I Matched 100% with Six Alphas

Chapter 57: Halls He praised me!


When such a big news as Qin Yi shocked the world, according to the practice of the press, of course, it is necessary to find the person involved in the news, as well as his relatives and friends immediately, and conduct a comprehensive interview. This process alone is enough for them to do news for ten and a half months.

‌The problem is coming...

After the news party blew up his house, he disappeared.

Ha, Qin Yi, I can't interview you at all!

When people in the media thought about it, it is estimated that the whole world is looking for Qin Yi now, and those big and small forces are more eager than them. In order to avoid getting mixed up, causing conflicts, and ignoring the news, this group of people learned to be smart and wanted to turn around and talk to the other parties involved!

For example, Admiral Zhou, Crown Prince...

In the end, you said it was a coincidence

‌‌ all rushed together!

"Once we start fighting for a while, turn on the accelerator immediately, our spaceship won't be able to hold a few shots!"

"Shield! Is the shield up?"

"It's increasing! The number of viewers is increasing! It's already 23 million now... I can't even dream of such a large number of people..."

In the small spaceship, it was very lively.

It was also the first time the host had seen such a big scene, and his voice was out of tune with excitement. However, it also mobilized the emotions of interstellar netizens.

‌Because these days, Internet-connected devices can directly read the owner's thoughts and convert brain waves into specific words.

‌For a while, in the live broadcast room, various bullet screens were displayed so quickly that people were dazzled.

[Fuck, the alliance has such a great ability?]

[Political deal]

[Aren't the rebels in danger? well. It's a pity that Mr. Zheng left...]

[No one cares about that omega? Haha, I knew it, he was talking nonsense]

[After all, it’s just an omega, and the matching degree is high, so it shouldn’t be that exaggerated. In comparison, of course political affairs are more important...]

The interstellar netizens, as if they were all incarnate in the officialdom, talked about Qin Yi's importance in front of interests.

The staff squatting outside the screen watched the grand occasion in the live broadcast room, their faces could not suppress their joy, and they whispered: "How many people are there in StarCraft? What is 23 million? Two empires People in the alliance and the alliance will pay close attention to this live broadcast because of their generals, crown princes and prime ministers!"

This staff member is right.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is still rising, heading straight for the hundreds of millions mark.

After all, the alliance rebels and Qin Yi are the most concerned events in the universe recently.

In full view.

Zhou Yiqing's spaceship landed on the rebel starship.

"Is it a storm?" the host shouted excitedly.

[Forcibly log in when you come up?]

[Admiral Zhou's aura is too strong... I tremble unconsciously across the Internet.]

"Look! The interstellar ship is about to counterattack... What will it do? Open the anti-landing deck?... Damn! They opened the door to the spaceship!???" The host said the last word, the tone Here we come to ‌Sanlu 18th Bend.

Shengsheng turned from excitement to doubt.

[This is surrender, right?]

[They are all Mr. Zheng's subordinates! I don't believe that Mr. Zheng has only cultivated such a group of people. Didn’t you beat the Alliance yesterday?]

[After all, it is under siege by several parties. At this time, it is the hero who knows the current affairs]

[I'm really curious and crazy now, the alliance has to get a lot of benefits in exchange for the help of several forces to encircle and suppress?]

[Then, did no one read yesterday's report? The Kayabis seem to have come to help the rebels. They boarded the alliance ship, and finally turned around and smashed the alliance army... You might as well ask, the rebels have given a lot of benefits, so they can In exchange, the Kyabi who never showed up came out to help.]

[? ? ?]

As Zhou Yiqing's spaceship entered the starship, the live broadcast room fell into confusion.

At this time, there was a dead silence in the star field.

There was no anti-landing attack by starships as imagined, and there was no aggressive encirclement and suppression by several armies.

No big fights... nothing.

Very peaceful.

In contrast, the more flustered is the alliance.

With a dark face, the Prime Minister hurriedly took his seat: "This is what you invited me to see?"

The Prime Minister roughly swept away the scene in the live broadcast room, and said angrily: "This media that has no interstellar laws in their eyes should be banned sooner or later!"

He thought they were rushing to live broadcast the situation after the alliance's defeat.

It was only then that the subordinates broke in with difficulty: "Zhou Yiqing's personal army and Holth's personal guards have all arrived in the Anjia galaxy... Now the star network is guessing that this is the friendly army we paid a lot of money to go. This matter came too late. Surprisingly, there has never been any news before, and the finance department has never disclosed such a sum of funds... "

The Prime Minister's expression changed: "Of course it hasn't been approved, because there really isn't such a thing."

"‌So we worry about some kind of conspiracy..."

"And it can mobilize characters like Zhou Yiqing and Halls at the same time..."

The Prime Minister answered with an ugly face: "It must be a big conspiracy."

The officials nodded with equally grim faces.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere on the Alliance side completely changed. While watching the live broadcast room, they immediately ordered mobilization to gather information and check whether the people below had acted without authorization. behavior in exchange.

Anyway, this mood is worse than worse.


‌ On the opposite side, in the starship of the rebels.

Qin Yi said: "Hey, anyway, it's the benefit of sending it to your door. Sending one is also a gift, and sending two is also a gift..."

It turned out that Zhou Yiqing's side acted more directly. As soon as he came up, he first took the resources as a face-to-face gift, and then asked to board the ship to discuss military affairs. As for what to talk about, it is about benevolence and wisdom. Anyway, the polite gesture is sufficient.

Qin Yi put an end to this matter with one sentence: "Then keep it all."

After hearing this, Jing Yuan felt sorry for Qin Yi, but under the influence of Qin Yi's relaxed tone, he felt unspeakably comfortable and funny.

Jing Yuan replied, "Yes."

As soon as he turned his head, he immediately saw the figure of the crown prince standing there stiffly, and his unsightly expression.

Jing Yuan sighed deeply.

Sure enough, as Qin Yi said, who is not sure who is unhappy.

Now it seems that the crown prince has had enough of this breath.

Jing Yuan stayed here to guard for a while, and then went to meet Zhou Yiqing by himself.

Since according to Qin Yi, there is no need to make enemies, it is better to develop into friends. Then there should be some courtesy.

"How did Zhou Yiqing know that you were here?" Halls asked aloud, and he pressed his hand on the table even harder, "You took the initiative to tell him?"

if it is like this…

The idea of manipulating the mecha on the spot and fighting Zhou Yiqing flashed back quickly in Hals' mind.

Qin Yi bowed his head and took a sip of scented tea: "Your Highness, you are not the only smart person in this world."

The attendants behind Halls were speechless.

Xin said this tone is not polite at all!

Isn't this satirizing Your Highness

But their highness didn't seem to understand the irony in it, and his expression even slowed down. He pursed his lips and responded, "Oh."

Then there is no more text.

It seems that the doubts just now, when Qin Yi asked back, he really felt ashamed.

The attendants thought they might be crazy.

How could His Royal Highness be like this

Something must have gone wrong with their eyes and brains!

At this time, Hals pulled out his chair and sat down opposite Qin Yi. He whispered, "The thing about fake characters... it's evened out."

Qin Yi nodded: "Okay."

Halls breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Zhou Yiqing arrived.

Hals quickly raised his breath again, and asked aloud: "Why did you leave the Limu Empire without saying goodbye?" He paused, and said unhappily: "For this reason, I put the real little Gray Ston got it."

The attendant said in his heart that he hadn't released it yet.

Qin Yi was also a little confused after hearing this.

You took Grester's name, turned around and arrested these people

Is it none of my business

It doesn't matter.

"I had already ordered the court painter to make your portrait according to my description, and posted it all over the country to look for you." Speaking of this, Hals was in a bad mood again.

Alin listened to him and called him a good guy.

How charming the widow was!

After leaving without saying goodbye, the crown prince will post a notice to find someone.

Qin Yi was surprised again, he asked: "Why?"

Alin muttered secretly.

This also asks why

Isn't the point of concern that there is a lot of affection in the posting of looking for people in the country

A Lin shook his head secretly. He felt that it would be very difficult to win such a person with Wang's ability to be single for thousands of years.

Halls is also thinking now, why

When Qin Yi just disappeared, he couldn't figure out the reason. Now I want to understand.

For a little while, he wanted to marry Qin Yi.

‌It can't just be said like this.

This is the lesson Hols learned from Zhou Yiqing's escape from marriage.

Halls' eyes flickered, and he directly bypassed Qin Yi's question, and turned to another topic: "At that time, I asked them to find a girl called Qilia, At this time, Zhou Yiqing took Lu Ji into the palace and asked the empire to help them find you. Coincidentally, some people said that there was a Chilia among them."

The wicked Qin Yi briefly recalled for three seconds.


Qilia is Lu Ji's pseudonym, and he took it by the way.


"I just found out that the beta girl I was looking for had turned into a man, an alpha man who was completely unfamiliar." Halls said.

‌Like a new type of online dating scam.

Allin said.

"Let's not say that the word is false, and the gender is false!" Halls' tone was slightly agitated, fully expressing his anger after discovering the truth at that time.

Qin Yi was still sitting there like a dog, he blinked lightly, and asked back: "Did you smell my body when you were on that mine star?"

Is he ready to quibble

Halls paused, but continued to recall Qin Yi's questions...

Of course there are rumors.

Not only is there news…

At that time, the feeling like an electric shock that excited all the cells in his body seemed to come again at this moment.

He seemed to have faintly smelled Qin Yi's breath again.

Sweet as hell.

Halls suddenly tensed up, pressed the edge of the table firmly with one hand, and unconsciously drove the chair to slide out a little.

He moved his lower lip with difficulty: "I can smell it. What is that... what smell?"

"Silly boy" was written all over Qin Yi's face.

He smiled softly and said, "That's the pheromone of omega." He paused, "Look, you learned a little about gender characteristics at that time, how could you not recognize my real gender? I It's never been hidden."

This makes sense.

Allin smacked his lips.

In the final analysis, the crown prince is too young. For our king, even if he is not close to an omega, he will definitely be able to smell the pheromone that belongs to the omega.

It can't be blamed that Qin Yi is a liar...

Thinking about it, Alin turned his head and glanced at Mr. Jing's face.

But Mr. Jing was staring at Qin Yi's direction, a little... in a daze

Alin lowered his voice and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Mr. Jing was probably really in a daze. He moved his lower lip and blurted out: "What is the smell of Qin Yi's pheromone?"


Allin's eyes widened.

If you say this in front of Omega, it is almost the same as sexual harassment!

Mr. Jing slowly came back to his senses, and seemed to realize the impoliteness of his words.

Mr. Jing, who was shocked by himself, stood still.

Alin turned his head away in a trance, and heard someone on the other side exclaim: "Your Highness! Your Highness, why did you have a nosebleed, Your Highness?!"


Is this the power of omega pheromones? !

The little medical robot sensed the smell of blood in the air, and immediately rushed over one by one, spinning around behind Hals' butt.

Qin Yi handed out a piece of paper with a funny face: "Do you want to wipe?"

Halls didn't make a sound, nor did he answer.

Halls's mind boomed.

He was obviously sitting on a chair, but he had the illusion that he was about to fall down at any time.

The pheromones of omega…

It turned out that the smell he smelled from the beginning to the end was all omega pheromones...

That sweet smell is the inherent attraction of the reproductive structure between alpha and omega.

It has a different color.

Halls' nosebleed became more violent for a while.

The attendants were all dumbfounded.

That is precious top alpha blood!

The attendants rushed forward and took out the medical kits one after another.

Qin Yi put down his hand and said softly: "So you can see, I didn't lie to you."

His voice fell into Hals' ears, but his figure was blocked by the attendants who surrounded him.

Halls pursed his lips in displeasure, and waved them away.

How dare the attendants offend him

I just stood at the side in a daze, holding the medical box in my hand, not knowing whether to send it up or not.

Hols' eyes fell on Qin Yi again, and in the end he couldn't say anything, only turned into a "um".

In this way, the so-called settlement with Qin Yi that has been accumulated in his chest for a long time will be canceled here.

That Jingyuan just received Zhou Yiqing.

Ji Yang, the vice-president next to Zhou Yiqing, first expressed that he wanted to touch Qin Yi.

Jing Yuan also knew their purpose a long time ago, Qin Yi nodded anyway, so he didn't refuse anymore, thinking about messing up, messing up, anyway, it's already messy enough, so he directly brought them to the restaurant.

As a result, as soon as the front foot arrived, I realized that the atmosphere was not right.

 Take a look.

Jing Yuan's eyelids twitched.

Why is there blood in front of Hals? !

Alpha's blood looked particularly eye-catching on the white military uniform.

"Your Highness, this is..." Jing Yuan finally brought back the thoughts of everyone who was in a trance.

Halls turned his head and saw Zhou Yiqing at a glance.

Zhou Yiqing was tall and imposing, of course he couldn't be ignored.

The people's eyes met briefly.

In the end, Zhou Yiqing looked away first, and lightly landed on Qin Yi beside him.

Halls turned cold, raised his lips, wiped the blood on his lips with his white gloves nonchalantly, and said coldly: "It's nothing."

Since the crown prince said nothing, Jing Yuan didn't ask any more questions.

All of you here are my husband's rivals in love, if you bleed a little, that's good bleeding!

After all, Zhou Yiqing is old.

Even if he wanted to find Qin Yi, he still looked around for a week, and then greeted Mr. Jing: "It turns out that the king of Keabi is also here."

Mr. Jing moved his lips: "Admiral Zhou."

It was only then that the people of the Limu Empire realized that the crown prince seemed to have ignored the king of the family just now.

In comparison, wouldn't it appear that the enemy general is more stable and mature

And His Highness is too arrogant

They couldn't help but glanced at the exceptionally outstanding boy again.

Attendants: "..."

The boy's complexion didn't even change, as if no matter how powerful these people are, how handsome they are, how powerful they are, whether they are polite or not, mature or naive, In his eyes, there is no difference...

After Zhou Yiqing said hello, he strode to the table: "The crown prince please step aside."

The attendants immediately glared.

They are the opponents of the enemy country for many years!

Zhou Yiqing didn't realize it: "I'm here to pick up my fiancée."

Halls wanted to retort.

‌A bit speechless.

That's my fiancée too? That's a little bit one-sided.

No one expected that it was Mr. Jing who spoke first at this time, and he said in a low voice, "Perhaps Admiral Zhou should ask Mr. Jing Yuan first."

What's the meaning

Zhou Yiqing and Halls turned their heads to look at Jing Yuan almost at the same time.

Halls frowned especially tightly.

Could it be that he missed something just now? What's the difference between this Jingyuan? What new relationship has he developed with Qin Yi

Being stared at by two exceptionally powerful alphas at the same time, that feeling is of course uncomfortable.

Jingyuan still took a look at Mr. Jing first.

Is it his illusion? Will this thick-eyed and big-eyed king of Kabi be able to sow discord and profit from it

"General Jing." Zhou Yiqing said, intending to remind Jing Yuan to explain to him.

When Jing Yuan was in the alliance, he was just a civil servant, but later Zheng Yi'an's subordinates rebelled, and he began to lead troops. Zhou Yiqing called him "general", which can be said to have given him enough respect.

Jing Yuan turned around and said, "I'm sorry Admiral Zhou, I'm afraid she is no longer your fiancée. The word 'unmarried' means a relationship that has not been protected by law. Now, he is married, and Our husband is married. There have been related news reported on the Internet before."

Zhou Yiqing:? !

Halls: ? !

Everyone, including the people they brought, was frozen there by these words.

The person disappeared for so long, and when he finally found it, you told me that he was married? ?

None of them thought that the Madam Zheng who appeared suddenly would be Qin Yi.

Hals was buzzing in his head, almost unable to hold back the crown prince's demeanor.

Zhou Yiqing blurted out first: "With Zheng Yi'an?"

Jing Yuan: "Yes."

Alpha's pheromone was released suddenly out of control, with a strong oppressive effect.

In an instant, Qin Yi said slowly: "I hope everyone can control themselves and don't let this place blow up. I don't want to wander in outer space for a while, and then be sucked in by some unexpected wormhole."

Zhou Yiqing and Halls regained consciousness in an instant, restraining the emotions running back and forth in their bodies.

Jing Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, Qin Yi thought well.

He was a little reckless when he spoke just now. After all, when Qin Yi disappeared before, there were many news reports about how Zhou Yiqing and Halls had a big fight, blowing up conference halls and observation stations one after another. If the same consequences happen here, their team can't afford such a huge loss.

‌It was because of Qin Yi's interjection that the restaurant fell into a complete silence.

Not to mention who spoke first, most people didn't even dare to move, for fear of touching the fragile nerves of the bosses.

Zhou Yiqing stood there with a cold face for a long time.

Halls' complexion slowly changed from ugly to relaxed.

Thinking about the good... Zheng Yi'an is still in the wormhole, and he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. Qin Yi is already a widow.

A widow is widowed.

To be widowed is to still have a spouse.

Zhou Yiqing on the side suddenly looked down at Qin Yi: "My illegitimate son, the young girl Qilia... has the role played this time been changed to a widow who lost her husband?"

Qin Yi: "..."

Qin Yi looked up at him, looking straight into Zhou Yiqing's eyes. The man's eyes are firm, cold and tolerant. It seems that he has seen through all his purposes and methods.

Seeing that Halls had no intention of giving up his seat at all, Zhou Yiqing was not obsessed with arguing with him, and dragged another chair over in a blink of an eye, put it down on the other side of the table, and sat down.

There are three people, and they occupy three sides respectively.

If the other side is not placed against the wall, if Mr. Jing also sits down, the picture will become quite wonderful, and a game of mahjong can be formed.

Before Qin Yi opened his mouth, Zhou Yiqing followed up and said: "After you entered the wormhole, Zheng Yi'an also entered the wormhole. You returned to this world, and Zheng Yi'an's whereabouts are still unknown. In the meantime, you have nothing to do." Intersection. Unless you meet in the world inside the wormhole and get married quickly. I think the possibility of this is very low."

Qin Yi: "..."

Those with brains are not easy to cheat.

Or in other words, men are not easy to cheat

Zhou Yiqing opened his mouth slightly: "Then what is the reason that drives you to choose to be a widow who has no real life or a widow?"

He paused, "You hope to use this trick to get rid of the person who is chasing you."

Halls calmed down a lot after hearing this.

Although she is Zheng Yian's mother-in-law, maybe Zheng Yian himself doesn't know about it.

After the wormhole, they didn't meet each other, and of course this intimacy couldn't be established.

It's not so sour anymore.

The next second, Qin Yi sighed softly. He played with the teacup and silver spoon beside him, and asked slowly: "But, who told General Zhou that we didn't meet before the wormhole? Who told Zhou Admiral, didn't we make an appointment before that?"

Zhou Yiqing:!

Zhou Yiqing was not only speechless, but also trembled until his chest seemed to be blocked.

It's okay to lie to Zhou Yiqing, but it's not okay to lie to me.

Halls laughed suddenly: "I know you and him had an intersection before that. After all, we were three people who lived together on Mine Star at the time, and we left Mine Star together in the end. When we left, you And watch me beat Zheng Yi'an..."

Having said that, Hals paused unnaturally.

After all, in front of other people's subordinates, proudly talking about how he injured their leader, this is at least a bit unreasonable.

Holl paused for a moment before continuing, "Where did your relationship develop?"

Zheng Yi'an kept saying that he also liked Qin Yi, and then plunged into the wormhole.

In Halls' view, it was more like a premeditated gamble by Zheng Yi'an.

What Zheng Yi'an wants is to rebel against the alliance in a legitimate way.

"You can't fool me," Halls said.

Zhou Yiqing frowned and looked at Halls.

This story, he heard Hals probably mentioned it once in the palace of the Limu Empire.

‌Is Qin Yi lying

But... based on his understanding of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi would not tell such an obvious lie, knowing that Hals could expose it.

Zhou Yiqing turned his head to look at Qin Yi.

Sure enough, Qin Yi's expression didn't change much.

His appearance was so calm that everyone in Jingyuan couldn't help but sweat for him.

They have never seen an omega like Qin Yi, surrounded by a powerful alpha, can jump back and forth on the line of life and death calmly like this.

"Oh." Qin Yi responded first, and then asked back: "Then do you still remember, when you found me on the mine star, who was I with?"

Halls became alert all of a sudden, and he replied: "A group of pirates."

Qin Yi nodded: "That's right, a group of pirates. Those pirates were brave and foolhardy. They all obeyed a Mr. Yi. Under the leadership of Mr. Yi, they came to Mine Star and planned to get a share..."

Under the leadership of Mr. Yi.

Who would know the whereabouts of the mineral resources and successfully lead people to land on that planet

Halls reacted instantly: "Mr. Yi is Zheng Yi'an?!"

Qin Yi nodded: "Yes, he changed his face at the time, and I didn't want you to find out his true identity, so no one knew that he was Zheng Yi'an until he left Mine Star."

Hals rushed his head sourly again, he gritted his teeth and asked: "So, in private, when no one knows, when we were looking for you in the Limu Empire, you and Zheng Yi'an... face to face Have you ever developed a different relationship? Then we met in Mine Star, and you still defended him?!"

In the second half of the sentence, Hals's voice suddenly raised a lot.

He is sour, really sour.

Obviously before that, Qin Yi treated him better.

Qin Yi used Zheng Yi'an's things to replenish his energy, which made Zheng Yi'an half dead from anger. How... why is it like this? Just because the chauvinism of the Limu Empire is prevalent, does he not like the Limu Empire or me

Halls' whole body seemed to be roughly pressed into a huge lemon.

Zhou Yiqing on the side couldn't help raising his eyebrows and pressed the center of his eyebrows.

His instinct told him that Qin Yi was still lying.

But this time it's hard to find a flaw in it...

Qin Yi didn't seem to think that was enough, he said: "If you don't believe me, you can ask those pirates what is the relationship between me and Zheng Yi'an."

Fortunately, all the way since Panda Xing left, they have been running with their mouths full of trains. As long as there are enough trains running, bullshit bullshit can also be evidence for another lie.

On the pirate's ship, he was still the little mother Zheng Yi'an couldn't ask for, and was forced to marry.

Of course it doesn't matter whether you are young or not.

Anyway, in the cognition of those pirates, he and Zheng Yi'an did have an affair.

Well, now the timeline is clear, and there are even witnesses.

Jing Yuan thought in a trance, if it wasn't for me begging on my knees at that time, you would come to be our wife, give us a new backbone, and keep the team from breaking up... I almost believed it!

Qin Yi asked: "Is it clear now?"

Zhou Yiqing replied calmly, "I see."

Halls didn't speak, and seemed to be still immersed in the huge shock.

However, this process did not take too long. After all, since he met Qin Yi, the young crown prince has been subjected to huge shocks almost every day.

The ability to reset the mood is naturally getting stronger and stronger.

Hals turned his face away and hissed, "I'll ask those pirates."

Then he stood up suddenly, stared at Jing Yuan coldly and asked, "Is there any place to rest on your ship? I think I'm going to stay here for one night, isn't it too much?"

Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly with a smile: "Not too much, not too much! Of course not too much!"

Now it is Halls and Zhou Yiqing who are suffering, neither them nor Qin Yi.

It is not too much for Halls to spend five nights here.

Jing Yuan immediately arranged for soldiers to take Hals down to rest.

Qin Yi leaned back, his posture was a bit lazy, he called out in a low voice: "Your Highness."

Halls stopped immediately, turned around, turned sideways to Qin Yi, and listened to Qin Yi's remaining words.

Qin Yi said: "Your Highness, you don't need to care about this."

Halls gritted his teeth.


I care.

Qin Yi: "The time that His Highness and I met and spent together was only a short ten or so days. Including today, there are a total of three sides. Apart from the natural attraction between alpha and omega, I don't think there is any What is worth remembering by His Highness. And Your Highness is the jewel of the Limu Empire, the treasure of the Limu Empire. An alpha like His Highness should be the one who disdains the Law of Attraction the most."

It can be said that this is a very clear and polite persuasion.

It not only shows that we have known each other for a short time, we have very few face-to-face meetings, we have no emotions to talk about, and there is no need to talk about it, and it also tactfully saves face for the other party.

The attendants around Halls felt their minds buzzing after hearing this.

This young man is too powerful.

Even the crown prince of a country can refuse so relentlessly!

Zhou Yiqing lowered his eyes.

This is the tender cruelty of youth.

When he uttered these words and cut off other people's thoughts, there was a sober light shining on his body. This little bit of light falls in Zhou Yiqing's eyes, but it is also charm.

Zhou Yiqing likes people who are sober and rational.

But Qin Yi is.

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

Just when the attendants felt the two wars and were terrified, they saw their crown prince suddenly turned his head, and there seemed to be a smile on his side face, rather than anger or disappointment.

"I see," Halls said.

Then this time he turned around sharply and strode away.

Qin Yi:

Something seems wrong

A group of people walked away quickly.

The middle-aged man walking beside Halls sighed in his heart while wiping his sweat, this omega is really enough for Joe, although it is very beautiful, the matching degree is so high that the world is amazed. But no omega has ever taken Joe like this!

If you want him to say it, His Highness should turn around and leave.


The middle-aged man wants to say, Your Highness, this is different from what you said before.

You also said before that this omega took Zheng Yian's things to support you.

As a result, the fact is that they are dating Zheng Yian behind your backs! These are completely different versions of the two stories!

The middle-aged man dared not speak when the words came to his lips.

He was afraid that His Highness would kill him in anger.

But he didn't speak, but Halls did.

Hals's tone could even be called a little light: "He praised me, did you hear me? He said that I am a pearl, a treasure."

Middle-aged man:

Attendants: ? ?

Such a long passage, Your Highness, did you only hear this

In the dining room.

Qin Yi turned around and asked Zhou Yiqing: "Is Admiral Zhou going to rest too?"

Zhou Yiqing knew that there was no way to dig out more truth from Qin Yi's mouth today.

It doesn't matter, it's good to be here.

From another point of view, it would be better if the words Qin Yi and Zheng Yi'an are bound together, at least, Qin Yi won't disappear silently once at a certain time.

So Zhou Yiqing, an extremely cold and rigid man, also showed a soft smile on his face, and said, "Yes."

Zheng Yian's servant: "..."

Why do they feel that after their wife has performed such a set of operations, these alphas are angry, and how can she still have a smiling face after being angry

This must be some kind of conspiracy, right

Jing Yuan didn't think it was a conspiracy, he felt that in the final analysis, Qin Yi didn't understand his own charm enough.

This omega, which is hard to find in the world, seems to be exuding an unknowing charm all the time.

Even rejection is attractive.

Jing Yuan was not surprised by this scene.

He sighed softly in his heart, then turned his head and ordered two groups of soldiers to take Zhou Yiqing to rest.

Zhou Yiqing and his party soon walked away.

Ji Yang was walking beside him, and at this moment, he still had the feeling that his scalp was numb amidst the tremors. That feeling comes from wonder, not fear.

Qin Yi is really the most awesome omega he has ever had.

"The more I know Qin Yi, the harder it is for me to imagine what kind of person can suppress him..." Ji Yang murmured.

Just that trick...

Anyone whose brain is not good enough is too easy to be led into a pit and believe Qin Yi's nonsense!

Zhou Yiqing didn't speak.

He has never felt so strongly at this moment that Qin Yi is like the sun recorded in ancient history. High and far away, but people want to keep chasing.

Still in the small spaceship that was live.

The staff couldn't hold back anymore. After all, there was no movement and the number of viewers was dropping.

"What the hell is going on in the starship? Is there a fight? Or is there no fight?" The host scratched his head and scratched his head, anxious to death.

How did they know that they missed a big wave of melons.

If you watch this in the future, you will be able to write several news headlines after the shocking body——

What is "The Crown Prince Ignores Gender and Calls a Woman-in-Law at Male A, Turns Out He Turns Out to be a Love Rival" ah,

What is "Admiral Zhou lost his fiancé status, and his sweetheart has become him□□",

There are also "Talking about the love history of our diplomats, which almost caused a cosmic accident", and "The Widow o‌Three YearsA Shura Field"...

In the interstellar ship at this time.

Seeing Qin Yi get up and leave, Alin couldn't help but let out a long, long sigh.

Mr. Jing slowly came back to his senses and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Alin shook his head and said, "I'm so anxious. You see, they were all entangled with you and me just now, and they almost broke out, but you couldn't even get in a word, like an outsider! If this A gossip reporter rushes to write a news about love and hatred, and you can't even occupy a single word of space!"

Eating shit can't keep up with the hot ones! God!