I Miss You

Chapter 12: Isn't he chasing you 3


"Morning." Supper said to them again.

Tong Anzhi said "Huh": "Have you cut your hair?"

Qingcheng also found that Su Po's hair was much shorter than when he saw him at the Grand Theater before, and it was very refreshing and dazzling: "Morning, Su..." What is Su? It's weird to call names directly, and she knows that some fans will call their favorite actors their bosses.

"Boss Su."

Tong Anzhi smiled: "Qingcheng, just call him Supo."

Green orange can not be called out, a little embarrassed.

Su Po looked down at Qingcheng and said, "Call it whatever you want."

Tong Anzhi asked Su Po again, "You came a lot later than usual today, why did you go?"

"I slept late last night." After speaking, he walked around them, took two steps, and as if he suddenly remembered something, he turned back and asked, "What are you doing here?"

What he asked was Qingcheng, but it was Tong Anzhi who answered him: "Qingcheng is here to serve as an assistant to Director Xu, to learn and practice. In the future, don't bully Qingcheng like you bully your juniors and juniors. No, not only juniors, juniors, and even friends. Senior brother is not spared either."

Super left as if he was too lazy to talk to her.

Tong Anzhi wentssips with Qingcheng: "Before, Senior Brother Shen thanked him for one thing, and he replied, roughly meaning that there is no need to thank him, he just respects the old and loves the young."

The mouth is really a bit bad, but Qingcheng is not good at judging others casually. He just smiled and thought to himself, I am younger than him, I hope he abides by the principle of loving children and doesn't make trouble with her.

On Qingcheng's first day in Baizhou Kunqu Opera Troupe, in the morning, apart from listening to Director Xu discussing art direction with the troupe leaders and discussing the specific matters of planning and publicity, there was not much to follow. So, when she was empty, she heard a lot of gossip in the group.

For example, Senior Brother Shen loves dogs like his life. Unless there is a performance, he will definitely go home and walk the dog every day, rain or shine.

For example, a child from a certain leader in the troupe, who was eight years old, heard Tong Anzhi singing when he came to the troupe.

Another example is Su Po, who would rather go fishing than meet the beauties arranged by the leader during the rest days. The leader also concluded that in the eyes of Xiao Su in our group, a beautiful girl is not as good as a fish—a gossip provided by a certain junior brother.

Green Orange: "Oh."

A certain junior brother: "It's a pity that our senior sister Tong likes an uncle who has a lot of money, but our brother Su is not bad. Besides, it's better to be young, so it takes a lot of physical strength, right?"

Qingcheng looked at the lake stone rockery not far away and thought: Junior Brother, we don't seem to be familiar enough to talk about this topic. Seeing the young man's heart broken for the happiness of the members of the group, she couldn't help but ask, "Is your sideline a matchmaker?"

"No, he just saw that you were good-looking, so he came to be close to you." Tong Anzhi, who emerged from behind, patted his junior brother's head and said, "Go, go, practice your voice when you are in a hurry, and you are only an adult. If we want to hook up with people, we, the older unmarried young men and women, haven't done it yet."

The young man laughed and ran away.

"How is it, how do you feel?" Tong Anzhi asked her how she felt at the Kunqu Opera Troupe this morning.

"Everyone is very hardworking." The actors in the troupe are basically working hard, and they only take a break from time to time.

"If you endure hardship and suffer, you will become a superior person. There is no way you can do this. You can only practice hard. But well, there is joy in suffering." Tong Anzhi smiled rather witty, "But, wait for me. When you become a rich wife, you can just count the money happily every day. I heard that Director Xu would change to the performance venue for rehearsal in two days, and I heard that it is a private garden. I don’t know which friend Xu asked to borrow it from, and got married No?"

Green Orange almost choked on saliva.