I Miss You

Chapter 19: I like sweet smiles 2


Zhao Nan left before lunch, and it started to rain heavily in the afternoon. The corners of the eaves seemed to be hanging from a waterfall. The pea-sized raindrops hit the bluestone slab, and the crackling sound was like playing a symphony. It was impossible to rehearse with this background sound, and Director Xu had no choice but to let everyone rest while waiting for the rain to stop. Tong Anzhi walked over to Qingcheng, next to her shoulder and said, "Today, a group of fans came to squat outside your home."

"A fan of the show? Really? I didn't notice it when I came." Qingcheng looked at the rain outside, "Isn't it still there now? It's not easy for fans."

"It's much more comfortable for people to drink in the tea room opposite than when we were bitten by mosquitoes when we practiced outdoors."

Qingcheng thought about it, and yes, she asked again, "Who are your fans?"

"Who else is there, Su Po's. Speaking of which, you saw Zhao Nan today, what do you think of him?"

"It's handsome."

"What about supper?"

"… not quite the same."

"Which one do you prefer?"

Qingcheng found that she didn't need to think too much, she had the answer in her heart instantly, without any hesitation, she was a little scared, but she didn't want to fool people, although it was a trivial matter, but she also thought it was boring, so she answered honestly: "Su Po." Then he added, "I also like older ones. Zhao Nan looks younger than me."

"Hahaha, Su Po is one year older than Zhao Nan, how old do you think they are?"

"Three years old?"

Tong Anzhi's smile almost broke: "Is the steady elder brother Su in a hurry?"

Qingcheng was embarrassed: "Don't tell him that."

"No no no no."

However, I couldn't help but someone just passed by and heard it.

The younger brother who heard it turned his head and told Su Po about it as a pleasure.

After listening, Super was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and continued to close his eyes.

This day, the rain seemed to be acting against Director Xu. When it almost stopped, it was already evening. Director Xu had no choice but to pack up and go home.

It was slightly cooler after the rain, the elders didn't feel much, and the girls couldn't help but shiver.

When Qingcheng was bending over to organize her backpack, she put on a piece of clothes behind her. She thought it was her second uncle, but she turned around and saw Supo.

The smile on her face stopped instantly.

"Thank you for the boxed lunch before," Super said.

How long ago was that, so thank you now

It's kind of weird.

She straightened up, still took off the clothes, returned it to the other party, and said, "No need, thank you."

Super took it, but instead of taking it back, he put it on her again, unhurriedly, but insisted: "You wear it."

For a moment, he was so close that he could hear each other's breathing.

Qingcheng was a little confused, and a distant familiarity was looming in her heart. She didn't understand why he took care of her so much, and it felt unreal. She suddenly remembered what Tong Anzhi said before that there were fans of Su Po squatting outside. She blurted out: "Don't you want to use me as a stand-in to attract fans outside?" As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that she had a clear mind and a lack of IQ, and she could not wait to bite her tongue. .

Su Po raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled: "No, how can you be my stand-in with your height?"

In Qingcheng's speechless expression, Su Po said again: "Let's go first, I can return the clothes to me tomorrow." Without giving Qingcheng a chance to return his clothes, he left.