I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 86: Extra 7


"It smells good!"

"Good morning, Mr. Wen!"

Along the way, there were people who greeted him respectfully.

Wen Yu's eyes did not squint.

He didn't have to turn his head to guess the awe and fear in the eyes of these people at the moment.

How can you not be afraid

As we all know, Yu Ding's boss Wen Yu is a working machine. He is ruthless and has no desires. He has no wife, no children, not even a girlfriend. His relatives with a surname have long been devastated by him, and they are all destitute.

As he got older, the coercion on his body became even more terrifying. Whether it was the company's employees or the companies that were begging to cooperate with him, they were not nervous when facing him.

"Morning boss!" Secretary Cheng is forty years old this year, and was brought out by Secretary Ning.

Secretary Ning just retired last year. He and Zheng Ye were the only ones who could chat with Wen Yu a few times, but in the end, the high-intensity work made his body unfit and could not keep up with Wen Yu's rhythm, so he had to quit.

After Secretary Cheng said hello, he immediately started reporting the work.

Wen Yu took the information and looked at it while listening.

Secretary Cheng looked very calm, otherwise, he would not have become Yu Ding's first secretary, but when he stood in front of Wen Yu, he could still hear a bit of panic in his voice.

"Well, that's the arrangement." Wen Yu said lightly.

Afterwards, Secretary Cheng bowed out respectfully, and Wen Yu seemed to be able to hear the breath he let out when he closed the door.

The office fell silent.

Wen Yu didn't immediately start working.

For some reason, he felt extra lonely today.

Yu Ding is huge, this is his life's hard work, but in fact, at Wen Yu's age, he should have tried to hand it over to an heir long ago. Like Secretary Ning, he should retire slowly.

He could hear that Yu didn't know what else to do besides work.

This is his center of gravity and his instinct.

So I still work, go to work, and develop my career.

He was also beaten down and scolded his nose with his finger. The man said—you Wenyu is a machine without feelings. Your whole life seems prosperous, but your heart is empty... Wenyu, you are so ridiculous !

Is it funny

Wen Yu doesn't think so.

His childhood was miserable, so he had no trust in anyone, was unwilling to get close to anyone, never gave up his feelings, and never met anyone who could deliver his feelings.

But Wen Yu didn't find it ridiculous at all. He avenged his revenge and founded Yu Ding, which was so big. His life was full of fulfillment.

And he has already made a will that after his death, his business empire will be donated to the society.

It's good, although there is not much emotional fluctuation, but this life is full enough to achieve his wish, and he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with him.

It's just that he doesn't know why recently, he suddenly feels a little lonely.

This kind of loneliness is very strange. He used to live like this before, but he has never felt this kind of emotion. Recently, I don't know why, no matter where I go, I feel as if there should be someone by my side.

—A man who fills his heart to the brim.

Wen Yu looked to the side of the desk, it was empty, but miraculously, Wen Yu felt that there should be someone there, she smiled at Yan Yan, she smiled like a flower, she warmed his heart and embraced his loneliness.

Chi Zhengzheng.

Wen Yu's brows furrowed suddenly.

He founded Yu Ding and is a well-known figure in the mouths of others, but in fact, his interpersonal relationship is very simple, and there are not many people he can remember in this life.

He remembered the name Chi Zhengzheng as his former fiancee.

Why do you remember this name

Wen Yu's brows were tightly wrinkled, and the heart, which had always been like an ancient well, was beating inexplicably.

"Yuyu!" There seemed to be a crisp voice calling him, the voice was soft and sweet, but full of love.

Wen Yu clutched his chest, and his eyes became inexplicably sour.

- Emotional spread like never before.

He seemed to have forgotten something, very important, so important that it made his ancient well-like heart beat wildly, as if out of control.

"Chi Zhengzheng..." he murmured.

In my mind, a shadow flashed.

"Zhengzheng!!" Wen Yu sat up suddenly.

His eyes opened, and his gaze was right on the wedding photo hanging on the wall, which was their youthful appearance.

Wen Yu turned his head stiffly. On the bed, Chi Zhengzheng, who was already 60 years old, muttered, "Yuyu, what are you doing, are you having a nightmare? Go to sleep..."

She murmured almost unconsciously. As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and patted his back twice, but her eyes did not open, and her breathing became long before she patted twice.

Wen Yu let out a long breath.

Then he lay down again, took Chi Zhengzheng into his arms and hugged him tightly.

is a dream.

No, maybe not a dream, but a life without Chi Zhengzheng.

For that Wen Yu, life is like that, like an ancient well, plain and without waves, it is said to be full, just because he has never experienced the sweetness that fills his heart.

But for him, it was the loneliness and loneliness that lingered on just thinking about it.

Wen Yu's hand tightened again, Chi Zhengzheng was used to being held by him, moved, changed into a comfortable position, and continued to sleep soundly.

- "Zhengzheng, it's great, thank you for having you."

You are truly a gift from God.

The most precious gift.

Wen Nian and Wen Sui found out that their second elder was in love again.

Although one is sixty-five and one is sixty.

Well, these years, they have always been very loving, but after getting along for nearly 40 years, sometimes, it still becomes a long-lasting warmth.

Although I give them a mouthful of dog food from time to time, when they are older, they are a little more reserved.

But these days, they fell in love again.

It was mainly because their sixty-five-year-old father, who didn't know what he was doing, suddenly began to show affection and sweetness.

Although their 60-year-old mother looked confused, the two had a good relationship, and she always followed him.

And then... I fell in love again.

The two originally came to visit their parents, but when they entered the house, their mother who would have come to greet them did not come out. The nanny said they were in the showroom.

The two walked over one after the other.

Then I saw Chi Zhengzheng snuggling in Wen Yu's arms—

"Zhengzheng, look at this, this is the photo of our honeymoon at that time!"

"I was so pretty back then."

"You look good now, even if you become an old lady, you are also the most beautiful old lady."

"You too, Yuyu, you became an old man, and the most handsome old man!"

"Zhengzheng I love you!"

The two looked at each other and stepped back silently.

Back in the living room, Wen Nian asked, "Why don't we go? Parents probably don't care about us... "

Wen Sui nodded and agreed very much: "Yes, I'll go back to the company and continue to work. After my father's choice, a lot of things in the company are all mine."

"Then you also pay attention to your body." Wen Nian, as a big brother, urged.

Wen Sui was helpless: "You should be. Don't forget the time to do the experiment and get caught by your sister-in-law."

The two brothers and sisters are six years apart. Because they have a pair of parents who are too loving, they have spent a lot of time together from childhood to adulthood, taking care of each other and having a good relationship.

Regarding their careers, Wen Nian is obviously more interested in physics than doing business, and now he has become a famous professor at University A.

Wen Sui and Chi Zhengzheng look alike, they look like a little white rabbit, but they magically inherited Wen Yu's business talent and are very good at doing business.

Because of this, Wen Yu cultivated Wen Sui early, so he gave up and threw Yu Ding to Wen Sui.

Wen Nian and Wen Sui didn't bother their parents, they told the nanny a few words, and then told each other to leave the villa.

Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng have been very loving all their lives, and they regard each other as their hearts and souls.

Pampering and pampering each other.

Wen Yu has always been worried about Chi Zhengzheng's body. After such a trouble when he was young, he was afraid for the rest of his life, for fear that something might happen to her body.

But fortunately, Chi Zhengzheng has always been in good health. It seems that after the crisis that almost died, there was no more trouble, and she lived healthy to eighty.

And this year, Wen Yu was eighty-five.

"Yuyu..." Chi Zhengzheng sat beside the hospital bed, stretched out his wrinkled hands, and held Wen Yu's hand lying on the bed.

Although she is old, she is still the most beautiful old lady.

Wen Yu is also the best looking old man.

But he fell ill a year ago. At that time, the doctor asked him to prepare for the funeral, but even if he was lying in bed, he could only give a little response weakly, and he lasted for a whole year and struggled.

Chi Zhengzheng knew why.

Wen Yu said that he would never walk in front of her. If he left, he couldn't imagine how uncomfortable it would be for her to be left alone.

He has petted her all his life, and hurt her all his life, and even if he is coming, he is reluctant to make her sad.

"I feel like I'm about to die... I know you're struggling, let's go together..." Chi Zhengzheng said softly, her voice weak.

On the hospital bed, Wen Yu closed his eyes but opened his mouth.

Chi Zhengzheng approached with difficulty.

She heard him say-

"Zhengzheng, I am very happy in this life... next, next life... still, still together... "

This year, he has rarely been able to speak soberly, but at this moment, he seems to be extraordinarily sober and can barely speak.

Chi Zhengzheng had exhausted her strength just now. After she sat back, she couldn't hold it back, so she leaned her head against Wen Yu's arm, tears rolled down, and nodded: "Okay."

"I, we... also made an appointment, the next, the next life... you have to remember to go to the appointment..." Wen Yu opened his mouth with difficulty.

"Okay..." she heard herself answer.

Then, close your eyes.

On the hospital bed, the corners of Wen Yu's mouth twitched with a smile, and he was completely out of breath.

He was very happy that they had a white-headed appointment in their whole life, so they went on the appointment for the rest of their lives.

Now they have agreed on the next life. Zhengzheng is a trustworthy person. No matter where the crowd is, she will come to the appointment.

Wen Yu left with a smile, completed an appointment, and went to the next appointment.

He loves this woman and wants to be with her forever.

He never heard it, Chi Zhengzheng said in his heart—

"Yuyu, I'm sorry."

"The next appointment, I can't go to the appointment."

At that time, her body was already cold, and she was almost dead.

Chi Zhengzheng knew Wen Yu's pain. She was screaming wildly in that white world, struggling to wake up.

But nothing can be done!

Then, she saw a shadow.

The shadow asked her, if the price of opening her eyes is that she will never live in another life, but only in this life, would she be willing

Chi Zhengzheng agreed.

How could she not agree

In such a desperate situation, you still want to wake up and make an appointment, how can you not pay the price

Life after life, but this life with Wen Yu can't be worth it.

So Yuyu, sorry, I'm going to miss my appointment.

Chi Zhengzheng leaned against his arm and closed his eyes completely.


Chi Zhengzheng didn't know that after she and Wen Yu left together, a phantom appeared again in the empty air.

The phantom gradually became clear, and it was clearly Chi Zhengzheng when he was young!

No, it should be said to be the "Chi Zhengzheng" before the car accident.

An old man suddenly appeared next to the virtual shadow, and the old man asked the virtual shadow: "Have you really decided?"

"Well, she fulfilled my wish and let me see another possibility in life. I don't want her to disappear like this. She has promised Wen Yu that their white-headed contract is over, and there is an appointment for the next life." Xu Shadow said, his voice was filled with envy.

While speaking, the phantom gradually dissipated in the air and turned into nothingness.

The old man shook his head.

Looking at the woman on the hospital bed leaning on the man's arms, her soul that was dissipating re-solidified.

Then, she hurriedly chased in one direction.

The person she loves is already waiting for her.

- They still have a covenant for the next life.


The author has something to say: Well, goodbye completely! !

This book is really a whole new challenge, tough but done!

Thanks for the support, love you guys!

See you next time! !

See you in Jinjiang!

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