I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 85: Extra 6


My name is Wen Nian, male, I am six years old.

My father is the famous Wen Yu, and my mother is the famous Chi Zheng.

My name is my favorite mother, of course, it's a good thing for me, after all, according to my father's level and his poor care for me, he is likely to take one—

Smell Aizheng.

I don't want to be called "cancer" at all, so I'm thankful that it was my mom who had the right to name it.

My family is about to have a younger sister. My father is very nervous. He has been admitted to the hospital with my mother, and skipped work to guard my mother.

Uncle Zheng Ye said that my father is the most irresponsible boss!

But fortunately, God seems to treat my dad extra favorably, so that even if he often skips work to fall in love, it does not affect his career at all. Instead, he uses his business talent to make Yu Ding a huge business emperor. Compare.

My mother became the richest man.

No way, who made my father have no money, all the property belongs to my mother.

I'm also worried about my beloved mom, can't wait to go to the hospital to see my mom, it's so hard to get pregnant and have a baby, and my mom is really great.

But why am I still writing a diary here at the moment

Because school hasn't finished yet.

So sometimes, I really hate going to school, it's just so boring.

Especially a bunch of stupid classmates, and a long-winded teacher who likes to assign meaningless homework.

I don't really understand what's the point of keeping a diary

Is it because when these children grow up, they will look back at their second-grade stupidity

The premise is that this diary can still be found after they grow up.

Although they are all bigger than mine, I really think they are stupid, and there are a few who are very unclean and have dirty clothes, which really makes me not want to see them.

Writing here, I have to say why I came to school.

Although my father is very powerful, and although he and I both love each other in our hearts, many times we hate each other.

Especially when it comes to moms.

My father thought I was an eyesore, and my mother was too concerned about me ignoring him.

I'm also very angry, he is still my father, he has been occupying my mother all the time, and even when I was less than three years old, I was not allowed to share a room with my mother!

In the past, I received an elite education. I took classes at home every day. My mother would take care of me when I was at home. If my father went to work, it would be when I was alone with my mother. I was so happy.

But my father was so annoying, he actually told my mother seriously, saying that my personality is too cold, I don't like to be in contact with my peers, and I am a big kid. He suggested that I should come to school to have more contact with my classmates and change my personality!

Then, after thinking about it, my mother agreed!

Yeah, my dad is a very smart man, he always has good reasons to convince mom, and then get what he wants, like send me to second grade, let me go to school, and sit in a classroom with a bunch of stupid kids .

I have already learned the knowledge of junior high school, and now I am still asked to read, which is definitely a waste of time!

Life is just a few decades, it's a waste of life, it's outrageous!

I am very worried about my mother now. Although her due date is still three days away, who knows if my sister will come to this world earlier

The arrival of my sister was actually an accident, well, actually, I was also an accident.

Mom is looking forward to it, but Dad feels that giving birth is dangerous and disturbing their two-person world.

I didn't know how dangerous it was to have a baby before, so I always hated my dad knowing I was an accident.

But now, I already know that having a baby is a dangerous thing. My mother risked giving birth to me, and now she is risking giving birth to my sister.

She is really great.

I also understand my father. He really cares about my mother too much, so he is afraid and nervous. He doesn't really dislike me, but he is definitely not as good as my mother.

My sister is about to come into this world. My father is worried about my mother, and I can't sleep well all night. I have seen him distracted several times when he is in the office.

Well, my father is actually very good to me, but he is stricter and always goes against me.

Alas, I don't know what my mother is doing now, I miss her so much.

This diary is here. The word count must have already exceeded the standard, but the get out of class time has not yet come.

I am going to hand it over to the teacher, and then go to the hospital to see my mother.

Wen Nian checked it carefully, then stood up solemnly and walked to the teacher on the podium.

He is very calm, with a small bun face, very delicate and good-looking, but he is a little kid, and his face is "I'm already an adult" and "I'm not a child", which makes people laugh.

No matter how smart Wen Nian's children are, they are in the second grade at the age of six, but they are still a little short in their class, so they can only sit in the first row.

Therefore, he walked to the teacher on the podium in a few steps and handed the diary to the teacher.

His Chinese teacher is really helpless and fond of this child. What teacher doesn't like such a smart child? But sometimes people are so smart that they don't know what to say, and they are very helpless.

"Little Nian, didn't the teacher say it? You can turn in your homework after class." The Chinese teacher blinked.

Wen Nian Xiao Baozi wrinkled his face and said, "But I want to go home early from get out of class."

"No, little Wen Nian, sit back and read the book for a while, you can't leave the get out of class early." Of course, the language teacher disagreed.

The children in the second grade are still young, and this school is a top international school. Of course, we must pay attention to the safety of these children.

Only after school is released and delivered to parents or nanny, they can rest assured.

Wen Nian had already expected it, sighed, and sat back.

Seeing him sigh, the language teacher couldn't help but smile.

He looked down at the diary again, and the more he looked, the more complicated his expression became.

Wen Nian's child is really smart. Other children worked so hard to write 200 words, and there are still many typos and pinyin, so he has already written so much.

But as a "long-winded teacher who likes to assign meaningless homework" in his mouth, the Chinese teacher also didn't know what to say for a while!

With such a small friend, can she care about anything with him

And this is the son of Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng!

As the child of Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng, this kid naturally received attention from the very beginning of school, and his growth process must be accompanied by a certain amount of pressure.

But looking at it, the Chinese teacher's heart softened.

In fact, she really likes this little child. She has never met such a gifted child before, but this child is really not obedient, which gives her some headaches.

Seeing the back now, she knew that he wanted to get out of class today because he wanted to go to the hospital to see his mother, and she couldn't help being moved.

How caring would this child be if it was her child!

The language teacher put down the diary, stood up, walked in front of Wen Nian, bent down, and lowered her voice: "Nian Nian, is your nanny here? If she is already here, I can send you out ahead of time."

"Come on!" Wen Nian's eyes lit up.

Then quickly jumped down and stood beside the teacher.

The language teacher shook his head and led him out.

There was still a long time left for the writing class, but it was obvious that Wen Nian had already over-completed it. She took him to the school gate, and the nanny surnamed Wang from the Jian Wen family was waiting, and handed him over to her.

"Thank you teacher, goodbye teacher!" Wen Nian's rare voice thanked him briskly, bending over to salute.

The teacher waved his hand and said goodbye to Wen Nian.

Afterwards, Wen Nian, who had left get out of class early, hurried to the hospital with Mrs. Wang.

Chi Zhengzheng was walking, and Wen Yu supported her nervously.

She was a little speechless: "Are you a little too careful?"

She is not too old, and she is not an advanced mother at all. She had no dystocia when she was born in the new year, and of course there will be no problems this time!

Wen Yu was obviously still nervous, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm not nervous, you're the second child, you'll be fine."

—If his voice didn't tremble when he said this, Chi Zheng might believe it.

"Yuyu, don't worry, I promised to keep the appointment for the rest of my life, and I will definitely not miss the appointment! Soon, when I enter the delivery room, my baby and I will definitely come out safely!" Chi Zhengzheng said with a smile. I mean, soothe him.

"Okay..." Wen Yu looked at her and agreed.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "I really don't want to regenerate in the future, okay?"

He has already made up his mind that after the child is born, he will go to the sterilization, and Chi Zhengzheng must not risk childbirth again!

Chi Zhengzheng laughed: "Well, good."

Looking at Wen Yu who was in a panic in front of her, she suddenly thought of when she was pregnant with Wen Nian.

They hadn't conceived a child a few years before their wedding. Wen Yu had no plans for that, and Chi Zhengzheng felt that he was still young and didn't take it to heart.

At that time, she also found herself a job as a simultaneous translator.

Not to mention, it was quite easy for Chi Zhengzheng to find a job. She thought it must be difficult for her to find a job, but she never expected that the first unit of the interview would hire her.

It was still a big company that often went outside, and the interview requirements were very high. She was just trying it out, but she never expected that the other party would admit her immediately.

Chi Zhengzheng thought it was because of Wen Yu, after all, because of Wen Yu, her name was also known by many people.

But after a period of time, she realized why she was admitted.

It's really not because of Wen Yu.

Wen Yu actually protected her very well, and didn't let the media report much about her, even few photos, and the person who recruited her didn't even know who she was!

The man told her later - because she was so good looking!

Simultaneous translation, as long as the level is high enough, Chi Zhengzheng just stops there when going out to meet foreign guests to translate, their image project is absolutely enough!

Chi Zhengzheng really didn't expect that he would end up eating this face's meal!

However, her level is indeed very powerful and highly regarded. Chi Zhengzheng is full of fighting spirit, working hard, and wants to do her translation career well!

Then, during a translation, she suddenly became dizzy and almost lost her footing.

Originally, at this time, the excellent staff would persevere. After all, the dizziness is only for a moment, and then it will be fine.

But Chi Zhengzheng is a life-sucking person, and she doesn't have to rely on this job to make a living.

At first, she almost died because of the dizziness.

Chi Zhengzheng's face turned pale at the time, and then, while everyone present was stunned, she stopped translating, found a place to sit down, took out her mobile phone, and called Wen Yu.

After that, she just sat there, motionless, how could she care about translation

The company's people kept winking at her, and the leader's face turned black.

The German was also stunned.

As soon as she went on strike, they almost couldn't talk anymore. One of their company's managers had no choice but to speak English after communicating with Chi Zheng to no avail.

That German speaks average English, so they could barely communicate, and they wanted to make an appointment for another negotiation time.

Before long, after the German reluctantly agreed, before leaving, Wen Yu rushed in.

His face was pale, and when he came over, his legs almost softened and he fell down in front of Chi Zhengzheng.

After a long while, he shook Chi Zhengzheng and took him to the hospital for examination.

For Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng, the sky was about to collapse at that time, and there was nothing else to do, but for the boss of Chi Zhengzheng's company, it was simply stunned.

It was only at this time that their company learned that it turned out that their mysterious simultaneous translator was actually the wife of the boss of Yu Ding, Wen Yu! !

Not to mention how shocked the company's people were, after Wen Yu hurriedly sent Chi Zhengzheng to the hospital, he waited for the test results with a pale face.

For a moment, fear struck, and Wen Yu almost couldn't hold it.

But Chi Zhengzheng was also very flustered, she needed him, so he cheered up.

And then waited for a result-

"... I'm in good health, but I'm pregnant, and it's just four weeks."

Chi Zhengzheng and Wen Yu were stunned at the same time.

Then, Wen Yu fell to the ground and almost fainted.

Wen Nian arrived in the panic of his parents. Fortunately, after knowing that it was him, their parents were greatly relieved, and his father almost fainted on the spot because of his relief!

Later, after being discharged from the hospital, the company said that Chi Zhengzheng could go back to work at any time, as if to hold her up.

The German also happened to want to cooperate with a subsidiary of Yu Ding. He was not angry at all because of Chi Zhengzheng's strike at that time, but quickly finalized the cooperation.

But Chi Zhengzheng couldn't stay any longer and left.

After giving birth to Wen Nian, she changed to a small company that did not know her and continued to do simultaneous translation.

Pulling away from his memory, Chi Zhengzheng looked at Wenyu, and his voice was very determined: "Yuyu, don't worry, it's really okay!"

Wen Yu nodded and responded.

Wen Nian came at this time.

"Mom! Mom!!" Compared with his calmness in front of outsiders, when he was in front of Chi Zhengzheng, he was just a chirping little sparrow.

After coming in, he called Mom several times before shouting awkwardly at Wen Yu—


Wen Yu nodded and said nothing.

"Huh? Year after year, isn't it time for you to finish school? Why did you come back?" Chi Zhengzheng propped up her stomach, glanced at the time, and asked.

Wen Nian explained seriously: "Because I finished writing my diary, the teacher sent me out ahead of time."

"Oh." Chi Zhengzheng responded without saying anything more.

She put her arms around Wen Nian.

It's a little inconvenient because I have a big belly.

Wen Nian didn't dare to move, for fear of bumping into her.

"Mom, is my sister good today?" Wen Nian raised his hand and gently touched Chi Zhengzheng's belly.

He was very smart, but he was still a little puzzled that his mother's bulging belly contained a younger sister.

But he didn't ask more, because he knew, and he would definitely know in the future.

"Very good, my sister is as good as Nian Nian!" Chi Zhengzheng said with a smile, and gently touched Wen Nian's little head.

Wen Nian touched her belly and said solemnly, "Sister, don't make your mother uncomfortable when you come out, or I will beat your little ass!"

His eyes widened, and the little bun had a fierce look on his face.

Chi Zhengzheng laughed.

"Don't worry every year, my sister is a sensible one." Chi Zhengzheng boasted.

But she did not expect that this "sensible sister" would come to this world earlier that night.

Chi Zhengzheng entered the delivery room, and Wen Yu and Wen Nian stayed outside.

The father and son sat together, looking at the delivery room with anxiety written all over their faces.

A nurse came to remind him when he saw this. Wen Yu seemed to have just thought of Wen Nian, and said in a hoarse voice, "Nian Nian, go to sleep first, I'll be here to watch."

"No, I'll keep watching." Wen Nian insisted.

Wen Yu didn't say anything.

His mind is blank now, only worry, where can he care about other things.

And Wen Nian is an idea, he doesn't want to go to sleep, he just wants to guard his mother and sister, and he respects him too.

In the next time, Wen Yu felt like a year.

When he first gave birth to Wen Nian, he witnessed the whole process in the delivery room. At that time, he was about to collapse.

When Chi Zhengzheng gave birth, he found that Wen Yu not only had tears on his face, but also pinched blood on his palms.

So, when the second child was born this time, she wouldn't let him in, and there was Wen Nian outside who needed him to watch, so Chi Zhengzheng entered the delivery room alone.

Wen Yu knew how painful she was at the moment, even if it was so-called painless, it was impossible to really have no pain at all.

Absolutely no more children!

Wen Yu swears.

This baby is actually quite easy to give birth. The child is not very big. In the early morning, the door of the delivery room opened, and the nurse came out with the child in her arms—

"Congratulations, it's a five-pound daughter."

Wen Yu and Wen Nian, one year old and one small, had already rushed to the nurse, Wen Yu asked anxiously, "Where's Zheng Zheng? Is Zheng Zheng okay?!"

The anxious and worried look of the big and small made the nurse a little stunned, and then she smiled.

"The mother is fine, everything is fine."

The nurse sighed in her heart that this family is really warm and happy.

Chi Zhengzheng fell asleep, and when she woke up, she saw Wen Yu standing in front of her bed, looking at her without blinking.

Seeing her waking up, the unshaven him twitched the corners of his mouth and revealed a smile.

"Where are the children?" Chi Zhengzheng asked.

"Take a leave for the boss and make up for sleep in another room." Wen Yu looked to the side with a soft voice, "The second child is still asleep, this girl is in good health."

Chi Zhengzheng looked at the child.

The newborn baby is very small and can't be said to be good-looking, but Chi Zhengzheng is warm in her heart.

She looked at the child and said softly, "Sui Sui, is she called Sui Sui?"

"Okay." He would never reject her.

Chi Zhengzheng smiled, year after year, year after year, year after year, her most sincere expectation.

It was also the three people she cared about most in her life.

The author has something to say: There is one last episode to follow.

It's an old story, and the truth about Chi Zhengzheng's waking up at the beginning, there may be tears, please remind me in advance!

Rabbit has always liked to write stories about old age, because life is too long and there are too many variables, so I will never wear books and be reborn again. I will finish writing their finale, magically feel relieved/cry with laughter

If you don't want to watch it, see you here!

I love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ