I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 84: Extra 5


In the past as Miss Chi's Biao, An Qinru felt that her life was not easy, the family was holding back, and the Ding family and An family were all defeated one after another.

She often goes to Chi's house, and Chi's house is very good, but after all, she is not Chi's surname.

But now that I think about it, I was so happy at that time!

Chi Zhengzheng is really stupid, easy to fool, Ding Yijun loves herself, Chi Yan doesn't care about family affairs, Chi Zhouchen is still young, and her relationship with Chi Zhengzheng is not good...

Except for her surname Chi, she has actually been doing well.

But because I am not satisfied, I want to continue to climb up, disguise myself, hook up with Wen Yiran, force Chi Zhengzheng, step by step, and live like this.

She is in too much pain now, but she doesn't want to die, who wants to die? No matter how bad it is, I don't even think about dying.

And as long as she thinks of Chi Zhengzheng, that she is living a good life now, that she has everything she hopes for, she will hold a sigh of relief in her heart, it is anger, jealousy, and she hopes that one day she will be able to live better than later. Good zheng!

Before Chi Zhengzheng was about to die, An Qinru was really happy and wished to set off firecrackers at home.

In the end, he never expected that he would receive the news again soon, and Chi Zhengzheng woke up.

An Qinru's teeth itch with hatred, God is really unfair!

Seeing that Wen Yiran was always looking in the direction of the villa and didn't speak, An Qinru continued to say sharply, "You came to see it with all your heart, but you didn't expect to even enter the villa, right? Not to mention seeing Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng. , you can't get close to them at all!"

After a while, Wen Yiran lit a cigarette and smoked, and then said in a hoarse voice, "I didn't want to meet anyone, what about you? I want to come, what are you doing here? Are you not afraid of meeting acquaintances?"

When he said the latter, his voice was sarcastic.

Obviously, he really knew her.

An Qinru was choked, and for a while, she didn't know how to refute.

Yes, why did she come

When she comes here, she is likely to meet acquaintances, and it is very likely that acquaintances will see her dejected appearance. This is the last thing she wants to see!

Then why is she still here

An Qinru didn't know.

She fell silent, and so did Wen Yiran.

Neither of the two said a word, but stood silently in the corner.

There were quite a few people standing here today. Some of them were onlookers, those who didn't get invitations but came to join in the fun, and some reporters were all staying outside the villa.

And because there are too many parked cars, they are not very conspicuous when they are standing in some places.

The villa is very big, and they definitely can't hear the sound inside.

An Qinru and Wen Yiran didn't know how long they waited. They waited until the wedding car drove out of the villa, and the guests came out one after another with their gifts.

People keep taking pictures.

As if feeling something, An Qinru and Wen Yiran suddenly looked at one of the cars.

They were standing on the wrong side, but the direction the car was leaving was exactly in this direction.

Because of the crowd, the car didn't drive fast, and the windows were half-open.

Chi Zhengzheng is now wearing a Chinese wedding dress with a crown on her head. Her skin is as white as snow and her eyebrows are picturesque. Just a profile of her face is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

Wen Yu sat next to her, not knowing what to say, she grinned.

Immediately, she looked out the window with a smile.

An Qinru thought crazy just now that if she saw Chi Zhengzheng today, she would probably rush over like crazy, or Wen Yiran would rush towards Wen Yu...

But in fact, they really saw Chi Zhengzheng, and when Chi Zhengzheng cast his eyes, they all moved their feet subconsciously, trying to hide.

However, Chi Zhengzheng just glanced at it, just like looking at the scenery, and everything outside didn't care.

The car has left and the windows are closed.

An Qinru and Wen Yiran stood there blankly.

- Chi Zhengzheng really didn't recognize them.

They may not have left such a deep memory in her heart for a long time. They are too miserable now, and they have received their due retribution. Therefore, she does not even bother to keep resentment and hatred against them!

They are living miserably now, but neither Wen Yu nor Chi Zheng have taken them to heart.

Even if Wen Yu was actually the culprit.

This kind of ignorance and neglect is even more painful than the hatred of Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng!

An Qinru slowly squatted on the ground, covering her face.

Chi Zhengzheng is still the same as before, no, she is even prettier than before, that is the freedom and happiness that can only be possessed by a pearl in the palm of your hand.

Even when she was the eldest lady of the Chi family back then, it was not as good as it is now.

She is getting better and better.

An Qinru faintly had an answer in her heart, why did she follow Wen Yiran

In fact, she was holding a thought, wanting to take a look at Chi Zhengzheng, it is best to see that she is not as good as she thought...

But in fact, she was much, much better off than she imagined.

Wen Yiran didn't speak either, looking at the direction their car was leaving, he didn't say anything for a long time.

After a while, he got into the car. It was a very, very ordinary second-hand car. When he was in Wen's house, the car that their family used to buy food was better than this one.

In the past, it was even more impossible for him to get on this car, but now, it has become something that is not easy to get.

He glanced at An Qinru, waited for a while, she didn't move, and he didn't bother to say anything, so he started the car and left.

When An Qinru heard the voice, her shoulders shook.

The wedding was very lively.

From the villa has been lively to Wangjiang Manor.

But for the bride and groom, it is happiness and hard work.

There were still some procedures and arrangements. Wen Yu felt tired when he saw Chi Zhengzheng, so he drove Zheng Ye and the others away as a bachelor.

- The important processes both horizontally and vertically are over.

As for the guests who haven't left, Zheng Ye, Wen Sisi, and Chi Zhouchen will be entertained.

Inside the new house, the layout is extraordinarily festive.

The room they were used to living in was very different today. Paved big red bed sheets and quilt covers, all kinds of festive and auspicious things.

Chi Zhengzheng sat on the bed, reached out and touched a longan to eat.

Wen Yu just closed the door. Seeing this, he laughed and said, "Hungry?"

Chi Zhengzheng nodded: "Well, a little bit."

Wen Yu is not the kind of person who would work hard for her to entertain guests, so at noon, they also ate, but Chi Zhengzheng couldn't eat it at the time, so she only ate a little, and now she is hungry again.

"Then wait, I'll go to the kitchen to find something to eat." Wen Yu said before going out again.

Chi Zhengzheng pointed at the table: "Hey, isn't there a bowl of glutinous rice balls there? I saw that Mrs. Wang brought it in, and it was still smoking, so let's eat that."

Wen Yu was stunned for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched, wanting to laugh, but he held it back, walked over, picked up the dumplings and handed them to Chi Zhengzheng.

He picked up the spoon again and said, "Then I'll feed you."

Chi Zhengzheng didn't think much about it, the dumplings were no longer hot, so she ate the whole one in one bite.

Immediately, his expression became strange, his brows were wrinkled, and his voice was a little vague: "Well, it's not cooked—" Cooked.

The voice stopped abruptly, she looked at Wen Yu's smiling face, her whole body froze.

Ahh! !

Chi Zhengzheng can't wait to knock his head!

How could she forget it? !

Isn't this a common scene of weddings in costume dramas? !

Their wedding was a combination of some Chinese traditions. She was so stupid that she even forgot about this! ! !

Wen Yu had a very bright smile on her face, stared at her earnestly with a pair of eyes, and asked her, "Are you born or not?"

Chi Zhengzheng glared at him, didn't speak, and spat out the dumplings.

Wen Yu didn't care about the answer either, holding the dumplings and walking towards the door with a big smile.

After he walked out of the room, Chi Zhengzheng's voice was squeaky, very low and light—


Of course she still wants to have a child of herself and Wenyu!

As long as she thinks of having a child, it is the crystallization of her and Wen Yu in this world, an existence that brings her and Wen Yu together completely, a little guy who is like her and Wen Yu...

She felt warm in her heart.

Wen Yu didn't hear her answer, and Chi Zhengzheng didn't want him to hear it, lest he be proud.

Soon, Wen Yu brought the food and put it on the table to eat with Chi Zhengzheng.

The two of them were obviously hungry, and a table of food was quickly eaten.

After eating, Chi Zhengzheng just put down her chopsticks, and Wen Yu immediately put it down, looking at her.

Chi Zhengzheng looked back at him with doubts in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Chi Zhengzheng, should we consider the bridal chamber?"

"… "

He has already stood up and hugged Chi Zhengzheng horizontally.

Chi Zhengzheng exclaimed: "Hey! I haven't showered and removed my makeup yet!!"

"I can't wait, Chunxiao is worth a thousand pieces of gold." Wen Yu put her on the bed, then looked down at her with a smile in his eyes, "I'm very poor now, so I can't waste a thousand pieces of gold."

Chi Zhengzheng: "..."

She looked at Wen Yu's eyes and swallowed: "I don't want your property... You're still rich, you're not bad for this thousand dollars... "

Inexplicably trembling, I feel a bad night.

"Poor, very bad." Wen Yu had already leaned over, her breath hit her face with ambiguity, "Besides, we are a family, nothing belongs to me, nothing to you."

Mine is yours, yours is mine.

Chi Zhengzheng: "But-uh!"

He wanted to say something, but Wen Yu blocked his lips.

Outside, the sound of fireworks rang out, and inside the room, there was a feeling of spring.

Wen Yu told Chi Zhengzheng with practical actions how much he cherished that daughter, and he didn't dare to waste a moment.

Outside, Zheng Ye, secretary Ning, and special assistant Gao, who were so tired that they almost collapsed, finally waited until the fireworks were exhausted.

The people who agreed to watch the fireworks together were already in the bridal room, and the guests were sent off. The three of them finished setting off the fireworks and almost collapsed to the ground.

Well, Zheng Ye has collapsed to the ground.

Gott exhaled a sigh of relief: "It's finally over!"

Zheng Ye said: "Ahhh!! I have to take a good vacation for a while, but the boss is in his arms, and I'm exhausted like a dead dog!"

After a pause, he added: "A single dog who is about to die!"

Assistant Gott nodded in agreement.

Still, Secretary Ning was very rational. At this moment, he said calmly, "The boss won't go back to work until the honeymoon is over after marriage, so we can't take vacations during this time."

Zheng Ye: "...Pfft!" He spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Assistant Gott also howled, and then sat down on the ground.

-Behind every dashing and happy boss, there is a group of subordinates who are exhausted.

Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng are really going on their honeymoon.

And the place has been chosen, on a beautiful island.

Chi Zhengzheng has always liked the sea, so of course Wen Yu wants to bring her to play for a while.

The company's affairs had already been arranged before the wedding, so on the second day of the wedding, Chi Zhengzheng was picked up by Wen Yu on the plane in her sleep because she worked all night.

She was half asleep the whole time.

Wen Yu lowered his head and kissed her, and without calling her, he happily took her to the beach resort.

So, when Chi Zhengzheng woke up from the bed, she opened her eyes, not the familiar new house, but—

The endless sea.

There are floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the room, and looking out from these two sides is the boundless sea.

Chi Zhengzheng blinked and rubbed his head again.

After a while, she suddenly jumped off the bed—

"Ah!! We're at the beach?!"

Wen Yu was sitting on the balcony, and when he heard the voice, he walked in immediately, with a smile on his face: "You wake up, eat something."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and rang the bell for someone to deliver food.

Chi Zheng Zheng had already rushed to the balcony outside, lying on the railing, her eyes widened, as if she was still in a dream, and she kept exclaiming: "I'm here so soon, why didn't you call me! I'm here in a daze! !"

Wen Yu saw her standing barefoot on the ground with disapproval on her face, she reached out and hugged her, "Put on your shoes, the seaside is humid, eat something before having fun, we're going to live here for a while, you have a lot of Time to play, don't rush it for a while."

Although being held, Chi Zhengzheng was reluctant to look away.

The deep sea is really full of temptation for someone like her who has never seen the sea!

Therefore, Chi Zhengzheng eats breakfast on the terrace.

The place where they live has two balconies and a large and exquisite terrace. Chi Zhengzheng likes the terrace with hanging chairs very much, and his face is full of excitement and excitement.

Wen Yu looked at her dotingly the whole time.

After eating, Chi Zhengzheng was still in high spirits. He hugged Wen Yu's neck with both hands, fell on him, and said coquettishly, "Yuyu, I'm done, let's go to the beach for a while!"

"Okay, listen to you." Wen Yu naturally followed her.

Put on a nice long dress, put on a hat, and go to the beach hand in hand with Wen Yu.

Since he came to the beach, Wen Yu naturally couldn't choose an island with a lot of people, nor could he choose a place with few people. There were not many people in the place they went to, but some of them were playing by the sea.

Surfing, boating, everything.

There are also deck chairs by the sea, apparently for the convenience of people to sit and rest.

In her last life, Chi Zhengzheng was an inland child and always liked the sea, but no matter where she lived or where she went to university, there was no sea in the land.

Before graduation, I was busy working during the winter and summer vacations. When I graduated, I signed a job and went to work, and I never had time to go to the beach, and then I came to this world.

Seeing the sea for the first time, Chi Zhengzheng ran over like a happy one.

Wen Yu was behind her, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Chi Zhengzheng turned back: "Yuyu! Hurry up!"

Her voice was light and smiling.

"Come on!" Wen Yu stepped up.

On the first day of the honeymoon, Chi Zhengzheng was playing on the beach like she was having fun.

As for surfing or something, for her who hasn't learned to swim, she is really afraid to try it.

But she really wanted to play, so Wen Yu said, take a rest today, and start tomorrow, he will teach her to swim.

Chi Zhengzheng was full of energy, of course, did not rest, and kept playing on the beach.

This beach is very clean, and Chi Zhengzheng naturally had a good time.

"Yuyu, I want to drink coconut juice!" Chi Zhengzheng ran over and lay beside the reclining chair he was sitting on, looking at him eagerly.

Wen Yu smiled, rubbed her head lightly, picked her up and put her on a chair, then stood up and walked towards the place where the coconuts were sold.

When he came back, he found a blond young boy standing in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

The boy is very young, probably just coming of age, a bit green, but he looks very delicate and good-looking.

His brows furrowed instantly.

When approaching, Wen Yu heard the man say in English—

"Beauty, can't you really tell me your name? I like you very much. Beauty knows no borders. As soon as I saw you, I felt that Eros shot me with an arrow..."

Chi Zhengzheng hasn't spoken yet.

Behind the blond boy, Wen Yu said, "I'm sorry, no."

He walked over quickly, frowned tightly, stood beside Chi Zheng, and looked down at the blond boy.

Wen Yu's height is obviously outstanding among Asians, and the European boy in front of him also needs to look up.

But this boy was obviously unwilling to admit defeat. He looked away from Chi Zhengzheng and looked at Wen Yuhou, feeling rather uneasy—

"Oh, girl, do you really want to stop thinking about me? I think the man next to you is really not worthy of you. You look so young, but he is so old!"

Probably Asian men and Asian women have two different sets of aesthetic standards for this European boy.

Wen Yu clearly has sharp eyebrows, deep facial features, a handsome face, and definitely doesn't look old, but in the eyes of this European boy, it is - old.

Of course, it may also be because the boy fell in love with Chi Zhengzheng, so he had a very bad filter on Wen Yu.

And he didn't think it was enough, and continued: "My goddess, I'm just eighteen years old this year, and it's when my body is strong, no matter what, I'm definitely much better than this old man, please think about me, okay? Okay?"

He also blinked and started to discharge.

Wen Yu gritted his teeth.

very good.

He succeeded in being pissed off by this little brat.

Seeing that Wen Yu didn't want to talk nonsense, he just wanted to hit people directly.

Chi Zhengzheng grabbed him, took a step forward, and shook the ring on his hand: "Little brother, but I'm much bigger than you, and this man, he is my husband, we are newlyweds, come here to spend time together. honeymoon."

The boy was startled.

He stared blankly at the ring on Chi Zhengzheng's hand. He couldn't believe it. The girl who looked so young, the goddess whom he fell in love with at first sight, was already married!

"Oh God," the boy murmured unconsciously.

Wen Yu looked at him indifferently: "So, please leave wisely, little brat, you don't have all the hair, so don't learn to talk to others."

The boy was obviously shocked, and didn't pay much attention to Wen Yu's sarcasm. He glanced at Chi Zhengzheng in disbelief, as if mourning the failed love that had just sprouted.

Then he shook his head and left without saying a word.

Wen Yu is so angry.

His teeth rattled, but Chi Zhengzheng was behind him, covering his mouth and snickering.

Wen Yu turned back and glanced at her, without speaking, just wrote "I'm not happy" on his face.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Oh, don't be angry, you have to take good care of Yuyu, don't keep your face straight, or I will run away with the strong little fresh meat in the future!"

Wen Yu gritted his teeth.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled Chi Zhengzheng into his arms, his voice was gnashing of teeth: "Oh, right? So you think I'm not strong enough to satisfy you?"

Chi Zhengzheng: "..." Ah

Wen Yu: "Then I have to work hard tonight to absolutely satisfy you."

Chi Zhengzheng panicked: "...No no no, I'm so satisfied, don't be a beast!"

He was a beast last night, and she didn't even know where she was on the plane today. It was really scary.

Try harder

So she can get out of bed tomorrow? !

Wen Yu smiled.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Really! I was joking just now, you are much better than the little furry boy just now, and you are more beautiful than him, better than him everywhere! I won't look for little fresh meat, Yuyu you It's just a little fresh meat!"

She is full of good words.

Wen Yu held her hand and smiled slightly: "Let's go back to the hotel, I have to work hard."

Chi Zhengzheng: "...I was really wrong."

After speaking, he flicked his hand and ran away immediately!


If this is caught by Wen Yu, will she still be able to get off the bed? !

After that, Chi Zhengzheng never dared to approach Wen Yu, but fortunately Wen Yu just followed her and didn't mean to bring her back to the hotel. She observed for a while, and finally felt a little relieved.

She drank two sips of coconut, but didn't want to drink it anymore, and still put it in Wen Yu's hand.

Then, she walked up and down the beach, leaving a trail of footprints.

When the sun went down, Chi Zhengzheng fiddled on the beach twice, and then shouted—

"Yuyu, come and have a look! I found a good thing!"

Wen Yu walked over and asked, "What?"

"Here! There is a baby here!" Chi Zhengzheng laughed.

Wen Yu approached, looked down at him, and was slightly startled.

On the beach, Chi Zhengzheng drew a heart, and in the middle of the love, a line of words was written neatly—

Yuyu, you are my baby, I love you!

Wen Yu stared blankly.

Chi Zhengzheng snickered while covering her mouth, look how good she is at coaxing people.

The waves rolled, and soon, after one wave came, the line of words became shallow, and after another wave, there was nothing.

But Wen Yu still stared blankly.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Fish fish?"

She approaches.

Wen Yu suddenly reached out and held her hand, then said in a hoarse voice—

"Enough, let's go back to the hotel."

Chi Zhengzheng: "... "Come on! Haven't coaxed yet? !

She was stunned.

Really don't need him to try hard to prove it!

She really knows it! !

No, Chi Zhengzheng doesn't actually know.

The more she coaxed Wen Yu into being happy and moved, the more Wen Yu wanted to drag her to the bed :).

After all, the so-called honeymoon, in addition to playing, is sleeping.

This month, Chi Zhengzheng will have a good time, and Wen Yu will also have a good sleep.

The author has something to say: Rabbit: I'm not yellow, really...

trust me! !