I Miss You

Chapter 20: I like sweet smiles 3


Qingcheng's hand grabbed the clothes, not knowing whether to keep wearing it or take it off.

Forget it, that's it anyway, just use it. She is really cold. Smell the unfamiliar and light smell on the coat, and I don't know what laundry detergent he is using, but it smells good...

When Su Po walked around the corner, he met Tong Anzhi, who said, "Senior Brother Su, are middle school students chasing girls? The method is so old."

Super put his hands in his trouser pockets and didn't stop at his feet. He only threw out a sentence: "Don't you mean I'm too anxious to grow up? Also a middle school student."

"… "

It started to rain again in the middle of the night, but luckily, when I woke up the next morning, the sky was clear, and I could smell a faint, refreshing scent of camphor flowers when I opened the window.

Supper went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Ms. Liang, who went to the ancient town yesterday, got up and started talking about how lucky Aunt Jiang, who went out with her, was lucky. In the morning, her daughter-in-law cooked lobster porridge for her, and then she began to lament her life, saying that she could eat breakfast anytime. Get seafood.

Supo gets up early to train almost every day, so he has no time to cook seafood.

However, he dutifully found a large bag of seaweed from the drawer of the refrigerator, looked at the side, and took out a can of dried shrimp. I thought: This is also considered to have two kinds of seafood.

At breakfast, Ms. Liang sat at the dining table with mixed flavors, nibbling on toast, drinking seaweed and shrimp skin soup, took a sip, and sighed: "Son, you are so smart, don't you understand what Mom means? Mom? Don't go around in circles with you anymore. Yesterday, Aunt Jiang told me about the girl from her old work colleague's family, who is the same age as you, a doctor, filial and beautiful—"

"I like younger than me."

"You didn't say that last time. You said age is not a problem, but you don't like strong women."

Super is still very calm: "I'm measured, don't worry."

"What's your measure? You're almost three, and there's no movement at all. You didn't let me hold my grandson before I turned 30, so I'm in a hurry." Ms. Liang thought the family was too deserted.

"Granddaughter," he said casually.

"Whether it's a grandson or a granddaughter, I like it. But the premise is that you can find someone quickly."

"Okay, eat slowly, I'm leaving."

Ms. Liang grumbled dissatisfiedly behind him: "As soon as you say let you find someone, you will walk faster than anyone else. What kind of person are you looking for?"

Supper got into the elevator.

Looking for what

Find a sweet smile. he thinks.

As soon as Super's car was parked, he saw a red car on the right hand slowly driving towards the parking space next to him.

Looking through the unfilmed window, I saw the driver of the car at a glance—

He smiled a little.

He wanted to wait for the other party to stop before getting off, but the driver went back and forth five times and failed to stop.

Super felt that she was also quite perverted, and even counted her backing up several times in the car.

When he counted to the seventh time, he finally got out of the car, then walked towards the red car, raised his hand and knocked on the window.

When Qingcheng saw the person, her originally serious expression became a little nervous. She pressed down the car window and asked, "What's wrong? Could it be that I hit something?"

"No. Shall I stop?"

The novice driver who can't park heard the old driver say that he wants to help is like a new parent. Qingcheng will think about anything else.

Super went up, and it only took three or five seconds to park the car steadily, then got out of the car neatly and closed the door.

When Qingcheng took the key, there was some uncontrollable admiration and envy in her eyes. When would she be able to back up the car in three seconds

After thanking her, she remembered the clothes in the car, and went to open the back door, took out a white paper bag, and handed it to Super: "The clothes were washed and dried in the washing machine at home."

"Okay." When Super took it, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.