I Miss You

Chapter 18: I like sweet smiles 1


Although it was a holiday, Supo went to the group to practice as usual.

Today in the troupe also happened to be a holiday, no one was there, but unexpectedly saw Zhao Nan as soon as he entered the practice room.

Zhao Nan is the most outstanding net actor in the younger generation of their group.

In the jargon, it is hard to find a single one. It can be seen that young good-looking faces are rare in the industry.

"Senior Brother Su, morning."

Super nodded: "Morning, are you back?"

Although the two have been with the troupe for many years, their friendship is not deep.

"Well, I came to report to the regiment yesterday."

Zhao Nan had just finished his practice and was sitting on a stool drinking tea, with a few drops of sweat the size of beans hanging from his forehead.

In fact, according to Zhao Nan's appearance, most people would mistake him for singing Xiaosheng. The mistake is that Zhao Nan had a really good voice when he was a child, and his stature was really short and fat. What is a fat destroying everything, Zhao Nan in his youth is the best proof. At that time, the teacher who chose Xiaosheng gave a good seedling to the teacher who chose Hualian for nothing.

Zhao Nan said: "I studied in Beijing for more than half a year, and when I came back, I found that the group has changed a lot. Congratulations, Brother Su, the response to the new drama has been great."

Supo just smiled and said casually, "I just arrived yesterday, why don't you take two days off?"

Zhao Nan glanced at Su Po and asked without answering, "Don't Senior Brother Su's team also have a holiday today? Didn't they come early?"

Su Po always felt that he and Zhao Nan were probably not on the same road, and he used to be. He had nothing to say if he couldn't say a few words to him. Can only laugh again, each do their own thing.

What Su Po didn't expect was that he saw Zhao Nan again in Xu's garden the next day.

Zhao Nan said he was here to visit the class and brought everyone drinks and fruits.

When he saw Zhao Nan handing the cut watermelon to Qingcheng, he couldn't help frowning.

Qingcheng saw Su Po coming, and saw that his eyes fell on the watermelon in his hand. After thinking about it, he generously handed it to him: "Brother You brought it."

Super didn't expect that she would give it to himself, he took it.

Qingcheng himself went to get a piece to eat again.

Seeing that the corner of her mouth was a little red, it was a bit of watermelon flesh. He moved his finger, and finally raised his hand to wipe it off for her. This action can be said to be very abrupt. Qingcheng froze, even Zhao Nan on the side was a little surprised.

"It's a bit of a crud. Sorry, obsessive-compulsive disorder," Super said.

Green Orange: "… oh."

Someone called Zhao Nan, so he turned around and left.

When everyone started work, Qingcheng, who was bitten by the mosquitoes and was about to cry, hid by the side and sprayed himself with mosquito repellent. After a while, I heard footsteps, and when I looked back, it was Zhao Nan.

"Hi, hello, you are Director Xu's niece..." Zhao Nan smiled and approached.

"You are really well-informed." Qingcheng was helpless, she didn't want everyone to see her as the director's niece.

"You don't seem too happy for me to say that." Zhao Nan is very sensitive.

"Oh no, this is also true." Qingcheng only talked to him a few times before. He said that he was also a member of the Baizhou Kunqu Opera Troupe. Qingcheng was not surprised, because he was really handsome and outstanding, but—

"Why haven't I seen you before?"

"In the first half of the year, I studied in Beijing."

"Oh. You are also a junior?"

"No, I'm a worker with a face."

Qingcheng is now very familiar with the classification of roles in Kunqu Opera - Hualian, which is to use oil paint to paint the entire face of the actor into a predetermined mask, and naturally the requirements for appearance are not high.

"You are so handsome, why did you learn to have a face?"

"Because I was ugly and fat when I was a child, only the teacher with a face is willing to take me in."

Green orange is a bit unimaginable.

"Want to see my old photos?"

Zhao Nan actually still has a childhood photo - a slightly yellowed photo taken by his mobile phone.

Qingcheng looked at the person in front of her, looked at the photo again, and said, "You really counterattack like a textbook."

When Zhao Nan heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Qingcheng has a job and doesn't talk much: "Then I'll go to work first, and do it myself."

"Wait. Can you give me your phone number?"

The other party asked very politely. The two of them had a good chat just now. There was no reason to refuse, and Qingcheng agreed.

"Okay, get busy, get in touch when you have time." Zhao Nan shook his phone and smiled casually.
