I Matched 100% with Six Alphas

Chapter 29: The nutrient solution is full of 1W plus more~


"Then you have to... stretch your muscles first. Then... amputate your leg to make it shorter?" Lu Xing racked his brains to squeeze out a voice.


"Who the hell told you this? Did you mean you smell sweet?"

However, although.

This is still hard to understand.

Lu Xing forced a few words in his heart, then lowered his head obediently, and smelled it symbolically. I don't know if I don't smell it, but I'm startled when I hear it.

"Damn it! Boss, your pheromone has changed?" Everyone from Star Lu was stunned.

This is unprecedented precedent.

... I just seem to remember that there was a record in the textbook that after a person's pheromone taste changed, he ushered in death not long after.

Lu Xing swallowed, and looked up at Lu Ji.

Lu Ji's expression was calm, but the tails of his eyebrows were slightly raised, as if he was still a little bit uncontrollably happy

Lu Ji discovered that his pheromone had changed last month.

"It's your mother who changes the smell, and your mother's mother is rotten. You should smell it carefully."

Lu Xing: "... still smells like wine, but it has really changed! Fuck, vodka has changed to Viognier!!!"

Viognier is the name of a dessert wine.

‌Has a peach or perfume-like fragrance‌.

Lu Xing was really stupid this time.

He felt that this was more terrifying than dying.

"Boss's pheromone smell... has changed!" Lu Xing said in shock.

Pheromone is one of the means by which Alpha manifests its strength.

There are very few pheromones in the world that smell strong and aggressive, but can also make omega smell good and be intoxicated.

Lu Ji's vodka taste is one of them.

He always gave a fierce a.

Now the word "Meng" is gone...

Lu Xing murmured: "Why is this happening?"

Lu Ji: "If it turns into the taste of Gewurztraminer..." Qin Yi probably won't vomit if it's possible

Gewürztraminer is a sweeter wine.

Lu Ji was in a good mood, patted Lu Xing on the shoulder, and walked away.

Leaving behind his melancholy and terrified subordinates, he must find a hospital to see... Definitely!

Lu Ji walked straight in front of Halls, and he stretched out his tune, calling out: "His Royal Highness..."

Halls rolled his eyelids coldly.

Lu Jihun sat down indifferently, and said: "Your Highness, please be calm and don't be impatient. Qin Yi still doesn't recognize you. What if one day, Qin Yi runs away again. You are a hidden weapon."

Halls twitched his lips: "Does Mr. Lu Ji think that I don't know your plan? Your most fundamental purpose is to prevent me from recognizing Qin Yi."

But he did hold back.

He is different from Lu Ji and Zhou Yiqing...

Halls lowered his eyes, and now he has already started to plan how to steal Qin Yi.

Lu Ji who was seen through did not feel embarrassed.

How could it be embarrassing for a rival in love

Lu Ji turned his eyes and glanced at the door Qin Yi entered.

Inside the door at this time.

Qin Yi said modestly: "Just a little bit."

How could Zheng Yi'an believe the "a little bit" he said

But before he could speak again, Qin Yi took the initiative to speak out: "Now that several forces are involved, it will not be so easy for Mr. Zheng to achieve his goal, right?"

Zheng Yian's eyes moved slightly.

He stared at Qin Yi without moving.

He was curious what else Qin Yi could say.

"How about helping Mr. Zheng mediate?" Qin Yi asked.

The big man sat there and thought to himself. Why did he become Mr. Zheng again

Don't they all call him "Mr. Yi"

Zheng Yi'an didn't mind revealing his identity in front of the big guy.

On this spaceship, apart from Holes, Zhou Yiqing and Lu Ji, it was not because of his arrogance, the others really didn't need to be taken seriously by him at all.

Zheng Yi'an didn't immediately respond to Qin Yi's words, but asked with a smile: "Then Qilia, tell me first, Qin Yi? Huh? Is this your real name?"

Zhou Yiqing has already called this name in person, so it's not surprising that he would fall off.

Qin Yi nodded frankly.

Oh, it turns out that even the name is fake.

Zheng Yi'an suddenly remembered that Qin Yi said nonchalantly that he didn't care if Halls had a fake identity.

It took a long time because Qin Yi was also lying to them.

But Zheng Yi'an was strangely unable to get angry.

Is it because compared with Qin Yi's other manipulations, this is already considered pediatrics

Is it because... Zheng Yi'an got a little peace of mind when he thought that it might be Hals who was deceived more ruthlessly.

Zheng Yi'an: "What is the relationship between Admiral Zhou, Lu Ji, and you?"

Qin Yi thought about it seriously, now that Zhou Yiqing is his father, will anyone believe it

Zheng Yi'an had already spoken again at this time: "If I guessed correctly, Admiral Zhou came to the Limu Empire, and the fiancée he was looking for with great fanfare is you, right?"

Hearing the sound, the big man couldn't help but raised his head in surprise.

In that underground trading point at that time, everyone was guessing which planet the nobleman was from.

But in fact, the identity of the other party was even more shocking than they imagined!

Qin Yi: "Mr. Zheng is really smart. Is there anything in this world that can be hidden from Mr. Zheng?"

Zheng Yi'an: "Yes." "You."

Qin Yi paused.

This is almost unacceptable.

Zheng Yi'an then asked: "Then what about Lu Ji? Will he be his fiancé too?"

Lu Ji.

The big guy has heard of this name before.

Everyone may not remember the name of the president of the alliance, but it is firmly engraved in Lu Ji's mind.

That is a cosmic star.

Is he also related to the employer

The big man froze again.

Qin Yi: "No." He said briskly, "It's just a 100% match."


Just right.

That's all!

Even though he was as calm as Zheng Yi'an, he couldn't help his eyelids twitching heavily.

This is completely unrecorded in history! 100%! How can anyone achieve 100%? !

Zheng Yi'an suddenly glanced at the big man, and said in a heavy tone, "Qin Yi, do you know what this means?"

‌ know.

This means that you must marry that alpha. The detection system has said that my ears are almost callused.

Zheng Yi'an said coldly: "You are likely to lie on the laboratory and become the subject of everyone's scrambling research. Your pheromones will become their excellent test subjects. They will watch you go into heat and release pheromones , and then test the degree of adaptation between you and different alpha‌, and try to study whether you can give birth to an omega that can also achieve a high degree of matching... Qin Yi, your life will be worse than death."

Qin Yi was slightly taken aback.

This is an angle I never thought of...

The big guy seemed to realize something at this moment.

He said quickly, "I won't tell anyone about this, I, I swear, I won't betray him, really..."

He was worried that this "Mr. Yi" would be unruly to his employer.

But in the end, it was "Mr. Yi" who wanted to kill him for his employer first.

It was only when Qin Yi heard the voice of the big man that he realized the meaning hidden in Zheng Yi'an's words just now.

He's going to kill the big guy

Help him withhold this information

This made Qin Yi feel a little surprised.

In the environment where he grew up, there were only indifference, exploitation, and deceit among people. Equivalent exchange is based on equal status.

When he met Kong Jiaxiang, he knew very well that Kong Jiaxiang needed his "like" and "giving", and pretended to be seen by outsiders, so that Kong Jiaxiang had the capital to show off and look good.

And he can learn from Kong Jiaxiang, the opportunity to know the mecha and get started.

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and he caught a glimpse of Zheng Yi'an's fingers moving.

He took a sudden step forward, stretched out his hand quickly, and pressed the back of Zheng Yian's hand: "...wait a minute."

Zheng Yi'an froze immediately.

The back of his hand seemed to be burned.

For a moment, his thoughts drifted away a little.

At that moment, Qin Yi seemed to have clearly smelled the alpha pheromone on his body.

Like the smell of wood.

It's not strong, it has a woody aroma, but it also has some decaying air that has lasted for a long time. When you close your eyes, it is easy to imagine the picture of sinking into the darkness and slowly walking into the underworld along the dead wood.

Like his disguised appearance.

At first glance, there is no aggression in the slightest.

At this moment, Qin Yi looked back at the big guy.

The big man really raised his hand in a hurry, and swore: "I am willing to dedicate my life to Your Excellency Qin Yi, and I am willing to be his loyal servant..."

Qin Yi: "I don't want to decide a person's life or death too casually."

Zheng Yi'an was not surprised by his choice.

This is where they are different.

He has been soaking in the deep pool of rights for too long, and he has already put interests first.

Zheng Yi'an suddenly didn't want to break this difference.

So he slowly bent his fingers and whispered, "I can embed a chip in his body, do you want it?"

Before Qin Yi could speak, the big man nodded and agreed.

"No need." Qin Yi said aloud, "There is nothing in this world that can completely control people's thoughts and feelings."

not to mention.

They are not the only people who know about matching degree.

It is too troublesome to rely on this to solve the problem.

How about going straight to the root

Or, simply let the whole world know that he matches them 100%.


Is it not bad if the system blows up

Zheng Yi'an froze for a moment: "...Okay."

If it is him, he must firmly control everyone within his controllable range.

The big man on the side knelt down on the ground with a "plop": "Thank you for your trust! Thank you Via!"

Zheng Yi'an said lightly: "Via is the name of the totem believed by the people of Limu."

Qin Yi turned to look at him: "I should thank Mr. Zheng today, Mr. Zheng was beyond my expectation. I thought Mr. Zheng would bring something to exchange a seal with me."

‌I won't cheat you next time.

Zheng Yi'an smiled: "Equivalent exchange is something a fool would do. How do you know that you don't want to obtain greater benefits?"


Qin Yixin said.

Then the next time you try to trick you a little harder, you'll be evened.

Zheng Yi'an said in a low voice: "You don't need to mediate for me. People from the Alliance should already be on the border of the Limu Empire."

Qin Yi tilted his head: "The alliance is the alliance, Mr. Zheng is Mr. Zheng, doesn't Mr. Zheng want it?"

Zheng Yian paused, took a deep look at Qin Yi, and finally said: "... yes."

Qin Yi is so interesting.

He really knows how to choose an appropriate time to pour a clear spring when the fire breaks out.

Qin Yi turned around and said to Zheng Yi'an, "Bye."

When he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something, paused, and asked softly, "Mr. Zheng, have you ever seen such a laboratory?"

Zheng Yi'an smiled: "Yes."

Qin Yi nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He walked out.

Changed the originally prepared line "I was kidnapped by Zheng Yi'an" to "That Mr. Yi saved me".

‌Changed the painting appearance for Zheng Yian's b-level mecha, but he didn't take out the biological mecha.

So I haven't revealed my identity so far.

Zhou Yiqing and Halls, who had already entered the energy mine negotiation stage, turned their heads away from the spaceship wall with several big holes broken.

After listening to Qin Yi's words, Zhou Yiqing said generously, "Is that so? Then I don't mind giving him part of the energy mine."


As for your generosity

Halls said slowly: "This energy mine belongs to the Limu Empire. In the name of the crown prince, I will distribute some to this Mr. Yi."

Zhou Yiqing pretended not to hear his voice.

He whispered: "It is estimated that in three days, we will be able to leave here, you are ready."

Qin Yi nodded.

Hols couldn't sit still: "He will go with you in three days?"

Zhou Yiqing said calmly, "Yes."

Halls clenched his fingers tightly.

The pheromone in the room instantly increased.

Qin Yi quickly slipped away: "Go ahead."

He just went out on his front foot.

There was another "bang" from behind the hind legs—half of the spaceship fell down.

The pirates trembled when they heard the sound.

They held their eyes weakly and helplessly: "Boss, what should we do? Wait for another two days, and our spaceship won't be broken into slag?"

At this time, I saw Qin Yi walking slowly.

Half-eyed gritted his teeth and choked speechlessly: "If I had known today... I shouldn't have brought him on the spaceship..."

I really regret, regret, regret!

Qin Yi didn't even look back at them.

He happily shared the resources of the other two "fiancés" to raise Zheng Yi'an, and retired after success.

Anyway, the next time Zheng Yian wants to cheat him.

He must first happily tell Zhou Yiqing and others that "Mr. Yi" is Zheng Yi'an.

This size is a big hit.

In the end, no one was able to take the lead in this energy mine.

‌Because although it belongs to the galaxy of the Limu Empire, it does not appear on the map of Limu.

Zhou Yiqing said that his fiancée was the first witness. According to international customary regulations, the first discoverer has the right to name and lead.

At this time, the alliance also came to say that we have the same energy mine as it in our hands, which means that they are from the source. Hey, this star may belong to the alliance, but some collision may have happened, and it hit you Mu went. Quite shameless.

Accompanied by Alliance One entry.

The Limu Empire quickly reached a cooperation with Zhou Yiqing.

They split the rare energy mine equally and joined forces to kick the alliance far away.

Anyway, the alliance is still on the border, who cares about their life and death

Qin Yi returned to this planet in the middle of the second day of the night.

Zhou Yiqing knocked on Qin Yi's door.

"You guys should go."

Qin Yi yawned and got up slowly: "Huh? Isn't it still dark outside?"

Zhou Yiqing: "I will light the way for you."

Qin Yi blinked, and his vision returned to clarity.

He saw clearly Zhou Yiqing in front of him.

The military uniform is straight.

Um? Oh... Is this a plan to avoid everyone directly and run away with him first

The faster you run with me, the more hatred you will attract!

You are awesome!

Qin Yi happily agreed to him.

At this time, Zheng Yi'an was making a call on an encrypted frequency band.

He sat in front of the table and said lightly: "Didn't you say that? You were with Zhou Yiqing and Hols. If you have nothing else to do, don't contact me. Hols brought military equipment , can shield, intercept, and eavesdrop on all external signals."

"Sorry, sir, but..."

Gritting his teeth, he couldn't help yelling: "The Limu Empire and Zhou Yiqing have reached a cooperation in advance! They kicked out the alliance! This energy mine can be used to recharge biological mechs, S-class and A-class mechas. This mine is so important... the president was so angry when he heard about it that his chest hurts."

There was a pause there, then suddenly changed his tone, and asked in a low voice: "Sir, did you inform us this time, did you notify us too late? Also, during the days when Mr. disappeared, we were very anxious. Where did Mr. go... Hals and why... "

Zheng Yi'an: "I want to remind you again, isn't this the place to talk?"

The other party let go of his breath, and began to apologize again and again: "I'm not as vigilant as my husband... The main reason is that I spent so much effort this time, but I didn't get anything in the end. I hope my husband can understand..."

Zheng Yi'an suddenly wanted to laugh.


You got nothing.

However, after Holes and Zhou Yiqing fought, they shared a small portion of the energy mines with him from their share.

Qin Yi gave him the energy mine.

Zheng Yi'an suddenly understood very well. When Qin Yi took Holes into the mine for the first time when he was still trapped on this planet, why Holes showed a shocked expression.

It is impossible for them to give such things to people casually in this life.

And when others do to them.

The dark energy mine emitted light beyond the stars.

The faint smile on Zheng Yi'an's face froze suddenly.

He suddenly cut off all communications, and got up quickly: "Zhou Yiqing ran away with someone!"

Lu Ji:


Zhou Yiqing, an upright man with bushy eyebrows and big eyes, damn it, stole Qin Yi away! ! !

It was dark at this time.

However, on this planet, countless spaceships suddenly rose from the ground. In the night sky, there was a silver light, as if an army was launching.

The soldiers sent by the Limu Empire to mine were dumbfounded.

The pirates woke up again from their dreams, terrified: "What's the matter? What's the matter? Are we going to fight again?"

"Do you have to run faster in a while?"

"Damn, what kind of human suffering is this?"

And when Halls and his party chased to the border, Zhou Yiqing had already left the country.

People on the border never thought that one day, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would come in person.

Before the person in charge knelt down in front of Hals and saluted, Hals grabbed the other by the collar, his eyes were sharp: "Why did you let Zhou Yiqing leave the country? He is an enemy general!"

"Yes, yes, but he has His Majesty's password."

Halls: "..."

Halls looked gloomy, and he quickly connected to the Imperial Palace.

The emperor was sleepy-eyed: "What's the matter? Has the energy mine been dealt with? Come back quickly! We're still preparing for your wedding..."

After finishing speaking, the emperor paused, thinking about how to persuade Hals to accept the marriage with a headache.

Before the emperor figured it out.

His son's eyes were full of frost, and he gritted his teeth: "No, yes, you sent your daughter-in-law out of the country with your own hands."

emperor:? ?

This was the first time General Zhou Yiqing did such a thing.

His style on the battlefield may not be so "cunning".

But it tastes good.

Sitting opposite Qin Yi, Zhou Yiqing watched him enjoy his breakfast slowly, and suddenly felt an indescribable peace and comfort in his heart.

Wait for Qin Yi to finish her breakfast.

Zhou Yiqing finally took out the pink gem that had been with him for a long time.

"This is yours." Zhou Yiqing handed it to him.

Qin Yi was not surprised.

When he saw the gem, he knew that when he met Lu Ji, the wanted criminal who tried to hug him was already dead.

Then it will be convenient for my next plan!

Qin Yi raised his face and smiled slightly at Zhou Yiqing, spread his palms to catch the gem.

Zhou Yiqing had a thought, and said in a low voice: "In fact, there is no such thing as decoration, and you are enough..." Pretty? beauty

Admiral Zhou had never said such a thing.

So much so that when the words came to his lips, he didn't even know if it was appropriate.

But he didn't need to finish, Qin Yi had already connected it himself.

Qin Yi smiled and said, "Thank you."

Zhou Yiqing had no choice but to swallow back what he hadn't finished speaking.

He thought for a while, is there anyone around him who is better at saying these words? ...and nothing.

Zhou Yiqing pressed his forehead, got up first and connected to Mr. Zhou's communication.

As soon as Mr. Zhou got connected, a grumpy voice came out: "You have a fucking mine and a fart! Where's your wife? Have you found your wife yet!"

Zhou Yiqing: "I found it."

Mr. Zhou: "You fucking... huh? You found it?!" "What a good son of Dad!"

Zhou Yiqing: "..."

Old Mr. Zhou asked eagerly: "Where are you now? How long will it be before you can return to Emperor Star?"

Zhou Yiqing paused for a few seconds, did not answer his question, but asked first: "In the report submitted at the beginning, it seems to have mentioned that Qin Yi still has a high degree of matching with several alphas, right?"

Before this, Zhou Yiqing didn't care about it at all. But now, he doesn't care anymore.

Mr. Zhou: "Is there such a thing?"

He started to play dumb.

I'm afraid that when my son hears about it, he will immediately push the omega to someone else.

Zhou Yiqing calmly said: "Don't fool me, I need to understand my rival in love."

When Mr. Zhou heard this, he was stunned.

After a long while, his trembling voice sounded again: "What did you just say? You... You have thought it through, right?"

The word "rival in love" seemed to have tacitly agreed to everything.

Mr. Zhou jumped up from the sofa and walked like flying: "Wait a minute! I'll find it for you! There is a paper report!"

There was a loud clang and clang over there.

Mr. Zhou: "Damn it, I was afraid you would see it, so I destroyed it all!"

"The detection system should have archives." Zhou Yiqing reminded him.

Mr. Zhou sat there blankly, as if mourning: "No more, no more! On the second day after the test was completed, the detection system on Panda Star suddenly exploded, and it also affected the data backup of the main brain. This The incident also caused panic for several days...the cause has not yet been found out."

Zhou Yiqing paused.

He frowned.

"Such a coincidence?"

Mr. Zhou: "What?"

Zhou Yiqing: "Let's handle this matter separately."

After he finished speaking, he ended the communication neatly.

Mr. Zhou was furious over there: "At least let me see what my daughter-in-law looks like!"

Zhou Yiqing turned around and walked to Qin Yi's side.

Ji Yang came over and reported, "That's planet i7."

Zhou Yiqing glanced at it, and said in a low voice, "That's where I found your trace."

Qin Yi nodded.

He didn't know when he took out a worn-out optical brain.

The optical brain looks too broken, and even the style is very backward. Like an antique from a hundred years ago.

Zhou Yiqing watched Qin Yi put a card on the groove of the optical brain.

He didn't ask what it was.


Each has its own secrets.

As soon as this idea came up, Ji Yang suddenly lost his voice: "What is that?"

Zhou Yiqing turned his head to look.

I saw countless dense insect-shaped robots suddenly flying near the spaceship.

They are lifeless, have sufficient energy, and can move freely in space.

It seems to have the power to overthrow mountains and rivers.

It was so dark that it blocked other light at once.

In an instant, Zhou Yiqing heard Qin Yi's voice, and said softly, "That's something that came to pick me up."