I Matched 100% with Six Alphas

Chapter 21: He calculated him


There was a soft "ding".

Qin Qin's mecha is fully charged.

The silence in the mine was broken again.

Halls raised his eyelids, and cast a sideways glance at Zheng Yi'an: "Sheng Zheng doesn't have to be curious about my identity, compared to... I'm more curious, Mr. Zheng's mecha chief What's it like?"

Zheng Yi'an took it out in a big way: "Are you talking about this?"

The palm-sized mecha in his hand suddenly grew larger in the mine.

It was a black one with an ordinary shape, and it was close to the most common style of A-class mecha on the market.

Qin  couldn't help but look at Zheng Yi'an more.

This person actually has two mechs.

"A dignified diplomat of the alliance, a high-ranking alpha, but Mr. Zheng is using an A-rank mecha?" Halls sneered.

Zheng Yi'an nodded calmly and said, "Yes, the alliance has always treated me so harshly. Aren't the rumors already flying all over the sky?"

Such rumors do exist.

Zheng Yi'an has done many things for the alliance, but some people in the alliance have repeatedly accused him of playing with people's hearts and demanded that some of his rights be restricted.

Halls raised his eyebrows lightly: "In that case, someone will know that I killed Mr. Zheng here."

Zheng Yi'an was not in a hurry, he glanced at Qin Yu: "If you think it is a good decision to fight in front of Qilia, then you can give it a try."

Halls rolled his eyes, but he still put away his Mecha Dragon.

At this moment, Qin  tilted his head and gave Zheng Yi'an an extra look.

Zheng Yi'an's words were nothing more than a reminder to him, is the 100 million paid-off universal currency more important, or is it more important to inform him about the armored python

It is indeed a figure who rolls in the politics of the alliance.

He may be more difficult than Zhou Yiqing and Lu Ji...

Qin  raised his face and smiled slightly at Zheng Yi'an.

Then when I cheat you, you don't have to feel too guilty.

Qin asked: "Does Mr. Zheng still need to recharge his mecha?"

Zheng Yi'an looked at Qin .

Omega didn't expose his secrets, and it seems that the effect on Halls is also very limited.

The corner of Zheng Yi'an's mouth twitched: "Thank you, I need it very much."

He likes to work with people who know the time and affairs like this.

In this world, being important is a rather stupid thing, and dealing with such a person is rather troublesome.

If it was just the simplest exchange of interests, then it would be much simpler.

Zheng Yi pretended to start charging his A-level mecha.

Qin  also waited patiently for a while.

Qin  turned around, and while carefully looking at the mine in front of him, he asked, "Does Mr. Zheng know how these people died on the ground?"

Zheng Yi'an: "Scared to death." He paused, and added: "They entered here by mistake, saw my mecha, because the light in the cave was dim, mistakenly took it for a monster, and then scared to death .”

This Zheng Yian did not lie.

It's just that what they bumped into should be his mecha python.

Ordinary people would be quite frightened when they bumped into this thing suddenly in the darkness.

No wonder he never returned to the spaceship.

Qin  thought it was a pity.

He walked slowly towards the fallen bodyguards, squatted down, and took the lighting equipment from their waists.

Zheng Yi'an heard the voice and turned his head to take a look.

This omega is not like an omega. Facing death is so calm, so calm that it can even take the last thing available from the corpse.

From this point of view, they are somewhat similar.

As soon as Zheng Yi'an's thoughts came to this point, he heard Omega turn around and ask Hals: "Is there any soil nearby?"

Halls: "Soil?"

Qin  replied softly: "Yeah."

"It has been a few days, and there is no way to bring their bodies back intact, and the spaceship lacks relevant equipment. They can only stay here. I have seen it in books, a long time ago During the ancient earth period, they buried people in the soil, and the soul returned to peace." Qin Qin finished speaking slowly, and then stood up while leaning on the wall.

Zheng Yian was stunned for a moment.

Omega is different from him.

He couldn't understand why... why would someone combine calmness and indifference with unemotional tenderness.

Halls: "I'll go find it."

He finished speaking neatly, left the Mecha Dragon behind, and walked out of the cave by himself.

Qin  nodded, and suddenly squatted back.

He found that when he got up just now, he seemed to have touched some traces from the cave wall. It's not like the undulating lines of rocks, but more like deep engravings.

Qin Qin turned to the lighting equipment.

The area that was still dark just now was suddenly illuminated. I saw engravings on the entire mountain wall. The engraved lines are extremely deep, as if they were chopped with a sharp blade.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Yi'an stared at Qin's back and asked.

Qin  slowly took two steps back, and he took two steps back.

‌‌ Back up.

... stepped on Zheng Yi'an's foot.

Zheng Yi'an couldn't dodge in time, but he also felt the pain of being stepped on, and felt the breath on the omega rush into his nose.

Qin  raised his head and took in more engravings on the mountain wall.

And Zheng Yi'an could only feel that the omega's long curly hair slid back and gently swept across his neck. Itchy, crisp, and numb.

"There are words carved on the wall." Qin  whispered.

Zheng Yi'an's thoughts slowly came back, he calmed down a bit, and followed Qin 's line of sight to look at the cave wall.

"Is it a word?"

"Like ancient earth writing."

Zheng Yi'an became calmer.

He stared at the engravings on the cave wall, and finally made out some of them: "This is the ruins of Kandarati... the engravings on it are the classic signs of the ruins of Kandarati. It turns out that it is the ancient earth Text?"

Qin Yu couldn't remember most of the foreign names.

But Kandarati he remembered.

He has recited it countless times, just to engrave it in his memory.

"Can the furthest wind reach Kandarati?"

This is the key password for him to inherit the 800 million inheritance.

Qin probably knew that "Kandalati" was a place name, but he really didn't know where it referred to.

Still read too little.

Qin  thought to himself regretfully.

When Hals came back from digging the soil, he heard Zheng Yi'an whispering a story to Qin: "...It was first published in the bedtime stories of the children of the alliance. Candalati is called the best Kingdom. The ancient Ming Dynasty has a name. His body is the sky and the earth. He never eats or sleeps. He has the ability to travel through space and change time.

"Some people think that Candalati is in the sky. But through the sky and into the universe, there is only the boundless galaxy, and there is no Candalati.

"Until some scientists discovered the Candarati civilization for the first time, they speculated that there might really be such a country beyond three dimensions. The reason why we can't see it is because we are in a three-dimensional space and there is no ‌Glimpse into higher dimensional landscapes…”

Halls walked into the mine.

The Mecha Dragon's tail flicked violently, and a large amount of dirt fell heavily on the corpse. All of a sudden to cover tightly.

Halls pursed his lower lip, and interjected: "They believe that after the enlightenment of Candarati fell, Candarati fell from the sky, shattered countless times, scattered in all directions, and finally entered the three-dimensional The empty space has been turned into Kandarati relics everywhere. Every relic is a treasure mine."

Just a bedtime story.

When who? heard the same

Holston stopped, staring at Zheng Yi'an.

It is reasonable for Qin to understand their undercurrents.

He whispered: "Well, very thoughtful civilization..."

That is Qin Qin, who has lived on Panda Star for eighteen years, and yearns for a wider world.

"I replenished my energy. Shall I go back now?" Zheng Yi'an asked.

If you wait any longer, maybe this arrogant crown prince is really going to get his hands on him.

He certainly wasn't worried about playing against Halls.

But he was worried that this omega would do something unexpected and stab him in the back. Especially when his mecha seemed broken, trying to get close to this omega.

Qin  nodded: "Yeah."

He put away the mech, used the energy sword to dig out a few energy stones, and erected them on the ground, as tombstones for those who died outside.

Then he turned around and immediately walked in front.

The two people behind him looked at each other silently.

Candalati is just a bedtime story.

But what remains of it is real.

Found in the Limu Empire, of course it belongs to the Limu Empire. Hals thought.

And Zheng Yi'an also lost his mind.

He wants to turn this planet into his personal treasury.

After leaving the mine, Halls hesitated briefly.

It's not a big deal for him to walk with Qilia on his back.

But Zheng Yian is a member of the alliance... to bend down in front of Zheng Yian...

Halls hesitated.

Zheng Yi'an then said: "Qilia, it's a long way to go back, do you want to take my mech?"

Qin  tilted his head and glanced at him: "Huh? Doesn't Mr. Zheng feel sorry for energy?"

Zheng Yi'an smiled generously: "It's okay, just replenish it when it's used up."

Hals opened his mouth, and when he finished speaking, Qin Yu successfully entered the mech cabin under Zheng Yian's full opening.

The A-level mech waved its arms and legs, and immediately walked forward.

Halls pursed his lips tightly, his brows and eyes darkened.

Sitting in Zheng Yian's mecha.

don't sit on my...

Qin  doesn't care what other people think.

He happily bought a walking tool for free, and when he returned to the spaceship, he was sweating.

The three of them finally boarded the spaceship.

In the dimly lit spaceship lobby, there was someone sitting, who seemed to be an actor from the crew.

He suddenly heard the silence, and turned his head abruptly in fright.

After being stunned for a long time, it finally turned into a strange expression, and then carefully swept from Zheng Yi'an's lap to Qin Qin's lap, and from Qin Qin's lap to Huo Charles's foot.

"Why are you still asleep?" Zheng Yi'an asked earnestly.

The actor thought that it must be different from yours.

He hung his head honestly and said, "Thinking about living in such a place, I can't sleep..."

Zheng Yi'an: "Oh."

Qin  yawned lazily: "I'm going back to sleep."

Anyway, it's not up to him to explain where they went to do this.

Zheng Yi'an naturally paid more attention.

Qin ‌ slept comfortably for a few more hours.

When it was bright outside, other people gathered in the hall early.

"Has Mr. Zheng recovered yet?" someone asked.

"Why do you get up? Mr. Gladstone probably got up so early. Eat your own."

When the others heard this voice, they felt something was wrong.

Someone immediately said: "What? What do you know?"

The man lowered his voice, and said cautiously: "Last night, in the middle of the night, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Glaister took Qilia off the spaceship. What else do you think you can do? When I came back, I saw it with my own eyes. I saw Qilia get off from Mr. Zheng's mech."

"Oh My God!"

"A beta, since when did he have such charm? I heard that Mr. Zheng has never had anyone..."

"Cough." Someone coughed heavily, and then called out respectfully: "Mr. Zheng."

All of a sudden everyone fell silent.

They turned their heads carefully.

Zheng Yi'an in a suit and leather shoes happened to be standing there, with straight legs and a smile on his face.

Zheng Yianquan heard what they said, smiled and said: "Send two people to help me, and once Mr. Gladstone woke up, please invite him over. We will be responsible for repairing the spaceship." breaches and system vulnerabilities.”

Everyone was ecstatic when they heard the sound, but they didn't care about gossip anymore.

"But... it doesn't matter if you have a map or navigation?"

"I have a certain amount of experience. I cooperate with Dr. Gladstone. As long as we can sail out of this planet, it will be much easier to return to the normal trajectory." Zheng Yi'an said lightly.

"That's good, that's good! Thank you, Mr. Zheng!" They said excitedly, and watched Zheng Yi'an enter the control room.

Zheng Yi'an did not correct their private guesses.

It's better to be involved in any scandal than to find out that they went to the energy mine.

It saved him the trouble of thinking of excuses.

Zheng Yi'an left.

‌The alpha actor who was suppressed by Halls pheromone before, now looks even uglier.

He thought that Chilia was so capable... There was a Gladstone, and there was an extra alliance diplomat.

When Qin Yu woke up.

As soon as the alpha actor bumped into him head-on, he turned his head and walked quickly away with an ugly expression, as if he had seen a ghost.

Qin :

This guy seems to have that problem.

With the mutual cooperation between Zheng Yi'an and Halls, and the blessing of energy mines, the spacecraft was quickly repaired.

The two alphas began to take turns controlling the spaceship.

The captain sat on the side, talking to Qin from time to time, what buttons did they press, and what functions were used on the spaceship...

Qin should be careless.

But the brain quickly memorized them one by one.

This flight lasted for five days.

Until the early morning of the sixth day, they finally vaguely saw the shadow of Tata Star.

"The signal is restored!"

"Me too! I can connect to the Internet!"

The sound in the spaceship gradually boiled up.

Qin Qin slowly walked to the back of Zheng Yian and Halls.

"Can Mr. Zheng pay me the compensation now?"

Zheng Yi'an lowered his eyes and glanced at Tata Star, who was close at hand: "... yes."

His communicator was connected to the Internet, ignoring the massive accumulation of messages, and directly transferred 100 million from his account to Qin .

"...Your account doesn't even have a name displayed." Zheng Yi'an stared at Qin Yu, and said meaningfully.

These words are obviously implying that he suspects that Qin Yu is also wearing a vest.

But Qin  didn't care whether he had doubts or not.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a sincere smile: "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for your generosity. Although your things came to me again..."

Zheng Yi'an was not surprised by this.

But just when he thought that Qin Qin was pinching the "little snake" as before, and stuffing it silently into his palm, when the pheromone of omega filled his nasal cavity in an instant...

Qin  raised the "little snake" up and said, "Actually, I still prefer the way it turns into a giant python."

Zheng Yian's eyelids twitched.

He plotted against him!

Halls, who was sitting in front of the console, suddenly turned his head.

He has two mechs!

The mecha python really belongs to him!

Zheng Yian was the one who tried to assassinate him!

In less than two seconds, the Mecha Dragon suddenly appeared in the control room.

It made a hole in the top of the control room in one fell swoop.

The captain stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, and his heart jumped into his throat.

Fortunately, the spaceship had passed through the atmosphere and approached the port at this time, otherwise they would all have died in space!

Zheng Yi'an quickly snatched the mecha from Qin's hand.

The mecha python suddenly grew bigger, pushing the spaceship out of a hole.

Qin  narrated unhurriedly: "I seem to have difficulty breathing."

The captain became anxious and hurried to find oxygen breathing equipment.

Hals raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound, and he manipulated the Mecha Dragon to slam into Zheng Yi'an forcefully.

The huge Mecha Python was knocked out of the spaceship, along with the Mecha Dragon.

"Down the spaceship!" Halsling said.

The captain hurriedly rushed to the console, his hands were shaking.

Qin Qin walked to his side and said softly, "Press a7, did you forget?"

His voice was pleasant and his speech was slow, subduing people's anxiety and panic unconsciously.

The captain nodded, and responded instinctively: "Forgot."

He quickly regained control of the ship.

He just forgot that Qin Yu's knowledge of spaceships only came from the past five days, and he talked about popular science from time to time.

But Qin  has been able to calmly direct him.

Amidst screams, the spaceship landed in the port smoothly.

The moment it landed.

It made a loud "咵哒哒" sound, and the entire console fell down, completely turning into tatters.

The director was dumbfounded.

At this time, everyone looked up at the sky in a daze.

Including other travelers in the port.

They all saw an extremely spectacular scene—

The giant dragon and giant python hovered in mid-air, their shape almost covering the sky, they fought and bit like the most primitive beasts.

A piece of blood fell down.

The fishy smell is mixed with alpha pheromones, suppressing the people in the port to the point of being unable to shoot.

Their knees went weak unconsciously, and their knees bowed slightly.

Only Qin Yu stood in front of the vast crowd, and his figure was still straight and slender.

Until the giant python with a big hole from its chin to its neck was pushed out by the giant dragon.

Their shadows disappeared from the sky.

The suppressed people finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly stood up straight.

"terrible… "

"What the hell is that..."

Others didn't recognize Holth's mech-dragon, but Holth's pro-guard did.

His SS had been searching nearby for Hals.

This time it was good, as soon as they saw the shadow of the giant dragon, they immediately took the local defenders of Star Tata, and quickly connected to Beman Star, and then followed to encircle and suppress Zheng Yi'an.

Qin Qin waited at the port from early morning until daytime, and then waited until night.

Hals' full honor guard has finally arrived at Tata Star's port.

The person in charge of the port greeted His Royal Highness the Crown Prince respectfully.

There were more scars on Halls' face.

Not only on the face.

The same is true on the ground.

Blood soaked the tuxedo on his back, but he just rolled his eyelids coldly and asked, "Where is the spaceship that landed here in the early hours of the morning? They are a crew."

The guards followed behind and shouted: "Your Highness, Your Highness! Please repair the medical cabin!"

Never before had the port chief received such an honored visitor.

He bent down and stammered: "Yes, there is such a group of people, their spaceship crashed, and they sighed and went to find a hotel to rest..."

"Among them is a female beta, wearing a white skirt." Halls hesitated for a moment, and said: "She looks beautiful."

The guards were taken aback.

Why does Your Highness pay more attention to this beta

"Did she go with them too?" Hals asked.

The person in charge quickly turned around to ask other staff at the port.

A staff member thought for a while, raised his hand and said quickly, "No, no! I saw her! It's black hair, right? She's still at g7 mouth! She's still sitting there, as if she's waiting for someone!"

Are you waiting for me

Halls pursed his lower lip, pulled his legs up in an instant, and strode forward.

The guards followed along in a daze.

"Don't follow me." Halls suddenly remembered something.

His identity in front of Qilia is not the crown prince.

The personal guards became anxious: "Then what can I do, Your Highness? Your Majesty has already fallen ill because of your business. You can't go out..."

Halls frowned impatiently.

He paused: "Then get out and change some clothes. After all, you are not my personal guards."

"Then, what is that?"


Halls is a little manic.

Zheng Yi'an once insinuated and hinted that his identity was false. At that time, he was not easy to expose - he did not reveal his true identity on the spot.

But after missing that opportunity, it will be difficult for him to speak again.

What does Chilia think

——You really lied to me, and you looked at me and said "‌‌Yes".

Is Kiria crying

Halls has seen female betas shed tears.

But he had a rough picture of Chilia crying in his mind, and suddenly the manic depression deepened.

Thoughts flashed through Halls' mind, but this did not affect his quickening pace.

It only took about six minutes.

He saw "young man" sitting there alone at gate g7.

She was indeed waiting there, her skirt was covered with bright lights, and even her hair seemed to be shining brightly.

She is waiting for him!

Halls stepped up faster.


Qin  raised his head: "Huh? Where are we going next?"

Holly paused.

He thought of the best way to reveal his identity... He took Qilia to Meri Bank in Emperor Star, and successfully got everything Qilia wanted. At this time, if you told Qilia his true identity, Qilia might not be so sad and angry.

He wants to return to Emperor Star.

And before that, he needs to go to Beman Star as quickly as possible to get rid of that omega...

"We're going to Beman's Planet," said Halls. "At once."

Qin ‌ did not refuse.

He nodded lightly: "OK."

The personal guards just watched their Highness helplessly, before they even had time to use the medical cabin, they hurriedly took the "young man" Qi Lia, boarded the spaceship, and rushed to Beman Planet.

Halls went to find Omega and temporarily left Qin Qin in the hotel.

Qin didn't have any objections to this.

After Hols left, Qin Wen went out and came back soon.

Halls came back quickly, too.

His personal guards frowned, as if mourning.

"Your Majesty even announced the news of the marriage, but now I can't find anyone..."

Even after beating them to death, I didn't expect that omega had disappeared!

Hols turned his head and glanced at them coldly: "If you lose it, you lose it. I didn't plan to get married at all."

"But, but that's the omega that matches you the most, if you don't get married..."

"I didn't kill him, it's already considered very good. Well, don't talk about it." Holes made a "shh" action, and then pushed open the door in front of him.

Qin Qin turned his head when he heard the sound, and asked, "Have you found the person you're looking for?"

Halls: "Yes."

He said nonchalantly: "There's no need to look for it, it's just an omega..."

Halls looked at Qin Yu, and he asked, "Let's go back to Emperor Star now, shall we?"

Qin  nodded: "Okay."

After rushing from Star Tata to Star Beman, Halls quickly took Qin Yu to Star Star.

Both he and Zheng Yian were injured.

Zheng Yi'an suffered more serious injuries... But at their level of alpha, it is very difficult to be completely killed.

He watched Zheng Yian fall into the black hole, but who can guarantee that this person will not come back

He didn't want Zheng Yi'an to see Qilia.

There is a reason.

at the same time.

With a soft "snap", bloody, bony fingers removed the lens.

The blade of the lens easily sliced through the flesh of the creature in his hand.

A cluster of fire burst out suddenly.

The skinned creatures are smoked and cooked.

Leaning against the stone behind him, the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

The giant python crouched at his feet, its scales shone with a gloomy luster.

Zheng Yi'an turned his head to look over, and said in a low voice, "You look even scarier now... no wonder you're frightening to death."

"The omega you like doesn't like you either."

When Zheng Yi'an said this, he paused.

He corrected blankly: "No, he likes you. He doesn't think you are ugly, gloomy, or scary."

"It's me he doesn't like."

A long time passed.

His voice sounded low again: "How about we bring him back to the league?"

At this time on Beman Star.

Lu Ji received a report from his subordinates: "Boss! The people at the hotel said they saw sister-in-law today!"

Ji Yang was sitting opposite, his eyes widened immediately when he heard the sound.

That's the general's fiancée, how could she become their sister-in-law

Lu Jiquan immediately saw this man stare.

Lu Ji said in a deep voice, "I'll be right back."

Zhou Yiqing rushed to the hotel together with him in a calm manner.

Wait until you break open the door of the house where Qin Qin once lived.

The two men walked in almost together.

Then the door frame, which was already a bit deformed, was completely squeezed by Alpha's strong physique, and it stretched even more.

The owner of the hotel was behind, looking at these two strong alphas, wanting to cry but not crying.

The room was empty, and there was no sign of the little omega.

But something glowed on the table.

Ji Yang recognized it at a glance when he walked behind, and he lost his voice: "It's a one-time message board!"

The so-called one-time means that after it is detected that someone has finished reading it, the text on it will be cleared immediately.

Zhou Yiqing and Lu Ji rushed to the table almost at the same time, and then locked the message board left and right.

They lowered their heads at the same time, and swept all the words on it into their eyes.

Admiral Zhou Yiqing, near the coordinates 67, 90, 123, 23, t, you found a planet that you have never seen on the map. There is a huge energy mine on the planet, which is the ruins of Kandalati. one. You're welcome.

Lu Ji sneered angrily: "Oh, it's only for Admiral Zhou..."

Just run.

Leave every single word to him!

Zhou Yiqing's heart was like a mountain.

Only his eyes flickered slightly.

The text on the message board quickly disappeared.

Zhou Yiqing said in a low voice: "He left the things in the place you know. So, how can he be sure that if I come with you, I will be able to see the information on it?"

Lu Ji paused, and slowly restrained his yin and yang aura.

Lu Ji said in a complicated tone: "He figured out that you will meet me. Or... he just used our legs to block the opponent's footsteps."

A voice in Zhou Yiqing's heart said softly, yes.

And he calmed down my anger very well.

He sent a kandalati relic to the empire.

‌Someone can have such courage.

For Zhou Yiqing, who has been fighting for the empire for the first half of his life, there is nothing that can shake his heart more than this.

Those two beautiful lines on the message board were deeply embedded in Zhou Yiqing's mind.

He thought, it was hard for him to forget.

on the spaceship.

Qin turned over wearily and continued to sleep.

He didn't intend to let Zheng Yi'an get the energy mine.

And his own current strength is too weak to protect such a huge treasure. Then the best way is to leave it to Zhou Yiqing.

If Zheng Yi'an was still alive, after he went back to that planet after all the hardships, he would find that his home was really and completely stolen this time.



You can fight with Zhou Yiqing.