I Miss You

Chapter 11: Isn't he chasing you 2


Xu Qingcheng's family has an old garden in Baizhou, which her father bought last year. It is said that the original owner went bankrupt. At that time, her father just had some spare money and invested it. Because the garden is relatively old, it took some effort to renovate it. After the repair, Comrade Xu used it to entertain friends, which is very extravagant and wasteful.

Qingcheng has been watching Kunqu Opera materials and videos for the past two days, so she vaguely guessed the second uncle's thoughts: "Second uncle wants to make a real garden version of Kunqu Opera?"

"The children can be taught!" Xu Dao praised his niece without hesitation, "There are many gardens in Baizhou, but most of them are public. If you want to use them, the application process is cumbersome and you may not be approved. Private gardens are also difficult to rent. Arrived, because from the arrangement to the rehearsal, the time consumption is not short. It just so happens that you have it in your home. Look at Orange Orange, do you have a good relationship with Kunqu Opera? As for Kunqu Opera, literati used to be in their own garden paintings. Some people even have their own home class, who specially arrange the plays they want to listen to and perform them in their own gardens. So the garden version is actually a retro and return of Kunqu Opera in a sense.”

Qingcheng interrupted the fate of the second uncle's tugging and said, "Second uncle, if you want to borrow the garden, I will help you to tell my dad, no problem."

"Okay, okay. You know, your father has always been wrong with me. If I talk to him, he will definitely not be willing to borrow it, and he will mock me a few times, so... "

The eldest of the Xu family, that is, Qingcheng's father, was determined to go his own way, deviating from the inheritance of the family's generations of literary and art workers and insisting on going to sea to do business. The eldest brother of the Xu family later became successful in his career, and he also sneered at their literati for being lofty and poor. In short, the two sides are not speculative.

Qingcheng's expression is not strange, and she understands it very well: "Second uncle, which play are you planning to do?"

"I haven't thought about the specifics yet, so I just want to choose a discount or two from the old dramas that have been passed down, and let the actors play in the real scene. The audience can't be too many, and it is necessary to ensure that the audience can sit down or sit down with the actors' scene changes. Appreciate it every step of the way, and take the high-end route of being small and refined. At present, I am more optimistic about "The Tale of the Hosta"."

Later, at the dinner table, Uncle Xu and the old lady also reported about the garden, and finally summed up with a humorous sentence: "We Chengcheng have brought money into the group."

Bring money into the group as a small follower? Green Orange is speechless.

And the old lady smiled and said one more sentence: "This is the dowry prepared by the boss for Cheng Cheng."

So, am I joining the group with a dowry? Thinking of this, Qingcheng's head was full of black lines.

After "The Story of the West Tower", Su Po participated in two more exchange performances in the troupe, and then he was busy with the rehearsal of "The Story of the Jade Hairpin". Because it was still done by Director Xu Lin, a lot of work in the early stage was saved. Before starting the rehearsal, the troupe planned to let the art instructors grind the scenes for the young actors.

Thinking of Director Xu, he couldn't help but think of Xu Qingcheng.

Xu Qingcheng…

He was sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast, and thinking about it for a long time.

The day when Xu Qingcheng arrived at the Baizhou Kunqu Opera Troupe, the weather was very good, the morning was bright, and the clouds were light and windy.

Standing at the gate of the troupe, she saw a central garden with pavilions and pavilions inside, which was very quiet and deep.

Coincidentally, the first person she saw when she entered the door was Tong Anzhi. Qingcheng had already told her on WeChat in advance that she was coming for an internship. As soon as the latter saw her, she happily hugged her. .

"It's so early, Uncle You hasn't come yet."

"Working for others, you can't be later than the boss." Qingcheng handed the fruit to Tong Anzhi, "Can I eat it before singing?"

"Just don't eat too much, you are too caring, baby."

After the two girls blocked the door and talked for a while, someone said, "Please make way."

The voice from behind was instantly recognized by Qingcheng. Because it was so easy to recognize, she turned around and saw Su Po standing with backlight, her silhouette was plated with a layer of gold.