I Miss You

Chapter 36: Then I like you too


In the next two days, because of the continuous drizzle, the loneliness of autumn gradually became stronger. Fortunately, the clouds and the rain are collected behind, and the rain is over and the sky is fine.

The garden version of Kunqu Opera "The Jade Hairpin" directed by Xu Lin officially started its performance on such a clear and cloudy autumn night. In order to combine the natural scenery, the performances are arranged in the evening, and five performances are planned. After four consecutive performances, there have been many videos and photos taken by fans on the Internet, as well as long comments by fans of the drama. Even those netizens who have passed by and don't know much about Kunqu Opera accidentally glanced at it, and many were so beautiful that they fell into the pit.

It's just because it is a real garden scene, the ticket price is high, and the number of screenings is small, so many people can only search for videos on the Internet to experience eye addiction. In order to meet the needs of the vast number of "insects", Xu Dao posted on Weibo that he has contacted a professional team. After the last performance, a film and television shooting will be carried out, and finally it will be sold as a disc.

Today is the last episode of "The Legend of the Hosta".

In the morning, Su Po went to his teacher Lu Pingliang's house to ask some questions. But Mr. Lu's house is an old community, so parking is not easy. He was in a hurry today, so he simply parked his car in the nearby People's Park parking lot and chose to walk a few more steps.

People's Park is the most famous blind date corner in the city. Many uncles and aunts are like going to work from 9 to 5, and they squat here to find objects for their children. Super didn't think about it before, and suddenly remembered it when he saw the chaotic and noisy scene in front of him. He wanted to take a detour and walk away, but unfortunately it was too late. An uncle quickly grabbed his arm.

"Young man, are you looking for a partner?" The uncle held his daughter's resume in his hand and smiled cheerfully at Su Po.

Su Po took off his sunglasses, tugged his arm, but didn't move, so he had to tug at the corner of his mouth, looked at the uncle and said, "There are two apartments in this city without loans, divorce and bring a child, do you have any needs here?"

The uncle was shocked, shaking his lips and stammering: "The young man looks quite young and has a lot of life experience."

Super twitched the corners of his mouth again and corrected, "It's not me, it's my mother."

This time, the uncle didn't breathe out of his nose, he bypassed Super and left.

Super shook his head with a smile, and walked out of People's Park in a detour.

Under the mellow moonlight, the last performance of the garden version of "The Tale of the Hosta" came to a successful conclusion.

Because there is still a shooting the next day, all the lighting props do not need to be withdrawn. After the staff arranges the audience to leave, they are ready to leave work. Qingcheng was called by Director Xu to talk about the shooting the next day. This decision was rather sudden and not a trivial matter, so Director Xu explained it to Qingcheng for a long time. In order to avoid any omissions, Qingcheng opened the mobile phone memo and wrote it down one by one.

After the second uncle finished explaining, Qingcheng remembered that today's Weibo has not been posted yet. Because this is the last game, the content of the post should be more aftertaste. She thought about it several times, but felt it was inappropriate.

At this time, there were still many people in the front yard, and there were noisy voices everywhere. Qingcheng couldn't calm down, and simply walked towards the dressing room in the backyard. The further you go in, the quieter you get. At last she went to the gazebo and sat down on the wooden bench inside to do her work.

A paragraph of text was written, deleted, and deleted. After finally finishing it, she found that time had passed unknowingly for a long time. Most of the actors, including Tong Anzhi's dressing room, were already dark, except for the Supo's room that still showed a ray of light.

This ray of light seemed to be the trace of unwillingness hanging in her heart, the reluctance to give up. She used to have this feeling, but it's been a long time. At that time, he disappeared after saying "I made a mistake, sorry" to her. She looked for him several times after that, but never saw him again. This is how she felt when she walked out of Teacher Guqin's house for the last time and stepped on the bus, thinking that she would never see him again.

She felt that her mood today was very wrong, and she didn't know if it was because of the current atmosphere of the end of the song.

Qingcheng shook his head, intending to quickly finish editing Weibo and leave.

If she stayed any longer, she was afraid that she would not only "be in trouble in the past", but also "ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death".

When Supo came out of the room, he saw the person standing in the pavilion get up, his side face was very softly reflected by the light of the mobile phone.

He stared at her silently for a while, and when he saw that she was leaving, he called her name softly: "Xu Qingcheng."

Qingcheng almost dropped the phone on the ground, and when he turned around, he saw Supo walking towards him. She smiled peacefully: "Boss Su, it's hard work. The performance was a success."

Super stood outside the pavilion: "Thank you."

His voice was very gentle, and Qingcheng couldn't help but think about it.

"Second uncle is still in front. I'll take his car and go home in a while. Let's go first." After Qingcheng finished speaking, she wanted to leave without waiting for the other party's reply, but she felt that her behavior was too hasty, and she was a little more desolate for no reason. To escape, she said again, "Goodbye then." Then she walked out of the pavilion.

If "Canghai" really likes her, is she going to jump into the sea bravely or turn back to the shore? The "Canghai" in those days almost drowned her, can she really regain her courage now

Only a few dim lights were left in the backyard, and the vegetation was faint. Qingcheng walked forward with her head sullen. Suddenly, she stepped on the air, and after a muffled sound, she fell down like weightlessness!

The night in late autumn was already cold, and the pool water in the garden was even more bone-chilling.

When the icy water suddenly hit, Qingcheng didn't shout out in shock, but made a small "ah" sound, and then got out of the water. The water in this pond is not deep, but the bottom is full of silt. She stood tremblingly, feeling that the shoes on both feet were completely sunk in it, and she could not move at all.

Qingcheng asked the sky silently.

The next second, someone grabbed her slender arm forcefully: "Don't move, I'll pull you up."

Qingcheng looked at the people by the pond through a little light from the other side of the corridor, and deeply felt that it would be better for her to drown in the pond.

Unfortunately, the water in the pond was so shallow that she could not drown.

Supper had stepped in with one foot, holding her back with one hand and reaching under her knee with the other. Qingcheng avoided it, and listened to him in a deep voice: "Be good, don't move. Otherwise, you will get deeper and deeper."

Then he used both hands to carry her out of the pond. After placing her on the big rock next to him, he quickly took off his sweater and put it on her.

"Dirty..." Qingcheng is a person who loves cleanliness. She knows that she is covered in mud and water, and she doesn't want to get his clothes dirty.

"The water is cold, you will catch a cold." Super's tone was beyond doubt.

Qingcheng looked at the short-sleeved T-shirt left on him, and wanted to refute but didn't say it, because he had hugged her again.

"Ah!" Qingcheng exclaimed.

"Why didn't you shout when you fell into the water just now?" Super said to her with a frown.

"…Give me a moment, I can come out on my own."

Super sighed, seemingly helpless.

Qingcheng is thinking, what's the matter? What a shame!

Supper quickly carried the person to the bathroom door in the powder room and put him down.

"Go and take a hot shower, don't catch a cold."

Qingcheng originally wanted to return the clothes to him, but seeing that it was already dirty, he stood there hesitating.

Super urged, "Go, I'll wait for you outside." After that, he went out.

Green Orange opened the bathroom door, the water vapor inside had not yet dissipated, and there was a faint smell of shampoo in the air. She looked at her blurry self in the mirror, and covered her face with her hands. One moment ago, she was thinking about whether to jump into the sea bravely or turn back to the shore. The next moment she fell into the water, but she was still in front of him. As a director, she didn't know what to do. Define yourself as a comedy or a tragedy.

When Su Po stood outside, the surroundings were getting colder and colder, but he was not cold at all. The residual warmth in his arms just now made his blood flow rapidly.

He was also stained with muddy water, so he went to another room to pick up a basin of cold water, wiped it with a towel, and put on a spare set of clothes.

The cold water lowered the body temperature, and Supo felt a lot calmer, so he sat down slowly.

After a while, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

The green orange has not come out.

Super looked inside and suddenly thought that she didn't seem to have any clothes to change, not even shoes.

So he got up and went to the clothing room next door, and took a Tong Anzhi costume from the inside out, plus a pair of embroidered shoes. He put everything on a stool, put the stool next to the bathroom door, and said to the inside, "I'll put the clothes and shoes at the door." After that, he went back to the outside.

He heard the bathroom door open, and could imagine the door opening only a crack, and then closing again.

Time seems to be passing very slowly at this time, ticking, as if reaching for a hand can stop it.

During this seemingly frozen time, Super thought a lot. He has never fought unsure battles since he was a child. Before going on stage, he will try his best to practice every word, every figure repeatedly, and adjust to the best. But feelings are not perfect at all. The coming and going of feelings are completely irrational, impossible to calculate, and impossible to control.

He originally wanted to wait until tomorrow and ask her out, but now, he doesn't want to wait any longer.

After a while, the people inside finally opened the door and walked out.

She wore the blue and white "paddy field clothes" on her body, because she was slightly taller than Tong Anzhi, so the embroidered shoes were also exposed, which was small and delicate. Her long, half-dry hair was loose, and she simply tied it with the original rubber band.

Qingcheng has never worn a costume before, so it's a little awkward.

Su Po had never seen such Chen Miaochang before, and was a little stunned.

The two looked at each other for a long time before Su Po walked over slowly.

Qingcheng saw him standing still in front of her, and then sang softly: "The pheasant is like Qingshuang, and the miserable and lonely flying is unparalleled. Thinking of the yin and Shaoyang, resentment and widowhood, wandering, wandering."

This piece of "Pheasant Chaofei" is exactly the lyrics of Pan Bizheng in "Piano Pick" suggesting that he has no wife. Qingcheng has long been familiar with it these days. Now that she is wearing Chen Miaochang's clothes, Su Po sang this song to her...

When listening at such a close distance, Qingcheng's heart began to beat more and more fiercely. When she thought of this, her mind was completely blank, and she couldn't move at all.

"What do you mean?"

Su Po grabbed her hand, his palms were sweating a little, and he said slowly: "Miss Xu Qingcheng, my name is Su Po, I learned opera at the age of fourteen, and sang opera for eleven years. I don't have many hobbies, but my personality Fortunately, I can cook some home-cooked meals, may I ask, do you have any needs here?"

"… "

Supper was confessing to her.

Does he really like himself

Qingcheng thought of her happiness that year, the shame and anger of that year, and the shock of goodbye, deliberately dodging, and... the love again, all kinds of tastes came together, she clenched her fist and smashed his fist. chest.

Super snorted. He thought about her reaction a lot, but he didn't expect it to be like this, but he understood why she did it.

Qingcheng raised her head and asked, "Do you like me?"


"The kind of love between men and women?"

"The love of men and women."

"Did you make a mistake?"


Qingcheng lowered her head and thought for a long time, and Super breathed lightly.

"Then I like you too."

Super took Qingcheng and took a detour from the back door to the parking lot. She was wearing his windbreaker coat, wrapped in a long black coat, tightly wrapping her "paddy field coat".

The streets were very quiet at night, and Supo kept holding her hand, intertwining her fingers for a while, then holding her fingers together and kneading gently. Qingcheng was so embarrassed that he pulled out his hand, but he didn't pull it back, so he went.

She still felt unreal. But the temperature on her hand told her that they were indeed together.

Qingcheng felt that he was so useless.

This short section of the road, the two seem to have walked for a long time, and they feel that they are coming very soon.

This is Qingcheng's second ride in Super's car.

After Super drove the car, he took her left hand again, put it on his lips and kissed it. He didn't let go after the kiss, and just leaned against it like a kiss.

Qingcheng felt that she really spent too much energy today, and some of them couldn't handle it. The lack of oxygen in her brain made her tired. She murmured, "I'm so sleepy."

Supo looked at her sideways, only to see the person beside him with shallow dimples, his face like a peach blossom, and his heart was throbbing again.

"I kiss you, are you sleepy?"

"...you kiss me, I'm sleepy, these two sentences are juxtaposed, not cause and effect."

Super smiled and let go of her hand: "Okay, you sleep for a while, I'll call you when I get there."

Qingcheng thought that in this situation, no matter how sleepy she was, she would not be able to fall asleep, but she closed her eyes and thought about it for three or five minutes before she fell asleep. The old dream came back to make up for the shortcomings. In addition to the unexpected joy, she still had a little worry. If he remembered her, he didn't know how he would react. I don't know how long we can "be together" this time.

She didn't wake up until she heard someone call her name. After seeing who the person in front of her was, she didn't know for a moment what day it was. She looked out the window and reached Xiangzhu Lane.

"It's here." When Qingcheng was unfastening her seat belt, the person beside her suddenly reached out and pressed her hand. With a "click", the seat belt was firmly locked again. Then, Supper lowered her head and kissed her. Although it only stopped when his lips touched his lips, at that moment, Qingcheng had a dizzy feeling of being swept up to a high place by a huge wave and had nothing to rely on. She stretched out her hand slightly and grabbed a corner of his shirt.

Super backed away restrainedly and said softly, "Good night." Finally, he helped her unfasten her seat belt.