I Matched 100% with Six Alphas

Chapter 1: Narcissus (catch insects)


That is the crown of a pot of lotus.

The leaves are thick and round, and the tails of the leaves are slightly turned back. The flowers are huge, thick and waxy, like a girl's skin, charming but not gorgeous.

Such leaves and flowers shine, elegant and peerless.

Teacher Jin, the beta teacher of the flower art class, walked around it twice, then stopped, raised his head reluctantly, and announced: "Let us all congratulate Qin Yi, his class will be completed today. full."

The thirty or so students in the classroom looked at the young man sitting in front of the lotus crown all at once.

In this space, the only person who can overwhelm the crown of lotus is that young man.

The boy has a pair of Ruifeng eyes, the tails of the eyes are upturned, and the eyes are full of light and do not move.

His nose is like jade and his lips are like brocade flowers.

Every frown and smile is like the beauty in the ink painting coming to life, which is amazing at a glance.

His name is Qin Yi.

He is the youngest son of the Qin family of the four major families of Panda Star, an omega who is beautiful enough to overwhelm everyone.

At a time when omega were so pampered and didn't like to learn flower art these days, he got mixed up with a group of betas and poor omega, and followed them seriously for three months.

There are three genders in this world, alpha, beta, and omega.

Alphas are born strong, they dominate and lead the betas and omega. They are excellent and rare, and they are precious resources for every country.

Omegas are weak by nature, and the pheromones emitted from their bodies are extremely attractive to alphas. When omega is combined with alpha, it is easy to produce excellent alpha. So the delicate omega is also a precious resource of every country.

And beta is the most mediocre gender, they hold most of the jobs in society. They don't have pheromones, but they also have reproductive functions, but they can't give birth to excellent alphas.

So here, apart from the omega from poor backgrounds who want to improve their wealth by learning various courses so as to marry into a better alpha family, those omega from noble background are not seen here.

Only Qin Yi is an outlier.

The eyes of everyone looking at Qin Yi were full of emotion and amazement, but the person being looked at didn't seem to notice it.

He stood up unhurriedly and said, "Thank you."

Teacher Jin knew that he was leaving, so he hurriedly handed him the certificate of completion of a single course.

Qin Yi hugged another pot of narcissus from the window.

This vase of narcissus is of low value, far less precious than the lotus crown. It was given to him by his teacher when he entered school.

But in his hands, it was also raised like a famous product. Its vice-crown is shaped like a cup, embellished with gold, and has a strong fragrance. It is even more pleasing to the eye when held in the palm of a beauty.

Everyone just watched him walk out of the classroom, and his figure slowly disappeared from the corridor.

And that rich fragrance still lingers in the nose, just like Qin Yi, who can leave a long aftertaste in people's hearts after being amazed.

This Qin Yi came out of the Wensi Building and went straight to the Wuying Building on the other side.

There are mostly alpha classrooms in Wuying Building.

They are here to learn how to drive mechs, how to exercise their bodies, so as to better control their mental power...

This is not a place for an omega to go.

Be aware that alphas mark them through the glands.

When an unmarked omega appears among a group of alphas, his pheromone can easily cause all the alphas to go berserk and out of control.

But after Qin Yi stepped into the Wuying Building, the alpha in the building didn't lose control, and they didn't even feel surprised.

On the contrary, they poked their heads out, and the smiles on their faces revealed a narrow taste: "Are you looking for Kong Jiaxiang again?"

"He's on the training ground on the fourth floor."

"Ha, did you know? Kong Shao's family just arranged for him to have a pheromone match with an omega, and the matching rate is as high as 81%!"

Qin Yi only smiled lightly and said, "Really?"

A group of alphas on the opposite side teased the narrow posture, but restrained a lot at once.

They watched Qin Yi go to the fourth floor, their eyes still glued to him.

"In all fairness, he looks so fucking good-looking that I can't bear to say harsh words to him."

"Extra-pheromone thrilling."

"Isn't it? Alpha from the gymnasium next door said in private that he should be selected as the number one omega on Planet Panda's most suitable wife and loving mother."

"Ha, if you can marry, it's their turn?"

"It's such a pity that no alpha can perceive the pheromones in his body. No matter how beautiful and gentle he is, his pheromones can't make an alpha estrus, and an alpha can't successfully combine with him to give birth to an excellent child .”

They sighed one after another.

"You have to think about the good. If it weren't for this, you would be able to see such a damn good-looking omega? Which omega with normal pheromones would dare to run here?"

"... That's true."

"Stay safe, if you get ahead in the future, you can't do it as a wife, but we can let him be your lover in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere boiled a lot again.

Everyone smiled knowingly at each other, and then turned around to do what they should do.

Qin Yi soon came to the fourth floor.

He accurately found the e3 training ground.

The people in the training ground noticed his arrival at a glance through the surveillance at the door, so they walked over and opened the door immediately.

"Are you here?" The person inside the door smiled.

He is Kong Jiaxiang.

Born in the same four major families of the Kong family, he is a rare alpha whose mental power has been tested as S-level.

"Is this for me?" Kong Jiaxiang stared at the narcissus in his arms with fiery eyes.

Qin Yi nodded: "This flower is very suitable for you."

The corners of Kong Jiaxiang's mouth couldn't help but curl up higher.

Qin Yi seldom speaks compliments, but once he speaks out, it will make you feel extremely sweet, like love words.

Kong Jiaxiang took the potted flower quickly, and said, "I will take good care of it."

Qin Yi responded calmly: "Yes."

He went straight to the door.

Kong Jiaxiang quickly put down the flowers, took off his protective clothing and gave it to him: "Put this on first!"

Qin Yi nodded, took it over, unbuttoned his jacket three or two times, took it off, threw it aside, and changed into protective clothing.

Kong Jiaxiang's throat tightened unconsciously as he watched from behind.

really weird.

Without the attraction of pheromones, it will still make people excited.

He couldn't help but start drawing in his mind...

His protective clothing wrapped around Qin Yi's body, as if he was hugging Qin Yi, sticking to each other closely...

Qin Yi frowned indistinctly.

There was still a little sweaty smell in the protective clothing.

never mind.

It does not matter.

Qin Yi walked forward.

Here is a small radiation field, the radiation light is turned on, the students who come for training need to drive the light mecha, and under the influence of the radiation, try to prop up the mental shield and complete the mecha confrontation.

Kong Jiaxiang's mecha stopped there.

He had already taken Qin Yi to sit in and taught Qin Yi how to use the console. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have had the chance to hold the most beautiful omega in his arms.

Kong Jiaxiang watched him climb into the mecha with difficulty.

It's so cute, an omega who has never played with a mecha, can only rely on him to see and see.

"Qin Yi, be careful!" he shouted loudly.

It will probably fall down in a while, right

It doesn't matter, I can go in and teach him again.

"If you have any questions, call me anytime, and I will help you." He then shouted again.

But Qin Yi didn't respond.

In Kong Jiaxiang's mind, countless thoughts circled for a while.

Qin Yi was born an omega, and was born in the famous and wealthy Qin family in Panda Star. His grandfather once participated in the Eighth World War, received commendations, and was received by His Majesty.

And Qin Yi looks quite good-looking.

On Planet Panda, it can even be said that there is no better-looking omega than him.

It stands to reason that Qin Yi should be quite popular, and being held in the palm of his family, he would feel distressed for a long time if he broke his skin.

But the reality is the opposite.

Qin Yi is not close to his family members at all.

His position in the family is quite awkward.

It's all because... his pheromones can't attract any alphas.

This is simply fatal to an omega.

If your pheromones are strong enough, even if you are not good-looking, there will be families flocking to you.

But once your pheromone is incomplete, no one will marry you even if you look like a fairy.

How can a family like the Qin family allow members of their own family to be lovers for the aristocratic family

Thinking of this, Kong Jiaxiang still felt a little pity.

He is an adult, and the family is looking for an omega for him. Currently, the omega that matches him the most is not half as beautiful as Qin Yi's.

Fortunately, the Kong family and the Qin family are family friends. It seems that Qin Yi will never get married in this life, he can still go to Qin's house to see Qin Yi from time to time.

If he spends a little more time... Maybe he can try, spray some more alpha-attractive perfume on Qin Yi's body, so that he can go to bed smoothly... It's not difficult, right? Anyway, he didn't need Qin Yi to give birth to him.

As soon as the thought came here, it stopped abruptly.

Because the three-meter-tall mecha, painted blue like a giant praying mantis, moved.

It took two steps first, and the mechanical claws rubbed against the ground, making a piercing sound.

Kong Jiaxiang raised his heart in an instant.

"Qin Yi! Is that enough? Have you had enough experience? Well, don't go any further, be careful if you fall. Omega will go to the hospital if you fall!"

The mecha suddenly changed from walking to running.

It galloped forward three meters, and swung the sharp blade on the mechanical claw. Just like a praying mantis preying on prey, it swung its sickle to break through the air.

Kong Jiaxiang's heart tightened, and his eyes widened: "Qin Yi!!!"

The sharp blade swung out.

Briefly touches a pillar emitting radiation.

There was a brief pause and jam in the radiation line.

Then the sharp blade was gently retracted again, completely different from the momentum when it was thrown out just now.

Kong Jiaxiang breathed a sigh of relief, and urged, "Come down quickly."

For a moment just now, he thought that Qin Yi's paw would blow away a wall of the training ground.

He was thinking too much.

how can that be possible? Qin Yi is just an omega, he is delicate and beautiful, like a flower in a glass cover.

Qin Yi quickly opened the door of the mech.

Seeing this, Kong Jiaxiang immediately ran forward.

This ray of radiation is nothing to an s-class alpha, it's more important for a hero to save the beauty.

Kong Jiaxiang opened his arms towards Qin Yi.

Qin Yi didn't refuse, he jumped from a height of three meters without blinking his eyelids.

Omega's body is very light.

But Kong Jiaxiang miscalculated the hardness and weight of the protective clothing.

The beauty falls like a butterfly spreading its wings.

"Crack." Kong Jiaxiang couldn't help grunting in his throat.

Qin Yi quickly broke away from his embrace, but Kong Jiaxiang didn't have the strength to hold him tightly.

A little sweat dripped down his brow.

Qin Yi asked while taking off his protective clothing, "What's wrong with you?"

Kong Jiaxiang: "Nothing."

The joint may be misaligned.

But he can't lose face in front of omega.

At this moment, Qin Yi's communicator suddenly rang.

The communicator was connected to his watch, he buttoned the last button, raised his wrist, lowered his head, and connected the call.

"Qin Yi, I don't care what you are doing right now, just rush to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately." His father's majestic voice came from the other end.

Qin Yi responded in a low voice: "En."

Then hung up.

The endurance of the s-level alpha is still very strong.

Kong Jiaxiang endured the discomfort in his arm, and asked, "Uncle asked you to... measure the matching degree?"

Qin Yi responded casually: "Well, maybe it is."

Kong Jiaxiang smiled: "You... don't be too psychologically stressed. I still have everything."

You're the best ass, little fool.

A brain of yellow-colored waste.

Qin Yi calmly uttered obscenities from the bottom of his heart, but he only said calmly on his face, "I'm leaving."

Anyway, Kong Jiaxiang's value has come to an end, and he will never see him again.

Kong Jiaxiang nodded: "Okay, you can go."

Qin Yi walked out, and Kong Jiaxiang called his roommate to pick him up.

The roommate helped him carry flowers when he came in.

"Be careful, Qin Yi sent it." Kong Jiaxiang said.

The roommate immediately relaxed his movements: "I heard that Qin Yi helped the school cultivate the lotus crown last month and won a big prize. The school's senior management was so happy that in two days, it will be sent to Zhou Shang The general's desk is gone. I just hope that with this potted flower, I can exchange some favors from Admiral Zhou. Tsk, Qin Yi's hands are really awesome."

He paused: "You specially raised potted flowers for you... Your treatment is as good as Admiral Zhou's!"

The corner of Kong Jiaxiang's mouth curled up.

Qin Yi's gentle devotion always makes him feel very useful.

"It's just a pity." The roommate said, "Why is his pheromone defective?"

Everyone who met Qin Yi said so.

The roommate paused, then asked again: "I heard that you met that omega from the Fang family? I heard that he looks cute?"

"It's just mediocre. She is obedient, can act like a baby, has a high degree of matching, and has a decent family background."

The roommate nodded, but didn't ask about Qin Yi.

Everyone knows that Qin Yi will never be able to marry in this life. Qin Yi himself is very clear. Alphas shoulder the responsibilities of the family, and Kong Jiaxiang is destined not to stay for him.

Such a gentle and beautiful Qin Yi.

It's a pity.

The roommate weighed the flower in his arms: "What kind of flower is this?"

Kong Jiaxiang: "It seems to be a narcissus?" He grinned: "Qin Yi said that this flower is the most suitable for me, and he specially raised it for me."

The roommate looked weird.


Why does he seem to remember... Narcissus is related to a myth and legend. It is said that it is a god who was so narcissistic that he took pictures of himself by the lake every day, and finally died of narcissism

When Qin Yi walked out of the school gate, he saw the levitation vehicle that was picked up by his family.

He got into the car, but the driver wasn't the only one in the car.

There are also his stepmother, second aunt, and third aunt in it.

And his two omega cousins.

Cousin Qin Yuan moved closer.

His hair is combed fluffy, his facial features are well-marked, and the pheromone on his body smells like vanilla ice cream, which is very flattering to Alpha.

Qin Yuan said: "Cousin, I heard from my uncle that today is your last chance. Even if you only need to match 0.1% with one person, you may be married off in the future, instead of being locked up for the rest of your life." The Qin family."

Both alpha and omega will undergo a pheromone matching test when they are over eighteen years old.

Today, Qin Yi is eighteen years old.

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