trance.

Well—after a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Chi Yan: "Dad, do you think we've misunderstood? Wen Yu may not be as simple as it seems."

Chi Yan - listen, subconsciously frown.

Ding Yijun also frowned immediately, thinking of Wen Yu, she was a little dissatisfied, "Why is he not simple? - Nothing has been accomplished, the Wen family will not let him join the company, and he is not too young, still do nothing, do nothing. Learn! His character doesn't even say a single sentence, why isn't it simple?"

She was talking about everyone's views on Wen Yu, including Chi Yan and Chi Zhouchen.

Wen Yu has nothing to do, the Wen family is superfluous, they can't get anything from the Wen family, and - nothing has been accomplished, this is the impression from the past to the present - directly imprinted on their hearts.

But Chi Yan suddenly thought of Wen Yu's eyes, the bottomless darkness, and the amazing aura...

He looked at Chi Zhouchen: "Why do you say that?"

Chi Zhouchen put down the bowls and chopsticks with a serious face: "He brought Chi Zhengzheng into Wangjiang Manor today."

"Wangjiang Manor?" Hearing this, Chi Yan's brows furrowed even tighter.

After eating, Chi Zhengzheng went back to the room, and Wen Yu went into the study.

So many things happened this day, after taking a nice bath, Chi Zhengzheng went to bed.

She didn't set an alarm clock, so when she woke up the next day, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and it was already bright.

The curtains were drawn, and the bright sunlight came in from outside, she smiled and stretched again.

Downstairs, breakfast is on the table.

But the room was very quiet, and it was obvious that Wen Yu had already gone out.

She walked briskly into the kitchen, heated up the breakfast, and ate it slowly.

"Comfortable… "

This is life.

In her previous life, she had to get up early when she went to work, and only woke up every weekend after she had enough sleep. She ate breakfast slowly. After that, she was extremely happy whether she was playing on the phone or watching dramas.

After wearing it, it was the first time she was so comfortable.

After eating, she was not idle.

Familiarize yourself with where you live today, and then come back and think about it - what kind of work can you do, and you have no money in your pocket, you still have to find a way.

She went out, and in less than an hour, she ran back pale.

Door — closed, sitting on the sofa with neck shrunk, hugging pillow, trembling slightly.

Her hands were shaking so badly that she couldn't type, so she sent a voice—

"Wen, Wen Yu, are you coming back at noon today?"

On the other side, Wen Yu had just finished the meeting.

Secretary Ning and the female secretary who went to deliver the clothes yesterday followed behind. Secretary Ning reported to the work: "... These four contracts need to be reviewed and signed by the boss. In addition, Manager Chen's report has been handed in and needs your review. In the afternoon... "

Wen Yu nodded.

After Secretary Ning finished speaking, he clicked to play the voice.

Secretary Ning, Assistant Gao and the others who were walking behind them all paused for a while, and then their faces returned to calm, but Yu Guang always glanced at Wen Yu's back.

After hearing this, Wen Yu frowned slightly.

what's going on

He could hear the unease in Chi Zhengzheng's voice, and he replied—sentence—

"What happened?"

Before waiting for a reply, he looked at Secretary Ning: "Give me all the documents to be signed, and keep the other documents in the office."

"...Yes." Secretary Ning handed it to him.

He opened the page as he walked, and when he got to the office, he signed three copies on the table, and threw the other one to the secretary: "Article 16 on the second page, which needs to be revised."

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone again, this time on the opposite side was the text—

【fine. 】

【I'm just asking… 】

Wen Yu didn't reply, put away the phone, and - walking out - said, "Let the driver wait for me downstairs."

"Yes… "

Wen Yu had disappeared, Secretary Ning hurriedly called, and the rest of the people looked at each other—eyes,—faces of shock.

Only Secretary Xu, the female secretary who delivered the clothes last night, was expressionless at the moment, and when she looked at the others, she faintly contempt—

Gee, you don't know anything about your boss's love life.

Chi Zhengzheng was in the room and couldn't calm down. She wanted to go out, but she didn't dare to step out the door of the house.

She was not very courageous at first, and now she is about to be frightened.

Even looking at the house where I lived at night, I felt terrifyingly big, really terrifying.

Such a big house, it's empty, and it's just her—person...

And it's not just her in such a big house—personal...

At this time, someone opened the door.

"Ah—" Chi Zhengzheng screamed subconsciously and threw a pillow towards the door.

Wen Yu, who hurried back, stretched out his hand to catch the pillow. Seeing her face full of horror, he frowned and his eyes were worried: "Chi Zhengzheng, what's going on? Don't be afraid."

He stepped forward and walked in front of Chi Zhengzheng, his warm hands clasping her tense and trembling wrists.

After buttoning it, he realized that her hands were terrifyingly ice-cold, and his brows furrowed even tighter.

Chi Zhengzheng saw clearly that it was him, let out a breath, and breathed with a pale face.

She was originally white, and she was still very thin. Her face was pale, sweat dripped from her forehead, and her eyes were panicked, which really made her heart wrinkle.

Wen Yuyi - stretched out one hand, patted her back, softly voiced, lowered her head and comforted: "It's alright, Chi Zhengzheng is alright, tell me, what happened?"

Chi Zhengzheng reached out and grabbed Wen Yu's clothes tightly, with a look of fear on his face, "I went out and looked at the community, there was no one, no one, no one!"

She originally wanted to take a look at the community, and by the way, see who lived around, but it turned out to be empty everywhere, and there was no one.

There was no sign of anyone living in each of the houses, all the outside doors were open, and there were no cars.

She was frightened and walked a long way, hoping to see - a person, but it turned out to be - no one at all!

She herself is also - walking around the community alone, there is no movement except for her own footsteps.

Chi Zhengzheng was frightened at the time.

She wanted to get out of this community, but the community was too big to find the door where she came in last night.

This is a community, even if it's a villa area, it's impossible to have it in broad daylight - no one has it!

I didn't dare to look any further, and hurried back.

"It's really scary, - no one!" Chi Zhengzheng - while taking a deep breath, - covered her beating heart.

When she rented a house in her last life, the community she lived in was very lively, and as long as she went out, she could hear the sound of children playing.

Even if the villa area is quiet, it is not like this!

She ran back and closed the door. The huge house was so quiet that she couldn't hear any movement.

Chi Zhengzheng is not a person in this world, she doesn't know what she is, how can she not be afraid

Wen Yu understood.

She was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, no one is normal, this community is not open for sale, and no one else lives in."

He likes quietness, and he has never been afraid that this community is the only one who lives in him. He didn't expect that he forgot to tell her, and he actually frightened her like this.

My heart was suddenly amused, but also a little distressed.

When Chi Zhengzheng heard this, he blinked blankly: "Ah?"

It turns out that the community has not yet opened for sale? !

Wen Yu patted her back, "Don't worry, I'll let Sister Wang and the others live here later."

She was stunned for a while, before she eased the panic and fear just now, let out a breath, and did not refuse to let Sister-in-Law come over.

- She is not a stubborn person.

She would not dare to live alone in this community.

After she was less frightened, she realized that she was still holding Wen Yu's sleeve and quickly let go.

Her smile was a little embarrassed, and she scratched her head: "Well, I'm sorry, I made you worry, I'm timid..."

Wen Yu also released his hand, reached out and took the cup, poured her a glass of water, and handed it to her: "It's okay, it's more convenient for Mrs. Wang and the others to live here."

He himself doesn't like other people living here, but Chi Zhengzheng obviously can't do it like this, so he can be relieved by letting Sister Wang and the others come to take care of him.

Chi Zhengzheng took the water and looked at Wen Yu gratefully.

After drinking—the saliva went down, and she wiped the cold sweat that broke out from her forehead before she said, "Wen Yu, you are so courageous..."

Dare-to live here alone, Wen Yu's courage really makes her admire.

And even if she knew that the community was not open for sale, so no one was there, she was still very scared.

"I'm used to it, there's nothing to be afraid of." Wen Yu said softly.

Of course he wasn't afraid, he didn't know if there were ghosts in this world, but he had never met a ghost who harmed him, and there were quite a few people who harmed him. Sometimes people are much scarier than some ethereal ghost.

Yu Guang looked at Chi Zhengzheng, whose face was still--frightened, he laughed, the corners of his mouth raised a little.

Soon Mrs. Wang was brought over by the driver, Brother Wang, carrying her own things. In addition to Mrs. Wang who was cooking, there was also a middle-aged couple.

"Uncle Li manages the garden, Aunt Li helps sweep the floor and do the laundry. They all live in the annex next to them. You can call them if you have anything." Wen Yu urged.

"Oh, good..." Chi Zhengzheng responded.

She looked straight at Wen Yu, a little lost.

This guy is really nice.

Although his face is cold, he is very considerate and makes people feel warm from the bottom of his heart.

She—was distracted, until Wen Yu tapped her head with two fingers, and then she covered her forehead and regained her senses, her brows furrowed, and she looked at him with big eyes.

- What are you hitting me for

Wen Yu retracted his hand and coughed against his lips: "Get ready to eat, Mrs. Wang will cook quickly."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went to the kitchen to tell Mrs. Wang that this girl is obviously timid and needs more care from Mrs. Wang.

Chi Zhengzheng was still covering her head, looking at Wen Yu's back with a dumbfounded look.

Why is this guy hitting her

Sister Wang really cooks very quickly, Ma Liu fry a few side dishes and bring it out, and the rice is cooked at the same time.

In broad daylight, there are more people, and Chi Zhengzheng is no longer afraid.

Wen Yu also felt relieved, and went out to the company after dinner. There are many things in the company in the past two days, and it would be better if he showed up in person.

When he arrived at the company, he called Secretary Lai Ning—

"Let's start selling the house in Wangjiang Manor. Let the person in charge pay attention - the buyer, try to sell the house next to my house to more family members with children."

This can be more lively.

The house and the house are far away, and it is impossible to disturb them, but if Chi Zhengzheng visits the door, it will be very lively.

Secretary Ning - stunned.

He thought that Wangjiang Manor would not be sold by the owner, so why did he suddenly start selling it

Wen Yu's plan, Chi Zhengzheng didn't know, at the moment she was in the house - eating the cookies made by Mrs. Wang - looking for what she could do on the computer.

However this is not easy.

The original owner graduated from university, but his grades were not good. He used to like Wen Yiran. When he saw him studying abroad, he also went abroad to study at university. As a result, after playing for more than a year, he couldn't stay any longer. When he came back, the cat was at home.

Now it's not the same as before. In the past, as long as you returned from abroad, it was always a stepping stone, but now everyone can understand what university you are studying. There is still a big difference between a good university and a pheasant university.


Chi Zhengzheng, she didn't get a diploma at all! !

She herself is not very capable, - I really don't know what job I should find for a while.

Join Chijia related company

That can't be, even if the Chi family agrees, she doesn't want to go.

Chi Zhengzheng was so worried that she scratched her head.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Zhengzheng, are you finished with the biscuits? Are there any more?" Mrs. Wang said at the door, holding a plate in her hand.

Chi Zhengzheng hurriedly waved his hand: "No, I have enough to eat here, Mrs. Wang, please eat, thank you, it's too much trouble for you."

Sister Wang smiled, with kindness on her face, "It's okay, Mr. Wen asked me to take care of you, and I will definitely take good care of you. Mr. Wen is kind to me and my man."

"Huh?" Chi Zhengzheng nibbled at the biscuits and looked at her with round eyes, a little curious.

Mrs. Wang also explained: "My man is Mr. Wen's driver. When he was sick and needed a lot of money, most employers would dismiss him directly, but Mr. Wen paid for the medical bills and let him go back to work when he got sick. Even after knowing that my family was in trouble, let me help out as a nanny and cook."

She looked a little emotional, came over and put another plate of biscuits by Chi Zhengzheng's hand, "If it weren't for Mr. Wen, my man and I wouldn't know what to expect now. Mr. Wen is a very good person."

Chi Zhengzheng - nodded with approval, but no, Wen Yu is indeed a good person.

Seeing her nodding, Mrs. Wang smiled even brighter: "Yes, Zhengzheng, you are also very good. You and Mr. Wen are both so good, and life will definitely get better and better in the future!"

Chi Zhengzheng - stiff, immediately waved his hand: "No, no, Mrs. Wang, Wen Yu and I are not in that kind of relationship, I'm just a tenant, it's not convenient for me to go home, I just live here temporarily."

Sister-in-law Wang - with disbelief, she - picked up the kettle next to her - and said, "Zhengzheng, don't lie to me, Mr. Wen has already said that you are his fiancee."

Saying that, she took the kettle downstairs to change the water.

Chi Zhengzheng: "..."

Although being a tenant is better, and even though she still has the name of her fiancée, she and Wen Yu are really not in that kind of relationship!

Chi Zhengzheng was worried about what to do for two days, but in the end she had no choice but to do some translation work online, so that she could still have a meager income.

Then I bought it - I came back with a pile of books, thinking that it would be beneficial to my future development if I had to take a test.

Although girls from a family like hers can be raised by the family for a lifetime, it is hard to say whether the Chi family will still be there after a year. Even if she is still there, she doesn't want the Chi family to support her.

The book she bought has just been delivered.

After being discharged from the hospital, Wen Sisi, who was in a very bad mood now, was really upset and called her.

—Although Wen Sisi didn't know why she called Chi Zhengzheng when she was in a bad mood.

"Hey, what are you doing? I haven't seen you for the past two days. I heard that you ran away from home again?" On the phone, Wen Sisi's attitude was not very friendly, with sarcasm.

- The word "again" is ironic enough.

Chi Zhengzheng casually opened the package, "Have your fever gone away yet?"

Wen Sisi was stunned: "Huh?"

"Otherwise, why do you care about me with a feverish head?"

"Chi Zhengzheng!!"

"I can hear, say." Chi Zhengzheng digs out her ears.

"At night, nightclub, do you want to go?"

"Don't go."

Wen Sisi: "???"

She took a deep breath and learned Chi Zhengzheng's aggressive technique: "Are you afraid of me, so you dare not go?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "Yes, I'm afraid of you, so I won't go."

Hearing the words, Wen Sisi jumped in anger: "Chi Zhengzheng!!"

"Tell me, time, place." Chi Zhengzheng asked helplessly.

She heard that Wen Sisi was in a bad mood. When she was in a bad mood, Wen Sisi accompanied her to escape from the room and was hospitalized with a high fever. Now that the other party was in a bad mood, she cared about it—it was nothing.

As for the nightclub, the original owner was a regular visitor, but every good nightclub in the city knew her, and nothing happened.

Here, Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Sisi made an appointment to go to a nightclub in the evening.

In the late company over there.

Chi Zhouchen asked anxiously, "Dad, have you found it? What happened to Wen Yu?"

The author has something to say: Chi Zhengzheng: I have nothing to do with Wen Yu, really!

Wen Yu: Secretary Ning, help me screen out my future neighbors. My wife likes to be lively.

Ah, today is also a day to love you!

Dads, can you give the bunny a paw in the comment area

Rabbit wants to climb the moon list, needs comments and nutrient solution, woo woo qaq!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-09 21:26:50~2021-05-10 20:14:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: sweet girl 09, 51873822, slowly 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 19 bottles of Muli; 10 bottles of Park Woojin’s wife; 6 bottles of Yi Zian; 5 bottles of Ajuan; 11. 1 bottle of eed;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!