I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 73: hope


Even if Chi Zhengzheng's body function is declining, even if Chi Zheng is about to die, the doctors are still helpless and can't come up with any solution.

She was sober at first, and now she is in a coma again, as if she couldn't explain the reason very well.

This also led to - she was always lying on the bed, with various tubes inserted, motionless, as if she was asleep.

Wen Yu sat next to her and held her hand tightly.

"Let's eat something, it's been three days, so you just drink some water, how can your body bear it like this?" Zheng Ye sighed, his eyes full of emotion.

Since Chi Zhengzheng entered the hospital, he only saw the madness of his boss.

I originally thought that this man was Taishan's unchanging face, but he didn't expect that there were things he couldn't bear in this world.

Even in Chi Zhengzheng's situation, he did not accept it at all.

—As if she wasn't sick, just fell asleep, and he was by her side, watching her wake up.

Wen Yu didn't move.

Zheng Ye's eyes were worried: "If your body breaks down, how can you wait until Chi Zhengzheng wakes up? She still needs you to support her like this."

Regarding the situation of Chi Zhengzheng, he secretly asked the experts today, and the situation is not optimistic.

With a long sigh, he put the food in his hand on the next cabinet.

At this time, Wen Yu stretched out his hand, picked up the food, and chewed it mechanically.

Zheng Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and walked out of the ward. There was a huge Yu Ding. Wen Yu wouldn't care now. If he didn't care, it would be a mess.

When he walked out of the ward, he faintly heard Wen Yu whispering in a hoarse voice—

"Little slacker, why are you still sleeping, get up and eat soon."

His soft tone was as if the person on the bed was really asleep, and the next moment he would open his eyes and accompany him to eat something.

Zheng Ye's nose is inexplicably sour, if Chi Zhengzheng is really...

He couldn't even imagine the consequences.

Wen Yu has never been happy for more than 20 years, and God would not be so cruel to take away his happiness, right

Before Zheng Ye could go far, he collided head-on with the three people who rushed over. The three were in a hurry, as if they didn't see him at all, and continued to walk forward.

late family

Zheng Ye turned around abruptly and returned to the ward.

At this time, the three Chi family had entered the ward.

"Zhengzheng!" Ding Yijun cried, rushed over and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Chi Zhengzheng, but he didn't dare to touch it, and was at a loss.

"What happened to Zheng Zheng? Wen Yu, tell me, what happened to Zheng Zheng?!" Ding Yijun cried, staring at Wen Yu with red eyes.

Wen Yu ignored her.

"Wen Yu!" Chi Yan was also extremely angry, staring at him: "You said you would take good care of Zheng Zheng, is that how you take care of it?! And Zheng Zheng was admitted to the hospital on New Year's Eve, but you never informed us! "

"Wen Yu, talk to me, tell me what happened to Zheng Zheng?!" Ding Yijun cried bitterly.

Just as her hand touched Chi Zhengzheng, Wen Yu waved it away.

"Wen Yu!!"

"Stop arguing!" Zheng Ye walked in and looked at Chi Yan and Ding Yijun, "It's not Wen Yu's fault for Chi Zhengzheng's illness, but if you want to blame it, it's also the car accident a year ago."

Chi Zhouchen stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears he couldn't control, and asked, "What's going on? How is it related to the car accident a year ago?"

Zheng Ye simply explained Chi Zhengzheng's situation clearly.

"So... Zheng Zheng fainted this time because of a car accident a year ago?" Chi Yan opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and his eyes were red.

"So you have no position to blame Wen Yu. If you want to blame, you can only blame the person who caused her to have a car accident a year ago, as well as yourself. When she first woke up, you didn't pay attention to it and didn't give her a good physical examination. ." Zheng Ye's eyes under his glasses were sharp and piercing.

"Zhengzheng... Can you still wake up?" Ding Yijun shook her body.

Zheng Ye pursed his lips: "Not optimistic."

Wen Yu, Ding Yijun's legs softened and fell directly to the ground.

"Go out." Wen Yu finally spoke, his hoarse voice was very soft, and then disappeared into the air.

"No, I don't want to go, I want to guard Zhengzheng!" Ding Yijun reached out and wanted to hold Chi Zhengzheng's other hand.

"I said, go out." Wen Yu looked at them with a pair of eyes.

When they met his gaze, everyone was stunned, even Ding Yijun was also startled.

There was blood in his eye sockets, and in just a few days, he had experienced a lot of vicissitudes, and he didn't take care of the stubble.

Although his face is expressionless, it makes people feel cold all over, like a beast that has been released, and it will hurt people if you are not careful.

-He's crazy.

"Zhengzheng is just asleep, you are talking nonsense! There is no need for you here, you all go out." His voice was still soft, as if he just said an ordinary sentence.

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the person on the hospital bed, stretched out his hand, and straightened her messy hair.

Ding Yijun opened his mouth, was frightened by Wen Yu's just glance, and was speechless.

"Let's all go out, just in time for you to chat with the doctor." Zheng Ye cleared the field.

Chi Zhouchen gritted his teeth, stepped forward, helped Ding Yijun up, and then slowly walked out of the ward.

Zheng Ye closed the door.

He looked at Chi Yan and Ding Yijun: "I know you are concerned about your daughter, but you must know that Wen Yu is the most uncomfortable right now, and his feelings for Chi Zhengzheng are much deeper than yours. If you are worried, go talk to the doctor. Talk, don't go in and disturb them."

After speaking, Zheng Ye turned around and left.

Chi Zhouchen and Chi Yan took Ding Yijun to see the doctor.

When they came out again, all three had red eyes, Chi Zhouchen helped Ding Yijun to sit on the chair in the corridor, and then leaned against the wall, his eyes were a little dull.

how come…

They only met Chi Zhengzheng in their thirties. She was still so healthy and couldn't see any sickness. Why did she collapse so suddenly

Not optimistic? Last for less than a month

What's the meaning

Chi Zhengzheng can only live less than a month

Do not! impossible!

Chi Zhouchen blinked, tears welling up in his eyes, his hands clenched into fists, unacceptable.

Chi Yan didn't say anything, things happened too suddenly, the first reaction was - impossible!

And Ding Yijun cried out: "No, Zhengzheng is in good health, how could she die? She is so healthy, so young, and now that medicine is so advanced, how could something happen to her?! I don't believe it, I don't believe it! "

She raised her hand, beat her chest with her fist, and said sadly, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault! Why didn't I pay more attention at the beginning? Why didn't I let Zheng Zheng be observed in the hospital more?!"

"Mom... Calm down..." Chi Zhouchen reached out his hand dully to stop his mother's self-mutilation.

"I can't calm down!" Ding Yijun slid to the ground, leaned on the chair, and said hoarsely, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault for believing in An Qinru! It's all my fault that I led the jackal to the house!"

No more pain.

As time passed, Ding Yijun began to regret it, and now Chi Zhengzheng's fall has brought her regret and self-blame to a peak.

At first…

It was clear that An Qinru and Wen Yiran stimulated Zhengzheng, so she had a car accident!

At that time, Ding Yijun believed in An Qinru and felt that she did not intend to, nor did she intend to rob Chi Zhengzheng's fiancé.

She did not decide for her own daughter, nor did she punish An Qinru, or even protect An Qinru...

And later it turned out that An Qinru was clearly interested in Wen Yiran and deliberately seduced her!

If Zhengzheng really had an accident because of the car accident, what face would she have to face Zhengzheng Ding Yijun? ! Facing Wen Yu and Chi's family? !

She was wrong, she was really wrong.

In the past, she was like being caught in a gu, and she actually cared that An Qinru was more than her own daughter!

How could her biological daughter, who was conceived in October, be ahead of her? !

She is also one of the executioners!

"It's not just your fault... I'm also at fault... Over the years, I have neglected Zheng Zheng too much." Chi Yan said, covering his eyes with choked sobs, tears flowing from his fingers.

Chi Zhouchen didn't speak.

Is he right? He knew in his heart, yes.

No wonder Chi Zhengzheng is indifferent to their Chi family, it is the cause they sowed and the fruit they bear!

Ding Yijun's lips were bitten with blood, and she was devastated—

"I really hate it!!"

I hate An Qinru, I hate Wen Yiran, and I hate myself!

The Chi family was distraught outside, and inside the door, Wen Yu lowered his head and touched Chi Zhengzheng's forehead lightly.

"They're gone, don't make any noise. But don't sleep anymore, get up, don't you want spicy food? I'll accompany you to eat, okay?" Wen Yu's voice was gentle.

The forehead is slightly cool to the touch.

Wen Yu was slightly stiff, then she looked as usual, tightened the quilt for her, and said, "As long as you open your eyes, I will accompany you to eat whatever you like, okay? Get up quickly, or I will change. Got an idea."

The man on the bed lay peacefully.

"I'll tell you a secret. In fact, I didn't plan to let you find a job. I promised you before that I lied to you. I'm going to stop you in time so that you can't find a job successfully, so that you can stop working."

"Later, I came up with an idea. When you can't find a job, I will recruit you on behalf of Yu Ding, so that you can join me even when you go to work, and I can occupy all of your life."

"Chi Zhengzheng, look at how bad I am, you already know now, you must be angry with me, but it doesn't matter, I will coax you, I will coax you until you forgive me."

Those possessiveness and careful thoughts in the past seem to be worthless before she may leave forever.

As long as she can wake up, she can go to work if she wants to, eat whatever she wants, as long as she is around, as long as she is alive and kicking, he can agree to anything.

However, she still lay on the bed, motionless.

Wen Yu used the stubble to prick her again, and laughed: "Don't you hate that I prick you with the stubble? Every time I prick you, you get angry, hit me with a pillow, and call me aside... "

He paused, his smile slowly fell, and his eyes were red: "I told you my bad idea, and I stabbed you with stubble, why don't you get up?"

His voice was low and shallow, with a murmur that quickly dissipated in the wind—

"Chi Zhengzheng, don't make trouble, you promised me, you won't scare me anymore..."

Chi Zhengzheng had an accident, and the news spread quickly.

The Chi family's reaction, as well as Wen Yu's disappearance, did not go to the company at all, and did not appear in front of people. Brain experts were picked up from all over the world, which is enough to show that something happened to Chi Zhengzheng.

And the problem is serious.

There are also some people who have connections. It was found that Chi Zhengzheng was in a vegetative state again because of a car accident a year ago.

Wen's family left the city, but Wen Yiran had brothers and connections back then.

These people couldn't help him when he was in distress, but they told him the news that some of them were implicated because of the fall of the Wen family, and they hated Wen Yu.

On the phone, they laughed brazenly—

"Then Wen Yu is a lover. Let me tell you, Chi Zhengzheng has been in the hospital for ten days. I paid for the people in the hospital and knew first-hand information. Wen Yu is like a madman, and every day he knows to find someone to rescue Chi. Zheng Zheng, I didn’t eat or drink a few days ago! I’m guarding at the hospital every day, and now Yu Ding is completely in charge of Zheng Ye, and Wen Yu doesn’t do anything except guard Chi Zhengzheng!”

Wen Yiran was stunned and did not speak.

On the other end of the phone, the man's voice became excited—

"It is said that Chi Zhengzheng is about to die, she won't live for a few days, and when she dies, seeing Wen Yu's state, I'm afraid that even if she doesn't die, she will be decadent. It's you, and Yu Ding will be yours too!"

Wen Yiran was stunned for a long time before he asked in a hoarse voice, "Chi Zhengzheng... what's the situation?"

"Didn't I say it all, I'm going to die, I don't think I can last for a few days, there are so many experts, there is nothing to do, many people leave after seeing it, they can only shake their heads, tsk tsk, it's a pity that she is such a beauty..."

The man was still talking, but Wen Yiran couldn't hear anymore, and the phone fell on the ground.

He sat slumped on the sofa, blank and disbelieving on his face.

"Hahaha!!" An Qinru's laughter came from inside the room.

Immediately, after losing a lot of weight, only An Qinru, who had a big belly, ran out with a mobile phone in her hand, her voice excited: "Chi Zhengzheng is going to die, Chi Zhengzheng is going to die! She deserves it! She deserves it! Hahaha, finally wait for me. It's today!"

She didn't know what happened to the news she received, only that Chi Zhengzheng seemed to have relapsed from an old injury and was about to die.

An Qinru is so happy, even if she is in a bad situation, even if she is still wearing old clothes and no jewelry, even if her hair is yellow and her face is wrinkled...

She is still very happy!

I thought Chi Zhengzheng would live a happy life after she left, but she didn't expect her life to be so short, and she was about to die.

"Hahahaha." An Qinru continued to laugh.

She is like this, the more miserable she is, the more she hates Chi Zheng in her heart.

Was she really cursed

Although Chi Zheng was not dumped by Wen Yu, she was going to die and she wouldn't have a good life!

"Pa—" Wen Yiran slapped An Qinru's face with a heavy slap.

An Qinru tilted her body, but fortunately the room was small, she stretched out her hand to support the wall, stunned for a moment, and looked at Wen Yiran.

After they moved to City C, life was very sad. Xu Wei always bullied An Qinru. Although Wen Yiran didn't intervene, she never hit her.

Now because her belly is getting bigger and bigger, Wen Jingsen doesn't allow Xu Wei to bully her any more. Unexpectedly, Wen Yiran actually does it...

"You hit me?" An Qinru opened her mouth and muttered.

"Do you know why Chi Zhengzheng had an accident? It's because of you, because of the car accident! If you hadn't deliberately provoked her, how could she have had a car accident?!" Wen Yiran glared at An Qinru with red eyes. up.

At the beginning, only he, An Qinru and Chi Zhengzheng were present, and apart from them, he knew best what happened.

An Qinru held her stomach, her face full of bitterness: "Wen Yiran, you accused me? Was there no reason for you in the first place?! You kept saying that you would break up the engagement with her, that you kept saying that she was annoying and that you loved me! A slap doesn't make a sound, flies don't bite, and her original car accident is half of yours! You are also the culprit!"

In the past few months, she has successfully turned her into a bitter vixen, where can you see the slightest trace of gentleness and demure.

Wen Yiran fell down on the sofa again, something fell in his eyes, and his heart throbbed.

"Yeah... I'm a sinner too..." he murmured.

Yes, there were his sins in it at the beginning.

Why did he do so much in the first place? Why did he hurt his fiancée so badly in the first place

Chi Zhengzheng is his fiancée, but it's not her fault. It was the two of them who got engaged. He nodded and agreed, but what did he do later...

He was seduced by An Qinru and hurt Chi Zhengzheng recklessly.

Wen Yiran grabbed his hair, his face full of remorse.

"She had a bad life. She was an idiot with no wrists at the beginning. After the car accident, she became smart, but God didn't stand by her side, making her short-lived! Hahahaha!" An Qinru continued to laugh, mocking road.

Wen Yiran swept the things on the coffee table to the ground and glared at her: "Shut up for me! If you talk again, don't blame me for doing it!"

A pair of eyes filled with hatred.

An Qinru was stunned, took two steps back, opened her mouth, and dared not speak again.

Chi Zhengzheng's situation is very bad, far worse than outsiders imagined.

When she became a vegetable a year ago, she was not as scary as she is now. Ten days ago, she was still alive and kicking. After she was sent to the hospital, she became visibly weaker within ten days, as if she was about to stop breathing in the next moment.

Like a big hand of fate, controlling her to the end she deserves.

Experts have nothing to do with this situation.

They said - the patient is in this situation, and he can't even delay it for a while, probably in the last few days.

Then, Wen Yu, who had been calm and believed that Chi Zhengzheng was just asleep, went crazy.

These experts who were invited by him were driven away like crazy by him.

Zheng Ye, secretary Ning and special assistant Gao were busy cleaning up the follow-up for him and sending the doctor away.

In the ward, there was only one doctor left.

- Invited from abroad.

He looked at Chi Zhengzheng as if he was looking at something rare, his voice curious and excited: "I have never seen this kind of situation before, I checked her previous cases, and the damaged nerves in her head are exactly the same as before! What happened a year ago? Maybe it will wake up? And what's even more amazing is that the same situation, but suddenly fell down now, not directly to death, but a miraculous, step-by-step death!"

Zheng Ye felt that something was wrong, but he suppressed his doubts and asked, "The doctor, is there any way to save her now?"

The doctor said: "There is only one way now, open the skull to see, I want to see what's going on inside her head with my own eyes, it's amazing!"

"How likely is it to save her?" Zheng Ye asked.

Doctor: "Wait for a craniotomy to see, maybe 10%."

"Go away—" Wen Yu raised his head and looked at the doctor, his eyes seemed to be eating people.

He really is like crazy.

Secretary Ning hesitated for a while, but he still said after being silent: "Boss, Mr. Zheng, there is a good chance it is also hope, it is better than now..."

Zheng Ye pulled him and pushed the reluctant doctor out of the ward.

Secretary Ning spoke in Chinese: "Mr. Zheng..."

Zheng Ye also replied in Chinese: "I know you are worried about them and want to seize the silver lining, but this doctor is unreliable, he clearly just wants to study Chi Zhengzheng, 10%, basically died on the operating table !"

The secretary opened his mouth and blinked his red eyes.

After a while, he said, "But, if Miss Chi is really... the boss, the boss won't be able to survive."

Inside the ward, a voice suddenly came out—

"Ping ping pong pong!"

Wen Yu was smashing things.

But soon, they heard Wen Yu's gentle and careful voice again—

"I'm sorry, Zhengzheng, I didn't mean it! I was wrong, were you scared?"

His voice trembled slightly, as if coaxing a gentle man who loves women the most.

Obviously, that woman doesn't know anything now.

The author has something to say: Mom, I just found out that today is the time for the college entrance examination.

Then the whole person trembled and panicked inexplicably.

And then-

Wait, I don't take the college entrance examination, what are you worried about?

(a bunny qaq who was traumatized by the college entrance examination)

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-06-06 21:21:09~2021-06-07 21:05:48~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep-water torpedo: Euler Euler 65;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Euler Euler 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Yilou Yingyingqiuying; 29 bottles of Shuke Wangbian Color;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!