I Matched 100% with Six Alphas

Chapter 72: Qin Yi's speculation


The chief of Misty Star stared at the big man in front of him in fear... It turned out that it was really Admiral Zhou's omega! He couldn't help being in a trance for a while.

"I told you a long time ago, but you still haven't listened!"

"It's all right now, how can we find him now?"

On the other end of the communicator, Pan Li was still jumping angrily.

Was it Qin Yi who lost it

What he lost was his smooth path to promotion! What was lost was his power and wealth! What is lost is the future of Panda Star!

However, when he clearly saw the face that always appeared on the news, but now appeared on the other end of the communicator, Pan Li felt a coolness rushing up behind him, accompanied by weakness in his limbs.

His mouth was tightly shut.

No amount of dissatisfaction can be vented.

Zhou Yiqing only glanced at the communicator, and asked, "Who was responsible for escorting him at that time?"

Officer Piao Miaoxing just came back to his senses, and quickly responded: "They are all placed in the Zhuque Tower, and I will ask someone to bring them here immediately."

A group of beta soldiers quickly entered the hall.

In the hall, Zhou Yiqing sat there with his back straight, looking like a gun that could pierce the sky all the time.

The betas couldn't help shivering, instinctive fear had already enveloped them.

That was Admiral Zhou.

That was Admiral Zhou whom they never expected to see so closely.

the other end.

Qin Yi stretched lazily, then lifted the quilt and got up from the bed.

No way, the spaceship he bought was second-hand after all.

There is no suitable temperature adjustment for heating and cooling on military spaceships, there is not even a fully automated large bed, and there is no high-end bathroom...

But he doesn't care.

He even thought it would be interesting to rely on primitive quilts for warmth.

Qin Yi got up, and slowly changed into a set of clothes that were easy to move.

This is what he exchanged with the clothes brought by the Qin family.

The suit consists of a red top and black trousers.

There were straps with various slots around the waist, and when they were tightened lightly, a young man with a slender waist and long legs appeared in front of the mirror.

He looked at himself in the mirror for about ten seconds, and after confirming that there was no problem, he came to the control panel of the spaceship.

Most of the spaceships now have the function of automatic navigation.

Once the location is set, it will follow a fixed route.

After all, navigating in the vast universe has never been something that can be done in the blink of an eye.

It's just that when Qin Yi bought it, its former owner, a dizzy old lady, told him repeatedly: "It's very old, and it can't connect to the empire's network many times, so it's difficult to send out a distress signal in time. Also, due to the bad internet, the map stored inside it has not been updated for a long time... Maybe a hundred years, two hundred years? I really can't remember. Sorry. You may need to buy a correct map and install it in On your communicator. Even if it's expensive. At least it won't take you to the wrong, possibly desolate planet."

At that time Qin Yi heard the sound, not only did not feel nervous, but also smiled easily.

He said, "Really? Then I'd love it."

He won't go get the inheritance so soon.

So he will follow the ship's default course exactly.

It's okay to go wrong.

He couldn't even predict the trajectory of his actions.

How can others speculate

When the old lady heard his words, she stood tremblingly for half a minute, and then her voice sounded again: "You are a gentle young man. Since my husband and daughter passed away, it has been left in the boundless In the dark. Thank you for liking it."

Later, when she sent him away, she packed some things for him.

"Maybe you're going on a long trip, and I think you might need it."

Qin Yi leaned against the operating table, while sucking up the nutrient solution, while flipping through the big gray bag.

There are some expired nutrient solutions inside, and a new ID, although the ID on it is a female beta.

In addition, there are some protective clothing suitable for different harsh environments such as jungles and deserts, and a simple video player.

Qin Yi turned on the player.

A man's figure slowly appeared inside. The man is slender and tall. He wears an ancient wide-sleeved robe, combs his long hair, and wears a jade crown.

Turning around, a pair of gentle peach eyes, a straight nose, and slightly pursed lips came into view.

He gazed at the camera affectionately and smiled slightly, revealing a bit of sharp teeth.

He said softly: "Ah Xi, I've caught you." With such a creepy taste.

Qin Yi blinked slightly.

Not in the least intimidated.

Even though he was not interested in the man in front of him at all, he had heard of his name—

Lu Ji.

He was a movie star who had caused a huge sensation.

It is said that the princesses of the empire are all overwhelmed by his charm.

When he was still active on the screen, countless people described him as the common property of the world.

But about seven or eight years ago, the man switched careers and became a pirate.

It's outrageous, but the Blue River Fleet led by him has indeed gained a reputation, and several small countries in the surrounding area are frightened when they hear his name.

Qin Yi didn't look any further.

He turned off the player.

I also know that the rest of it should be such video clips. Its former owner was probably a fan of Lu Ji.

Qin Yi yawned unconsciously.

Begin to cut the paper and make a deck of cards according to the illustrations recorded in the ancient books. Play with yourself.

The spaceship moved slowly in one direction.

It issued a very low tone: My master, you are about to enter the sea of fog. Arrive ahead - i7 star

This is a planet name that does not conform to the naming norms and has never been heard before.

It's like opening a blind box.

Qin Yi drew a king's head on the card.

That's interesting.

The atmosphere here is completely different from that on Panda Star.

If you have never had it, then you will not have the slightest reverie.

But just because the huge wealth and power have already been handed over, when it is lost again, it is enough to drive a person crazy.

Qin Yi lost it.

The Qin family could no longer show a smile on their faces.

Qin's father frowned tightly, and would get angry at every turn.

He began to blame the servants, Qin Yuan,... He tried to liquidate everyone who had offended Qin Yi, even the slightest.

He felt that maybe it was because of them that the good-tempered Qin Yi abandoned the glory he had obtained, dragged the weak omega's body, and escaped.

"If Qin Yi can't be found, you all should be ready to die." Father Qin said coldly.

Yu Hong opened his mouth.

He wanted to say that now that Qin Yi has changed from being the "greatest wealth" bestowed by heaven to the Qin family, it has become a source of great pressure on the Qin family. Then why not give up Qin Yi's interests

But he knew that the words Admiral Zhou represented a status and power that ordinary people could not resist rejection.

From the moment the test results came out, the Qin family was doomed to jump in, and would never want to get out again.

Qin's father suddenly turned to look at him: "Yu Hong, let's talk about why Qin Yi ran into the matter of the Kong family when he was fifteen years old."

Yu Hong shuddered in his heart.

He forced a smile: "Well, good."

The Qin family here is shrouded in a trembling atmosphere.

Over there, Pan Li couldn't hold back, and went to the door of Kong's house himself. Father Kong was a little flattered, and quickly welcomed him into the door.

"Is Young Master Ling there?" Pan Li asked.

He came to find Kong Jiaxiang.

"Yes! Of course!"

That day Kong Jiaxiang went to the port to see Qin Yi off, and according to the rumors in the school, he seemed to be the person who had the closest relationship with Qin Yi.

Maybe he can say something useful.

Father Kong quickly called Kong Jiaxiang out.

Kong Jiaxiang has been feeling unhappy for the past few days, why did Qin Yi scold him? Why did Qin Yi suddenly become a different person? He couldn't figure it out at first. Then he felt that maybe it was only because of the Qin family's harsh treatment that Qin Yi said such things out of anger.

Are you complaining that he couldn't save himself

Kong Jiaxiang thought a lot.

He even went to ask his father.

But Father Confucius coldly denied his idea on the spot: "Don't meddle in the affairs of other people's families. I don't want the four major families to cause rifts. And you know it well, don't you? If you can't marry Qin Yi, then let go of your thoughts." .”

Kong Jiaxiang has been holding back the fire ever since.

Until seeing Pan Li again, his face still didn't recover.

Pan Li didn't care about his attitude, and asked directly: "What kind of person is Qin Yi? Do you know his preferences? Do you know his secrets? Where do you think he will go?" go?"

"... what?" Kong Jiaxiang raised his head in astonishment.

Qin Yi... ran away

"I won't say it." Kong Jiaxiang pursed his lips, "Are you going to send him to those high-status people as lovers?"

"Lover?" Pan Li seemed to have heard some joke, he sneered coldly, and said, "He is going to be the general's wife! Admiral Zhou and him match up to 100%, do you know what this concept is? Now Qin Yi is missing, I suspect that you have provided him with some help, you'd better cooperate with us in time, otherwise... It's not me who will be held accountable, but Admiral Zhou himself! Because you lost His wife!"

Kong Jiaxiang fell into a huge shock.

This was even more shocking than when Qin Yi lightly said that he was "stupid" more than ten days ago.

His brain froze, barely able to turn.

Even Father Kong's face changed: "How is it possible? Isn't that child from the Qin family..."

He stopped in time.

Because he remembered all the abnormal behavior of Qin's father recently.

Is it all because of Qin Yi's test results that day

Not only is it not bad.

He even sent a huge pie to the Qin family.

Father Confucius felt envious for a moment.

If he also has such an omega son...

Father Kong immediately turned to look at Kong Jiaxiang: "Why don't you explain clearly?"

It would not be a good thing for his son to get involved with Qin Yi. It is best to give a clean account and clear up the relationship.

A man like Admiral Zhou would never allow himself to have a rival in love.

Kong Jiaxiang came back to his senses in a daze, and after a while, he said hoarsely: "I... I don't know..."

He suddenly found out.

Apart from the entanglement with the Qin family, he knew nothing about Qin Yi.

No wonder Qin Yi scolded me like that.

Kong Jiaxiang became anxious: "I also want to know where he went, he is an omega, he knows nothing, he is so weak..."

at the same time.

The beta soldiers were also talking to Zhou Yiqing in low voices.

"When he first boarded the spaceship, he was very relaxed. But the closer he got to the Emperor Star, the more nervous he felt. He was afraid that the admiral would not like him.

"He eats very little every day, even less than the average omega. This makes his face very pale, looking like ancient porcelain, delicate and fragile.

"The first time we stopped at Bright Star, he wanted to buy a gemstone to better adorn himself. He was right. All the gemstones brought from the Qin family could not match his beauty. Once those gems were close to him, they would all look dull. For this reason, he spent 20 million on gems.

"He went to the market in pajamas, he just left home, and he needs to feel safe in familiar pajamas."

"He was very well-behaved. After buying the gems, he returned to the spaceship immediately. He didn't make any unreasonable demands.

"I went to Misty Star to buy mechas. He had heard the story of the admiral killing the enemy on Misty Star and regaining the territory. So he wanted to carefully select a mecha for the admiral here. He entered the store He said that he wanted to buy the most expensive one for the admiral. For this reason, he pawned all the jewelry he brought and the last money left by Kari.

"He crossed out 126 million. He has no money for it.

"I think this is the biggest romance an omega can have."

"Maybe, he's really just too scared. He's just an adult, isn't he, Admiral?"

The expression on Zhou Yiqing's face has not changed yet, his deputy Ji Yang has already shown great shock.

This was the most absurd interrogation he had ever witnessed.

In the mouths of these beta soldiers.

This omega is well-behaved, fragile and gentle, and has a shocking beauty that can overshadow all jewels.

But such a well-behaved, beautiful, fragile and gentle omega, he ran away.

After he ran away, these soldiers were still praising him. They even tried to excuse him.

Is there really such a person in this world? In their mouth, he is almost perfect.

What's more, this omega, he just came of age.

While Ji Yang was extremely curious, he tried his best to maintain his calm and reason.

He turned his head and said to Zhou Yiqing: "General, I think they are lying." "Or, this omega was kidnapped."

"No, we didn't... You can send someone to check wherever you have passed along the way and who you have talked to."

Zhou Yiqing's expression was stern, without any change.

He looked at the officer of Piao Miao Xing: "Go and bring people here."

The other party quickly responded and went to invite people from the Yin family first.

Zhou Yiqing's eyes fell back on these betas.

Before coming, he was more suspicious that his political enemies had kidnapped Omega. With the rise and expansion of his status and power, some people will inevitably be dissatisfied with his words.

This omega has also become a battlefield for competition.

Those people will try to kill the teenager.

Let him lose forever, the opportunity to give birth to excellent offspring, and destroy the future of the Zhou family in silence.

So he thinks that the disappearance of Omega has a lot to do with him.

He should come in person to rescue that omega.

But when he really came to Misty Star...

... It was the most wonderful interrogation he had ever experienced.

They described the appearance of an omega in every detail.

This is different from every omega that Zhou Yiqing knows.

The little Omega ate very little, wore pajamas, and returned to the spaceship on time, all of which were his attempts to lower the soldiers' vigilance.

Omega took Zhou Yiqing as its name just to spend the money brought by the Qin family. After all, if they don't spend it now, they won't be able to spend it after they run away. Because once consumed, the location will be locked immediately.

These complex traits described by the soldiers were mixed together in the young man.

Put a layer of mysterious veil on the teenager.

Perhaps it was as the soldier said.

He is beautiful and fragile.

No jewel can match it.

But he's also smart and patient.

He knows how to use all the resources he has and only has.

He is bold and fearless.

Zhou Yiqing can almost draw the outline, the young man raised his eyes gently, staring at everything in front of him, quietly waiting for the picture that they move forward little by little according to his plan.

The picture was silent and shocking.

Qin Yi couldn't help being puzzled for a second.

Where did Guo Kai get his confidence that he could win the "woman"

"You smell very fragrant."

The "woman" looked at Qin Yi. After calming down, the "woman" narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression softened a little, and he asked, "Is it some kind of inducer?"

I'd rather be an inducer.

Qin Yi thought very unhappy.

Before the age of eighteen.

He thought he could be happily single until the Big Bang.

When he died, the words "this person is single" were engraved on the tombstone.

Others thought his pheromone deficiency was a terrible experience.

But he thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world.

This allows him to easily get rid of ao's natural law of attraction, he can travel freely without worrying about being forcibly marked by alpha during the estrus period, and finally becoming a tool for giving birth.

He has the most rare freedom in the world.

But all of this changed drastically as he became an adult.

First of all, in the test results, the six alphas that match him up to 100% for no apparent reason. Now there's another alpha who can smell his pheromones.

not happy.

Seeing that Qin Yi didn't answer.

The "woman" thought she had guessed right.

"Are you from the Limu Empire? Or from the Alliance? Or... from the Yanhuang Empire?" he asked.

The Yanhuang Empire is the empire where Qin Yi is now.

The reason for this name is that they are said to be descendants of the Hua people in the ancient earth period. At that time, the Chinese people were called descendants of Yan and Huang.

The first king of the empire, after unifying the territory, set off a wave of retro frenzy, and named the empire "Yanhuang".

At this moment, Qin Yi met the eyes of the "woman".

When the "woman" looked at him carefully, he also looked at the other party carefully.

Judging from the way the other party asks questions.

He does not belong to any of these three parties.

Even... He may be extra wary of people from these three parties.

What kind of person would be wary of two empires and an alliance at the same time



Or a murderer of a terrorist organization

Qin Yi thinks they all look alike.

Anyway, he doesn't look like a nice guy.

"Aren't you going to answer?" The "woman" raised her eyebrows lightly, "Afraid I'll eat you?"

Qin Yi shook his head, looked at the remaining servants, and said softly: "I was thinking, if Guo Kai came back and saw it later, would he kill you or me."

"Are you scared?"


Qin Yi finished answering, and then slowly put away the energy sword.

The "woman" couldn't help but recall Qin Yi's actions just now. It's methodical, but it can't hide the rustiness. There's nothing wrong with him being the first to use this thing.

"My name is Qilia, and I can protect you, but you have to tell me, what inducer did you use, and where did you come from? Why did you come here? Also, what is your name?"

"It doesn't matter if they hear it?" Qin Yi glanced back at the servant.

"You can ask them whether they are more afraid of me or Guo Kai." When Qilia said this, he didn't even blink his eyes.

The servants lowered their heads tremblingly when they heard the sound, obviously afraid of following in the footsteps of the man with the broken neck.

The servant fell limply to the ground, his neck now drooping crookedly, and there seemed to be a cavity in the middle. It looks really scary!

Qin Yi: "Okay."

He nodded slightly, bringing out a low-browed and pleasing look, giving people a gentle and beautiful feeling.

He said, "My name is Zhou Yi."

"Zhou?" Qilia was very sensitive to this surname.

Qin Yi: "Well, I'm actually Zhou Yiqing's illegitimate son." His tone was calm, but there was a trace of sadness naturally in the corners of his brows and eyes.

Qilia had a strange expression on her face, and laughed "ha".

"Zhou Yiqing already has an illegitimate child?"

"En." Qin Yi nodded slightly.

He didn't go into too much detail about how pitiful he was. Although this matter was outrageous, it was true.

On the contrary, Qilia suddenly felt that the credibility was much stronger.

The young man looked at him calmly, and there was indeed some overlap with Zhou Yiqing.

"As for the inducer, have you heard of the a723 reagent?" Qin Yi spoke again.

"Sounds like a pheromone number."


Kiria kept this number in his heart.

"Which country am I from, you should be very clear, right? Including why I'm living here..." Qin Yi said unhurriedly.

Guo Kai couldn't smell the pheromone from his body.

It means that he may be a disabled omega.

Such a person may be a disgrace to a big family like the Zhou family.

So Chilia said, "I see."

At this time, the door of the closed restaurant was knocked, and the cold voice of the worm-shaped robot came from outside: "Dear Mr. Zhou Yi, the food that the master personally selected for you has arrived."

The robot extended its front foot and slapped the door.

Failed to shoot.

Qin Yi asked: "Can you let them open the door? I'm hungry."

Qilia's eyebrows twitched and was pressed down again. The boy looked calm and innocent. At such a time, he would still worry about his own hunger.

"Wait a minute," Kiria said.

"Huh?" Qin Yi turned to look at him suspiciously.

The boy's eyes are beautiful.


Chilia: "Let me smell it again."

Qin Yi:

Qin Yi lowered his head and thought seriously for five minutes, whether he could kill Qilia with the mecha, and then escape alone...

At this time, Chilia had already walked within one meter.

He could clearly feel that the blood in his body was rushing through his veins almost instinctively. The adrenaline surged to the extreme at that moment.

Every cell in his body is telling him.

You long for the boy in front of you.

You need to hug him, hug him, bite his neck, puncture the gland, and forcefully inject your pheromones into it...

At the same time, he could smell the strong fragrance from the young man.

It was the best smell he had ever smelled when he was a boy, and he couldn't describe it carefully, and he couldn't even remember what it came from...

But that aroma made him feel comfortable, and thus created a stronger desire.

Kiria tensed his limbs as hard as he could.

This time, he didn't fly forward again.

All his eyes were on the boy's face, and he was observing him.

He found that he was crazy when facing the young man, yearning for him uncontrollably and instinctively approaching him. For this reason, he had an unprecedented gaffe.

But the boy sat there calmly the whole time.

He was not affected in the slightest.

He suddenly remembered that when the scene got out of control just now, the boy asked him: "Are you a dog?"

Qilia's expression sank.

Suddenly there is a kind of extreme dissatisfaction and unwillingness.

At this moment, the boy's expression finally changed.

His features creased slightly.

But even so, he is still good-looking. Even after frowning and wrinkling nose, there is still a kind of pitiful and heart-pounding beauty.

Before Chilia could move.

Qin Yi: "Ugh."

People who have not drunk.

Facing the alpha pheromone that is too spicy.

Qin Yi: "vomit vomit."

Kiria: "..."

This was the most embarrassing moment in his long, ever-popular career, with fans all over the universe.

The leaves are thick and round, and the tails of the leaves are slightly turned back. The flowers are huge, thick and waxy, like a girl's skin, charming but not gorgeous.

Such leaves and flowers shine, elegant and peerless.

Teacher Jin, the beta teacher of the flower art class, walked around it twice, then stopped, raised his head reluctantly, and announced: "Let us all congratulate Qin Yi, his class will be completed today. full."

The thirty or so students in the classroom looked at the young man sitting in front of the lotus crown all at once.

In this space, the only person who can overwhelm the crown of lotus is that young man.

The boy has a pair of Ruifeng eyes, the tails of the eyes are upturned, and the eyes are full of light and do not move.

His nose is like jade and his lips are like brocade flowers.

Every frown and smile is like the beauty in the ink painting coming to life, which is amazing at a glance.