I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 33: Sweet and greasy


To blame her

Why all of a sudden? Seriously

At this moment, Chi Zhengzheng's heartbeat seemed to be a beat slower.

Wen Yu drove the car to the side of the road, stopped, turned his head, and looked at her seriously: "Don't move out easily, if you don't like it, we'll move together."

So don't leave alone anymore,

The house was missing one person, as if everything was missing, and all of a sudden it became empty.

Chi Zhengzheng was stunned, and Mu Leng stared at him.

If you don't like it, move out together

And then... move to a new place, do they still live together too

She suddenly understood what Wen Yu's words meant.

My heart pounded, like a deer was about to jump out.

In fact, since Wen Yu chased after Wen Sisi's apartment, she had this feeling faintly, so he "ordered" her to follow her back, and she was led away by him honestly.

What she wants, she may really get.

The corners of Chi Zhengzheng's mouth rose slowly, the higher and higher, she laughed a little silly, she looked like a fairy, but she was wearing crocodile pajamas, and she smiled so stupidly, she looked really stupid.

She said, "Okay."

The corner of Wen Yu's mouth also rose, raised his hand, and patted her crocodile head gently: "Good."


After ten o'clock in the evening, Wen Yu returned to Wangjiang Manor with one hand, the suitcase, and the other hand, Chi Zhengzheng.

It was a little cold outside at night, but because the pajamas wrapped the person tightly, Chi Zhengzheng didn't feel cold at all. On the contrary, the hand she was holding by Wen Yu was already hot and sweaty.

In order to adapt to her feet not being able to take too large steps, Wen Yu didn't walk fast.

Open the door, the light turns on.

Chi Zhengzheng followed Wen Yu into the house, it was already late at night, and there were only the two of them who had just returned.

Wen Yu let go of her hand and said, "Wait here, I'll put the suitcase."

"Oh, good..." Chi Zhengzheng responded.

She glanced at the house, then lowered her head to look at her feet.

My feet moved a little helplessly, and it was… quite embarrassing.

After all, she only left in the afternoon, and now she was brought back by Wen Yu, which made her feel like...

Hmm... Would Wen Yu feel the same way? Do you think

Just thinking about it, a cup appeared in front of him, with a piece of ginger and a piece of brown sugar in it.

Chi Zhengzheng raised her head, Wen Yu was looking at her, her eyes were not as cold and sharp as usual, but with some tenderness.

"Thank you." She hurriedly reached out and took it, holding it up.

"Hurry up and have a drink." Wen Yu said, with an empty hand? He touched her head.

Chi Zhengzheng: "Okay."

Holding both hands, he drank with small sips.

Wen Yu kept looking at her.

In front of him is a little crocodile, holding a small cup, drinking water in small sips...

Wen Yu felt an indescribable emotion spread in his heart, making him feel like he was poisoned, and his heart trembled.

"Are you hungry?" Wen Yu asked.

Chi Zhengzheng paused and said, "I'm not hungry."

I'm actually quite hungry...

She ate a pancake that night.

"I'll go make you something to eat." Wen Yu said.

"No trouble, I've eaten dinner!" Chi Zhengzheng said quickly, looking at him, his big eyes full of seriousness.

How can the boss cook for her at night!

Wen Yu: "Then eat more."

After a pause, he chuckled: "Just eat with me, I haven't eaten yet."

"Ah?" Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback, "Have you not had dinner yet?"

Wen Yu didn't say anything, just looked at her like that.

Chi Zhengzheng: This...

Is it because she "run away from home" that he didn't eat

Can't you

Wen Yu couldn't hold back, pinched her face again, and entered the kitchen. Soon, the sound of water in the kitchen rang.

Chi Zhengzheng is holding the cup, her face is slightly bulging, her eyes are blank, and she is lost in thought.

Well, she's really cool, the boss cooks for her.

"Chi Zhengzheng." Wen Yu shouted in the kitchen.

"Hey!" Chi Zhengzheng responded subconsciously.

"Come here." Wen Yu walked to the kitchen door.

Chi Zhengzheng took small steps, trotted over, and after reaching him, looked up: "What's wrong?"

"Tie it for me." Wen Yu handed her the apron.

Ah this...

Chi Zhengzheng was stunned for a moment, then slowly stretched out her hand and squeezed the apron.

The white and delicate little onion root pinched the apron at a loss, with a dazed and dazed expression.

Wen Yu looked at her, bent down, and lowered his head slightly.

Chi Zhengzheng came back to his senses, and hurriedly tiptoed to put on the apron for him.

He bent down and lowered his head, and her hand went around his neck to hang it on him, and both of them breathed slightly faster.

Then, with the belt on his waist left, Wen Yu looked down at her, his eyes a little hot.

If the belt on the waist is to be fastened, her hand should wrap around his waist and fasten it to him from behind.

In an instant, breathing became more rapid.

Chi Zhengzheng: "... turn around?"

Wen Yu paused for a while, then took a deep look at her and turned around.

Chi Zhengzheng slapped his forehead.

Silly you!

How stupid!

Just like that! !

Chi Zhengzheng tied the belt for him from behind with annoyed expression, and Wen Yu continued to cook.

She glanced at it, her cheeks flushed.

Wen Yu who cooks is so good-looking, what

Wen Yu in the kitchen, and Wen Yu who is amazing in the office, are so tempting to her.


After looking at it twice, she covered her face and was embarrassed to look again, and quickly left.

Then, she just sat down on the sofa.

"Chi Zhengzheng, come here." In the kitchen, Wen Yu's voice sounded again.

Chi Zhengzheng stood up, walked into the kitchen with small steps, and stood still not far from him.

"Why?" she asked.

Wen Yu didn't speak, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Ah?" Chi Zhengzheng opened her eyes wide, puzzled.

"Just stand there." Wen Yu said.

Standing where he could see from the corner of his eye, he felt at ease and full of heart.

Chi Zhengzheng: "..." Ah this

She was at a loss.

"Zizzizi." Fresh pork ribs in the pot.

This is Chi Zhengzheng's favorite dish - sweet and sour pork ribs.

She smelled it and spit out.

Wen Yu was obviously someone who knew how to cook, and soon the pot was full of fragrance, and Chi Zhengzheng's stomach began to growl.

When it is cooked, the aroma is more intense.

He picked up a piece of spareribs, turned to feed it to her mouth, and said softly, "Try it?"

The ribs were right in front of them, and they were still sizzling.

Before she could open her mouth, he retracted it, blew lightly, and fed it to her again.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at the ribs, and then at Wen Yu.

For a while, she didn't know which one gave her more appetite...


Wen Yu cooks deliciously.

"Really?" Wen Yu asked.

"Really! It's even better than what Master Zhang made!" Master Zhang was the chef Wen Yu invited back to her, specializing in cooking.

She had a serious look on her face, obviously that's what she was thinking.

- I have to say, the filter is a bit thick.

Wen Yu obviously found it too, but he couldn't restrain the corners of his mouth from rising, and his heart seemed to float along with him.

"Well, I'll do it for you next time," he said softly.

Chi Zhengzheng looked at him, nodded heavily, and smirked.

"Let's eat." Give her some vegetables.

"You didn't eat, you eat more." Chi Zhengzheng also served him vegetables.

"Well, you're thin." Let's add vegetables to her.

"You're also thin, and you work so hard, eat more." Give him another clip.

When the two looked at each other, the air seemed to be bubbling.

Chi Zhengzheng thought that Wen Yu was going to criticize her for "running away from home" this time.


Chi Zhengzheng was lying on the bed, turning over happily with the quilt.

In the master bedroom, the corner of Wen Yu's mouth rose slightly.


"You don't live anymore??" She was a little confused, "Are you going home late?"

"No, I'm not going back to Chi's house, I... live here in Wenyu." Chi Zhengzheng smiled and glanced at Wenyu, who was working in the study.

So handsome.

She was in there just now, and she just answered Wen Sisi's call and came out.

"Chi Zhengzheng, you don't really like Wen Yu, do you?!" Wen Sisi was stunned.

"Yeah, he's so nice, I..." She blushed, her voice faltered, and she lowered her voice so that I wouldn't hear it.

Wen Sisi was shocked, and raised her voice: "My God, you actually like Wen Yu?! Your eyes are really—"

Chi Zhengzheng suddenly had a stern face and a serious voice, interrupting her: "Wen Sisi?"

Wen Sisi? He was stunned for a moment, then stopped his voice.

"He's very good, very good, much better than you thought. What are you? When you don't speak ill of him, call me again. If you still do this, we will end our friendship." Chi Zhengzheng was merciless. Say.

Wen Sisi was furious: "Chi Zhengzheng! You fucking focus on sex over friends!"

"You are wrong." Chi Zhengzheng said softly, "He is a lust, but you are not a friend now."


"I'll be my friend when you don't speak ill of Wen Yu." Chi Zhengzheng hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

Turn around and enter the house.

"What's wrong?" Wen Yu looked at Chi Zhengzheng.

Chi Zhengzheng shook his head and smiled: "It's okay."

"Well, drink some brown sugar water." Wen Yu poured out the brown sugar water from the thermos cup.

Chi Zhengzheng took it and drank it obediently.

Wen Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

over the phone.

Listening to the "dududu" sound of Wen Sisi?: "... day."

- Chi Zhengzheng, you are not a human being who cares more about sex than friends! ! !


Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng had a good atmosphere, but the Wen family was silent.

Wen Yiran's face was sullen and did not speak.

The news was revealed by the Chi family. They suspected that Wen Yu and Yu Ding were related, and asked Wen Jingsen to check.

But in fact, Wen Jingsen didn't believe it himself.

He frowned: "Impossible, what does Wen Yu look like, how can I not know?!"

"Uncle Chi also makes sense, it's a coincidence, and ... Wen Yu lives in Wangjiang Manor now." Wen Yiran's face was also not good-looking.

Xu Wei didn't believe that Wen Yu could turn the sky around in their eyelids, she stood up and said with a firm voice, "What has Wen Yu looked like all these years, how could we not know? If he has something to do with Yu Ding, first of all, he will I won't live in Wen's house forever!"

"Yes, Chi Yan is confused this time, what? He's just guessing. If Yu Ding's action against the Liu family is really because of Wen Yu, then unless he is the person in charge of Yu Ding! Otherwise, it is impossible for a company to do it. This kind of thing, the Liu family got in the way of Yu Ding and was cleaned up." Wen Jingsen analyzed this.

Wen Yu is the boss of Yu Ding

how is this possible? !

Xu Wei nodded in agreement.

If Wen Yu really made great achievements without telling them, then her stepmother, who kept suppressing Wen Yu, would have to spit out two liters of blood.

Wen Yiran's ugly face also looked a little better. Obviously, he also felt that Wen Yu couldn't have much future.

He might be hiding something from them, but he couldn't have created Yu Ding right under their noses!

After thinking for a while, Wen Yiran looked at Wen Jingsen: "Brother really hasn't come back recently, Dad, ask him to come back and ask."

He said before that he asked Wen Jingsen to call Wen Yu back, but Wen Jingsen said that now Wen Yu must be with Chi Zhengzheng, don't disturb them, and let them cultivate their relationship again.

- Binding the Chi family with Wen Yu, this is what Wen Jingsen looks forward to.

This time, Wen Jingsen said, "I have to let him come back."

He was still expressionless, but a closer look revealed disgust and impatience in his eyes.

- At this time, he should have been waiting for dinner with Chi Zhengzheng.

The author has something to say: Wen Sisi: Tell a joke, Chi Zhengzheng said she ran away from home/smiling.

Chi Zhengzheng: Tell a joke, Wen Sisi said she was my friend/Smile.

Wen Sisi: ? ?

Woohoo, dads!

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Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-1520:18:18~2021-05-1600:21:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 star blinked quietly;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Ferryman; 10 bottles of Hearty Inert Solids, Xiji; 5 bottles of DoubleC, Star Quietly Winking; 1 bottle of Silly, Civil Affairs Bureau;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!