I Married the Male Lead of a CP-free Novel

Chapter 75: Open your eyes


She is Chi Zhengzheng!

Maybe she's not the original Chi Zhengzheng, her body? Maybe it's fake, the world she came to is even? Maybe it's fake, but her memory is real, Wen Yu is real!

She thought that the original story line had completely changed, but even if she came to this world, today, one year later, Chi Zhengzheng's ending, Wen Yu's "no CP" fate, is still on the path it should go.

But how? !

Chi Zhengzheng was very anxious.

How can she die

She can't die, she can't die!

If she dies, what will Wen Yu do

She promised him that she would

How could she miss the appointment


If she is destined to die one year from now, then she will definitely not go to Wen Yu, let alone make him fall in love with her!

He used to have the track of the male protagonist without CP, but without her, although lonely, it is just as wonderful.

He is strong, he is fearless, he is strong, he has no sorrow, no pain, and he has never lost.

If you don't fall in love with someone, you won't be in pain, you won't be sad!

No one should be able to beat him!

Wen Yu has suffered so much in her life. He has no family, and just has their love. She only wants to be happy, and use the happiness of the future to heal the hurt and loneliness in the past.

I don't want his grief, but because of myself.

In the white world, she can't break free.

Physical weakness and powerlessness, mental apathy, all told her the current situation.

- She's going to die.

Can not!

If this ending is already doomed, why let her come to this world and disturb Wen Yu's peaceful heart

how can? !


Wen Yu put Chi Zhengzheng on the bed and covered it with a quilt.

The heating in the home has been turned on, and I can't feel the frost and cold outside at all.

He was beside her, holding a pen and paper to write something, not a few words.

When he was done, he put the pen and paper on the table, came over, hugged her, and put her head on his lap.

The window is open, it gets dark earlier in winter, and the outside is getting dark gradually, but because of the reflection of the white snow, he can still see the white world while sitting on the bed.

"It's snowing again." Wen Yu gently arranged her hair, she likes to be beautiful, she can't make her look bad, "Zhengzheng, I remember you like watching snow the most, it's snowing a lot outside tonight, you If we are awake, we can go to the pavilion to make tea and enjoy the snow.”

It had snowed heavily before, but he was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he did not promise to let her go out to play.

He was very strict with her at that time, for fear that she would get sick or catch a cold, he was very careful, and he didn't dare to let it happen at all, so he was very cautious.

She was pouting, very angry.

Ben wanted to protest, but Wen Yu easily diverted her attention.

He can always easily make her divert her attention, and he can easily make her happy, forgetting what she was thinking about before.

But now, he regrets it.

Wen Yu lowered his head, his forehead touched hers, and his voice was low: "Zhengzheng, I regret it, I shouldn't have stopped you, if you like to see the snow, you should go out to see the snow, instead of being timid and cautious..."

He was so careful, so afraid of her getting sick.

Putting all dangers out of the way, however, he still failed to protect her, and she still fell down.

And he was helpless about it.

If you do it all over again...

He will make her happy and happy

"Chi Zhengzheng, I proposed to you that day, but you actually agreed to it, right? I've heard it? You're halfway there..." Wen Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, "So, you are my wife who has never been there."

What happened that day, he actually didn't want to remember at all.

"Wife..." he called to her.

Then, tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"You have promised me that we will always be together. You also promised me that you will spend every Spring Festival with me in the future. You make me so happy, but..."

Such a happy day, but the moment she fell, became a day that Wen Yu never wanted to recall.

Her promise has not been spoken yet, and she may not be able to speak again.

"Chi Zhengzheng, didn't you hear me? You agreed to my proposal, but I'm sorry that I couldn't marry you." Wen Yuyu's head was still pressed against her forehead, and her forehead was a little cold.

With a hoarse voice, he continued: "You still owe me an answer..."

"But it doesn't matter, in another world, can you tell me yourself, okay?" Wen Yu asked.

Naturally, Chi Zhengzheng did not agree, nor did she make any sound.

He stroked her face with his hand, feeling the colder and colder temperature, and he froze slightly.

Immediately, as if unaware, he continued: "I have just written a will, and we are buried together. You like snow and the sea, but the snow is too cold, I'm afraid you will be cold, let's go to the beach."

"If one day the sea changes and our cemetery isn't there, we'll go into the sea together, okay? The world is big, we can go wherever we want, but before that, you still have to accompany me, and we burn the ashes together. Even if we enter the sea in the future, we can’t be separated.”

"I will keep all the promises in this life for you, and you must fulfill them in the next life."

The temperature was even cooler, but Wen Yu stopped crying and said calmly—

"What you couldn't do in life? You can't go back when you die."

Such a fresh Chi Zhengzheng, but he could only watch her fall, watch her getting colder and colder, watch her temperature get lower and lower, her life is passing, and no matter how hard he tries, he will ? Can't catch.

Live a life without Chi Zhengzheng

can not.

No longer.

He was originally a duckweed walking alone in the cold night, wandering without support. He didn't know why he came or when he left. He had no family, no love, and did not understand expectations, joy and happiness.

It was she who walked to his side, grabbed him, made him have roots, let him know that he missed the world, filled the empty heart, no longer lonely, no longer cold.

After experiencing this kind of warm, meaningless cold night, he couldn't go any further.

Every step, every minute, he could think of that warmth, and then—he was heartbroken.

"It's just that I'm still a little unwilling and a little regretful..."

His voice was hoarse: "I? I can't listen to you again... Listen to you call my name again... "

She was lying in his arms, but he missed her immensely.

Closing her eyes slightly, she still had her voice and smile in front of her eyes, and her every move was so vivid.

She was standing in front of him and smiled at him, her smile more dazzling than Chaoyang's.

Wen Yu stopped talking, touched her forehead, felt the cold temperature, and stroked her face with her hands, as if to carve her appearance into the depths of her soul.

She still owes him a promise, no matter what she will be in her next life, she must fulfill it!

His eyes were always closed, and in front of him, she was full of her vivid appearance, all of their past, every happy and happy picture.

- Chi Zhengzheng.

- Can I see you again? See you? listen to you again

Fingers crossed, it was cold and wet to the touch.

Smell Yu slightly.

He opened his eyes, pulled away from his memories, and then stood up stiffly, his eyes staring straight at Chi Zhengzheng's face.

In his eyes, there is fear, disbelief, and... anticipation.

- It's not an illusion, is it

There seemed to be two teardrops falling from the corner of her eyes.

Wen Yu froze for a moment, and then, his body trembled slightly, he raised his hand, his hand trembled violently, but again, he encountered those two lines of wet traces.

The moment in front of him? Covered by fog, his voice was hoarse to the extreme, and he opened his mouth with trembling?—

"Chi Zhengzheng, Zhengzheng..."

He wants to say "Can you hear?" "Can you open your eyes" "I really love you" "Please wake up, I don't really want the next life, I just want this one"...

He had a lot to say, but when he opened his mouth, he just read her name aloud, like a bloody voice.

Thousands of words, all but one sentence - "Chi Zhengzheng".


Chi Zhengzheng could hear some of his words. She felt that she was getting weaker and weaker, but she could also hear some of his words.

- What you failed to do in life, you can't go back on it when you die.

—Me? I can't hear you again... hear you call my name again...

She heard it!

At that moment

This is Wen Yu, this is the powerful and omnipotent Wen Yu, how could he become like this? How could he become? Like this

She loved him so much that she wished that he would forget all his troubles and live happily ever after. How could she ever think that she could make him become like this

Even his voice was hopeless and powerless.

God is not fair! She doesn't accept it!

The gears of fate have already changed, why should she be taken away from Wen Yu

She was so distressed, she was so desperate for the man she loved.

She wants to open her eyes, she must open her eyes!

She can't go, she wants to see him, she wants to talk to him...


The two drops dried up quickly, like Wen Yu's illusion.

His tears kept falling on Chi Zhengzheng's face, as if to cover up the traces of those two tears, he hurriedly wiped and blocked, so as not to let his tears fall on her face again.


The traces have disappeared, it's like his illusion, and it's like he mistook his own tears for hers.

The more he hurried to check, the more water droplets fell.

There was no trace, Chi Zhengzheng's body gradually became cold.

- Just now, it was really his illusion.

Wen Yu lay down, covered his face, and put his forehead on Chi Zhengzheng's hand.

He closed his eyes, and the pictures in front of him disappeared, and the vivid images of Chi Zheng disappeared completely.

Wen Yu's face was full of tears.

He never raised his head, nor did he notice that tears were pouring out of those closed eyes.

He has lost his soul, his soul, and only an empty torso remains.


Zheng Ye sits at the door, counting the time.

He couldn't leave it at ease, because he suspected that Wen Yu didn't want to let himself come out.

He estimated a time in his mind, and that time was probably the time when Chi Zhengzheng left completely. When the time arrives, he will rush in and keep watch over Wen Yu, never letting him do stupid things.

Chi Zhengzheng left the intensive care unit and was taken home by Wen Yu like this. The time when her own life will end is tonight and tomorrow. After running around like this, Zheng Ye knows that she will return to Wangjiang. Manor, it's time to leave.

But he couldn't let Wen Yu follow him.

Zheng Ye knew that Wen Yu was uncomfortable, and he also knew how painful he would be.

But he couldn't watch him die, he had to keep him.

As for later...

A person whose heart has been gouged out and lives in thoughts and memories all the time, how should he live, he no longer wants to think about it, nor dare to think about it!

Why did fate treat Wen Yu and Chi Zhengzheng like this

Two people who love each other so clearly? They can hold the hand of their son and grow old together with their son. Why does fate have to be like this

Does it really make sense to play tricks on people like this

Time? Zheng Ye opened the door.


The time has come, the body temperature on the bed has completely faded, even if the heating is very warm, even if Wen Yu covers her with a quilt, it will no longer be able to warm her body.

Wen Yu didn't move, resting her head against her hand, she didn't move.

The air became quiet, and there was no sound at all, only the faint sound of wind coming from outside the window.

"Yuyu..." The voice was barely audible.

Wen Yu was stunned and froze.

This time, he didn't look up.

Is it a hallucination again

The hand on the forehead moved slightly.

The movement was very slight, and if he hadn't been stiff and motionless, he would never have noticed it.

Wen Yu raised his head suddenly.

Those eyes that he thought would be closed forever, the eyelids trembled, and the corners of her eyes were filled with tears. She couldn't open her eyes, but tears kept flowing.

- She was struggling to wake up.

"Chi Zhengzheng!!" Wen Yu trembled, holding her hand, so nervous that the sound broke, and tears fell again.

The eyelids are still moving, and the person has not yet woken up.

Wen Yu violently ripped off his clothes and used his warm body to hug Chi Zhengzheng tightly and wrapped it in a quilt.

The temperature of her body was extremely low, and now she was hugged by him, and it began to rise slowly again.

He didn't feel cold at all, only full of excitement and unbelievable ecstasy.

- He could feel that she would wake up!

—He must warm her body?!

It was at this time that Zheng Ye rushed up, looking anxious.

As soon as he saw it, Wen Yu took off his clothes and hugged Chi Zhengzheng tightly, his pupils shrank.

"Zheng Ye, boil the water! Quick!" Wen Yu shouted.

Zheng Ye was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were blank.

Wen Yu's pale and haggard face was full of madness and excitement at the moment: "Quick! Zheng Ye, quickly bring me the boiling water!"

"Oh oh oh..." Zheng Ye replied blankly.

He subconsciously obeyed Wen Yu's instructions, went downstairs, and went to the kitchen to get some water. The water was boiled by Mrs. Wang at noon and placed in a thermos.

It's just that when I go up the stairs, my eyes are red.

- Wen Yu is crazy.

He was afraid that he would see a Wenyu with a dead heart, but he didn't expect that he would see a crazy Wenyu.

He had just entered the house with boiling water, and Wen Yu had already rushed over.

Wen Yu moved quickly and poured boiling water directly on his body. Of course, the water in the thermos was not as hot as when it was just boiled, but it was still very hot, and the skin instantly turned red and seemed to blister. .

Does he not care

"Wen Yu!!" Zheng Ye was shocked and was about to step forward.

Wen Yu had already wiped the boiling water on his body with a towel, and while it was still hot, he quickly went to bed and hugged Chi Zhengzheng tightly. His body was terribly hot and tingling.

But when he felt the body in his arms? The temperature was slowly rising, Wen Yu was excited, crying and laughing.

Clearly? Eyes are red, but smile.

"Ayu..." Zheng Ye's voice was hoarse, and tears fell completely.

Wen Yu is really crazy.

He opened his mouth, and his voice was very soft: "Ayu... She's gone, you wake up, she definitely doesn't want to see you become?—"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Because, Chi Zhengzheng, who he concluded was dead, slowly opened his eyes.

Zheng Ye: "..."! ! !

Depend on? ! !

The author has something to say: Zheng Ye: cheating, cheating? !

Mom, I'm scared! ! !

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-08 21:26:37~2021-06-09 21:30:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: go to the code word, bastard! 2; kitten cat 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 in Falling Rain and Autumn Cold;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Yi Ye; 10 bottles of the mysterious player standing on the border; 5 bottles of yy’s sea and sky; Qingqing, Yazhenglu, 451735971 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!