I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 83: Extra 4


The convoy entered the manor, and the guests had already been entertained.

Chi Zhengzheng put on her wedding dress, held Chi Yan's hand, and walked towards Wen Yu who was standing in front.

The road she walked was covered with bright roses.

There were a total of 99,999 roses in this wedding, not too many, not too many.

Wen Yu told her about 99999 roses, and she also learned that there is actually such a story about the bouquet of roses he bought that she didn't see.

Chi Zhengzheng couldn't help laughing as long as she thought that Wen Yu asked the flower shop owner to pack 99,999 roses.

Many people cry when they get married, but Chi Zhengzheng doesn't.

When she walked over holding Chi Yan's arm, she was neither crying nor nervous. She looked at the man in the distance, and she was full of eyes, but only the other.

She was so lucky.

Being able to come to this world, being able to meet this man, being able to fall in love with a man whose heart is full of eyes is only his own...

Rings exchanged, kisses, and they all laughed.

— No one doubts their feelings.

No matter how luxurious or beautiful a wedding is, the procedure is still similar.

But because the pair on the stage is really too outstanding, the immortal couple, everyone can't take their eyes away.

Seeing that the bride and groom are about to step down and the wedding process is about to end, the host handed the microphone to the groom.

The people in the audience were slightly taken aback.

Even Chi Zhengzheng, who was about to step down from the stage with Wen Yu, was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wen Yu blankly.

What more can I say

Shouldn't it be here

Why didn't Wen Yu tell her before

Wen Yu held the microphone and held Chi Zhengzheng's hand tightly, then looked down at the stage, looked at the camera, his eyes were clear and his voice was smiling—

"Today, I would like to announce one more thing. Starting today, I will transfer all the property under my name to Chi Zhengzheng. Starting today, I will be working for my wife."

The people below were stunned.

It was as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Marriage is a sacred thing. Powerful and powerful men who are willing to marry are usually more cautious, because it not only means starting a family, but also means that half of the family business will be divided in the future.

This is also the reason why many wealthy men always have various prenuptial agreements when they marry their wives.

It is also the reason why many self-made men dare not easily divorce their wives, even if they have children.

It is well known that Wen Yu loves Chi Zheng very much.

But everyone never imagined that he would dare to do this!

Crazy? !

Yes, they use the word dare.

Marriage is very sacred, but in ancient times there were divorces, not to mention the modern times where the divorce rate is so high

Divorce has already become a very common thing now, even if it is not divorced, there are many couples who are not in one mind.

Wen Yu made this choice, what if Chi Zhengzheng doesn't agree with him in the future? !

What a terrible wealth is Yu Ding

This business empire has already taken shape, and it only takes time to grow into a real business empire that no one can shake.

Wen Yu wants to put everything in his own name under Chi Zhengzheng's name. If they have one heart all their lives, that's fine, but if Chi Zhengzheng has other thoughts, it will bring Wen Yu a fluctuating situation and may even shake him. foundation!


How dare he? !

The place quieted down.

Even Chi Zhengzheng was stunned for a long time before he said in a hoarse voice, "Yuyu..."

She didn't know he would come out like this!

But Chi Zhengzheng probably knew why.

Before Wenyu's company fired a female manager, the daughter of Director Wu. Later, when Wenyu was preparing for the wedding with Chi Zhengzheng, she came to the company again, and she didn't know how to get in.

While Chi Zhengzheng was not in the office, she blatantly seduced Wen Yu.

Such a rich, handsome, amazing man, yet so affectionate to his lover, I wonder how many women envy and miss him

Manager Wu is not the first, nor will he be the last.

Of course Wen Yu was thrown out, but Chi Zhengzheng still sighed, pinching his face and sighing—

"You are an excellent man, rich and handsome. I'm afraid that when we get married in the future, there will be all kinds of Yingyingyanyan around you. Yuyu, you can't change your mind!"

She just sighed, and even staring at him was not a threat.

She believed from the bottom of her heart that Wen Yu would not betray her.

Wen Yu didn't say anything at the time, but just had a thoughtful look on his face, because Chi Zhengzheng was at ease with him, so after he mentioned it, he didn't say anything about it.

Unexpectedly, he actually offered to transfer all his things to her today!

That is to say, from now on, once he betrays her, she may make him nothing, and at this moment, he is "informing the world" to tell everyone that he works for Chi Zhengzheng, and he has nothing to gain. picture.

Let that have no morals, and those who want to hook up with him can save their worries.

The most important thing is to make Chi Zhengzheng feel more at ease.

"I believe that I will never betray you, and I believe in you." Wen Yu looked at Chi Zhengzheng and smiled at her.

He took off the microphone, and only the other side could hear their words.

Marrying him was something that made her happy. Except for his confession when she picked up her relatives in the morning, Chi Zhengzheng was always smiling, but at this moment, her eyes were red again.

- because of his trust.

Unconditional trust, trust himself, trust her, and trust that their feelings will remain unchanged in this life.

Chi Zhengzheng's eyes are serious, and her voice is choked: "Yuyu, no need. Because I also believe in you, so I don't need..."

Wen Yu did not answer.

But obviously, his mind has been made, and it will not change.

Chi Zhengzheng's eyes are red, and he feels uncomfortable. He can die for her, he can give everything for her, and he can transfer all the property under his name to her...

This moved her, but at the same time she felt very guilty.

"Yuyu, I really don't need it, I don't agree."

Wen Yu held her hand tightly, only her in the center of his eyes, he said with a chuckle—

"Not only to reassure you, but also to reassure me. I know you well. You see, you feel that I am too good to you now, so you must be thinking of living up to me, right?"

There was a sly look in his eyes, with a strong smile and love.

Chi Zhengzheng was stunned.

After the guests were shocked, someone whispered—

"Wen Yu is really crazy..."

"What is he doing this for? Is there any business plan?"

"You think too much, he may simply love Chi Zhengzheng too much."

"He is so affectionate to Chi Zhengzheng that he is even willing to give up all his wealth!"

"Yu Ding is such a terrifying giant, he can actually give it to Chi Zhengzheng!"

"It's unbelievable..."

"If Chi Zhengzheng has a second heart in the future, even if Wen Yu can take back Yu Ding and take control of the situation, it will still hurt."

"Does he trust Chi Zhengzheng so much?"

"Wen Yu is too affectionate. Because Chi Zhengzheng fell ill before, he never went to the company and stayed in the hospital all day."

"I really envy Chi Zhengzheng..."

"Wen Yu and the Wen family have no family relationship. He usually has a bloody wrist. His only weakness is Chi Zhengzheng, right?"

"Speaking of which, Wen Yu is the boss of the Wen family. If it wasn't for the Wen family treating him badly, he wouldn't be at this level now. If Wen Yu is so affectionate, if the Wen family treats Wen Yu well, life will definitely be better now."

"Yeah, they held the wedding, and none of the Wen family came except Wen Sisi as the bride's bridesmaid..."

"Shh, I just saw Wen's family outside!"


"The Wen family has long since moved, and I don't know what's going on now."

"What else can I do? I regret it, if I were them, my intestines would be regretful!"

Do you regret it

Not to mention Wen Jingsen and Xu Wei, even Wen Yiran, he regretted it too.

The days in City C were not as easy as expected. Wen Yu did not pursue them any more, and didn't care about where they were. Therefore, Wen's family was not suppressed in City C any more.

That doesn't mean they have hope.

Wen Jingsen was used to saying things in his early years, but now he is paralyzed and can only lie on the hospital bed motionless. Naturally, his temper is not good.

But he was paralyzed, only his head and one hand could move, and he couldn't hit anything. He could only support his scrawny body and curse with a gloomy-looking face.

Xu Wei habitually took care of him at first, but then stopped doing it.

When Wen Jia left, he brought some jewelry that could be sold, and Wen Sisi occasionally remitted a little money, but this was not of much use to Wen Jia, who was used to a good life.

Wen Jingsen can't support Xu Wei's life as before, and of course she won't treat Wen Jingsen as before.

If it wasn't for Wen Yu's medical expenses, she would not even buy the medicine for Wen Jingsen!

At first, Wen Jingsen scolded Wen Yu, and later he called Wen Yu his son and should take care of him. It was all to blame for Xu Wei and the others for getting to where they are today...

Xu Wei is not to be outdone, scolding him is the culprit, if you have the ability, don't let it go, and when you are born, you will become an enemy, and so on.

The two scolded each other, and the family was restless all day.

If Xu Wei wasn't old and senile, if it wasn't for Wen Yiran, she would even divorce immediately and no longer live in poverty.

But even if she stayed, she became sharp and mean because of the long-term repression, and even to his own son, she would occasionally curse angrily.

Wen Yiran felt that the days at home were very painful.

He also tried to go out and look for a job, but he wasn't an unknown person, and as soon as others found out about him, they would never want him.

He didn't want to stay at home, so he repeatedly lowered his application requirements.

But even if a company he doesn't understand accepts him, someone will soon come to say hello, and then he will be fired.

It wasn't Wen Yu who attacked him. It turned out to be a "friend" who had once courted him and followed his ass. They beat the underdog and felt very happy to step on him, who was once high above him.

He also wanted to make a comeback, tried twice, not only lost the little money he had, but also took on the debt again.

Wen Yiran knew that—

How hard was Wen Yu's life back then, how amazing was he able to start from scratch back then!

And he, who once looked down on Wen Yu, actually couldn't even compare to Wen Yu's hair.

And An Qinru…

Just thinking of the name, the person next to him said in a sharp voice: "Wen Yiran, no matter how much you look at Chi Zhengzheng, you won't give a look! You can see how good Wen Yu is to her just by looking at this pomp. No matter how much you like her, she won't look down on you!"

The voice was sharp, but with a sour taste that could not be concealed.

What an enviable wedding, her wedding was far inferior to Chi Zhengzheng at the beginning, that's all, her marriage was a fire pit, but Chi Zhengzheng was obviously going to enter the nest.

At this moment, An Qinru didn't know what Wen Yu said at the wedding, otherwise she would be mad with jealousy.

The Wen Yiran in front of him had changed a lot from before. In less than a year, he was so thin that he lost his appearance, and there was a lingering despair and haze in his eyes.

The original Wen Yiran was handsome and handsome. In their circle, there were countless young women who liked him and were highly sought after. Otherwise, Chi Zhengzheng would not have been so crazy about him at the beginning.

But now Wen Yiran is no longer dashing, even his handsomeness has gradually disappeared, his beard is unshaven, his eyes are black and his clothes are wrinkled, it is difficult to associate him with the former Wen Yiran.

Now he may be standing in front of Chi Zhengzheng, and she can't recognize it.

Wen Yiran heard the words, glanced at An Qinru, didn't say much, and seemed to be taciturn.

But his refusal to speak was not obedience, but that he was too lazy to answer.

—He was used to the sharpness of this woman.

Especially when she was fighting with Xu Wei, after accidentally losing her child, she hurt her body, and it was impossible for her to conceive a child again in her life, so she changed even more.

To ridicule Wen's family at every turn, even to Wen Jingsen, has no respect at all.

Therefore, Xu Wei even let her and Wen Yiran divorce and get out of the Wen family.

But strangely, An Qinru didn't leave.

Wen Yiran didn't chase her away either.

An Qinru's personality changed drastically, maybe not, but she no longer pretended to be gentle and gentle before, revealing all her ugly true colors.

She felt that Wen Yiran's appearance had changed significantly, but she also knew that her appearance had also changed a lot.

An Qinru didn't even dare to look in the mirror.

She could hardly recognize who the old woman inside was.

The author has something to say: ... I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have recovered from the hard wedding.

It's really going to explode today! !

(ps: Seriously, being a bridesmaid is quite tiring... )

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-06-20 13:24:48~2021-06-22 00:48:02~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of steamed tomatoes; 1 bottle of silly, levy, and rainbow-loving sugar;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!