I Matched 100% with Six Alphas

Chapter 45: The seventh level of civilization


During the waiting time, Qin Yi flipped through a large number of books stored in the divine court.

It really made him discover the records related to the "wormhole".

However, in this era, there is no such thing as a "wormhole".

On January 22, 1811 in the new era, it should be between 22:00 and 1:00 in the morning of the next day, and the specific time cannot be determined. Mei, who lives in the Pali city-state, looked at the sky above and saw a black hole. In his eyes, the blackness became bigger and bigger until it turned into a hole full of swirls...

This is recorded in ancient books.

They even believe that it is the door to hell.

So until at last the hole was closed, none of them dared to approach.

This is not the first time a wormhole has been discovered.

In the new era of 1927 and 2033, it has appeared before.

A farmer in a remote country lost his sheep in that hole.

There is even a lifelike drawing of the sheep next to the pages of this ancient book.

The exposed mechanical skeleton was wrapped in the vortex of the wormhole, and the skeleton was folded in half, as if being grabbed by a demon.


The death was quite miserable.

Qin Yi pressed his forehead.

He suddenly doubted whether he could go back.

Suddenly, there was another "bang dang" sound.

Qin Yi glanced back.

A piece of the robot's back armor also fell off, and the left thigh even fell precariously.

Qin Yi's thoughts were suddenly blocked, how to open the wormhole→pass through the wormhole safely, such troubles suddenly became insignificant.

"We're going to repair your body right now." Qin Yi closed the ancient book in hand and stood up.

He finished walking in front.

Wu Hong dragged the body of the broken robot and walked slowly behind. This speed is very slow, but at least it won't suddenly fly off a thigh.

"My lord, where are you going?" The people outside the door immediately turned their heads respectfully after hearing the movement.

It doesn't matter how much he respects Qin Yi, but a few days ago, Qin Yi's amazing performance at the exorcism scene made people afraid of him from the bottom of their hearts.

In addition, the personnel of the divine court who came back from the front line repeatedly emphasized that this priest is quite favored by the gods, and he is the person who knows the gods best.

At the same time, someone said with a complicated expression that his background should be shocking.

In particular, every time this priest is mentioned, he walks with his ass in his hands, and I don't know what's wrong...

This is a combination.

The young new priest, who had just arrived at the court, suddenly became unfathomable.

No one dares to provoke!

Qin Yi set his eyes on the personnel of the divine court, and saw the change of the other's face.

Qin Yi:

Why does his face seem to be terrified? Um

Qin Yi said in a low voice: "Is there any machine shop nearby?"

Upon hearing the sound, the officials of the divine court immediately set their eyes on Wu Hong.

He said with a strange expression: "Of course there is... But, is he alone? Why do you bother to assemble limbs for a lifeless thing?"

Qin Yi didn't plan to talk to the other party about robots.

He paused, and said, "Because it looks so good."

Because it looks good = I am pretty in Qin Yi's eyes.

Such an equal sign was quickly drawn in Wu Hong's mind.

It's just that no one knows what he's thinking.

After Qin Yi got the address of the machinery shop, he immediately opened the door.

The means of transportation in the court are also the same.

Huh, woo, a small train passing through the residential city, and a car pulled by a mechanical horse. He can only choose the latter, because he is a "high status" priest.

When his chariots and horses passed through the city, some residents even bowed in his direction.

Qin Yi walked into the machine shop.

He turned his head and said, "Number two, what kind of new limbs do you want?"

The big man stood there in amazement.

No matter how intelligent artificial intelligence is, it is only a robot, after all, it does not have human emotions.

But does His Excellency Qin Yi even take care of the robot's wishes

Perhaps this is the touching part of Your Excellency Qin Yi!

Wu Hong on this end also paused.

What kind of new limbs

This body is too rotten, so rotten that no limbs can be restored.

But Wu Hong still opened his mouth. His robotic body is huge, and when he stares at Qin Yi, he has to lower his head slightly.

Wu Hong lowered his head and stared at Qin Yi: "Master, please make a choice for me."

This most basic interaction also makes Qin Yi feel very excited.

It was as if he really gave his robot a soul with his own hands.

Qin Yi quickly chose new limbs for him.

"My lord, this is the most expensive mechanical part in our shop." The shop owner said nervously.

He was very worried that after a while the priest took the things directly and left without paying.

"It's okay, I have money." Qin Yi readily took out the check book given to him by Melly Bank, wrote down the amount on it, and signed his name.

Damn, he is really too rich in this day and age.

Having money is one thing.

But who is willing to spend the money on is another matter.

It was probably a long, long time ago, so long that Wu Hong almost forgot. Tens of thousands of years ago, he saw a line from a human TV series.

Qin Yi was willing to spend the money on him.

Wu Hong thought.

The shop owner probably has never seen such a bold priest.

God knows, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, so poor in the court - I'm much older!

The shop owner personally sent Qin Yi to the door excitedly, and he held the check from Melly Bank tightly, and the check was crumpled.

"You will have a 100-year after-sales service! I welcome your presence anytime!"

Qin Yi soon returned to the court.

On the way, he also saw some people selling "peripherals" of the gods. For example, the quotations of the gods, and the replicas of the utensils used by the gods.

There's also clay models for sale—

A pair of jade-like hands with sharp joints tore apart the black night.

"Is this so?" Qin Yi asked.

"This is the hand of a god, my lord. He opened the door of space and time, and came to the world."


If you want such a set.

Is the "wormhole" actually a door of space and time opened by the gods

But are there really gods in this world

Qin Yi tilted his head.

He has no faith, and of course he cannot believe.

Qin Yi even spent a penny to buy that model.

He wanted to figure out how the wormhole was formed.

After returning to the main hall of the divine court, it took Qin Yi another full day to reassemble the robot's body.

The court personnel are very satisfied with it.

"I thought this new priest, after giving us a backhanded blow, would be eager to take control of the power of the court. But it seems that he...is not interested in any of these?"

"He's only interested in the cast-iron monster beside him! That thing can still talk!"

"It's scary... Does he really have a god's favor? I think it's more like there is evil attached to that iron monster!"

When the officials of the court sighed.

News from the front.

Whale style faced several major city-states.

Not only that, he also issued a letter of war to the court.

The god court snatched his bride to be a priest.

He will overthrow the court.

What? What

Priest, the bride of Whale

The priest is not interested in being in power at all, because he waits for his man to come and bring down the entire court? ?

The staff of the divine court almost split up on the spot.

The Keabi clan, who had always been peaceful and indifferent in the face of the provocations of several major city-states, went all out.

With an attitude of immortality, they launched attacks on several major city-states, and swept all the way to the divine court.


"Are the Kaabis crazy?"

People in several major city-states trembled.

At that moment, Qin Yi sat in the main hall, slowly lowered his head and took a sip of the black tea, suppressing his shock.

Then he raised his head again.

The big robot stood in front of a huge mirror.

Because his new limbs were bought from the same store as the other torso, they will inevitably look out of place after being matched together.

Uh, it would be polite to be out of place.

To be precise, after the repair, because of the difference in color and material, the top-level mechanical materials were obviously used, but it made him look even more dilapidated.

Qin Yi was silent for a moment: "Number two, do you like it?"

Black torso and thighs, silver arms and carapace.

Wu Hong: "I like it very much."

His voice just fell.

The door of the main hall was suddenly knocked open from the outside.

"Master Priest." The person who came hurriedly walked with a gloomy expression, "Can you tell us what is the relationship between you and the king of Pali city-state?"

Old God Qin Yi is here: "Ah, didn't they tell you? At first, people from several major city-states kidnapped me from the city-state of Pali to threaten the king of Pali."

"My God! How could this happen?"

"How could he get in?"

"Because of him, the Divine Court and Pali City-State officially started a war!"

"My God, have you seen his evil deeds?"

Wu Hong:.

I saw it.

Quite like.

There is no more.

In fact, in addition to enshrining the statues of the supreme gods, the shrine also enshrines statues of the gods of wisdom, gods of war, gods of war, and the god of dawn, etc. Seven or eight seats.

They think that Kandarati is the kingdom of God.

At last the god ruled over his subjects in Kandarati.

And now the upper echelons of the divine court knelt down in front of the God of War.

They asked for his favor.

"Please send down a miracle." They repeated these words over and over again.

But some people whispered: "Is it really useful? Haven't any of us ever heard of the gods? Our understanding of the gods only comes from those ancient books related to Kandarati..."

"Have you forgotten the miracles on the oracle?" The old man standing in the middle opened his eyelids.

The old man paused, and then said: "Who hasn't met a god? I really did meet a god last month. Go ahead and beg."

His voice just fell.

A white light shines brightly.

A hole was opened above the main hall, and a vortex was formed inside the hole, bringing a terrible pressure.

The crushing of low dimensions by high dimensions is ruthless and brutal.

The hall collapsed instantly.

"A miracle... a miracle!" They only had time to shout, and most of them were buried under the ruins.

A voice came from inside the cave: "Do you have believers who betrayed the gods?"

"... Yes, yes." The old man replied weakly, "There. He has reached a despicable cooperation with the Kaabi people."

At this moment, Qin Yi raised his eyes in the midst of screaming in panic and fear.

He could clearly see that the roof of the hall he was in was blown away by a strong suction force.

Then he saw a hole at a glance, and it was suspended in mid-air like this.

Is this the "miracle" of this era

Qin Yi's face didn't change much.

He raised his head slightly.

At the same time, he raised his hand and lightly swept the button on Wu Hong's body with his fingertips. The main brain was turned on, the id card came into play, and he quietly mobilized all the worm-shaped robots again.

"You come from a third-level civilization?... You even have a fourth-level civilization on your body, no, a fifth-level? Traces of a seventh-level civilization..." The hole can actually speak.

According to the most common division rules.

When humans realize the ability to travel between planets, they are considered to have reached the first level of civilization.

When humans realize the ability to travel between stars, and even steal the energy of stars, they have reached the second level of civilization.

When human beings can freely shuttle between galaxies and survive for a long time, they will reach the third level of civilization...

The fourth-level civilization represents that human beings have been able to use wormholes and other methods to travel through leaps and bounds.

The fifth-level civilization can realize the conversion of low-dimensional and high-dimensional spaces.

The life forms of the sixth-level civilization are no longer limited to physical forms, they can span parallel universes.

‌Level 7 civilizations cannot be observed by lower civilizations.

They are considered to be the existence of manipulating the universe game, and they are only on the ground to observe all low-level civilizations.

Therefore, it is also called a god-level civilization.

Just like the oldest people on earth, imagine observing Schrödinger's closed box, a live cat, and a dead cat.

The seventh-level civilization really observes and overlooks all low-level civilizations.

"I want to eat you." The voice in the cave said. Maybe in this way he will move toward a seventh-level civilization.

Qin Yi:

Wu Hong:.

evil pen.