I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 60: bankruptcy


"Hey, what are we going to do today?" Chi Zhengzheng asked curiously as he changed his shoes.

Wen Yu whispered: "To do something very important..."

"Ah? What?" Chi Zhengzheng was at a loss.

"Go to the hospital, see someone..." Wen Yu's eyes were dark, and a cold light passed through faintly.

She glanced at him suspiciously, but didn't ask any further, she was sensitive to find that Wen Yu today was a little abnormal.

Although I was very curious, I also knew that I would naturally know who to go to the hospital later.

When the two went out, Wen Yu took a large parasol and hit Chi Zhengzheng on the head.

The driver was already waiting outside in his car.

It was very hot at the end of July, Chi Zhengzheng hurriedly got into the car, and when the air conditioner was blown, she felt alive.

Wen Yu calmly put away his umbrella and got into the car.

"Aren't you hot?"


Chi Zhengzheng suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged him, and sighed: "What a good physique, warm in winter and cool in summer."

Wen Yu was stunned for a while, then smiled, and even the cold light in his eyes faded.

She lowered her head and gently rubbed her cheek against the top of her head, feeling warm in her heart.

The car leaves.


When An Qinru came, Wen Jingsen was still in the emergency room and did not come out.

"Yi Ran, how's mom and dad?" An Qinru stepped forward and asked softly.

Wen Yiran didn't speak, and kept staring at one place, no one knew what he was thinking.

Beside, Xu Wei rushed over.

"Crack!" A slap slapped An Qinru's face, Xu Wei's voice was sharp: "You bastard! It's all because of you that I'm so unlucky to marry you, you are really a disaster, you must be the one who gave it to the Wen family. You brought bad luck here! This broom star, get out of the Wen family for me!"

This slap was so powerful that it caused An Qinru's brain to "buzz" and dizzy.

She fell to the ground, Xu Wei wanted to go up and continue to fight, but was stopped by the servant at home.

Wen Yiran's eyes were dull, and she slowly looked at them. It took a long time before she said in a hoarse voice: "Mom... She is still pregnant with a child, don't fight, it has nothing to do with her... "

"Yiran, Yiran, what's going on? Has something happened to the company? Can it be resolved?" An Qinru knelt down and crawled over, clutching Wen Yiran's sleeve tightly, looking terrified.

Today is the second day after she married into the Wen family, she won't be so unlucky, definitely won't be so unlucky!

- She doesn't care about Wen Jingsen who is in the rescue at all, she only cares about the company.

Wen Yiran was stunned for a while, and before he could say anything, the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor came out.

"Doctor, how is my husband?!" Several people rushed forward, and even An Qinru stood up and stumbled over.

The doctor's face was a little heavy, and he sighed: "The patient has high blood pressure and suffered a stroke from stimulation. The condition is relatively serious. He has been rescued now, but because..."

The doctor gave various explanations. In conclusion, Wen Jingsen has been rescued, but because of the serious condition, he is very likely to be paralyzed. In the follow-up, he needs to continue to observe and treat, and he must pay attention to maintenance and can no longer be stimulated.

Xu Wei cried out with a "wow", if it wasn't for the servant's support, she would have fallen to the ground.

Even Wen Yiran's eyes were red.

Wen Jingsen was pushed into the ward, and they all followed.

Wen Yiran's cell phone has been vibrating all the time, and it has not stopped since the morning. Now that Wen Jingsen came back from the rescue, he took out his cell phone with energy.

Looking at the flashing number on it, Wen Yiran was a little scared.

"Hello." He finally took it with trembling hands.

"Manager Wen, what should we do now? Mr. Wen can't be contacted, the shareholders are all in the company, and the companies we work with have all come over, and now they're all waiting..." The secretary's voice was anxious, he was blocked in the company now, panicking Unbearable, he threw all the questions to Wen Yiran.

Wen Yiran listened, and when he was answering the secretary's call, several shareholders called.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "Let me think about it... let me think about it..."

What can Wen Yiran do

From receiving the bad news to Wen Jingsen's stroke, what happened one morning was as terrifying as a nightmare, one after another, making people overwhelmed.

When he probably knew that this was not the time to faint, Wen Jingsen's weak voice sounded on the hospital bed: "Yi Ran..."

"Dad! You finally woke up!" Wen Yiran rushed over.

"Jingsen, you finally woke up, are you going to scare me to death? I just... " Xu Wei suddenly howled.

Wen Jingsen interrupted her with a weak voice: "Shut up, and let me hear the crying again, then, just get out of here!"

Xu Wei closed her mouth immediately, An Qinru had been standing in the corner, her face full of fear and confusion.

"Yi Ran, how is it now?" Wen Jingsen wanted to sit up, but his feet didn't obey the command and couldn't move.

He didn't take it too seriously, he just thought it was the reason why he just woke up.

Wen Yiran helped him sit up and let him lean on the head of the bed.

Then, in a hoarse voice, he said, "Dad... The situation is very bad. The company is in a mess now. The shareholders, senior management and the companies that cooperate with them are in chaos. All of them have been found in the company."

The phone next to him was still vibrating.

Wen Jingsen closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and almost passed over again.

After holding on, his voice trembled: "How is it possible?! How is it possible, how can there be a problem with energy?!"

Since the news has been spread, there is no possibility of blocking the news, and now we can only find a way to solve it.

But... can there be a solution

"Yiran!" Wen Jingsen held Wen Yiran's hand, and said anxiously, "Now go find a relationship, call Mr. Li, and ask him to find a way to prevent the document from being issued, and then find the technical team and public relations, and let them Write now..."

Wen Yiran listened carefully, and Liushenwuzhu's heart calmed down a little.

There is no way to worry now, we must make amends! Find a way to save it!

"Don't bother." A voice sounded from the door.

Everyone was stunned and looked up.

Zheng Ye stood at the door with his secretary with a smile on his face.

"Zheng Ye? What, what do you mean?" Wen Yiran looked blank.

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm here to ask for an account. We have a contract first, and this project has been completed. Should you return my investment and interest to me?" He smiled and walked in.

"The project can't be launched at all right now!"

"What does that have to do with me? My contract only needs to be completed. Whether it can be pushed out or not has nothing to do with me, but the time for collection hasn't come yet. I'm just here to remind you in advance." Zheng Ye touched jaw.

Calcium carbide sparks, a thought flashed in my head, and all the violations were strung together at once.

Wen Yiran stood up abruptly and said in shock, "Zheng Ye, you already knew this project could not be accomplished, you were plotting against us!!"

Zheng Ye smiled but said nothing.

Wen Jingsen gasped heavily, and his eyes were black and black, and he almost fainted again. He held on to the end and asked, "Zheng Ye! What kind of hatred do we have?! Why are you trying to plot against us thankfully?! "

I knew the news in advance, but instead of reminding them, they calculated them!

Zheng Ye also invested money. If the Wen family collapsed, what would he give back to him? Isn't this thankless? !

"Sorry, I just follow orders. I will do whatever my boss asks me to do." Zheng Ye blinked.

"Your boss..." Wen Jingsen was taken aback: "Who is your boss?"

Zheng Ye pushed his glasses, with the attitude of watching a good show: "My boss, of course... Hey, why did I tell you? I'm just here to collect the bills, lest you won't be able to receive my money after you go bankrupt. ."

His words made Wen Yiran so angry that his eyes darkened, he almost fell down, and finally stopped while holding on to the hospital bed.

On the hospital bed, Wen Jingsen took a deep breath and stared at Zheng Ye—

"Zheng Ye, we haven't finished hearing about the family! There is no problem with xxx energy! What is it that explodes? It doesn't explode. It explodes. From the beginning of the research, there has been no mistake! No one has cancer, and this xxx We are not just researching energy. Isn’t your Zheng family related to Yu Ding? Don’t you know that Yu Ding’s research on it is deeper, and Yu Ding cannot still be spread by rumors!”

Zheng Ye laughed: "Hahaha! I said Wen Jingsen, you are really old and confused, and you haven't found any problem yet! Yes, you decided to do this new project, is it because Yu Ding is also working on it? You see the vision of Boss Yu Ding and think that what he wants to intervene in, how could it not be of great benefit?"

Wen Jingsen sank his face and stared at Zheng Ye closely.

Wen Yiran also stared at him, and they all had an inexplicable hunch in their hearts - what Zheng Ye said next might not be good words!

Sure enough, Zheng Ye shook his head: "Who told you that Yu Ding was researching xxx energy? They started earlier than you, and you have all achieved results. If Yu Ding was researching, how could there be no results? And... Who told you—your research There has been no accident, is there any problem with xxx energy? Do you really think that a research team is so easy to dig? Do you really think that your team is capable?"

When he said it, he really admired Wen Yu.

When calculating, make sure to be accurate, and start the layout a long time ago, step by step to help the Wen family into the set, and step by step to make them go bankrupt.

"No! You are talking nonsense!" Wen Jingsen patted the hospital bed, with blue veins jumping on his forehead and cracked eyes, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Wen Yiran also had an unbelievable look on his face, staring at Zheng Ye: "What do you mean? Someone plotted against us? From the beginning?"

He doesn't believe it, how is it possible? !

But deep in his heart, there was another doubt that gradually rose.

"No, no, you quit the Chi family..." Wen Yiran was shocked, "The Chi family quit?! Did they terminate the cooperation on purpose?!"

"Yo, it's still smart, but unfortunately it's too late, you can see what it means to stay in the green hills without fear of running out of firewood." Zheng Ye clapped his hands.

"You lied to us, right? Zheng Ye, you want to take advantage of the fire!" Wen Jingsen couldn't believe it.

Yu Ding didn't study xxx energy, the team they hired had problems, everything went very smoothly, such as God's help, Chi's withdrawal, Zheng Ye's loan, new research abroad...

All this strung together, it is simply frightening and frightening, I can't believe it, and I don't want to believe it!

But they are all from shopping malls. After having these clues, how could they not have thought of it - they said.

Someone has been counting them since a long time ago!

This project has already invested all, it can be lost, and the Wen family can barely afford it, but this project died before it was launched.

This is the news that the home has nothing! !

Wen Yiran clenched his hands into fists, and in his mind, many things that he had not cared about a long time ago were strung together again...

"Wen Yu, Yu Ding..." He murmured in a low voice, then stepped forward and grabbed Zheng Ye's neckline, "Tell me, is Wen Yu related to Yu Ding?"

The Chi family told them at the beginning that it is not easy to hear Yu, and it may have something to do with Yu Ding!

But at the time, they didn't care.

Smell Yu? !

Everyone in the ward was shocked and their faces were full of disbelief.

Zheng Ye pushed Wen Yiran away, and before he could speak, another voice sounded at the door—

"A good show, really wonderful."

When the voice fell, Wen Yu walked in with Chi Zhengzheng, obviously in a good mood, and his expressionless face was now full of sarcasm.

He wanted to come and see with his own eyes the faces of Wen's family, and also see with his own eyes how his father faced losing everything, and how did his stepmother face it

As soon as Zheng Ye saw Wen Yu coming in, he hurriedly stood up straight, put on a respectful face, blinked, and in the unbelievable eyes of Wen's family, he called—

"Boss, lady boss, you are here too."

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

Rabbit: For an interview, how are you feeling now

An Qinru: …

Rabbit: Sad? pain? Unbelievable

An Qinru: …

Rabbit: I just married into the Wen family, and before I even received the pocket money, the Wen family will go bankrupt. What are you going to do next

An Qinru: ...Pfft!

Rabbit: Hello, 120? Someone vomited blood!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-29 21:10:13~2021-05-30 00:51:56~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of lemonade; 5 bottles of Tiantianer; 2 bottles of hot and hot; 1 bottle of Qingqing and Chenxi Ma Ma;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!